1865 (11 page)

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Authors: Cojacker Verdi

BOOK: 1865
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D.H. had no choice but to go so no one would get hurt, but at the same one person to take, and it might be a trap. The best thing to do was to go outside and call Desert Fox and some of his men. D.H. knows right away that they, are watching him. Desert Fox and some of his men knew that something was up, so they decided to go inside carefully, without anybody knowing.

They knocked on the door, and D.H. told them to come in. He was glad to see Desert Fox and two of his men. Desert Fox knows that something is seriously wrong by the way that D.H. is scared half to death. The best thing to do is to sit down and listen to what D.H. is about to say. It looks like bad news, all right.

“What’s wrong, my good friend?” said Desert Fox.

“This is something much worse than before, Desert Fox, and I don’t have much choice,” said D.H.

“Well, tell me. That’s why I’m here-to help,” said Desert Fox.

“All right, I’ll tell you. I got a message from Thomas, and he wants me to come for a showdown at the cemetery tomorrow at high noon. If I don’t make it there tomorrow, he’ll hurt somebody here in town. But most likely it’s a trap, and all of his men will be there ready to shoot me dead,” said D.H.

“That is a problem, all right. Don’t worry. Go to that showdown, and we’ll back you up. You’ve got nothing to worry about,” said Desert Fox.

“All right. Thank you so much. I thought that you would be the one that could help me out, fighting off those gangsters,” said D.H.

“You’re welcome, D.H.,” said Desert Fox.

Desert Fox and both of his men left the sheriff’s office without any trouble. This time, no one overheard them, so they had nothing to worry about. D.H., on the other hand is worried to death about tomorrow. D.H. doesn’t want nobody to get hurt, not even his friends the Indians.

Evening came. D.H. had finished his pothering, so he decided to go to sleep. Maybe a good night’s sleep would help him out. Morning came, and D.H. hadn’t slept all night because he was worried, but so far he was all right D.H. isn’t sleepy, but is ready for today’s showdown, for which he’s getting some help from Desert Fox and his people.

Twenty minutes before high noon, D.H. got onto his horse and took off to the cemetery. Luckily for him, no saw him going to the cemetery. Five minutes before high noon, D.H. got out his gun to be ready for anything that popped out. If any of Thomas’s gang came out, he’ll shoot them-each and every single one of them. D.H. likes surprises, but not these kinds of surprises because he doesn’t like hurting people. But sometimes if you are the sheriff, you have no choice.

This is the biggest cemetery that D.H. has ever seen, and he’s hoping that nothing serious happens, because the town is a few miles away. The last thing that D.H. wants is somebody knowing that there is a gunfight nearby and all of them getting scared half to death. A minute before high noon, D.H. is ready for anything that pops out. It is lucky for D.H. that he already has a gun to any one that comes his way-all but the Indians, because they are D.H.’s friends.

Suddenly it was high noon, and six men jumped out from behind six different gravestones, out of nowhere. D.H. got out his gun and started to shoot each and every single one of those gangsters. D.H. has never done anything like this before, but like they say, “There is a first time for everything.”

D.H. isn’t getting his hopes up that al of Thomas’s gang are dead, so the best thing to do is to search each and every single inch of the cemetery. The last thing that he wants is somebody shooting him in the back. It turns out that there isn’t anybody else, so the best thing to do is to leave. But he’s wondering at the same time where Desert Fox and his people are to support him on this.

Maybe, just maybe, Desert Fox thought to himself that he could do this as long as he believed in himself. Maybe that was the reason. Whatever the reason is, D.H. is glad that he took on those gangsters on all by himself without any trouble, because he did believe in himself. And he was glad to be alive when he came back to town.

Back in town, D.H. found the undertaker, Jason, and decided to go up to him and have a talk with him about the cemetery. Jason got the biggest surprise from this, but he was glad that the sheriff took care of it before they could even come to town. D.H. told Jason to clean everything up in the cemetery, and Jason was more than happy to do it, and glad that the sheriff was cleaning everything up in Cold Creek.

On the other hand, D.H. is looking for Desert Fox and hoping that he’s all right, because D.H. is worried about him. It isn’t like Desert Fox, leaving without telling D.H. Less than a second after D.H. stepped inside his office, he was surprised to see Desert Fox he was glad that Desert Fox was all right, but he was wondering what had happened to him.

“What happened to you earlier today?” said D.H.

“I know I should have been there for you earlier, but I knew for sure that you could handle this on your own, because I believe in you,” said Desert Fox.

“I can understand why, but the next time a little warning will be nice. But thank you,” said D.H.

“You are welcome, old friend,” said Desert Fox.

Desert Fox calmly left the sheriff’s office. But both of them are worried about Thomas, knowing that he’s going crazy about what happened to his men. There’s a chances that he might go to get new men to help him out, or go crazy. Either way, they will be ready for him, no matter what.

Up where Thomas is staying, he’s pretty angry about what happened to his men. This time, he’s firing bullets all over; it’s lucky for his men that they are not around to see this. A lot of crazy men go insane, beyond any people could go through. Right now, Thomas doesn’t know what to do next-whether to take them on or hire new gangsters. Either way, he’s getting even.



fter a week has passed, everything was back to normal-kind of-but everybody wasn’t getting their hopes up on this. But everybody decided to have a little party, knowing that the sheriff was doing his job, protecting his town of Cold Creek without any trouble at all. They decided to have it his Friday, since everybody was free then from all their work. But some people are afraid to come outside, knowing that those gangs will come out.

Right now, everybody is seeing the sheriff walking down the street, watching everybody. So far, everybody really respected sheriff D.H. He was the best thing that ever happened to everybody in Cold Creek. Sheriff D.H. is very proud of what he’s doing here in Cold Creek, but at the same time he’s wondering what’s going to happen this Friday at the party, when everybody will be having fun. He knows that those gangs might do something against everybody here in town.

Just in case, Sheriff D.H. is going to bring his gun this Friday so no one will get hurt if there’s any shooting that ruins this happy time. Meanwhile up where Thomas “The Killer” is hanging out, he has no gang to help him out. If there is only a way to know what those people are doing, he’ll find a way to outsmart them.

The only way to do this is to go undercover, to wear a costume so no one will see what he looks. Then he could do a little shooting when they least expect it. Thomas “The Killer” will do it tonight, since it’s pretty dark. No one will be crazy enough to follow him, because he is a very good sharpshooter at night.

In the early minutes of the night, Thomas “The Killer’ got a very good costume. He’s going to dress up like a homeless person; the only difference is that he let his beard and mustached grow. So far, no one has ever seen what he looks like when lets his beard and mustache grow. Calmly, he went into the town, and no one could even recognize him. So he is going to fit in perfectly without any trouble.

The place to go first is Cold Creek’s bar. That’s where most of the people are except for the children. They’re too young to drink. Thomas “The Killer” has to lie about his name, and since he is so used to lying, he’ll call himself Alberto for now so no one will know who he is.

Calmly, he went into the bar without any trouble. For a second everybody looked at him, but none of them took that stranger seriously. Little did anybody know that they were about to talk to with a serious killer. But luckily for them, none of them would get hurt form all the information they were about to give to him.

Calmly, Thomas “The Killer” went up to the bar, paid for a drink, and began talking to some of the people of the town. Without any trouble, Thomas “The Killer” fit in perfectly and started to talk to the mayor. So far, Thomas “The Killer” stayed relaxed, but he was very close to trying to kill the mayor. But he stayed relaxed the whole time.

“I’ve never seen your around here before. I’m the mayor around here in Cold Creek,” said the mayor.

“It’s nice to meet you, Mayor. I’m Alberto. I’m pretty much new around here,” said Thomas “The Killer.”

“Same goes here. You’re just in time for good times here in Cold Creek, this Friday night,” said the mayor.

“What’s going to happen this Friday?” said Thomas “The Killer.”

“You see, Alberto, this Friday we all are going to have a party. Everybody is welcome, but a few people are a little bit afraid to come outside,” said the mayor.

“I can understand why. It’s not a safe world out there. You never know who you can trust now a days,” said Thomas “The Killer.”

“Yeah, see you this Friday night,” said the mayor.

Calmly, Thomas “The Killer” left the bar without anybody knowing who he really was. So Thomas “The Killer” is going to get the last laugh on them. Without any trouble, Thomas “The Killer” left town without anybody knowing who he really was. So far he’s a pretty good actor at hiding who he really is.

He made it to the hideout without any trouble. Thomas “The Killer” gave himself a shave and a bath, and he was all set for this Friday. It’s only Thursday, but he’ll be ready for this tomorrow. Right now, Thomas “The Killer” has to think of a way to surprise them without them expecting it.

Friday finally came. Thomas “The Killer” is happy like crazy knowing that he’s gong to do something out of the normal tonight. Meanwhile down at Cold Creek, everybody is starting to get ready for tonight’s event. Everybody seems to be happier than they’ve been in a long time. It happened-it finally really happened. Nighttime came and everybody was outside dancing and enjoying their meal, even D.H.

Up on top of the church, Thomas “The Killer” is hiding out and starting to get his gun out, all ready to shoot there is a bullet with the sheriff’s name in it Thomas “The Killer” wants to give a message to everybody in town. In less then a second he began shooting at everything he could see, and everybody started to get scared and hide somewhere that they wouldn’t get hurt.

Even the sheriff is hiding somewhere so he won’t get hurt in any way. So far, nobody could even see the shooter or where he was coming from. Then the shooting stopped. Thomas “The Killer” jumped out of the church onto his horse and started to run away. He was laughing, knowing that he gave a powerful message to everybody.

The first thing for the sheriff to do is to make sure that everybody is all right form the shooting and that everybody is safe, for which the sheriff is glad. Right now, the sheriff is pretty angry about what happened and what that outlaw did. He own dying wish is that he’ll get even for what he has done, some way, somehow.



orning came. Sheriff D.H. sleep all night because he was watching everybody in town so no other’s would give any more surprises to everybody in town. One question remained: how did Thomas “The Killer” find out about the party that everybody in town was planning. It was a miracle that no one got hurt or anything. Everybody thanked their lucky stars for that.

Quietly, the mayor went to the sheriff’s office, since it was daytime. SO far calmly went there without anybody knowing. The mayor had some information that the sheriff might want to know. The mayor has some blame this. There was a knock on the door, and the sheriff told the person to come in. Surprisingly he saw the mayor coming in, all depressed. It looked like there was something on his mind that he wanted to get off his back, and the mayor sat down right in front of him.

“Something tells me that you’ve got something to get off you back,” said Sheriff D.H.

“I do. This isn’t easy for me, and nobody knows about this,” said the mayor.

“Tell me then,” said Sheriff D.H.

“I’m the one who told that outlaw what was going on last night, but I didn’t know, because he was dressed like somebody else. I’m telling you the truth,” said the mayor.

“I believe you in my heart since we’ve been good friends for a long time. So you’ve got nothing to worry about. And also, what we were talking about is between you and me,” said Sheriff D.H.

“Thank you, but I’ve got this to say. He’s starting to get desperate because he came alone without any backup,” said the mayor.

“I know. Since last night, everybody seems to get the picture on that,” said Sheriff D.H.

“What are we going to do?” said the mayor.

“Stay low for a little bite until I get some answers. But you and everybody have got nothing to worry about. You’ve got my word. But keep this between you and me. Understand?” said Sheriff D.H.

“Yeah, I understand,” said the mayor.

The mayor calmly left the sheriff’s office without any trouble and kept everything that they talked about to himself. Not one soul would ever know. Sheriff D.H. is glad that the mayor told him what happened to get it off his chest. So the sheriff has to get to the bottom of this before anybody gets hurt. That’s the last thing he wants.

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