1865 (9 page)

Read 1865 Online

Authors: Cojacker Verdi

BOOK: 1865
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Suddenly the mayor asks D.H. to come to his office. D.H. thinks that he’s going to make him the sheriff of Cold Creek. D.H. is the bravest one in town and always there to look out after the ones who need help. Being sheriff is a lot of work, but D.H. is up for anything. D.H. calmly went into the mayor’s office without anything to hide. He sat down on a chair, and the mayor satin front of his desk.

“There’s a reason why I asked you to come here,” said Mayor Jacobson.

“I hope that I’m not in trouble,” said D.H.

“Oh, no, you’re not in trouble. I’ve got an offer for you. I got to know you, and you are the bravest person that I ever knew. I would like to make you the sheriff of Cold Creek, `cause you’re not afraid to look out after those who need have been meaning to ask you,” said Mayor Jacobson.

“Fire away. You may ask me anything,” said D.H.

“What is your real name? I know D.H. stands for something like initials or something,” said Mayor Jacobson.

“It is my initials. It’s short for Derek Hahn. That’s my real name,” said D.H.

“That could explain it. Me and everybody else in town has been wondering what that means. But don’t worry. I won’t tell anybody. Your secret is safe with me,” said Mayor Jacobson.

“Oh, thank you so much,” said D.H.

“You’re welcome. I’m glad that we finally got some justice here in Cold Creek, ` cause we all really need it here in Cold Creek,” said Mayor Jacobson.

“We really need it, and I’m glad that the governor came and saw how everything is,” said D.H.

“Tell me about it. I’ll get your badge ready in a week. Right now, I’ll tell everybody that we’ve got a new sheriff around here, and you will get paid one hundred dollars a month,” said Mayor Jacobson.

“Thank you,” said D.H.

“You’re welcome,” said Mayor Jacobson.

D.H. left the mayor’s office happy and on top of the world knowing that he was the new sheriff in town. D.H. has his work cut out for him, since he’s got more responsibility in his hands. Right now, it’s best to give Desert Fox an update on what’s going on since D.H. knows so much laws in his mind and abbey D.H. will go tonight since he’s got nothing to do tonight.

In the early evening D.H. got onto his horse and rode all the way to the Indian area, and he saw Desert Fox and went up to him. Desert Fox is wondering what he’s doing here, but he’s glad that he is. Everybody welcomes him back to the area. D.H. said hi to most of the people, but mostly he needed to talk to Desert Fox.

“Hi, Desert Fox. I have some good news that you want to hear,” said D.H.

“Good news. Tell me,” said Desert Fox.

“I’m the new sheriff in town,” said D.H.

“That’s good. I’m very proud of you. This is a big honor. You can take care of everybody in town, and us,” said Desert Fox.

“Yeah, I can take care of everybody, even you guys, because I care about you and your people and everybody down in Cold Creek. I thought that it’s best if you hear this from me, since this a big honor for me,” said D.H.

“Well, thank you so much. You want to stay for dinner tonight my friend?” said Desert Fox.

“I will thank you for inviting me,” said D.H.

D.H. always enjoys hanging out with his friend Desert Fox, and he enjoyed his dinner. D.H. has never had Indian food before, but there’s a first time for everything. Desert Fox is very happy for D.H., and every Indian is glad that Desert Fox made a good choice on meeting him.



ight now at
the hideout, Thomas “The Killer” is angry about what is going on at Cold Creek and all the laws being made down there. Now Cold Creek has a new sheriff to uphold the law. This makes Thomas more angry than before. Thomas knows that D.H. is the sheriff and that he’s friends with Desert Fox. Somehow he has to kill him, but the question remains, “How?” Thomas spent all night thinking this through-how to kill the sheriff and Desert Fox.

Meanwhile down at Cold Creek, the first thing to do is to put wanted posters all over town of Thomas “The Killer.” The second thing is to make gallows so murderers can be hung. There are more laws that everybody knows by now, and everybody feels safe coming outside and having a good time in life. At the same time everybody is still scared going outside, knowing that those gangsters are still out there planning who knows what.

D.H. is still worried that Thomas “The Killer” is planning to kill him since he’s a friend of Desert Fox, but D.H. has to be ready for anything. The Indians are still watching him so nothing bad happens, but D.H. still has to be ready. If only there was a way to find their hideout so he could easily nail him and bring him to justice.

Before nighttime came, Thomas just thought of something. He’ll do a surprise attack on D.H.-one that he’ll never forget a second before dies. The first thing is to follow him around to find out his schedule and where he goes. And when the time is right, he’ll be gone, and he won’t even know what hit him.

Little does Thomas know that D.H. is being watched around the clock, so he’s going to get a big surprise. Thomas got a couple of new men so nobody has seen them. So it’s going to be hard for everybody to see who’s watching him, even the Indians that are watching D.H.

The problem for Thomas is to decide who is going into town with his new men. He has a total of five new men; it’s going to be hard choosing one. The best person for the job is Andy. Andy is five foot ten, has black hair, is clean shaven, and is dressed like a normal human, not a gangster. Thomas calmly called Andy to come up to him, and calmly he went up to him, feeling great about his first job.

“Andy, your first job for today is to follow that sheriff around and know his routine so we can find a good time and we can take of him. Understand?” said Thomas.

“I understand. Believe me, you’ve got nothing to worry about,” said Andy.

“Good. Now get going,” said Thomas.

Andy took off right away with no trouble at all. He calmly went right into town. Andy thought to himself that Thomas sure wasn’t joking around about how everything had changed overnight. He wasn’t surprised to see Thomas’s face on the wanted posters all over town. Thomas will get arrested or killed less than a second after he’s sets foot into the town.

Right now Andy is going to act normal so no one knows that he’s working undercover for Thomas. The second thing to do is to find the sheriff so Andy can watch him like a hawk, and at the same time act normal for a week to see what activities he does every day, and right away Thomas can kill him.

Right before Andy could even set foot inside the bar, he saw the sheriff leaving the bar minding his own business. So Andy decided to follow him, and he acted very relaxed and pretended to act normal. Every day for a week, Andy watched Sheriff D.H. like a hawk and Andy took notes about where he went every day. Andy got the notes he needed and took off, but little did Andy know that he was being watched by the Indians.

The Indians have no choice but to tell D.H. that somebody has been following him, mostly likely, they thought, it’s the work of Thomas “The Killer.” The best time to tell D.H. is tonight when D.H. leaves his office, so no one will see them. But right now they continue watching D.H. for normal things.

Everybody is sound asleep; there isn’t one sound. And D.H. calmly left his office to watch the town all night, to make sure that no one does anything wrong and to protect the people. As he was walking down the street a little bit, D.H. heard something. Most likely somebody is following him. In less than a second he turned around with a gun in his right hand pointing at Desert Fox.

Desert Fox didn’t move at all, and D.H. was glad that it was him. But he could tell that he needs to talk to him. D.H. was glad that it was him, but he thought to himself that he was about to kill his good friend and that he was glad he didn’t. He calmly lowered his gun and went up to him to see what Desert Fox needed.

“Looks like you’ve got some bad news or something, and I ’m surprised to see you here,” said D.H.

“I’m also surprised, but I had to risk it. I’ve got some news that you need to hear. Somebody has been following you. It’s one of Thomas’s gang, and he’s new to the gang because nobody got hurt all right. What should we do?” said Desert Fox.

“Oh, boy. I’m glad that nobody got hurt all right. What should we do?” said D.H.

“Me and a few people will follow him, and right before he can do the unthinkable, we’ll take him on,” said Desert Fox.

“All right, but be careful. I don’t want anybody to get hurt,” said D.H.

“I understand. Thank you for caring,” said Desert Fox.

“You’re welcome,” said D.H.

Desert Fox took off without any trouble. Luckily for them, no one saw them or heard what they were planning D.H. went to his hotel room to get some rest. Andy by now had told Thomas everything about D.H.’s schedule, so tomorrow night they would do the unthinkable to the sheriff. But little did they know that D.H. and Desert Fox would have the last laugh.

Morning came. Thomas decided to let one of his men do his work, because Thomas was still a wanted man all over the country, so Andy decided to do the honors of killing the sheriff, without any worries or second thoughts.

Andy took off on his horse and easily made it to Cold Creek, but little did Andy know that he was being watched by the Indians. Right away the Indians knows that tonight is the night that their friend the sheriff is going to get killed, so they’re ready for anything. The sheriff has nothing to worry about, because he knows that the Indians are watching him like a hawk.

D.H. left his office and calmly walked down the street. He knows right away that somebody is followed him because of the sound in the background. The person is Andy. Andy got out his gun and was about to shoot him, but suddenly Desert Fox was right behind him with a gun of his own pointing to Andy’s back.

“Drop the gun or you’re dead. D.H., come over here. This is the person that’s trying to kill you from Thomas’s gang,” said Desert Fox.

D.H. turned around and saw Desert Fox holding the person that was trying to kill him, and he was glad that he was alive, all thanks to Desert Fox. Both of them took the gangster to the jail cell without any trouble. The were glad that no one got hurt and a outlaw is captured.

“Thank you, Desert Fox. I’ll make sure that this outlaw gets what’s coming to him. I don’t know how to repay you for this, my friend,” said D.H.

“Don’t worry about it. I just want Thomas, that’s all,” said Desert Fox.

“You’ve got it, my friend,” said D.H.

“Thank you,” said Desert Fox.

Right before he left the office, Desert Fox looked both ways so no one could see him and took off. D.H. was glad that nobody got hurt or anything. For sure whne morning comes and Thomas knows that one of his men didn’t show up, he’ll know right away that D.H. captured him.

So far, D.H. has nothing to lose, since the outlaw is behind bars, so D.H. has nothing to worry about, spreading the word that one of the gangsters is in jail, so that’s what D.H. did. Everybody in town is glad that the sheriff captured one of the outlaws. So far, everybody knows that he’s doing his job of upholding the law and defending the peace.

Morning came. Thomas knows right away that one of his men didn’t show up all night, so most likely he has been captured by the sheriff. Thomas is more angry than before. Now he doesn’t know what will happen next. Most likely the sheriff is going to hang him, and there’s no way he can help him.

Down in Cold Creek, it’s lucky for D.H. that he already has a gallows to hang the prisoner, all thanks to everybody in town. So tomorrow they are going to hang him for attempted murder. Most likely tomorrow everybody in town will show up for the hanging and know that justice has served them well, and they’ll be glad that they have a good sheriff that’s helping them.

Evening came. Everybody moved the gallows to the middle of town, so tomorrow there will be a hanging for sure. It took everybody half the night to move the gallows to the middle of town, but it was worth it. Tomorrow at high hanging tomorrow, because the sheriff doesn’t want to teach them any bad habits. All of the parents agreed with the sheriff’s ruling.

Half an hour before noon the next day, almost everybody showed up for the hanging. But no children were there, because it might be too much for them to take. Ten minutes before noon the sheriff took the outlaw to the gallows. The second that everybody saw the outlaw come outside, hardly anybody looked at him.

Calmly, the sheriff took him there and put the rope around his neck. D.H. started to tell the people what he had done last night. It was less than ten seconds to go until it hit high noon….down to five, four, three, two, one. And the sheriff let go the trap door, and the outlaw was hanged to death. This wasn’t an easy thing for everybody to see, but they were glad about what happened to that outlaw. He got what he had coming to him.



y now, Thomas has heard about the hanging, and he’s pretty angry about it. Thomas is thinking that D.H. is going to get at him one by one, but little does he know that Desert Fox is coming after him mostly. D.H. is just helping him out. So far it’s starting to get to Thomas. He didn’t know how much more of this he could take, but he wasn’t going to leave town if it was a fight they wanted it’s a fight they’re going to get.

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