10 Day Green Smoothie Cleanse: How To Detox Your Body, Lose Weight And Increase Your Energy With Delicious Green Smoothie (Detox smoothies, cleanse, detoxing, smoothies, Best Smoothie Recipes) (5 page)

BOOK: 10 Day Green Smoothie Cleanse: How To Detox Your Body, Lose Weight And Increase Your Energy With Delicious Green Smoothie (Detox smoothies, cleanse, detoxing, smoothies, Best Smoothie Recipes)
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Chapter Five – Benefits


There are numerous benefits to detoxifying your body, and if yo
ve already completed the cleanse before you got to this chapter, then you know them all! But le
s list them in case you have


Boosts Energy


Detox program followers report that they feel energetic after their cleanse. This makes sense because as you detoxify, you stop the influx of the things that needed you to go through a cleanse in the first place. By cutting out caffeine, sugar, saturated fat, trans fat, and replacing these with fresh vegetables and fruits, you get a natural energy boost, one that will come without that crash at the end. I
s imperative you stay hydrated as you detox. This can also be a source of increased energy if you do
t usually get enough water throughout the day.


Gets Rid of Excess Waste


This hugest thing that detoxing will help with is allowing the body to get rid of waste that i
s inevitably stored. Most detox programs will help the body purge itself, helping the kidney, liver and colon all do their thing. Cleansing the colon is an imperative part of detoxing because those toxins have to exit the body, and a backed up colon can cause them to be reintroduced into your body, rather than exiting as they should. Stick with vegetables and fruits after the detox program is over to keep everything moving.

Helps with Weight Loss


s easy to see how a detox diet would help someone lose weight in the short term, but a healthier way to look at it is to establish some long-term eating habits that will rid you of those unhealthy ones. Many times i
s the drastic reduction in calories and the rapid weight loss that is the focus, but these are the short-term results. If you do
t make a point of replacing those bad foods with better choices, then yo
ll gain the weight back.


Stronger Immune System


Detoxing frees up the organs to function the way the
re supposed to. This helps give the immune system the boost it needs because yo
re able to absorb the nutrients better, including your vitamin C. Many herbs that yo
ll use in your smoothies and snacks while on the detox help the lymphatic system, which has a huge role in keeping you healthy and going. Many programs will focus on light exercise to help circulate the lymph fluid through the body and help it drain, strengthening the immune system.

Improved Skin


The skin is the largest organ on the body, so it makes sense that it would show positive results from a detox program. One way to help your efforts is to go to a sauna to help the body sweat out those extra toxins. You can expect to have smoother, clearer skin by the end of the detox plan. I
s also reported to help with acne, but the condition can get worse while the toxins are released before it gets better. You might find that your skin gets patchy or itches before it clears.


Better Breath


Following a detox program that include a colon cleanse allows the body to get rid of the toxins that build up. I
s been theorized that a contributor to bad breath is a backed up colon. When yo
re able to clear that out and get the digestive system function again, you will find that your bad breath improves. Be aware that your breath can worsen during the detox process because of the toxins being released.

Encourage Healthy Living


s hard to change a long-standing habit of eating unhealthily, but a detox program is a way to put the wedge between the old ways and the new ones. If you have an addiction to caffeine, sugar, or fried foods, you can use a detox program to rid yourself of those cravings. Often, you just have to quit eating those foods or drinking those beverages for a few days before the body will find healthier choices.


Clearer Thinking


Good detox programs pay attention to your state of mind as you go through the cleanse. The use of meditation is a good recommendation because it helps you get back in touch with your body during a time of purging. Detox followers will often state that they lose their sense of fogginess and are able to think clearer during a detox. This makes sense because sugar-filled and fat-filled foods cause you to feel lethargic and weight heavily on the quality of your thoughts.




So yo
ve been armed with fourteen detoxifying green smoothie recipes, a game plan for how to get started with your detox cleanse, and an idea of what you can expect to gain from this journey. There are a few things you should keep in mind when it comes to your smoothies.

  1. Always be sure to blend the kale or spinach with something liquid before you add the rest of the ingredients. This helps keep the greens from causing you an upset stomach.
  2. Chew your green smoothie! This also keeps an upset stomach at bay and also helps with digestion. The body is a well-oiled machine, and chewing will release enzymes in your system to help you digest your food.
  3. Keep them refrigerated as much as possible, but also make all your smoothies for the day in the morning so that youdo
    t have to worry about it later.
  4. Invest in a good blender! You want one with high-speed capabilities to pulse up the greens as much as possible.

I hope you enjoyed this eBook on how to prepare your green smoothies and detoxify your body in ten days with them! If you did, please leave a review at your online eBook retaile
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