1865 (8 page)

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Authors: Cojacker Verdi

BOOK: 1865
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That is a problem, all right. The only person crazy enough to go outside during these hard times is D.H., and that’s all. Everybody is thinking that he’s going to get himself killed if he does what he is always doing, and that walking outside is how he’s going to get himself killed. Nobody knows that D.H. is being watched right about now by one of the Indian friends of Desert Fox. So he’s safe, but he can’t speak for everybody else on this. No, he can’t.

The best thing to do is to go to the mayor’s office and have a talk with him about what’s going on. The second that D.H. got into the office of the mayor, he saw something that didn’t surprise him. Mayor Jacobson was walking back and forth like he had received bad news or something much worse. D.H. was hoping that it wasn’t anything serious.

“Good morning, Mayor Jacobson. I hope that I didn’t come at a bad time. But I see you are in the middle of something, so I’ll come back later,” said D.H.

“No, it’s not a bad time. Please come on it. I just need somebody I can talk to right now about what I’m going through. So please sit down,” said Mayor Jacobson.

“All right, I’ll sit down. Take it easy, get a deep breath, and start telling me what’s wrong,” said D.H.

“I suppose I could need somebody I can talk to. Do you remembered that letter I sent to the governor a week ago?” said Mayor Jacobson.

“Of course I remember. Please continue. I’m all ears. You’ve got nothing to worry about. It’s just between you and me,” said D.H.

“Well, here goes. The governor is coming here to Cold Creek to see what happened to his men. I told them what happened, and all hell broke loose, and he’s coming here,” said Mayor Jacobson.

“Oh, boy. That’s really a problem, all right. I don’t know what to say but this, ‘We’re going down for this,’ if you know what I mean,” said D.H.

“I know what you mean, all right. I don’t know how to explain this to everybody in Cold Creek,” said Mayor Jacobson.

“The only thing to do is to tell the truth, because either way, they’re going to find out. So I’ll come clean if I were you,” said D.H.

“Yeah, I guess you’re right. It’s best to come clean before everybody in town finds out when the governor comes here anyway. Thank you for the talk, D.H.,” said Mayor Jacobson.

“You’re welcome. Anytime you need somebody to talk to, you know where to find me,” said D.H.

“Thanks. I’ll keep that in mind,” said Mayor Jacobson.

Calmly leaving the office without any worries about himself and others in Cold Creek. So right away Mayor Jacobson spread the word about the first town meeting ever in Cold Creek, and he told them was important and everybody must come. It sounds important, because he was asking for a meeting for the first time ever in the town’s history.

Later on that night, almost everybody showed up in town for this meeting. Even D.H. is in the building of City Hall. There wasn’t enough room in the building, so he told some of the people to go outside and try to hear him the best way they could. So far, Mayor Jacobson has never spooked so many people, but like they said, “There’s a first time for everything in life.” And there he goes, the mayor.

“I know what you are thinking, all of you, that it’s about those gangsters. But that’s the least of our worries. You won’t believe who’s coming here in a couple of days,” said Mayor Jacobson.

“Who?” said Person 1.

“The governor himself is coming here to see what’s going on down here. And we all are in hot water on this, if you know what I mean,” said Mayor Jacobson.

Everybody stood still for a moment. None of them knew what to do, knowing that the governor would turn everything upside down and all hell would break loose on this. Nobody would take the pressure on this, not even the mayor, and the governor will have a hard time believing that there are Indians in these parts. All of them are backed into a corner without any help.

“What should we do?” said Person 2.

“The only thing to do is to tell the truth to the governor,” said Mayor Jacobson.

“Are you crazy or something? If we tell the truth, all hell will break loose,” said Person 2.

“I’ll like to hear any of your ideas, guys. Come on, guys. I’m waiting,” said Mayor Jacobson.

None of them said a word, because no one knew what to say. They guessed the best thing to do was to tell the truth to the governor about what was going on here in Cold Creek. They all agreed, and it was best to tell one person speak, and that one person was D.H., because he was the bravest. So D.H. stood up and decided to speak for everybody.

“Mayor Jacobson, I speak for everybody, and we’ve decided to the truth,” said D.H.

“Thank you, everybody. I’ll tell the truth, and thank you for understanding, everybody,” said Mayor Jacobson.

Everybody left City Hall all worried to death about what was going to happen when the governor came here to Cold Creek. D.H., on the other hand, had to get Desert Fox to help him out so nothing bad would happen when the governor came. The last thing that he wants is somebody getting hurt, because killing a governor is a serious charge.

Luckily for him Desert Fox left him a note near the side of the window. It’s tied up with an arrow, stuck to the side pretty well. The note said,

“I know about the governor coming. We will be on the lookout around Cold Creek so no one will get hurt. You’ve got the word of Desert Fox. Come tomorrow night to my people’s land for our friend that died and give him a good funeral.”

D.H. thanked his lucky stars that his good friend Desert Fox would help him out during this hard time and make sure that no one would get hurt, even the governor. So far, no one but the mayor knew when the governor was coming, but it was best to stay ready and alert. Nobody wanted to take any chances.

The next night, D.H. got dressed to go to the funeral, and calmly left the hotel without anybody knowing what he was doing. He jumped up onto to his horse and calmly too of without anybody seeing him. He made it to Indian area where everybody was waiting for him, and right away all of them got started.

A whole hour passed. This was a beautiful funeral for the poor guy that passed on. D.H. really wished that he could have met him. It was so wrong that he died at a young age. Everybody deserves to live a full life happily. Two hours passed, and the funeral ended. Everybody went to their own place, dealing with the loss of one of their own.

Meanwhile, Desert Fox went to the same place where he always goes to think about . So D.H. decided to go up and join him. D.H. could understand how hard it is to lose a loved one. So that’s why he’s going up to him-to talk to him ease the pain away. It’s not healthy to keep everything inside, so he went to Desert Fox to talk about these things.

“How are you holding up, Desert Fox?” said D.H.

“I’m doing well. Thanks for asking. I can’t believe that he’s gone. He’s just a child. If I only was there to help him out,” said Desert Fox.

“There was nothing you could do. It wasn’t your fault. Believe me, you’ll get your revenge on Thomas,” said D.H.

“I know, I know. But believe me, I’ll get the last laugh on this. That, I promise. But thanks for coming here to have a talk with me. That helped to ease the pain a little bit,” said Desert Fox.

“You are welcome. What friends are for is to help each other,” said D.H.

It was almost midnight, and time for D.H. to leave. He said good-bye to everybody and said he would see them later. That also goes for Desert Fox. Desert Fox said the same thing to him and thanked him for coming here at this hard time, and D.H. took off without any trouble. He made it to his hotel room, and luckily for him, no one saw him coming in. He went right to bed.



verybody in town is getting ready for when the governor comes to their hometown of Cold Creek. They’re hoping that none of those gangsters would come out and cause trouble, because that’s the last thing anybody in town wants. D.H. is doing his to help everybody out in town the best way he can. And at t same time, he’s being watched by the Indians so no one will outsmart him or use him in any way.

What this town really needs is a good sheriff to uphold the law and to protect this town. D.H. believe that everybody needs a hero, even a town. D.H. is hoping that one day he can be sheriff to look out after his town. And that’s good old Cold Creek, because this town is part of him and now and will always be part of him.

So far, everybody knew when the governor was coming and that was tomorrow. Luckily for D.H., he was the first to know when the governor was coming, and he informed Desert Fox. D.H. is praying that nothing bad will happen tomorrow, because the last thing that he wants is a shooting to kill the governor.

Desert Fox and D.H. knew Thomas well enough to know that would do something like this. So tomorrow Desert Fox and his people will be ready, guarding the governor secretly without anybody knowing at all.

The next day came. Everybody had the guard up, with the Indians protecting the governor. Luckily for the Indians, no one sees them, so they are safe for now. A wagon is starting to come with lots of Texas Rangers and soldiers all around the wagon, with the governor inside.

They made it safely to town without any trouble, for which D.H. was glad. Calmly, the governor came out of the wagon. The second that the governor came out, he knew right away that this town needed help for sure. First things first. He’s getting down to business, going to the mayor’s office to have a serious talk with him.

Everybody was wishing that they could have gone outside and met the governor, but everybody was scared half to death, even to look out through the window, knowing that those gangsters were over there. The governor has the Texas Rangers and the soldiers around him, so none of those gangsters will dare to go near him or do anything else.

There’s a knock on the door, and the mayor calmly, but at the same time scared half to death, opens the door. He welcomes the governor in. The governor calmly went into the office of the mayor. He sat down, and so did Mayor Jacobson, right in front of his desk. Mayor Jacobson was scared half to death about what the governor was about to say, but he stayed relaxed the whole time.

“All right, let’s get down to business. Mayor Jacobson, I came a long way to see what’s going on. Now I expect you to tell me the truth,” said the governor.

“All right, I understand. What do you want to know?” said Mayor Jacobson.

“I already knew that some men had been killed, and it wasn’t easy for me to send all of their families letters telling them that their loved ones have been killed. There are a few things that I really don’t understand about Cold Creek,” said the governor.

“What is it?” said Mayor Jacobson.

“The first thing I don’t understand is why there aren’t any laws protecting everybody here in these town. The second thing is why Indians are around here protecting everybody here in town, and somebody else-an American,” said the governor.

The governor and the mayor talked for an hour inside the mayor’s office. Both of them calmly came out, smiling and shaking hands. Everybody knows right away that it went well, based on the way they are acting.

The governor got into the wagon and took off, but the mayor, on the other hand, did something. He put up a poster that said,

To the people of Cold Creek. There will be a lot of changes here in Cold Creek, and here is one of the things. We are getting a sheriff of the mayor’s choice only and there will be new laws in effect today. Also there will be new laws in effect today.

Everybody is glad. One person said to himself, “Thank the Lord.” It seems like every prayer has been answered, and luckily for them there weren’t any shootings today. D.H. is that something like this happened. The best thing to do was to tell Desert Fox, but luckily for him, he saw him behind the building coming down from the roof.

“All right, Desert Fox. It seems like our plan worked. Thank you for helping me out on this,” said D.H.

“You’re welcome. D.H. I’ve got to ask you this. What happened in the mayor’s office?” said Desert Fox.

“It went all right. The government is going to make a lot of changes here in Cold Creek, all thanks to us,” said D.H.

“That’s good to hear. Change is always good in these cases, but we’re not out of the woods yet,” said Desert Fox.

“What do you mean?” said D.H.

“I mean that those gangsters are still out there, and you know how gangsters act. They never obey the law. So either way we’re the ones that this town needs to stop them,” said Desert Fox.

“That’s true, all right I’ll keep you informed on what’s going on here with the new laws,” said D.H.

Out of nowhere was shooting in the middle of the street. Desert Fox told D.H. to be careful and stay low. He’ll take care of it. D.H went somewhere to stay out of the shooting, but he was hoping at the same time that Desert Fox would be all right, and his friends that are fighting back know. Luckily, most people are inside, but not everybody made it. Some of the men are dead from the gunshots. There were six of them, but that wasn’t a problem. Desert Fox and his friends took them on without any trouble, and it happened that those gangsters took off.

Desert Fox did the same thing-took also so nobody could see their faces. Everybody is glad that whoever those people were helped them out, but they can’t speak for everybody else. A few of the men are dead. D.H. felt so bad about what happened with those men, but inside no one else got hurt.

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