Zoobiquity (44 page)

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Authors: Barbara Natterson-Horowitz

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Scared to Death

On the day of the earthquake
: Jonathan Leor, W. Kenneth Poole, and Robert A. Kloner, “Sudden Cardiac Death Triggered by an Earthquake,”
New England Journal of Medicine
334 (1996): pp. 413–19.

Admissions to hospitals for chest pain
: Laura S. Gold, Leslee B. Kane, Nona Sotoodehnia, and Thomas Rea, “Disaster Events and the Risk of Sudden Cardiac Death: A Washington State Investigation,”
Prehospital and Disaster Medicine
22 (2007): pp. 313–17.

Statisticians combing through the numbers
: S. R. Meisel, K. I. Dayan, H. Pauzner, I. Chetboun, Y. Arbel, D. David, and I. Kutz, “Effect of Iraqi Missile War on Incidence of Acute Myocardial Infarction and Sudden Death in Israeli Civilians,”
338 (1991): pp. 660–61.

The number of life-threatening
: Omar L. Shedd, Samuel F. Sears, Jr., Jane L. Harvill, Aysha Arshad, Jamie B. Conti, Jonathan S. Steinberg, and Anne B. Curtis, “The World Trade Center Attack: Increased Frequency of Defibrillator Shocks for Ventricular Arrhythmias in Patients Living Remotely from New York City,”
Journal of the American College of Cardiology
44 (2004): pp. 1265–67.

Take the 1998 soccer World Cup
: Paul Oberjuerge, “Argentina Beats Courageous England 4–3 in Penalty Kicks,”
, June 30, 1998, accessed December 8, 2010.

And that day heart attacks
: Douglas Carroll, Shah Ebrahim, Kate Tilling, John Macleod, and George Davey Smith, “Admissions for Myocardial Infarction and World Cup Football Database Survey,”
325 (2002): pp. 21–8.

Interestingly, soccer matches
: L. Toubiana, T. Hanslik, and L. Letrilliart, “French Cardiovascular Mortality Did Not Increase During 1996 European Football Championship,”
322 (2001): p. 1306.

Richard Williams, a sportswriter
: Richard Williams, “Down with the Penalty Shootout and Let the ‘Games Won’ Column Decide,”
Sports Blog, Guardian
, October 24, 2006, accessed October 5, 2011.

Takotsubo cardiomyopathy
: K. Tsuchihashi, K. Ueshima, T. Uchida, N. Oh-mura,
K. Kimura, M. Owa, M. Yoshiyama, et al., “Transient Left Ventricular Apical Ballooning Without Coronary Artery Stenosis: A Novel Heart Syndrome Mimicking Acute Myocardial Infarction,”
Journal of the American College of Cardiology
38 (2001): pp. 11–18; Yoshiteru Abe, Makoto Kondo, Ryota Matsuoka, Makoto Araki, Kiyoshi Dohyama, and Hitoshi Tanio, “Assessment of Clinical Features in Transient Left Ventricular Apical Ballooning,”
Journal of the American College of Cardiology
41 (2003): pp. 737–42; Kevin A. Bybee and Abhiram Prasad, “Stress-Related Cardiomyopathy Syndromes,”
118 (2008): pp. 397–409; Scott W. Sharkey, Denise C. Windenburg, John R. Lesser, Martin S. Maron, Robert G. Hauser, Jennifer N. Lesser, Tammy S. Haas, et al., “Natural History and Expansive Clinical Profile of Stress (Tako-Tsubo) Cardiomyopathy,”
Journal of the American College of Cardiology
55 (2010): pp. 333–41.

Every year your heart
: Matthew J. Loe and William D. Edwards, “A Light-Hearted Look at a Lion-Hearted Organ (Or, a Perspective from Three Standard Deviations Beyond the Norm) Part 1 (of Two Parts),”
Cardiovascular Pathology
13 (2004): pp. 282–92.

Tragically, however, this steadfast
: National Institutes of Health, “Researchers Develop Innovative Imaging System to Study Sudden Cardiac Death,”
NIH News—National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute
, October 30, 2009, accessed October 14, 2011.

At forty-one
: Dan Mulcahy interview, Tulsa, OK, October 27, 2009.

The term describes a syndrome
: Jessica Paterson, “Capture Myopathy,” in
Zoo Animal and Wildlife Immobilization and Anesthesia
, edited by Gary West, Darryl Heard, and Nigel Caulkett, Ames, IA: Blackwell, 2007: 115, pp. 115–21.

Veterinarians divide
: Ibid.

Fishermen trawling
: G. D. Stentiford and D. M. Neil, “A Rapid Onset, Post-Capture Muscle Necrosis in the Norway Lobster,
Nephrops norvegicus
(L.), from the West Coast of Scotland,”
Journal of Fish Diseases
23 (2000): pp. 251–63.

stress before being slaughtered
: Purdue University Animal Services, “Meat Quality and Safety,” accessed October 14, 2011.

Special care is taken
: Mitchell Bush and Valerius de Vos, “Observations on Field Immobilization of Free-Ranging Giraffe (
Giraffa camelopardalis
) Using Carfentanil and Xylazine,”
Journal of Zoo Animal Medicine
18 (1987): pp. 135–40; H. Ebedes, J. Van Rooyen, and J. G. Du Toit, “Capturing Wild Animals,” in
The Capture and Care Manual: Capture, Care, Accommodation and Transportation of Wild African Animals
, edited by Andrew A. McKenzie, Pretoria: South African Veterinary Foundation, 1993, pp. 382–440.

Deer, elk, and reindeer
: “Why Deer Die,”
: Deer & Elk Farmers’ Information Network, July 25, 2003, accessed October 5, 2011.

yearly helicopter roundups
: Scott Sonner, “34 Wild Horses Died in Recent Nevada Roundup, Bureau of Land Management Says,”
L.A. Unleashed
Los Angeles Times
, August 5, 2010, accessed March 3, 2012.

Military physicians
: J. A. Howenstine, “Exertion-Induced Myoglobinuria and Hemoglobinuria,”
173 (1960): pp. 495–99; J. Greenberg and L. Arneson, “Exertional Rhabdomyolysis with Myoglobinuria in a Large Group of Military
17 (1967): pp. 216–22; P. F. Smith, “Exertional Rhabdomyolysis in Naval Officer Candidates,”
Archives of Internal Medicine
121 (1968): pp. 313–19; S. A. Geller, “Extreme Exertion Rhabdomyolysis: a Histopathologic Study of 31 Cases,”
Human Pathology
(1973): pp. 241–50.

Extreme athletes
: Mark Morehouse, “12 Football Players Hospitalized with Exertional Condition,”
, January 25, 2011, accessed October 5, 2011.

Examples of animals dying
: Paterson, “Capture Myopathy.”

Bighorn sheep
: Bureau of Land Management, “Status of the Science: On Questions That Relate to BLM Plan Amendment Decisions and Peninsular Ranges Bighorn Sheep,” last modified March 14, 2001, accessed October 5, 2011.

Pet rabbits
: Department of Health and Human Services, “Rabbits,” accessed October 5, 2011.

Fireworks blasts
: Blue Cross, “Fireworks and Animals: How to Keep Your Pets Safe,” accessed November 26, 2009.
; Maggie Page, “Fireworks and Animals: A Survey of Scottish Vets in 2001,” accessed November 26, 2009.
; Don Jordan, “Rare Bird, Spooked by Fireworks, Thrashes Itself to Death,”
Palm Beach Post News
, January 1, 2009, accessed November 26, 2009.

In Copenhagen in the mid-1990s
: Associated Press, “ ‘Killer’ Opera: Wagner Fatal to Zoo’s Okapi,”
The Spokesman-Review
, August 10, 1994, accessed March 3, 2012.

Loud, frightening noises
: World Health Organization: Regional Office for Europe, “Health Effects of Noise,” accessed October 5, 2011.

One study published
: Wen Qi Gan, Hugh W. Davies, and Paul A. Demers, “Exposure to Occupational Noise and Cardiovascular Disease in the United States: The National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey 1999–2004,”
Occupational and Environmental Medicine
(2010): doi:10.1136/oem.2010.055269, accessed October 6, 2011.

Dalmatians born with long QT syndrome
: W. R. Hudson and R. J. Ruben, “Hereditary Deafness in the Dalmatian Dog,”
Archives of Otolaryngology
75 (1962): p. 213; Thomas N. James, “Congenital Deafness and Cardiac Arrhythmias,”
American Journal of Cardiology
19 (1967): pp. 627–43.

Four captive zebras
: Darah Hansen, “Investigators Probe Death of Four Zebras at Greater Vancouver Zoo,”
Vancouver Sun
, April 20, 2009, accessed March 3, 2012.

Some bird-watchers
: Jacquie Clark and Nigel Clark, “Cramp in Captured Waders: Suggestions for New Operating Procedures in Hot Conditions and a Possible Field Treatment,”
IWSG Bulletin
(2002): 49.

Circumstances that are not
: Alain Ghysen, “The Origin and Evolution of the
Nervous System,”
International Journal of Developmental Biology
47 (2003): pp. 555–62.

It’s possible that our imaginative
: Martin A. Samuels, “Neurally Induced Cardiac Damage. Definition of the Problem,”
Neurologic Clinics
11 (1993): p. 273.

“We know that stress”:
Carolyn Susman, “What Ken Lay’s Death Can Teach Us About Heart Health,”
Palm Beach Post
, July 7, 2006, accessed October 4, 2011.

Indeed, studies have demonstrated
: Joel E. Dimsdale, “Psychological Stress and Cardiovascular Disease,”
Journal of the American College of Cardiology
51 (2008): pp. 1237–46.

“a unifying hypothesis … to explain”:
M. A. Samuels, “Neurally Induced Cardiac Damage. Definition of the Problem,”
Neurologic Clinics
11 (1993): p. 273.

Voodoo curses and overly ominous thoughts
: Helen Pilcher, “The Science of Voodoo: When Mind Attacks Body,”
New Scientist
, May 13, 2009, accessed May 14, 2009.

“Surgeons are wary”:
Brian Reid, “The Nocebo Effect: Placebo’s Evil Twin,”
Washington Post
, April 30, 2002, accessed November 26, 2009.
http://www.washington post.com/ac2/wp-dyn/A2709–2002Apr29

Arthur Barsky, a psychiatrist
: Ibid.

Sudden unexpected nocturnal
: Ronald G. Munger and Elizabeth A. Booton, “Bangungut in Manila: Sudden and Unexplained Death in Sleep of Adult Filipinos,”
International Journal of Epidemiology
27 (1998): pp. 677–84.

Potato leaves and tubers
: Anna Swiedrych, Katarzyna Lorenc-Kukula, Aleksandra Skirycz, and Jan Szopa, “The Catecholamine Biosynthesis Route in Potato Is Affected by Stress,”
Plant Physiology and Biochemistry
42 (2004): pp. 593–600; Jan Szopa, Grzegorz Wilczynski, Oliver Fiehn, Andreas Wenczel, and Lothar Willmitzer, “Identification and Quantification of Catecholamines in Potato Plants (
Solanum tuberosum
) by GC-MS,”
58 (2001): pp. 315–20.

The evolutionary medicine expert
: Randolph M. Nesse, “The Smoke Detector Principle: Natural Selection and the Regulation of Defensive Responses,”
Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences
935 (2001): pp. 75–85.

“Being killed greatly decreases”:
S. L. Lima and L. M. Dill, “Behavioral Decisions Made Under the Risk of Predation: A Review and Prospectus,”
Canadian Journal of Zoology
68 (1990): pp. 619–40.

In human medical circles
: Wanda K. Mohr, Theodore A. Petti, and Brian D. Mohr, “Adverse Effects Associated with Physical Restraint,”
Canadian Journal of Psychiatry
48 (2003): pp. 330–37.

Sudden infant death syndrome
: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, “Sudden Infant Death Syndrome—United States, 1983–1994,”
Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report
45 (1996): pp. 859–63; M. Willinger, L. S. James, and C. Catz, “Defining the Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS): Deliberations of an Expert Panel Convened by the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development,”
Pediatric Pathology
11 (1991): pp. 677–84; Roger W. Byard and Henry F. Krous, “Sudden Infant Death Syndrome: Overview and Update,”
Pediatric and Developmental Pathology
6 (2003): 112–27.

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