1865 (4 page)

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Authors: Cojacker Verdi

BOOK: 1865
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After twenty minutes of wondering, D.H. finally got it. Those gangsters are not attacking; they are waiting for him to leave. That shooting was just a warning. No warning is going to scare D.H. out of town. It isn’t going work. D.H. has been sent here for a reason, and he’s going to help to everybody in town, whether those gangsters like it or not.

Meanwhile, up at the northeast area of Cold Creek, those gangsters are having another meeting; but this meeting is a little different. The difference is that at the river there is an Indian hiding behind the rocks, and he can overhear everything that the gangsters are saying. The Indian is a member of the Desert Fox group, and he and D.H. are about the get a heads-up on what is going to happen next.

“That was some shooting a few nights ago, but we have to find out who is trying to fight us off,” said Thomas.

“Tell me about it; when I went through Cold Creek, everybody was scared half to death. That’s a good sign,” said Frank.

“It is, but we can’t get our hopes up yet. Whoever this person is, most likely he’s still there planning something,” said Thomas.

“What are we going to do next?” said Gangster 1.

“Good question. We are going to plan another surprise attack again tomorrow night at midnight,” said Thomas.

“It’s a good idea,” said Gangster 2.

The rest of them agreed on what Gangster 2 said. Tomorrow night they would make another surprise attack on Cold Creek. Little did those gangsters know that an Indian overheard everything they said. Right away he was very careful, but as fast as he could he rode all the way to tell what he heard to Desert Fox.

None of those gangsters saw him leave; he knew that if they did see him, those gangsters would shoot and kill him. As fast as he could, he made it to the Indian area where all of his friends and family were. Right away, he went up to Desert Fox and told him what he had heard. Desert Fox was glad that those gangsters didn’t hurt him and had given him the information.

The never evening, D.H. and Desert Fox’s men were hiding all over Cold Creek. Before the shooting D.H. prayed for the people of Cold Creek and his new Indian friends to be safe. The last thing that he wanted was for somebody to get hurt.

At eleven o’clock at night all four of the gangsters are in the middle of the road. They pull their guns out and are about to shoot the buildings. Less than a second after they started, the gangsters got a big surprise. Somebody started to shoot at them from different directions. They can’t see who’s doing it, because it’s very dark.

“What are we going to do, Thomas?” We don’t know who the shooter is,” said Gangster 1.

“Same here. Whoever this person is has help from the locals. Best thing to do is to leave before we get ourselves killed. Let’s go,” said Thomas.

All of them left the area before one of them could get killed, but at the same time they were wondering who the shooters were. When everybody saw them leaving, all of the locals started cheering. D.H. thanked the Indians for all their help. All of them got a big laugh from how the gangsters had reacted.

Morning came. To play it safe, D.H. stayed indoors. Suddenly D.H. heard something outside; an arrow was stuck right near the window with a note on it. He knows right away that it’s a message from Desert Fox.

The note said, “Meet me tonight at the same spot as last time. Come alone and be careful.”

D.H. remembered the last time he met Desert Fox. D.H. wondered what he wanted; maybe it wasn’t that serious, or maybe it was. The question is, how he’s going to leave without anybody noticing that he’s leaving. The best thing to do is to wait until tonight and see what would happen. Maybe he would get lucky and leave without any trouble.

The day passed an evening came. D.H. left the building, got onto his horse, and took off for the same place as before. Twenty minutes passed, and D.H. made it to the same place at the same time without any trouble. A few more minutes passed, and D.H. saw Desert Fox coming toward him alone.

“How are you doing, my friend ?” said Desert Fox.

“I’m doing well. Thank you for asking. What about you, and what do you need me for?” said D.H.

“I’m doing well. Thank you for asking. The reason I need to talk to you is to thank you for helping me and my people, and I want to make sure that you are all right,” said Desert Fox.

“You’re welcome, my friend, and I’m doing well. Thank you for caring, but I’m sure that you need me for something else, so please tell me,” said D.H.

“Yes, there is something else I need to ask you . I need a favor from you,” said Desert Fox.

“Well, tell me. That’s why I’m here, my friend,” said D.H.

“When we get Thomas “The Killer,” I’m the one that wants to kill him. He took something away from me, and I want him personally. Do you understand?” said Desert Fox.

“I understand. You may kill him; he’s all yours,” said D.H.

“Thank you. I won’t forget about this. You truly are a good friend. I must go now,” said Desert Fox.

“Well, I’m glad that we had this talk. I’ll see you later,” said D.H.

Both of them left the area without any trouble. D.H. had no trouble getting inside his hotel room. He was glad that he had the talk with Desert Fox. D.H. understood Desert Fox’s feelings on this. They both were working on defending the town during these hard times. He hoped that one day Desert Fox would invite him to his place.



wo days ago was something, all right with D.H. and Desert Fox fighting off those gangsters and catching them by surprise. Both of them go a big laugh out of this, but little did D.H. know that he would have a little problem soon. Morning came and D.H. was pretty hungry, so he went to the restaurant to get something to eat.

The cook was afraid but glad to be alive. But one thing that D.H. doesn’t understand is how the cook managed to continue running the restaurant, since there aren’t that many people coming inside. That went for everybody else in town. How did everything run without anybody going in?

“What would you like to have today?” said the cook.

“I would like to have pancakes, eggs, and a cup of coffee, please,” said D.H.

D.H. can’t blame the cook for being so scared, since the shooting was just a few days ago. D.H. has to stay relaxed and pretend to act like everybody else. D.H. doesn’t like pretending to act like something he’s not. The cook delivered D.H’s meal, and he asked the cook to join him. D.H. needs to talk, and it seems like the cook is willing to.

“Just relax. I’m not going to hurt you. Besides, I came here a couple of times, so please relax,” said D.H.

“All right, I do need a break. I’ll tell you one thing-whoever started that shooting a few nights ago must be the bravest men on earth,” said the cook.

“Is that what everybody in town think?” said D.H.

“Oh, yeah. Everybody is saying that,” said the cook.

“That’s good to hear. At least somebody is looking out for the little guys, so we’ve got nothing to worry about,” said D.H.

“I don’t know about that. I feel like everybody’s life is in danger, knowing that those gangsters will come back, but this time angrier and finish us off,” said the cook.

“They’re not going to kill us. Whoever this person is, he is trying to help us. You and everybody else have got to understand that. Who would come all this way to help us out?” said D.H.

“Yeah, that’s the truth all right. But there’s a lot of questions about this,” said the cook.

“What question?” said D.H.

“You know what question,” said the cook.

“No, I don’t. Please tell me,” said D.H.

“There’s a lot of different questions. All kinds. You name it, they’re saying it, and I’m having a hard time keeping track of it,” said the cook.

“I don’t know what to say about this, but thank you for the meal,” said D.H.

D.H. left the restaurant without any worries, but he wondered what the cook meant about the questions all over town. Since everybody in town was starting to ask questions, D.H. needed to get some answers right away before things got out of hand. The last thing that D.H. wants is to be backed into a corner.

Slowly, everybody is starting to come out of their houses. D.H. had no trouble fitting in around town. The first thing that D.H. thought to himself was that the cook sure wasn’t joking around about everybody starting to ask questions about the shooting a few nights ago. D.H. tried to answers as many questions as he could while at the same time trying to stay relaxed and not let everybody know what he’s doing.

Suddenly, the may started to come up to D.H. D.H. started to notice the mayor coming up to him, but D.H. hoped that Mayor Jacobson didn’t know it was him and a couple of Indians who had done the shooting a few nights ago.

“Hi, D.H. How are you doing this lovely morning?” said Mayor Jacobson.

“I’m doing well. Thank you for asking. What about you?” said D.H.

“Same here. Feeling great. That was some shooting a few nights ago,” said Mayor Jacobson.

“Yeah, that was something all right,” said D.H.

“A few nights ago I think I saw some of the people who were shooting…..or maybe I didn’t, since it was nighttime and you could hardly see what they looked like,” said D.H.

“I guess you’re right, D.H., but the bottom line is nobody got hurt. I’m hoping that one day Cold Creek will be a peaceful town again before those gangsters came here,” said Mayor Jacobson.

“Same here, Mayor Jacobson,” said D.H.

That was a close one. For second there, the mayor almost found out what really happened a few nights ago and who was doing the shooting. Right now, everybody is still asking questions about the shootings. D.H. is running out of answers, but he answers them the best way he can. After this long day finally came to an end, D.H. was hoping that there was no more surprises tonight, because he wanted to go to bed.



few days passed without any trouble. D.H. might have made his point to those gangsters, but he wasn’t getting his hopes up at all. He knew that gangsters don’t give up easily. They always have a way to fight back when somebody messes with one of them, or all of them. But D.H. is ready for anything, and so is his friend Desert Fox.

Luckily for him and the Indians, nobody in town saw what they look like at the shooting a week ago, when D.H. and Desert Fox and some of his friends outsmarted those gangsters that night. Also, everybody was asking a lot of questions about the shooting that night, and D.H. was running out of answers to give to everybody in town. Right now, D.H. is wondering what those gangsters are doing right about now, so he can be ready for anything that they will bring to raise havoc here in Cold Creek.

It seems like everybody is getting over their fear about leaving their homes. They are sure that somebody is trying to help them through these hard times when the gangsters rule all over Cold Creek. Even the mayor feels much better also about upholding the law and taking care of his hometown by making a few laws that the put on the wall near the restaurant. D.H. went up to see it, just like everybody else was. The law said:


1. Report any illegal guns to the mayor.

2. Report any gangsters in Cold Creek.

3. No shoplifting or stealing.


Those are some of the rules that D.H. is reading. So far, everybody in town is blocking his view, but he doesn’t care at long as he and the Indians are making a differences here in Cold Creek. The best thing to do is to leave. Everybody else wants to look at all the new laws that have been brought to their town. Somebody is making a difference, and they don’t care who the person is.

D.H. thought to himself that he wouldn’t be surprised to see a wanted poster of the gangsters, so everybody in town will be ready to fight back, or maybe D.H. and the Indians will. Right now up at the northeast area away from Cold Creek, the gangsters are having some serious talk about what’s going on in Cold Creek.

“I just can’t believe that they are making some changes in Cold Creek. I just can’t believe it. This is making me more and more angry. If I only knew the guy who is making the difference down there, I would personally shoot him to death. If only I could find him….” said Thomas.

“What are we going to do? If they get those new laws down there, odds are they are going to put wanted posters with our faces on them and we will really be in hot water,” said Gangster 1.

“I know, I know, but I’m thinking of something to outsmart those people down at Cold Creek. Before this guy came along, we owned that town,” said Thomas.

“We could do another shooting, but whoever that person is will be ready for us, so that’s out of the question,” said Gangster 2.

“And you’re lucky-you’re the very first person that has ever asked me,” said D.H.

“My name has a meaning also. I’m fast as a fox and I grew up in the desert. That’s how I got my name Desert Fox,” said Desert Fox.

“That’s wonderful. I’ll bet you know a lot of stuff from the past and you lead your people,” said D.H.

“It’s true. I have a lot of wisdom for my age. That’s why I’m the leader of my people. And I know for sure that you are young. Why did somebody so young come here?” said Desert Fox.

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