100 Million Years of Food (47 page)

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The index that appeared in the print version of this title does not match the pages in your e-book. Please use the search function on your e-reading device to search for terms of interest. For your reference, the terms that appear in the print index are listed below.


Abbasi, S. A.

Abbasi, Tabassum

Abbasi, Tasneem

Abeykoon, Ashan

Aboriginal people





ADH gene.
alcohol dehydrogenase gene

advanced glycation end products (AGEs)


fertilizer's impact on

permaculture in

Ajinomoto company

alcohol consumption

by ancestors

guidelines for

health benefits of

health dangers of

alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH) gene

Algonquin people

allergic diseases




hay fever

infectious diseases' connection to

omega-fatty acids imbalance and

vitamin D deficiency and

Alzheimer's disease

amino acids

in umami foods

Amish people

Anbarra people

ancestral diets

alcohol consumption in

caloric intake in

cannibalism in

dairy consumption in

fruit in

health observances based on

insects as part of

meat in

starches in

tools connected to

Andersen, Karsten

Anh Quy

Annang people

antibacterial properties


obesity's tie to

overuse of


Apicius (Roman)


Ascaris lumbricoides
(giant roundworm)


Atkins diet

attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)


traditional foods of


autoimmune disease

celiac disease as

Crohn's disease as

Ulcerative colitis as


Bamboo Boat (Thuyen Nan)

Ban Village, Vietnam

Bards and Blossoms

Barnes, Ethne


Bearbrook Farm, Ottawa

bear meat


Belling, Jon

Bengbu, China

beriberi disease

Billing, Jennifer

biogenic amines

Black Death

Blackley, Charles

Blacksmith, Phoebe

bladder cancer

Blount, Roy, Jr.

BMI measurements

Bonaparte, Napoleon

Bon Jovi, Jon

bonobo apes

Boone and Crockett Club

boredom, obesity's tie to

Bosch, Carl

Boyd, Robert


breast cancer

diet's tie to

exercise and

sunlight and

Brown, Chuck

brucellosis disease




Burke, Robert O'Hara



cancer's tie to

in insects

milk and

Vitamin D poisoning and

caloric intake.
See also
diet; obesity

agricultural innovation and

of ancestors


exercise's impact on

metabolism and

restriction of

technology's impact on



dairy industry in

native foods of

See also specific cancers

caloric intake's impact on

diet's relation to

exercise and


canola oil, GMOs and



diets with high fat/high meat and low

diets with high protein and low

diets with low protein and complex

cardiovascular disease

activity level's connection to

diet's connection to

hormone replacement therapy and

recovery from

carp, farming of

Cassidy, Claire M.

castor oil

catfish, farming of

cathelicidin amino acids

Cavendish, Henry

celiac disease

Charcoal Lane, Melbourne



antibacterial properties of



agriculture in

aquaculture in

beriberi outbreak in


Chi Vinh


adaptation to

calorie restriction and

function of



recommendations for

Chopin, Thierry

Chorao Island, India

ciguatera poisoning

Clinton, Bill




liver oil


Conservation Council of New Brunswick

Constantinus Africanus


Cooke Aquaculture, New Brunswick




cortisol hormone


Cree people

Cretan diet, Greece

Crohn's disease


cyanide compounds


See also

ancestral consumption of


lactose intolerance and

Dalai Lama

Dao, Hang Thi

Darwin, Charles

deer meat

dengue fever



diet's tie to

exercise's impact on

type 1

type 2

Diamond, Jared



See also
ancestral diets; future diets; traditional/native diets;
specific food types

alcohol consumption in

caloric intake in

communal aspects of

dairy consumption in

disease's connection to

fasting and

fish consumption in

fruit in

future of

insects as part of

longevity's tie to

meat in

obesity's tie to

recommendations for

starches in

water consumption in

See also specific diseases


diet's impact on

exercise's impact on


sunlight's relation to

Diseases and Human Evolution

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