Your Soul Contract Decoded: Discover the Spiritual Map of Your Life With Numerology (22 page)

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Authors: Nicolas David Ngan

Tags: #Body; Mind & Spirit, #Numerology

BOOK: Your Soul Contract Decoded: Discover the Spiritual Map of Your Life With Numerology
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2. You often go through life with a series of intense

relationships to find out who you are; this can be


3. Writing from your own experience, which is reflected

back to you. Eventually, you channel new spiritual

techniques after having walked the path of personal


4. You spend your entire life finding out who you are

through relationships.

15-6: Samech: S, X – Vuv: V, O, U, W

Physical Karma

1. Tough vibration; you have to move out of pure physi-

cal expression of life and acknowledge soul inside, to

get into softer energies.

2. Use 6 energies to open mind and get into 15s.

3. You avoid yourself so you can get heavily into sub-

stance addiction like drugs.

4. Takes strength to acknowledge the intangible spir-

itual essence. get your self into projects to generate


5. Basically, you are going around in circles and getting

frustrated in the process. You lack focus and are

chasing your tail, literally avoiding who you are.

Physical Talents

ability to draw on intuitive soul energy and focus it




Physical Goals

1. To learn to focus on and achieve goals with careful


2. You are often scattered, with too many projects

running at once which do not get completed.

Spiritual Karma

1. going around in circles, learning to focus

2. Finding it hard to see your self and decide what to do

3. Denial of god within

Spiritual Talents

1. Have openness of mind to explore/accept intangible

spirit energy.

2. You have enormous creativity coming from your con-

nection with Higher self.

Spiritual Goals
Soul Destiny

1. The purpose of this lifetime is to experience many

lessons and overcome many obstacles.

2. in a sense, this is a preparatory lifetime so that you

can fully commit to the spiritual path in the next


3. To recognize and feel god within and allow the crea-

tive flow to ground

16-7: Ayen: Y – Zion: Z


To use spiritual energies (16) in relationships with

groups of people (7)



Physical Karma

1. Difficulty in grounding spiritual energies and in relat-

ing to people

2. You can be controlling and hide who you are from

others so that no one can relate to you.

3. You are an elevated soul that is meant to be in society,

but you do not have to be like everyone else.

4. learn to present your real self, not the façade.

5. lessons in expressing your truth

Physical Talents

1. Powerful energies, latent ability to be with people

2. You end up facilitating groups you join.

3. You coordinate, lead and dispense functions to people.

4. You magnetically draw people to you.

Physical Goals

Wonderful capacity to be successful in economic field,

coordinate, lead, dispense functions to people, yet

everyone likes you.

Spiritual Karma

To learn to accept spiritual essence and bring it down

to the Earth plane to share it with others, in a way they

can relate to, in group situations

Spiritual Talents

ability to share spiritual energies in groups where you

magnetically draw people in by opening your heart

Spiritual Goals

Successful in spiritual fields, a lot of people come

to you.



Soul Destiny

overall, life’s purpose is to draw people together simply

by opening your heart (7) so you share the spiritual

energies coming to you (16).

17-8: Peh: P – Ches: CH


Expression within society. You need to find your place

in society.

Physical Karma

1. Emotionally disturbing energies of underachieving,

overcoming suppression of your being, eg dominant

parents. This sets up a belief that no one wants to

listen and you hold back on your expression.

2. You often have emotional armouring, and so you

numb out, space out and live in your head. This could

manifest as root chakra problems, eg testicular/cervi-

cal cancer.

Physical Talents

1. This is the capacity and ability to vocally share and

express yourself in many different areas, achieving

confidence in the process.

2. Here to take a thought and state it, make it real for

yourself. Make good public speakers, eg politicians.

3. Expression within society in a very grounded manner

Physical Goals

some form of profession involving speaking in main-

stream society



Spiritual Karma

Ungrounded. lack of belief in self-worth, ‘who am i’

to channel, to heal

Spiritual Talents

You are like a caged lion if you cannot speak; you must

speak your truth.

Spiritual Goals

To learn to express the flow of your spirit in society in

a way people can relate to

Soul Destiny

Not necessarily spiritual; to achieve specific things in

society, depending on what talents are available

18-9: Tzaddi: TZ – Tes: T


actions of acceptance and decision; in the process it

draws on the power of 9s to do this.

Physical Karma

1. always in a place of unworthiness, which creates inde-

cisiveness. You don’t trust yourself and can research

things too much due to pressure to make the right


2. You must learn that there are no mistakes, no failures,

just different degrees of success.



Physical Talents

1. You are a decision maker who looks at the options, can

take it all in, coordinate and make decisions; you can

follow through on it and remain stable in the process.

2. very positive energies toward achieving goals

3. very good in business

Physical Goals

very goal orientated and successful, you have an

unconscious knowing of the power available to you;

you are a real achiever and decision maker, and have

the tools inside to make it happen.

Spiritual Karma

Feeling unworthy to stand in the light of god. You

are offered the choice to follow the path of Spirit/God

or not.

Spiritual Talents

similar to Physical Talents, but more spiritually


Spiritual Goals

very goal orientated and successful

Soul Destiny

1. Finalizing of the ego self in its surrender so that it can

commit to the path of the soul. in past lifetimes, you

walked many different paths, finalizing your path of

teaching by taking influences from different lifetimes.

2. The 9 is a support system, so you can stand out of the

crowd and say, ‘This is who i am’, knowing inside that

you are oK.



19-1: Kof: K, Q – Aleph: A

Physical Karma

1. To become aware of your power and overcome the

blockages of using it

2. You allow the pressures of society to dictate your


3. Taurus 6-6 energies in Physical Talents help shift this.

Physical Talents

1. create real physical reality out of spiritual energies

and have the power to do it; this comes from the 1.

2. very successful in business

3. You have strength of resistance to normal energies of

society in order to create a space in the physical world

for others.

Physical Goals

Huge drive to create a centre to disseminate your work


Spiritual Karma

1. strong desire to help others achieve their spiritual

goals: for example, this could involve setting up a spir-

itual centre.

2. You will have to work hard to achieve this; a lot of

obstacles will be in the way.

3. You need to learn to ground yourself.



Spiritual Talents

1. ability to create a physical reality for spiritual learning

2. You are here in total service.

Spiritual Goals

1. some day you want to open up a spiritual centre to do

spiritual work.

2. There is enough drive inside to create a physical reality

for yourself.

Soul Destiny

To create an energetic vehicle from which to dissemi-

nate knowledge into the world

20-2: Resch: R – Beth: B


1. Both symbols stand for flexibility, change, versatility.

lovely energies to have in your chart.

2. This can be physically tiring as the drive to find out

more can wear you out.

Physical Karma

Tendency to be rigid, not open to change or new ideas

Physical Talents

1. Creative flowing, flexible energies, looking for change,

for new experiences

2. searching energies so you can expand

3. Research scientists, anything that can bring in some-

thing new



Physical Goals

an endless expander, builder in business, never satis-

fied, never retires

Spiritual Karma

1. You may be steeped in religious training, eg irish,

spanish or italian catholic upbringing or other rigid

belief system.

2. Fear of venturing forth into new belief systems

3. To learn to understand that everything is changing all

the time

4. To be open to change, you need to overcome a lack of

power (20) and develop resiliency (2).

Spiritual Talents

You will try everything, lots of classes, always looking

for movement. You are an experiential explorer.

Spiritual Goals

1. To become an endless expander in spiritual explora-

tion and development

2. You travel many paths to discover yourself, which then

allows you to show others the way.

Soul Destiny

To become the flexible, resilient flow of your spirit



21-3: Shin: SH – Gimel: G


1. very powerful vibration, Master Numbers

2. letter of creation (21); duration of power and stability

3. These energies are heavy in any position and will lead

the personality through experiences of endurance.

Physical Karma

1. No incentive, lazy; you always feel you have no energy.

2. lack of ability to endure and overcome challenges

3. Blockage of expression of power. it takes a great deal

to motivate you.

4. You do not have the ability to look into something and

have the incentive to do it, so you become a jack of all

trades and do lots of little things.

5. You need strong talents to work through this.

Physical Talents

Endless energy to achieve, all the power is there; you

need to share what you have acquired with others;

knowledge, money.

Physical Goals

1. Primarily, you thrive on large-scale challenges.

2. You need to use power to set things up to share; other-

wise, you are like a caged lion.

3. You may take up a power-expressive position, eg uni-

versity professor.



Spiritual Karma

1. same as Physical Karma

2. can involve very tough childhood to suppress move-

ment of spiritual energies within.

3. Ensures you build great strength inside.

Spiritual Talents

ability to withstand much hardship and to express

your strength from within

Spiritual Goals

1. You can become a powerful spiritual teacher by acquir-

ing total understanding of who you are through your

own search for self-knowledge.

2. Use 3 to then share it.

3. Teach the teachers, not the students, as higher levels

of energies become available.

Soul Destiny

1. You are here to bring yourself to a point of harmony

and balance in your body where you can stabilize your

energies, so you can stay open minded to your soul


2. To enter a perfect state of meditation and be in it all

the time


22-4: Tau: TA – Daled: D


1. The number of completion

2. This is the end of a cycle that cannot end until all

things are accepted.

Physical Karma

1. Denial of value and self-worth

2. Unable to reproduce, women and men may be infer-

tile or have serious sexual dysfunction.

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