1865 (3 page)

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Authors: Cojacker Verdi

BOOK: 1865
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D.H. went back to his room, got his gun out, and put it where all cowboys do-near his waist-just in case. Luckily for D.H., he stayed relaxed so no one would know what he was doing. Besides, this is the Old West, he thought to himself, and he needs his gun. Now he goes back to the restaurant to see if he can get some answers before all havoc breaks loose.

Everything seems like normal. That gangster is just eating his meal, with not a care in the world. This very strange, but D.H. makes sure that the gangster won’t know that he’s following his track. Also, the last thing that he wants is somebody getting hurt, because D.H. has a good soul inside of him and this is what God sent him to do-to help people.

D.H. ordered his meal and calmly finished it without any trouble. The gangsters is seated all the way in the front, and D.H. is seated all the way in back so he can keep a close eye on him. So far, the gangster is minding his own business, but at the same time looking for some answers about the shooting a few nights ago. The gangster wants revenge on the person who tried to kill them.

It seems like the gangster is going nowhere, so the best thing to do is to leave Cold Creek for now but come back later to get some answers about the shooting. D.H., on the other hand, decided not to follow him, because odds are he’s going to look behind him and get his head blown off.

It looks like nobody knows who that person is, by the way everybody is acting. When the gangster stepped out of the restaurant, not even the cook knew who it was, so the cook is out because he didn’t know that gangster. D.H. doesn’t know how lucky he is that the gangster doesn’t know what he looks like, but D.H. has to be extra careful next time so no one will know what he’s doing.

Every day for the past week, D.H. interviewed everybody in the whole city. It seems like everybody felt relaxed and not bugged at all; nobody suspected what D.H. was doing . Right away, everybody is marked clean. Nobody is helping the gangsters out. So right now it’s between the gangsters and D.H.-nobody else.

One problem still remained. Why are these gangsters raising havoc here is this town, and what makes these gangsters different from other gangsters?. D.H. is going to get some more answers, but at the same time he’s going to be careful about what he’s going to do. The last thing that he wants is for somebody to suspect what he’s going to do.

In the nighttime D.H. hasn’t gone to bed yet. He’s trying to put the pieces together here in Cold Creek. Suddenly, D.H. heard something outside. It sounded like something dropped, and it came from downstairs. He decided to investigate before anything got stolen.

D.H. got out through the window and jumped from the second floor. Luckily for him, the person who was making all that noise didn’t see him. Whoever that person was started coming near him. The only place that he could hide was the side of the building. That person started to come closer and closer. D.H. jumped the guy and managed to hold him down.

“All right, I’ll talk, whoever you are, but please don’t hurt me,” said the stranger.

“Who are you? What’s the meaning of all this racket you are making down here?” said D.H.

“My name is Butch Sundown, and I’ve got some information about your case, D.H.,” said Butch.

“How did you know my name and what I’m doing?” said D.H.

“Never mind that. It doesn’t matter how I know. Don’t worry. I’m the only one that knows. I won’t tell a soul,” said Butch.

“All right, and thank you for helping me out. Now please tell me,” said D.H.

“Tonight is the only night that I’m going to help you, and you will never see me again. The reason why those gangsters are after this town is because there isn’t much law around here,” said Butch.

“It could explain why everybody is afraid to speak out, but I got to ask one question….Why isn’t there any sheriff around here to uphold the law?” said D.H.

“Like you said, everybody is afraid. But the government doesn’t have much law around here to help the good people of Cold Creek,” said Butch.

“Yeah, I see. Thank you for telling me. You may go now, and don’t worry I’ll pretend that I never saw you before,” said D.H.

“Thank you. I won’t forget about this,” said Butch.

Butch calmly but carefully left Cold Creek, and nobody ever heard from him again, not even D.H. D.H. finally had some answers about what was going on and why everybody was so afraid. There’s got to be some law here in Cold Creek, D.H. thought to himself.

Right now, D.H. is known in and around Cold Creek and he knows everybody. But he can’t take the chance of everybody knowing what he’s going to do with those gangsters. Luckily, there were no Indians around in this part of the land for some reason.

The best thing to do now is to find out where those gangsters are hiding out. D.H. knows how to take them on one by one, but Cold Creek is a big area, and so far, D.H. doesn’t know where to start to find them. D.H. will start tomorrow night when everybody is asleep and no one will know, but right now he needs some rest. Tomorrow night D.H. will be on a lookout.

The next night came. D.H. had stayed in his room the whole day, minding his own business but spending a lot of time thinking about where to get started. He decided that the best place to start was North Cold Creek, because D.H. remembered that those gangsters he shot that night went north, so maybe that’s where they were. He hoped that there weren’t any surprises tonight like what he did to those gangsters that night.

Luckily for D.H., everybody is sound asleep so no one will give him a hard time about tonight or what he is going to do. D.H. looked everywhere. On the first places north, west, east, and south, the only thing that the could find was mountains. So far, D.H. didn’t find anything, not even campfire, to show where those gangsters went. So the best thing to do is to go back to town so no one will think that he left.



ince D.H. didn’t find anything last night, he wondered where those gangsters came from. Sooner or later he’s going to find out that somebody watched and followed him last night. Luckily for D.H., the person didn’t see what he looks like, so he’s safe for now.

It’s high noon in the Northeast Country five miles from Cold Creek. There’s a meeting here with all of the gangsters. The leader of the gang is Thomas “The Killer,” one of the most dangerous as Jesse James.

Right now, Thomas “The Killer” is pretty angry about what happened a week ago-about the shooting and that his men didn’t do the job. So far, nobody has said a word, but somehow he always knows these kinds of things. So it’s best that he do most of the talking, since none of them is crazy enough to outsmart him.

“I heard what happened last week. Right now, I’m pretty angry-enough to kill each and every one of you guys. Now start explaining. Who was this person that’s crazy enough to take use on?” said Thomas.

“We don’t know. It’s got to be somebody new, `cause nobody in that town is crazy enough to take use on, and all three of us know that it isn’t Indians,” said Outlaw 1.

“Yeah, I know that it isn’t the Indians, `cause there isn’t any Indians around here in Cold Creek. Guys, don’t tell me something that I do know; tell me something I don’t know. But I know for a fact that it’s somebody new, all right,” said Thomas.

“That’s all we know, Thomas, `cause everybody in town already knows us and isn’t crazy enough to take us on,” said Outlaw 2.

“You’re not getting any disagreement on that subject. All right, here’s the thing. We are going to get some new people to join us. They will go down there to do some investigating, and no one will know our plan,” said Thomas.

“That’s a good idea, but one question. Who do we know that’s willing to join us? Everybody in the whole town knows us pretty well,” said Outlaw 3.

“Good question. I’m way ahead of you on that. I already hired somebody to do the job. His name is Frank Lopez,” said Thomas.

All three of the gangsters looked behind them and saw Frank Lopez; all three of them had to admit he looked very dangerous. Frank knew right away that he could easily take all three of them on.

“You know what to do?” said Thomas.

“Yes,” said Frank.

Frank got onto his horse and rode all the way to Cold Creek. Not wasting any time, Frank started to look around and decided to go to the post office to check the mail for anybody that was getting outside mail.

He was inside the post office when suddenly D.H came inside. He didn’t notice Frank and calmly got his mail. But then Frank notices the letter and that it came from Fort Worth, Texas. Frank thought to himself, Why would somebody get a letter all the way from Forth Worth, Texas? He decides to follow this person.

Calmly following D.H., Frank pretends that he’s minding his own business and follows D.H. without any trouble. D.H. went inside the restaurant and so did Frank. They sat across from each other. Without any trouble Frank read the letter, and D.H. had no idea that he was sitting across from a gangster.

It turns out that the letter is nothing. He decides the best thing to do is to order something to eat so that the person won’t know what he’s doing. Frank wants is any surprises. Luckily for Frank, there aren’t any wanted posters with his face on them. He doesn’t want to blow his cover.

Frank checked everywhere in Cold Creek, and nobody knew who the son of a gun was who did that shooting last week. He decided to do a shooting that evening so everybody would know not to mess with them ever again-not even the mysterious person, whoever he is.

Nighttime was coming near, and that was usually a sign for everybody to go inside. Little did they know that there would be hell happening tonight. Even D.H. doesn’t know; it’s going to be a very big surprise for him also.

At eight in the evening all four of the gangsters got onto their horses and rode as fast as they could all the way to Cold Creek. They made it to the middle of the town, pulled their guns out, and started to shoot right through the buildings to get everybody to wake up. In less than a second everybody woke up and knew that it was those gangsters.

Ten minutes passed, and those gangsters finished shooting and left. Everybody made sure to not to follow them again. Even D.H. woke up from all the gunshots. He wasn’t going to give up that easily, but it was a miracle that no one got hurt from all this. If there was only a way that D.H. could get some help, even from the Indians would be great.

At three in the morning D.H. went back to be, but the rest of the town were afraid to go back to sleep. But the children had no trouble going back to bed. D.H. got up at ten in the morning and noticed a note on top of the desk saying, “You are on the right track. Me and my people are here you. Meet us a sundown two miles Northeast of Cold Creek. Signed, A Friend.”

Judging from the writing, it came from an Indian. But that was impossible, as there weren’t any Indians here in this part of the land-or were there? So tonight D.H. is going to visit a new friend. D.H. is hoping that this person is all right, because the lost thing he needs is a gunshot to the head. The best thing to do is not to tell anybody about tonight and to go alone without anybody knowing.

The sun went down, and soon everybody in the town was sound asleep. D.H. left the town and went two miles Northeast without any trouble. Nobody even followed him. He made it to the area that the person had mentioned, when suddenly D.H. heard something.

“Whoever you are, come on out. I heard you,” said D.H.

The person came out. It was an Indian. D.H. put his gun down so he didn’t want to take any chances. The Indian came closer and closer, and D.H. made himself relax to show the Indian that he didn’t want to hurt him. Suddenly the Indian stopped fifteen inches away.

“Are you the one who sent the note to my room in Cold Creek?” said D.H.

“Yes. I’m Desert Fox. The reason why I send for you that note that is the gangster that you are looking for killed my family. His name is Thomas “The Killer.” Me and my people are willing to help you. Also, I know that Thomas has help also, scaring the people of Cold Creek,” said Desert Fox.

“I’m willing to accept you and your people’s help,” said D.H.

“Thank you so much. You have earned the trust and respect of my people,” said Desert Fox.

“Oh, thank you. But I’ve got to ask you one question. Why don’t any other Indians live around here? Everybody in town told me there aren’t any around” said D.H.

“Same here. I also don’t know where they are, but that’s why we will work together,” said Desert Fox.

“All right, keep me up to date on everything , and I’ll keep you up to date about everybody in the town,” said D.H.

“I understand, and thank you for helping me and my people. I must go now. My people need me. Thank you for meeting me here,” said Desert Fox.

“You’re welcome, Desert Fox. I’ll see you later,” said D.H.

Desert Fox turned around and mysteriously disappeared into thin air. D.H. had never seen anything like that before. Somehow D.H. knew he would treasure his friendship with his new friend. It’s just a feeling he has inside his soul. It’s best that he goes back right away so no one will know that he was out talking with somebody to frighten off those evil gangsters.



t’s been very quiet in Cold Creek. It seems like everybody is afraid to leave their houses, even to go see their friends, knowing that those gangsters are out there planning something to get even. D.H., in his room at the hotel, can’t help wondering what else is going to happen. So far, D.H. feels like he is responsible for what happens here in Cold Creek; it’s a miracle that nobody has gotten hurt so far.

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