Worcester Nights - The Boxed Set (26 page)

BOOK: Worcester Nights - The Boxed Set
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Sean slid his arm around my waist. He flashed me a smile. “That’s all right, honey. This dress here is only three-sixty. Seamus said we should get you something costing at least five hundred, so you aren’t trumped by those women from Boston or Providence. I’m sure Neiman Marcus can offer a better selection in that price range.”

The saleswoman’s grey eyes popped open, then glistened with greed. “I think I have just the thing –”

Sean shook his head genially. “I’m sure you have many far more important things to do. Have a nice day.” He gave her a smile, then turned me and guided me out into the hallway.

I grinned at him as we made our way down the main strip. “Seamus didn’t really say that, did he?”

He gave me a gentle kiss. “Seamus said you should get whatever you wanted. He’s footing the bill for the whole party, as the host. It is completely up to you what you wear, my darling. With everything you’ve been through, you deserve this dress.” His voice grew hoarse. “You deserve far more, but we’ll start with the dress.”

We reached Neiman Marcus, and in a moment we were in their formal gown area. I looked around in pleasure. It was like being in a dream world. There were flowing dresses in ebony and lace, shimmering concoctions in soft ivory, gathered-bodice creations in sea green, and any other combination I could imagine.

“I want to try them all,” I breathed in wonder.

A woman with soft blonde curls skimming her shoulders, in a rose colored dress, stepped forward. “Looking forward to a big day, I see! I’m here to help in any way I can. What did you have in mind?”

A strapless black dress with a lace overlay caught my eye. “That one, I think.”

Another was the softest of pink, with embroidered designs all along its length. “And that one …”

Then there was the rich burgundy, almost violet, with intricate beading. I sighed, looking at it. “Ohhhhh.”

I peered at the price tag, and then flushed. It was far beyond the five hundred dollar mark. “On the other hand –”

Sean put his hand over mine, smiling. “We’ll try that one, too.”

I glowed with excitement as she led us over to a private dressing room. There was a carpeted pedestal in the middle of the area, and mirrors surrounded me on three sides. I felt like a princess preparing for my wedding day. The blonde hung each dress on its own hook on the back wall, then looked between us. “Did you need any help with the fittings?”

Sean flashed her a smile. “Oh, I think we’ll be all set.”

Her cheeks pinkened. “Well, you just call if you need anything.” She stepped back and closed the door.

I flushed as Sean took a step toward me. I pitched my voice low. “You can’t be thinking …”

He nudged his head at the pedestal. “Up where you belong,” he murmured. “Let’s do this right.”

I stepped obediently onto the round. He came up behind me, then stepped slightly to the side so I could see his eyes. He ran a hand along the curve of my ass, and his gaze went smoky, passion building within it.

His voice was thick. “The jacket first.”

I brought my fingers to the zipper, easing the metal down slowly, my movements reflected all around me in the mirrors. His hand squeezed my ass, then slid around to caress my inner thigh. I moaned softly, arching at the sensation, then I slid the jacket off my arms, dropping it on the floor behind me.

He continued to stroke my inner thigh. “Next your top.”

My top was violet, clingy, and I had to peel it up and over me. When I could see again, there were reflections of me in my black lace bra on all sides. Sean’s gaze moved from angle to angle, then back to the real me. “God, you are beautiful, Kay.”

I flushed with the praise, my body glowing under his perusal.

He motioned with his head. “Now the jeans.”

I removed my boots first, balancing on one foot to pull off the other, then switching. For the jeans I slid them slowly down my legs, watching the motion from all sides. By the time they reached the ground Sean’s bulge was quite evident. I reached out a hand. “Maybe it’s time –”

He slid his hand up against my sex, giving me a long stroke, and words failed me. I wondered if he could feel my moisture soaking through my panties to his fingers, calling to him.

He stepped away from me, winking. “It’s time for dress number one,” he commented. “Perhaps this black lace one.”

I drew in a deep breath, my breasts swelling out against my bra, as he brought over the dress and held the bottom hem of it out for me. I slid it down over my head, letting him ease the fabric into position, and then I turned.

It was beautiful.

The lace was off-shoulder, coming together to a beautifully decorated bodice area. It drew in at the waist, then cascaded in tumbling waterfalls to my feet.

I turned around in awe, staring at myself from all sides. “Sean, it’s amazing!”

His eyes were steady on me. “
are amazing,” he corrected. “This brings out what was already within you.” He drew his eyes up to mine. “So you like?”

I nodded. “I like, definitely.”

He stepped forward. “One down, two to go.”

I put up my hands, and he drew the fabric carefully over my head. He hung the dress up on the hook, then came back over to me.

“Look into your eyes,” he whispered.

I did as he requested, taking in their deep brown color, the flecks of gold within them.

He stepped up against my back, slid his hand around to the top of my panties, and then two fingers delved in, moving easily through the slick moistness to slide against my clit.

My eyes went wide with surprise, then smoky with heated desire. The moan nearly erupted out of me before I swallowed it. I leant back against him. “Oh, Sean, I …”

He stepped back, smiling at me. Then he moved over to the pale pink dress.

The fabric sliding down my body, his hands guiding it, sent tremors through every part of my soul. I was being caressed, desired, wanted, and it seemed that we were going the wrong way. I wanted the clothes coming off!

He chuckled as he settled the fabric in place. “Soon,” he murmured. The movement of his lips, reflected in all those mirrors, sent my nipples peaking into hardness against my bra.

The dress was somehow more stunning than the first. The pale color shimmered against my skin, and the embroidery was exquisite. I turned in a full circle, awestruck by the beauty. “I didn’t realize dresses like this even existed,” I sighed.

“So you like it?”

“Yes, yes.”

“Right then.” He stepped forward and bent down, his hands starting at my ankles, caressing the skin there. They slid up, and I wanted those hands to leave off with the fabric, get on with the much more important things in life. But they only skimmed my hips, slid along my sides, and brought the dress over my head. He hung it on its hangar, then replaced it in its position on the wall.

“And the final one,” he commented, bringing over the burgundy dress.

It was almost too much to take, his fingers along my neck, their tracery down my back, their gentle caress of my ass as he clothed me. I wanted to be unclothed, untamed, undone …

Then the fabric was over my head and I looked.

Words failed me.

The other two dresses had been beautiful – spectacular, even. But in this, the woman in the mirror was a goddess. The burgundy color shimmered and changed with the angle of light. The fabric clung to me with gentle tenderness, curling in at my waist, swelling out around my breasts. The beadwork was beyond compare. I had never seen the like, not even in those art museum paintings, not in any movie.

Sean’s eyes shone. “This one, I think.”

I nodded mutely. I couldn’t even turn. I could only stare at the reflection, not even fully aware that was me.

Sean nodded in satisfaction. “Stay right there.”

He moved to the door, opening it slightly and calling out. “Excuse me, miss?”

The blonde was with us in just a moment. Her eyes widened as she came into the room, and she walked around me, nodding in approval. “Yes, that’s it. That’s just the one. Look how it brings out the color in her lips, her cheeks. It’s perfect.”

Sean ran a hand along my hip, and I held back the tremor of need which coursed through me.

His lips quirked into a smile. “I’ll be in a full tuxedo, of course. Do you have a bowtie in a matching color?”

She nodded. “Of course, sir. Just a moment.” She hurried off, and sure enough, she returned with the perfect item.

He pulled out his wallet, then handed her a credit card. “We’ll take all three dresses, plus the bowtie.”

I turned in surprise. “Sean, no! I couldn’t!”

He looked up at me. “You can, and you will. Seamus is putting all expenses for the party on his corporate card. The more you spend, the less he has left to hire his sharks.”

I looked at the dresses hanging behind me, then back at the one caressing my form. It was too much to take in.

Sean looked to the saleswoman. “Take your time in running up the charge – we might be a while in getting dressed again.”

The blonde’s eyes twinkled, and she nodded. “Just come out when you’re ready.” She turned and left the room, closing the door behind her.

I shook my head, looking down at the elegant material. “But Sean, where would I even wear them?”

He stepped behind me, starting his hands at my ankles, slowly sliding his fingers along my delicate flesh, up to the tender spot behind my knees. “Oh, I don’t know. We could set up a photo shoot …”

A thrill of desire coursed through me. His hands rose higher, sliding over my thighs, curving around my ass.

I let out a shuddering moan.

He tsked at me. “Oh, we can’t have that. Let me see.” He brought the bowtie up to my mouth, gently folding it in half so the visible side was safely within the center. “Here, hold this. It will keep your mouth … occupied.”

He settled it between my lips, then brought the tie’s ends around the back of my head to seal it into place.

He laced his fingers into my hair, then used it to raise my head. “Look into your eyes,” he instructed. “But take in the whole scene. Every time you see this dress in the mirror, every time you see that bowtie on me, I want you to remember this.”

The front of the dress still hung fully down, demure, elegant, but I could feel when he again uncovered my ass, pulling the back section of fabric to my hips.. His fingers slid around to the sides, and in a moment he had eased my panties down to mid-thigh. I could feel the cool, delicious air on my ass, and the panties’ fabric held my legs together, as secure as any bond.

His fingers slid back up to my moist core, tickling along my clit, and I moaned against the silk in my mouth. My body arched, my breasts pressing out on the burgundy fabric, stretching it.

He brought his head by my ear. “Ahhhh, there you go, You are nearly dripping now. And you are glowing, my love. Glowing with beauty and desire.”

I could see it in my eyes, the shine, the golden, inner glow which radiated from them. My entire body seemed alive, sparkling, radiating joy.

There was the noise of a zipper, then of foil, and the pressure of his cock against my moist opening. His hand around my waist held me up as my knees wobbled. I held my gaze on my eyes, but I could still see, all around me, the angles of our union. I could see the ripples of his well-defined arm muscle where he held me, the firmness of his legs where I leant against them, and the subtle movements of his fingers under the dress’s fabric …

He slid them, dancing against me, slick. My moan grew more insistent, my body pressing back against his of its own volition.

The barest inch of his head pressed within me, and my breath left me.

I wanted him. I wanted him.

The hand on my hip slid up to caress my breast, the other pressed more insistently against my clit, and his cock retreated, then slid in again, teasing me, tormenting me, with just the barest presence.

I needed him deep within me. I needed him all, filling me …

My voice was a soft groan. “God, Sean, I …”

He brought his lips to my neck, sucking, and I shuddered in delicious agony. I could see his eyes in one mirror, passion-filled, steady. In another mirror I gazed at his thick, dark hair, and I wanted to grab it with both hands, to force him down to the ground, to grind into him until we both lost all control. But all I could do was watch in the mirrors, watch the elegant dress, the controlled presentation, while beneath its layers passions were roiling, fermenting, barely within control.

His voice teased into my ear. “Do you like it when I …”

His fingers squeezed hard on my nipple, his other moved to grab a hold of my hip for leverage, and he sunk himself fully within me, the pressure filling and expanding me. I groaned against his tie, and only his arm around my chest and his steady body behind me kept me upright.

My word was a muffled sigh. “Yesssss ….”

His voice grew thick. “And maybe you like it when I …”

He retreated, then slid in again, his hard cock pressing into me, faster this time, and my breath came in stutters. It was all I could do to keep my eyes open.

BOOK: Worcester Nights - The Boxed Set
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