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Authors: Kristen Green

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Fourteenth Amendment, 55, 136, 185, 195

Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals, 47, 81, 83, 181, 185

Freedom Riders, 179–81

Free Schools (Prince Edward Free School Association), 184–94, 196, 199, 240, 251

Fuqua, J. B., 216–17, 223

Fuqua School, 223–29, 237, 256, 260–62

diversification of, 225–27, 229

enrollment in, 224, 261

Murphy as head of, 223–27, 229

Prince Edward Academy renamed as, 217

Prince Edward County High School and, 226–27

scholarship program of, 225–26

suggestions for closing of, 261

tuition for, 224, 225

see also Prince Edward Academy

F. W. Woolworth Company, 165–66

Gaines, Lloyd, 46

Georgia, 165

Ghee, James, 169, 238, 246

Gilmer, Robert C., III, 77

Goode, Elizabeth Crute, 125

Good Humor Ice Cream Company, 154

Grant, Ulysses S., 63

Gray, Garland, 60, 79

Gray Commission, 78

Green, Chuck (author’s father), 13, 14, 18, 29, 31, 32, 89, 111, 197, 207–11, 218, 265

attitudes toward blacks, 208–9

dental practice of, 209, 213

Farmville left by, 207

Granny Vale and, 123–24, 207, 209

marriage of, 208

Prince Edward Academy attended by, 75, 122–23, 127, 211

Prince Edward Academy integration supported by, 212–14

Prince Edward Academy positions of, 75

return to Farmville, 207, 209, 256

Green, Faye Patteson (author’s mother), 1, 2, 14, 15, 28–32, 89, 91, 111, 197, 207–11, 218, 241–42, 251, 254

Elsie and, 134, 268, 269

Farmville Herald and, 26, 263

Farmville left by, 207

Gwen and, 159–60

Janie Porter Barrett School position of, 208–9

Jason and, 23, 265

Kristen’s wedding and, 25

marriage of, 208

Prince Edward Academy attended by, 75, 121, 124–25, 211

Prince Edward Academy position of, 75, 212, 215

return to Farmville, 207, 209, 256

Green, Kristen:

brothers of, 14, 16, 29, 31, 75, 207, 210, 211

cancer of, 58

daughters of, see Hamilton, Amaya; Hamilton, Selma

husband of, see Hamilton, Jason

at Mary Washington College, 89–90

maternal grandparents of, see Patteson, Emma Lee “Mimi”; Patteson, Samuel Cecil “Papa”

move to Richmond, 30–33, 58, 130

in Oregon, 91

Prince Edward Academy attended by, 2, 75, 89, 97, 207, 210–12, 214–15, 256

reporting career of, 8, 10, 11, 23, 24, 34, 57, 58, 90–92

in San Diego, 91–92

and school choices for daughters, 128–31, 265

wedding of, 23–26, 267

Green, Mike (author’s uncle), 122–23

Green, Robert L., 168, 194

Green, Steve (author’s uncle), 122–23, 124

Green Front Furniture, 19, 20

Greensboro sit-in, 165–66

Gregory, Marcus, 227

Griffin, Eric, 261

Griffin, L. Francis, 38, 40, 111, 118, 153, 167, 168, 181, 193

black private school proposal and, 140

demonstrations and, 170, 172, 174, 176

letters to Kennedy and Nixon from, 177–78

in providing education for victims of school closure, 102–6, 109–10

student strike and, 44

temporary free school and, 184

training centers established by, 105, 150

Griffin, Marvin, 59

Griffin, Skippy, 102, 103, 116, 118, 125, 192–93, 261

Griffin v. County School Board of Prince Edward County, 167, 193–95

Hamilton, Amaya (author’s daughter), 28–31, 32, 33, 58, 70, 71, 111, 161, 256, 262, 264–66, 268–69

birthday party for, 161

school choices and, 128–31, 265

Hamilton, Jason (author’s husband), 8, 9, 12, 23–26, 28, 29, 31, 33–34, 58, 161, 253, 262–64, 268

“Indian pony” comment and, 26, 120

Kristen’s grandmother and, 23–24, 26

Kristen’s meeting of, 92

Kristen’s mother and, 23, 265

move to Richmond, 30–33, 58, 130

racial heritage of, 12, 23, 26, 31–32, 256, 265

and school choices for daughters, 128–31, 265

wedding of, 23–26

Hamilton, Selma (author’s daughter), 30–33, 58, 111, 161, 256, 262, 264–66, 268–69

school choices and, 128–31, 265

Hamlin, Bob, 101, 102

Hampden-Sydney College, 117, 194, 211, 219–20, 222, 230

Hanbury, B. Blanton, 93, 143, 144

Harding High School, 164

Hargrove, Roy B., 139–40, 142

Harrison, Albertis S., Jr., 179, 184, 185

Hemings, Sally, 254

Henry, Barbara, 164

Henson, Helen, 210

Hicks, Alonzo, 107, 109–10

Hicks, Velma, 107–10

Hill, Oliver W., Sr., 44–49, 52, 56, 66, 84, 102, 111, 253

Southside Schools and, 140–41

Hines, John, 156

Hines, Margaret, 156

Hines, Shadrick, 156

Holman, Jesse B., 14

Holman, Samuel Daniel, 14

Hood, James, 182

Hotel Weyanoke, 153

housekeepers, 135, 197

Houston, Charles Hamilton, 46, 53

Howard, Chris, 219–20

Howard High School, 51

Howard University Law School, 46

integration, see desegregation

interposition, 66

Interstate Commerce Commission, 180–81

Israel Hill community, 62

Jackson, Miss., 97

Jackson, Stonewall, 31

Janie Porter Barrett School for Girls, 208–9

Jefferson, Thomas, 62, 254

Jim Crow laws, 136, 141, 165, 166, 196

Jimenez, Flavia, 89

J. J. Newberry’s, 172

John F. Kennedy Memorial Library, 194

Johns, Barbara Rose, 40–45, 58, 111

concerns about safety of, 50

student strike led by, 41–44, 67, 167, 226, 245, 249, 250

Johns, Joan, 41–43

Johns, Vernon, 40, 45, 50, 141, 171

Johns Memorial Episcopal Church, 174, 239

John S. Mosby Academy, 93

Johnson, Lyndon B., 196

Jones, Dwight C., 33

Jones, M. Boyd, 38, 43, 44, 50

J. P. Wynne Campus School, 210

Justice Department, 178–79, 181, 184–85

Kaine, Timothy M., 249

Kasper, John, 163

Kennedy, Ethel, 194

Kennedy, Jacqueline, 194

Kennedy, James R., 76, 255

Kennedy, John F., 168, 178, 181

assassination of, 193

Civil Rights Act and, 183

school closures and, 177–79, 181, 182–84, 193, 194

speech given by, 183, 184

Kennedy, Robert F. “Bobby,” 28, 239

Free Schools and, 194

school closures and, 5, 178, 179, 181–84, 194

Key, V. O., 118

Kilpatrick, James Jackson, 66

King, Martin Luther, Jr., 141–42, 166, 167, 169, 175, 186, 189

Kittrell College, 103–7, 109, 148, 169, 170

Klein, Beverley Anne (author’s aunt), 134, 160, 251, 269

kneelins, 170, 174, 186, 197, 239

Ku Klux Klan, 117, 180, 182

Lancaster, Dabney S., 76

Lancaster, Elsie, 38, 133–37, 195, 220, 238, 254, 267–69

church of, 20, 111–13

Gwen sent to live with aunt by, 3, 157, 159–60, 269

and Gwen’s refusal to move back home, 204

as housekeeper for Pattesons, 1–2, 133–35, 137, 159–60, 267, 268

Kristen’s mother and, 134, 268, 269

life of, 133–34

marriage to Melvin, 133

Mimi and, 1, 2, 133–35, 137, 159, 267

at Mimi’s funeral, 16

Papa and, 133–35, 137, 159

school closures and, 2, 17, 105, 122, 137, 156–57

Lancaster, J. Guy, 67–68

Lancaster, John, 137

Lancaster, Gwen, 2, 3, 134, 254, 269

arrest of, 16

birth of, 133

Kristen’s mother and, 159–6

refusal to move back home, 204

school closures and, 2, 17, 105, 122, 137, 156–57

sent to live with aunt, 3, 157, 159–60, 269

Lancaster, Melvin, 3, 134, 137, 160

Gwen sent to live with aunt by, 3, 157

marriage to Elsie, 133

school closures and, 105, 156–57

Land, Tina, 173, 174, 239

Large, Maurice, 39, 70, 76, 146

Lee, Robert E., 31, 63

Levi Baptist Church, 167

Lewis, Betty, 190

Lewis, John, 219

Lewis, J. V., 84

Lewis, Oren R., 179, 193

Lewis, Thomas, 190

Lewis, Walter, 190

Lincoln, Abraham, Emancipation Proclamation of, 136, 182, 183

Lincoln Memorial, 186

Little Rock, Ark., 79–80, 164–65

Lockett, Alma, 151

Lockett, Dorothy, 149–52, 250

Lockett, Edward, 150–51

Lockett, Leonard, 149–52

Longwood University, 17, 19–22, 66, 76, 77, 112, 145, 147, 174, 203, 211, 215, 230, 245, 249, 255

Lost Generation, 199

Louisiana, 165

Loving, Mildred Jeter, 27–28

Loving, Richard P., 27

Loving v. Virginia, 27

Lunenburg County, 155, 176

Luther H. Foster High School, 148–49

Lynchburg, Va., 173

Malone, Vivian, 182

Manhattan Project, 42

Mann, Woodrow, 80

March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom, 185–86

marriage, interracial, 26–27, 60, 263

bans on, 27–28

Marsh, Henry L., III, 47, 48, 53, 59, 253–54

Marshall, Thurgood, 46–47, 53, 54, 56, 74, 77

Martha E. Forrester Council of Women, 246, 247

Martin, Trayvon, 264

Mary Branch Elementary School No. 1, 38, 102, 103

Mary Branch Elementary School No. 2 (former Moton High School), 103, 186, 187, 191

Mary Washington College, 89–90

Mason, Daphne, 228–29

McIlwaine, T. J., 28, 45, 49, 74, 187

McLaurin, George, 47

McLaurin v. Oklahoma State Regents, 47

McNair, Denise, 189

Medical College of Virginia, 208

Meredith, James H., Jr., 181

Ministerial Alliance of Farmville and Vicinity, 83–84

Mississippi, 165

Missouri ex rel. Gaines v. Canada, 46–47

Montgomery, Ala., 182, 248

Montgomery bus boycott, 141, 165, 197

Morgan, Irene, 180

Moss, Dickie, 190, 192, 193

Moss, Gordon, 83–84, 145, 146, 174, 189–90, 255

Moton High School, 37–40, 103, 127, 150, 166

conversion to museum, 245–47; see also Moton Museum

et al.
v. County School Board of Prince Edward County, 49, 50, 52–53, 250

graduation hosted for students shut out of, 250

Johns at, 40–45, 48

as Mary Branch Elementary School No. 2, 103, 186, 187, 191

student strike at, 41–44, 48–50, 52, 54, 67, 122, 137, 167, 226, 233, 245, 247, 249, 250

tar paper shacks of, 39, 41, 42, 44, 48

Moton High School, second facility, 186–87

building of, 49–50, 103

closing of, 101–11

renamed Prince Edward County High School, 50

students attendance at Kittrell after closing of, 103–7, 109

Taylor and, 108

Moton Museum, 220, 221, 226, 238–40, 245–54

Berryman at, 251–53

Moton High School converted to, 245–47

opening of, 247

Pride at, 251–53

Ward as director of, 247–48

multiracial population, 262–66

Murphy, Ruth S., 223–27, 229

Muse, Benjamin, 81

Nabrit, James, Jr., 52

National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), 38, 44–50, 56, 68, 77, 78, 140, 141, 142, 170, 180, 184, 249

Brown v. Board of Education and, 50–51, 65

et al.
v. County School Board of Prince Edward County and, 49, 53, 250

McLaurin v. Oklahoma State Regents and, 47

Missouri ex rel. Gaines v. Canada and, 46–47

school closings and, 84, 142, 144, 178, 181, 183, 185

Sweatt v. Painter and, 47

wider focus adopted by, 46

Youth Council, 173

National Council of Negro Women, 246

National Education Association, 185, 187

National Guard, 80, 163, 168, 181, 182, 189

Native Son (Wright), 40

New Orleans, La., 96–97, 164

Newsday, 231

Newsweek, 181

Newton High School, 193

New York Times, 56

Nixon, Richard, 177

Norfolk School Board, 81

North Carolina Agricultural and Technical College, 165

Nottoway Correctional Center, 203

Obama, Barack, 220, 231, 264–65

Obama, Malia, 264–65

Obama, Sasha, 264–65

Oregon, 91

Overton, Jack, 176

Overton, Otto, 118, 176

Pairet, Sunny, 173, 155

Pairet’s Discount House, 172–73

Parks, Rosa, 141, 165, 197

Pascual, Crissy, 23–24, 91–92, 263

Patteson, Beverley Anne (author’s aunt), 134, 160, 251, 269

Patteson, Chuck (author’s uncle), 134

Patteson, Emma Lee “Mimi” (author’s grandmother), 1, 2, 8–9, 12–16, 30, 125, 175, 195, 207, 209, 254, 256, 265–66, 267

death of, 267

Elsie and, 1, 2, 133–35, 137, 159, 267

funeral for, 12–13, 16

Gwen’s departure and, 159–60

Jason and, 23–24, 26

Kristen’s wedding and, 25

marriage of, 14

Prince Edward Academy and, 122

Patteson, Samuel Cecil “Papa” (author’s grandfather), 1, 2, 8–9, 12–16, 24, 30, 131, 175, 195, 207, 209, 256, 260, 266, 268

death of, 267

in Defenders, 70–71, 253–54, 266

dental practice of, 14, 154, 155

Elsie and, 133–35, 137, 159

family background of, 13–14

Gwen’s departure and, 159–60

marriage of, 14

Prince Edward Academy and, 2, 70, 75, 98, 99, 122, 211–13, 242, 253, 255

Pattillo, Melba, 80

Peaks Elementary, 150

Pearson, Roy, 94, 96–97, 145

Peoples National Bank, 196

Petersburg, Va., 68

Plessy v. Ferguson, 46, 52–55, 136

prayins (kneelins), 170, 174, 186, 197, 239

Pride, Arvesta, 155

Pride, Mae, 155

Pride, Mickie, 154–55, 240, 251–53

Prince Edward Academy, 2, 75, 92–99, 137, 198, 210–17, 220

admittance of black students to, 212–16

alma mater of, 87

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