Wolf with Benefits (30 page)

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Authors: Shelly Laurenston

BOOK: Wolf with Benefits
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Grinning, Ricky Lee stepped back, took hold of her hand again, and began to walk back to the car.
Blayne sat at the kitchen table in the Jackal House—as she liked to call it—and watched as one of the Horde of Offspring—as Bo liked to call them—carefully cut an apple into equally sized slices.
Because he was making sure that all the sizes were exactly the same size, he was taking a rather long time.
“Would you like me to make you something to eat, Troy?”
“No.” He blew out a breath and sat back in his chair, shook his head, and offered, “Do you want these?”
“Your apple slices?”
“Yes.” He handed the paper plate to her, took another paper plate from the pile in the middle of the table and another apple from the bowl beside it. Then he began again.
Honestly, when Bo Novikov says, “That kid is
obsessive,” you really have a problem.
Concerned, Blayne leaned in and began, “Honey—”
“I’m already in therapy for this sort of thing, so just let it go.”
“All right then.”
Blayne ate the apple slices and watched the kid go through two more apples before he was happy with what he did. That was around the time when Oriana came into the room, sweating and smiling in a black leotard and pink stockings, her toe shoes still on her feet, white leg warmers on her legs, and a towel around her neck. She grabbed a glass from the cabinet and went into the refrigerator. When the girl pulled out the bottle of pulp-free juice, Blayne squealed and jumped up.
“Not that one!” she yelped, leaping across the room to pull the offending bottle out of Oriana’s hand.
“Is there something wrong, Blayne?”
Blayne’s eyes narrowed when she saw the girl smirk. “Have you been talking to Livy?”
“Don’t know what you mean.”
Blayne put the bottle back in the refrigerator and took out an unopened one. It had pulp but Oriana would just have to deal with that. Once she handed it off, she turned in time to see one of the older siblings walking past her.
“Hi, Cherise!”
Cherise froze. It was like she thought she could blend into the backsplash behind the sink.
Not looking at her, Cherise nodded. “Hi, uh, Blayne.”
“Are you ever leaving?” Oriana asked Blayne. “Or are you and the Incredible Hulk moving in for the summer?”
“Stop calling him that, and we’re just here until Bo is convinced this whole schedule thing is running perfectly. He doesn’t want to disappoint your sister.”
“Why not? We disappoint her all the time.”
“That’s . . . adorable.” She turned back to Cherise but she’d almost sneaked out the back kitchen door. Blayne rushed up to her. “Hey, Cherise?”
Cherise jumped and spun around. “Yes?”
“I was wondering if you’d like to come out with me tonight.”
“It’ll be fun!”
“You don’t know me.”
“No. But that’s how one learns about someone, by hanging out with them. You’ll get to meet my best friend, Gwen. You’ll like her. Maybe. She is feline and you’re canine. But I’m canine and she’s still feline and we get along great.”
Oriana put her arm around Blayne’s shoulders and looked at her sister. “Oh, Cherise, you
to go. Because that sounds like so much fun for
Blayne nodded. She couldn’t agree with Oriana more! And how nice of her to say it!
“Come on! It’ll be a blast!”
Cherise shrugged and finally admitted, “I don’t really like to go outside.”
“Then you have to go outside! And you’ll start liking it.”
“It’s that easy!” Oriana cheered. “You just have to go!”
Cherise smiled—although it looked a little pained—and nodded. “Okay then.”
And, excited for her sister, Oriana lifted her arms in the air and cheered,
Blayne started back to her apple slices when she heard Oriana yelp, “Ow!”
Blayne turned and found the girl holding her foot and hopping up and down.
“Are you okay?”
“It’s my fault,” Cherise confessed. “I stumbled and stepped right on her instep. Too bad I didn’t hit the tip of her shoes instead. That wouldn’t have hurt at all, huh, Oriana?” She kissed her sister’s cheek and again headed toward the back door. “So sorry, sweetie.”
Shrugging, Blayne picked up an apple slice and popped it into her mouth.
Such a lovely family!
she happily thought to herself.
here really was something about a naked woman sitting behind you, her long legs wrapped around your waist, one arm around your neck, and her other hand sliding down your abs to your groin until she could grasp your cock and hold it tight.
Ricky let out a contented sigh as Toni kissed his neck, his shoulder. He relaxed into her, her breasts pressing against his back. Nothing had ever felt so damn comfortable before. He used to think “comfortable” meant boring, but Ricky Lee realized he was very wrong. There was nothing boring about Antonella Jean-Louis Parker.
Her leg stretched out a bit, her foot curving around until she could tuck it under his knee. She nibbled on the tendons of his neck, but he didn’t feel the instinctual need to protect them like he usually did when a She-predator got too close to that part of his body.
“You really are beautiful,” Ricky sighed out.
Toni chuckled. “I bet you say that to all the She-dogs who have hold of your dick.”
“No. I don’t.” He glanced back at her. “In fact I don’t say much.”
His motto had always been “Get in, get out, enjoy yourself while you’re there.” But with Toni, Ricky realized he enjoyed himself whether in or out.
Toni suddenly pulled away and Ricky worried he’d gone too far. She-predators didn’t like it when males got too clingy, too sentimental. It made them feel trapped. But Toni didn’t run away from him, instead she maneuvered in front of him and pushed him onto his back. Grinning, she straddled his chest and then stretched out on top of him, her knees on either side of his hips.
“I am so glad you’re with me on this trip,” she said, nuzzling under his neck, nibbling his ear. “I think it would have been so dull otherwise.”
“Nothing seems to be dull when you’re around, darlin’.”
Ricky gripped Toni around the waist and rolled her until she was beneath him. “Strange and random, maybe. Dull?” He chuckled. “Never.”
Leaning down a bit, Ricky sucked Toni’s nipple into his mouth, his tongue flicking it. She groaned, her hands digging into his hair. He loved when she did that.
When he had her writhing nicely, he asked, “What do you want me to do, Toni?”
She didn’t hesitate. “Eat me.”
Ricky began working his way down Toni’s body. “Did I mention,” he asked, grinning up at her, “that I love a woman who knows what she wants . . . and ain’t afraid to demand it?”
“That’s good,” she gasped out when he nipped the inside of her thigh. “Because I can be really demanding when I want to be.”
“Just what I love to hear, darlin’. Just what I love to hear.”
Toni stretched her arms over her head, laughing as Ricky Lee flipped her over onto her stomach.
“You’re wolf-handling me!” she accused, groaning as his tongue licked up her spine.
Ricky Lee did nothing but growl at her and that’s when she felt a fang graze across her back.
“No fangs!” she ordered. “No fangs!” Toni had been around enough wolves in her life to know what fangs during sex could turn into and she had no idea if either one of them was ready enough for that level of commitment. At least not yet.
Strong, large hands gripped Toni’s hips and pulled her to her knees. Ricky entered her roughly, his fingers digging into her skin. She wished she could say she hated it, but she’d never been so turned on before in her life.
He held her like that for a long moment, buried deep inside her. He leaned into her, his breath hot against her neck.
“You’re making me crazy, darlin’.”
“I didn’t do anything.”
“Liar,” he whispered.
Toni stretched her entire body this time and Ricky groaned again.
“See what I mean?” he accused.
“No.” Then she tightened her pussy around his cock and that groan turned into a vicious growl.
“Damn evil female!” He sat up straight, his fingers now claws, digging deep into her hips.
Ricky pulled his cock out and pushed it back in.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Toni panted as she tried to push herself up with her arms. But a swift slap to her ass had her yipping, snarling, and coming, all at the same time. She’d never felt anything like it. And once she began coming, Ricky began fucking her harder, pounding into her, extending her orgasm as he sought his own.
It was so powerful, she couldn’t breathe, she couldn’t think, she couldn’t even scream. She just kept panting and hoping she didn’t pass out. She wasn’t sure she could tolerate the ego boost the wolf would get if she blacked out on him during sex when liquor wasn’t involved. So it was with some relief when she heard him roar like a lion male before dropping onto her back like a sack of really heavy laundry.
When he hadn’t move after several minutes and the tremors racking her body had stopped, Toni rammed her elbow into Ricky’s stomach until he rolled away. Took a few times, too, before he seemed to get the message.
Once Ricky Lee was flat on his back, Toni turned over and rested her head against his shoulder.
“You called me evil,” she reminded him.
“Well, you are Satan’s pet.”
Raising herself up, Toni grinned down at him. “And aren’t you glad about that?”
Ricky grinned back. “Actually . . . I really am.”
Cherise really didn’t understand how she’d let this happen. At what point had she lost control?
Okay, okay. She rarely had control. She knew that, but this . . . this was outrageous!
How did she let one wolfdog talk her into this?
“Blayne . . . I really don’t know about this.”
“You’ll be great! Won’t she, Gwen?”
The gold-eyed feline hybrid finished tying up her skates before looking over at Cherise. “She looks completely freaked out, Blayne.”
“She’s not. Are you, Cherise?”
“See? Besides. This is just tryouts.”
“You see, Blayne,” Cherise tried again, “I can’t really do this. I shouldn’t. Because of my hands.”
Gwen stood up, studied Cherise’s hands. “What’s wrong with them?”
“Nothing. That’s the point. I need to ensure nothing’s wrong with them. They’re my livelihood.”
“Are you a surgeon?”
“No. Cellist.”
The feline stared at her as only a feline could. “Oh. Is that really a job someone has . . . in the world?”
“Gwen!” Blayne snapped.
“What? It was just a question.”
“Rude!” Blayne took hold of Gwen’s arm and lifted it. “See Gwen’s hands, Cherise? Her nails, specifically.”
How could Cherise miss them? They were unreasonably long, painted red and black with sparkling rhinestones on the tips. Like something out of one of Cherise’s nightmares.
“If she can keep her nails this long,” Blayne reasoned, “you can keep your hands safe!”
That didn’t seem like very thought-out reasoning, but before Cherise could debate the point, a hand tugged her hair. Startled, she yipped and spun, ready to make a run for it if necessary.
“What are you doing?” her sister’s best friend blandly asked.
“What are
doing here?” Cherise shot back at Livy Kowalski.
“Coop sent me. He would have come himself to get you but some very large Neanderthal pointed at a giant Post-it note and said it was his practice time.”
Blayne stomped her skate-covered foot. “He’s not a Neanderthal! He’s misunderstood!”
Livy, never comfortable with the overly emotional, eyed Blayne once before focusing back on Cherise.
“Why did you bring Freddy?” Cherise asked Livy. The boy should be at home, getting ready for dinner. Not hanging out on the streets of New York. Toni wouldn’t like that at all.
“I told Toni I’d keep an eye on him. This is me keeping an eye.”
Cherise’s brother held Livy’s hand, his eyes wide as he stared up at all the females of many breeds and species, even hybrids. As soon as they saw little Freddy, the women surrounded him, oohing and aaawwwing over him. He didn’t seem to mind. Thankfully, he appeared to take more after Cooper than Cherise, loving the attention but not needing to drown in it like Delilah, nor simply expecting it like Oriana and Kyle.
“Can I hold him?” a She-lion asked.
Livy frowned at the feline. “He’s not a puppy, dude.”
The cat sneered and Cherise quickly asked her brother, “Do you mind, Freddy?”
His answer was to raise his arms and the She-lion happily lifted him up, turning around to show him off to the other females. “Isn’t he flippin’ adorable!”
Livy yawned and motioned to Cherise. “So . . . what are you doing here?”
“It was me,” Blayne explained, and Livy’s cold, black eyes locked on the hybrid.
“Yeah. I thought it would be great for Cherise to get out of the house. The whole time Bo and I have been at the house, she never seems to go out.”
“Do you want to get out?” Livy asked Cherise.
“Not really.”
“But you haven’t tried yet!”
Livy folded her arms over her chest and looked over at Gwen. “Do you guys have a quota? A certain number of people you have to bring to tryouts?”
“Of course not!” Blayne exclaimed.
“Yep,” Gwen replied. “It’s not required by the team or anything but Blayne insists on having her own quota.”
Blayne glared at her friend. “Snitch.”
“That’s what I thought.” Livy motioned to Cherise. “Do you want to stay or go?”
“I thought you were coming to get me.”
“What am I?” Livy asked. “Your mother?” She thought a moment, then changed it to, “Toni?”
“It’s just us,” Blayne told them. “Just the team and our coach. This isn’t a bout. Just a chance for you to get out on skates and see if you like it or not. No pressure.”
“Once you do what she says anyway.”
“Shut up, Gwen,” Blayne snapped before she smiled again at Cherise. “It’ll be fun! I promise!”
“Well . . .” Cherise looked around, and all the females stared at her. “I am already in skates.”
“Yes!” Blayne cheered. “You won’t regret it!” She hugged Cherise, which Cherise didn’t like because she didn’t really like to be touched.
Gwen rolled around Livy, sniffing her.
“If I feel that nose on me again, feline,” Livy dryly warned, “I’ll start removing pieces of you.”
“What are you?”
“Olivia!” Cherise chastised.
“She asked.”
“Are you a hybrid?” a very large She-liger asked, standing behind Livy.
Gwen stood in front of Livy, looked her over. “What about you?”
“What about me?”
“You trying out tonight?”
“To be on your derby team?” Livy smirked. “You don’t want that.”
“Is it because you’re a hybrid?” one of the other girls asked. “Because we have lots of those on this team.”
“I’m not a hybrid. And you don’t want me on your team.”
Gwen shrugged. “We’re always looking for potential jammers.”
“She’s not a jammer, O’Neill.” The She-liger shook her head. “She’s a blocker.”
“Her?” Gwen sized Livy up again. “She’s smaller than me.”
“But she’s mighty.” The liger handed Livy a helmet and gestured to a row of quad skates. “Let’s just find out how mighty she is.”
They had food delivered to their room and ate it while lying in bed wearing nothing more than a sheet.
It was wonderfully decadent.
“You seem much better,” Ricky observed before licking the cream sauce from his chicken off his thumb.
Toni shrugged and speared another roasted potato onto her fork. “I finally have a handle on what’s going on, my siblings have been texting me considerably less, and Bo texted that he’s about to finalize a schedule.”
Ricky blinked. “The man hasn’t finalized a schedule yet?”
“The man has moved into our house. With Blayne. My father is completely freaked out. But Bo’s getting the job done. And he’s getting it done without me.”
“Is that the only reason you’re feeling better?”
Ricky leaned in closer. “You sure?”
“I don’t know what you want me to say.”
That’s when the wolf moved, knocking their plates off the bed and tackling Toni back.
“The maids are going to hate us!” Toni complained through giggles as she weakly struggled against him.
“We’ll tip them.”
“That’s not the point! Ricky!”
“Would you stop squealing and let me work on this delicious neck.”
“No! I will not stop squealing. And I wasn’t done eating, either.”
“There’s more food on the table. I got us enough to last the whole night.”
“Not if you keep tossing it on the floor!”
Ricky, pinning her to the bed with his body, gazed into her face. “Are you going to keep complaining or are you going to kiss me?”
“Actually, what I’m going to do is thank you.”
“Well, yes, I
good in bed.”
“Not for that, you cretin.” She laughed. “For taking such good care of me while we’ve been here and for getting me to relax. I know I can be kind of uptight sometimes.”
“When did you have time to be uptight? Every time I saw you, you were busy taking care of a bunch of cranky prodigies. So I would not label you as uptight.”
“Everyone else does.”
“That’s ’cause they don’t understand you.”
“But you do.”
“I find you fascinating.” He raked his gaze down her body, his hand pulling the sheet away from her. “And beautiful.” He tossed the sheet down by her feet and kissed her cheek. “And sexy.” Kissed her jaw. “And smart.” Kissed her throat.
“Please don’t say sassy.” She hated that term to describe women. It was like they were talking about a housecat that brought dead birds home for the family.

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