1865 (12 page)

Read 1865 Online

Authors: Cojacker Verdi

BOOK: 1865
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Meanwhile up where Thomas “The Killer is hiding out, he’s happy about what he did to those people in Cold Creek. One problem remaining in his head is how to plan his next idea to get even for what they did to him. Right now, he needs men to help him who are not afraid of killing somebody without thinking twice. So he really needs a miracle to get some men to help him out in this kind of way.

Pretty soon Thomas “The Killer” is going to get his wish. Up in a prison twenty-five miles north of Cold Creek, four of the most dangerous outlaws have escaped from prison and have decided to go south where Cold Creek is. They figure, they won’t be found there, because they know that people can get away from anything down there. So there they go.

It took them all night to made it to Cold Creek. Then suddenly one of them noticed a light near the hills a few miles northeast of Cold Creek. The best thing to do is to investigate. The closer they get, the more they notice Thomas “The Killer.” They’re glad to see somebody on their side of the law. The best thing to do is to go and introduce themselves.

In less than a second Thomas “The Killer” heard something a little bite down the road and got out his gun and started to point it at somebody, and it’s one of those gangsters that escaped from prison. Thomas was glad to see outlaws besides himself for change, so he put down his gun and asked him to with down him so they could talk a little bit. All four of them are glad that he didn’t shoot them, because that’s the last thing that they wanted after escaping from prison.

“My name is Frank,” said Frank.

“I’m Josh,” said Josh.

“I’m Robert,” said Robert.

“I’m Victor,” said Victor.

“You know any name already, but if you don’t, I’m Thomas “The Killer,” one of the most dangerous gangsters that ever walked this planet ever,” said Thomas.

“They’ve got a sheriff down there? Oh boy, that’s what we need-already another sheriff to take use back to prison” said Robert.

“We can deal with him,” said Josh.

“This isn’t a normal sheriff. He has backup from the Indians here in this valley, so we’ve got no choice but to think this through before we get our heads shot off. So stop and think,” said Thomas.

“You’re right. We should stop and think about this before our heads get shot off,” said Victor.

“So you guys want join me. Be my guest, and think of something to outsmart that sheriff and those Indians” said Thomas.

“I speak for everybody, and we want to join you. It’s a lot better than going behind bars,” said Frank.

“That’s more like it. Now think of something right now,” said Thomas.

All of them spent all night to think of something, but sooner or later all five of them went to sleep, because they needed rest to get some energy inside of them for the next day. Little did they know that tomorrow the sheriff would find out that these four dangerous outlaws had escaped form prison.

Morning came. A person came into Cold Creek all alone. He was around six feet tall with a serious face. He came to Cold Creek without trouble. Everybody in town looked at him in a strange way, like he had something to hide. The first place that he went was to the sheriff’s office.

There was a knocked on the door, and the sheriff told the person to come in. The second the person came in, the good sheriff knew that he was from the side of justice with some serious news. The person calmly sat down, and both of them got down to serious business without any jokes.

“How can I help you, sir? I’m Sheriff D.H.,” said D.H.

“It’s nice to meet you. I’m Lloyd William. I’m a guard from the prison twenty-five miles north of here. I have some bad news that you must hear,” said Lloyd.

“Tell me,” said D.H.

“Four dangerous inmate escaped from prison and they might be coming down here to raise havoc of here so I’m very worried about everybody’s safety” said Lloyd.

“Oh, boy, this just what I need at this moment,” said D.H.

“What do you mean?” said Lloyd.

“There’s a gangsters out there that’s already doing something like that here in this town. I’m trying to find him. If those four team up with that gangster, they will do something ten times worse than before,” said D.H.

“It’s something, all right. Here’s the pictures of what they look like. It’s best to pass them around and be careful like before. We both don’t want all havoc to break loose,” said Lloyd.

“Tell me about it. All right, I’ll pass these around,” said D.H.

“Thank you,” said Lloyd.

“You’re welcome” said D.H.

Lloyd calmly left the office. So D.H. got a big surprise with the news he heard, knowing that those gangsters might team up and raise havoc all over Cold Creek. At least D.H. got a heads-up knowing what might happen here in this town. But he had to do something to outsmart them before somebody got hurt. So far nobody in town will take the news really well, but it’s best to tell them now, or they might find out the hard way.



day later, Sheriff
D.H. told everybody in town. They didn’t take the news well, knowing that there were a few gangsters out there planning something to kill them. Everybody knows that the sheriff is going to be there defending them from those gangsters, but they don’t know how. But the sheriff will think of something; he always does.

Right now, the sheriff is in his office wondering what to do. The only option that the sheriff has is to ask for help from his good friend Desert Fox. The best place to go is the Indian area where they are staying. It seems like the good sheriff needs some help on this. The last thing he wants is a war between a small town band some dangerous gangsters.

The best thing to do is to go to the Indian area tonight so no one will see Desert Fox, and to pray that the good sheriff won’t come across those dangerous outlaws. In the early evening, everybody is inside, but scared to death to even go to sleep, knowing that those gangsters are out there planning something to kill them. So calmly the good sheriff go onto his horse and took off to the Indian area.

The long trip finally came to an end. Luckily for the sheriff, no one saw him or even gangsters. The first person that’s glad to see the good sheriff is Desert Fox, and he knows right away that there is something on the sheriff’s mind, and it isn’t good news.

“What’s wrong? It looks like you’ve got bad news to give,” said Desert Fox.

“I do. I’m afraid for everybody’s safety-even you people, Desert Fox. A few gangsters have escaped from prison, and they are teaming up with Thomas “The Killer” and they are planning something to kill innocent people-even yours,” said D.H.

“That’s bad news, all right. What do you need from me?” said Desert Fox.

“If there’s only a way to know their plan, we’ll be ready for them,” said D.H.

“Same here,” said Desert Fox.

“I’ve got to go. The last thing I want is somebody worried about me back at Cold Creek. And if you get any information about their plan, please tell me,” said D.H.

“I’ll will. You’ve got nothing to worry about, my friends,” said Desert Fox.

D.H. got onto his horse and left the Indians area, hoping that nothing serious would happen on the trip back to Cold Creek. He made it safely back to town. Nothing serious happened to anybody, so it was safe enough to go to bed.

Meanwhile up a the hideout where those gangsters are hiding out, all of them are thinking of something to get even with the sheriff and those Indians.

“I’ve got an idea-something that they won’t expect at all,” said Robert.

“Well, what is it? Tell us,” said Thomas.

“Tomorrow night around midnight, we will start shooting at and killing a few people to make our point. By now, they’ve heard about us,” said Robert.

“Maybe, just maybe that will work. Let’s do it tomorrow. Right now we need rest,” said Thomas.

“All right, since it’s almost midnight and we really need some rest,” said Josh.

Morning came. Those gangsters got their guns out and started to ride all the way to Cold Creek without any trouble. They all stopped a mile away, and all five of them got out their guns so they could be ready for anything, and they prayed that they wouldn’t get surprise from those crazy Indians. And they took off to town.

A minutes or two later, somebody saw those gangsters coming near them, and shot up n the sky to warn everybody that they had some unwanted guests coming near them. The only thing for everybody to do is to hide inside so won’t get hurt or anything worse.

The gangsters made it to town. They all started to shoot at everything in town, and there were many bullets holes all over town. A few Indians started to come out of their hiding place and started to shoot at them pretty hard-enough to hurt them but nothing serious enough to kill them. But there was one problem.

That one problem was that Thomas “The Killer” ran away, leaving his men all alone, and so they were pretty angry at what he had done. Right then the sheriff come out. He also shot at them but stopped when Thomas “The Killer” ran away. The best thing to do at the moment was to take them to the jail cell. Luckily for them, they had a doctor in town to help them out, and it didn’t matter whether they were outlaws or not.

The good doctor finished them up at the same time the good sheriff sent a letter to the prison twenty-five north of there. The note said, “To Lloyd Williamson. Come to Cold Creek. We’ve got the outlaws that broke out of jail a few days ago, so you can pick them up. Signed Sheriff D.H.”

The letter was sent with somebody that the sheriff could trust. If he rode all day, he’ll make it by that night with no trouble. Nighttime came, and that person made it to the prison area with no trouble at all. Lloyd Williamson read the letter, and a few of his men started to leave right away.

Morning came. Sheriff D.H. was glad to see Lloyd, and both of them started to shake hands. The sheriff took him to jail cell, and Lloyd was glad to see some old friends that were going back to prison. All four of them were dead angry at what Thomas “The Killer” had done to them, but somehow they were going to get even for what he had done.

“How did you pulled this off, capturing these outlaws?” said Lloyd.

“Let’s just say I had some help on this,” said Sheriff D.H.

“That’s good to hear. It’s always a good idea to have help, even these days,” said Lloyd.

Lloyd and his men took the outlaws away from Cold Creek and made sure that they would never escape from prison, ever. That’s the least of the good sheriff’s worries, because Thomas “The Killer” is still out there planning to do who knows what to them and the Indians. Sheriff D.H. is glad that the Indians helped him out on this, but he promised Desert Fox that he will get Thomas “The Killer.”


Twenty One

wo days passed
without a trace of the outlaw. Then suddenly Sheriff D.H. had enough of waiting for Thomas “The Killer” to make any more surprise attacks, because the good sheriff didn’t to see anybody get hurt, or even worse. The problem is that no one knows where Thomas “The Killer” is hiding out since everybody in town is afraid, except for D.H. and Desert Fox. Those are the only two that aren’t afraid of that gangsters.

The best thing to do is to have a serious talk between Desert Fox and D.H.; that’s the only choice that D.H. has at moment. So tonight D.H. will got to the Indians area so he can have a serious talk with him. So far D.H. and Desert Fox are the two bravest men in the history of Old West. D.H. is praying that no one will get where he is going tonight, because he doesn’t want anybody to get hurt, knowing that gangster is out there planning who knows what.

At nine o’clock at night, everybody was in their house. Not a soul was outside. Slowly everybody is going to sleep, because they turn off the lights of their candles. D.H. got onto his horse and right away took off to the Indian area without any trouble. He was always looking behind him to make sure that no one was following him. After a little bit, D.H. made it to the Indian area without any trouble at all. One of Desert Fox’s friends noticed him and told Desert Fox that his friend was there.

Desert Fox is all the way at the end of the Indian area and he comes as soon as he can. Less than a second after he saw D.H. he knew that there was something on his mind and it was very serious. Both of them went somewhere private so no one would hear what they were going to say. Finally, they found a place that no one would hear them, a little bite away from the Indian area-like a mile or two away.

“What is it, my friend?” said Desert Fox.

“I want to get Thomas “The Killer” no matter what, and I need your help Desert Fox, and your people. The last thing I want is somebody else to get hurt by that gangster,” said D.H.

“I understand perfectly. I’m also worried about my people getting hurt by that evil gangsters. Let’s go and talk with my people. We will find him, no matter what,” said Desert Fox.

“Thank you so much, Desert Fox,” said D.H.

“You’re welcome, D.H. But remember, I want to kill him personally,” said Desert Fox.

“All right, let’s go,” said D.H.

Both of them got onto their horses, and as fast as they could they went all the way to the Indian area so they could get Desert Fox’s people to help. But on the way there D.H. was doing some thinking., hoping that no one would get hurt by all this D.H. was praying about that. They made it to the Indians area with no trouble at all. They went to the center of the Indian area so they could easily talk to everybody.

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