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Authors: Chris Turney

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Bull, C., Wright, P. F. 1993.
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Crane, D. 2006.
Scott of the Antarctic
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South with Scott
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Fiennes, R. 2003.
Captain Scott
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Huntford, R. 2009.
Scott and Amundsen: Their Race to the South Pole
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Huxley, E. 1977.
Scott of the Antarctic
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King, H. G. R. 1988.
The Wicked Mate: The Antarctic Diary of Victor Campbell
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The People's Budget: An Edwardian Tragedy
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Levick, G. M. 1914.
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Scott, R. F. 1913.
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Griffith Taylor: Visionary, Environmentalist, Explorer
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Wilson, E. 1972.
Diary of the Terra Nova Expedition to the Antarctic 1910–1912
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Journal Articles and Reports

Chree, C. 1908. Presidential address to the Physical Society of London, 14th February, 1908.
Proceedings of the Physical Society of London
XXI: xi–xxxii.

David, T. W. E., Smeeth, W. F., Schofield, J. A. 1895. Notes on Antarctic rocks collected by Mr C. E. Borchgrevink.
The Royal Society of New South Wales Journal
29: 461–492.

Debenham, F. 1923.
Report on the Maps and Surveys: British (Terra Nova) Antarctic Expedition 1910–1913
. Harrison and Sons, London.

Lyons, H. G. 1924.
British (Terra Nova) Antarctic Expedition 1910–1913: Miscellaneous Data
. Harrison and Sons, London.

Markham, C. 1912. Antarctic discovery at the British Association.
Geographical Journal
40: 541–546.

Royds, C. W. R. 1905. Meteorological observing in the Antarctic regions.
Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society
39: 1–14.

Scott, R. F. 1910. Plans of the British Antarctic Expedition, 1910.
Geographical Journal
36: 11–20.

Scott, R. F. 1905. Results of the National Antarctic Expedition. 1. Geographical.
Geographical Journal
25: 353–370.

von den Steinen, K. 1891. Allgemeines über die zoologische Thätigkeit und Beobachtungen über das Leben der Robben und Vögel aus Süd-Georgie. In
Die Internationale Polarforschung 1882–83. Die Deutschen Expeditionen und Ihre Ergebnisse
. (G. Neumayer, ed.) A. Asher & Co., Berlin, 194–279.

Walker, M. 2005. Antarctic meteorology and climatology: an unfolding story of discovery.
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32: 316–333.

Wilson, E., Bowers, H. 2011.
A Tale for Our Generation: An Account of the ‘Winter Journey'
. Australian Capital Equity, Perth.

Wilson, E. A. 1907.
Aves. National Antarctic Expedition, 1901–4, Natural History Vol. II, Zoology
. British Museum, London.

Newspaper and Magazine Articles

Anonymous. 1912. Captain Scott's comment on Amundsen.
Manchester Guardian
5 April: 5.

Anonymous. 1912. South Pole quest achieved: Triumph of Captain Amundsen.
Manchester Guardian
9 March: 9.

Anonymous. 1911. Captain Scott in the Antarctic.
Manchester Guardian
7 November: 7.

Anonymous. 1910. Captain Scott's Wolseley sleighs.
Commercial Motor
7 April: 96.

Anonymous. 1910. Antarctic expedition: Support for Captain Scott in Manchester.
Manchester Guardian
17 February: 14.

Anonymous. 1910. Captain Scott in Manchester yesterday.
Manchester Guardian
17 February: 5.

Anonymous. 1909. The British Antarctic Expedition: Problems of the South Pole.
The Times
13 October: 12.

Anonymous. 1909. Captain Scott's Expedition.
The Times
14 September: 8.

Turner, H. H. 1908. Antarctic weather.
Times Literary Settlement
13 August: 258.

Wilson, E. A. 1912. British Antarctic Expedition. Report of the work.
The Times
16 May: 5.

Films and Recordings

Ponting, H. G. 1924.
The Great White Silence
. British Film Institute (rereleased with new score 2011).

Ponting, H. G. 1912.
With Captain Scott at the South Pole
. NFSA 9730.

Unpublished Sources

Letter from V. Campbell to Miss V. Campbell, 17 August 1911. SPRI MS 1363/1.

Letter from L. Darwin to R. F. Scott, 31 June 1909. SPRI MS 145 3/72.

Letter from E. Evans to J. P. Irven, 5 July 1912. ML DOC 1468.

Letter from C. Markham to S. Keltie, 1 March 1912. RGS CB7 Box 3 of 3, File 2 of 9, 3/2.

Letter from R. Skelton to R. F. Scott, 31 March 1910. SPRI MS 342/14/5.

Letter from R. Skelton to R. F. Scott, 12 June 1907. SPRI MS 342/14/2.

Letter by R. Skelton regarding motorised sledge design, 11 June 1907. SPRI MS 342/10/1/5.

Scott, R. F. 1911. Proposed Plans for Southern Journey. SPRI MS MS 1453/28.


Amundsen, R. 1928.
My Life as an Explorer
. Doubleday, Doran & Co., Inc., New York.

Amundsen, R. 1912.
The South Pole: An Account of the Norwegian Antarctic Expedition in the ‘Fram', 1910–1912
. John Murray, London.

Amundsen, R. 2010.
The Roald Amundsen Diaries: The South Pole Expedition 1910–12
. The Fram Museum, Oslo.

Amundsen, R. 1908.
‘The North West Passage': Being the Record of a Voyage of Exploration of the Ship ‘Gjoa' 1903–1907
. E.P. Dutton and Co., New York.

Bomann-Larsen, T. 2006.
Roald Amundsen
. Sutton Publishing, Stroud.

Bowman, W. E. 2001.
The Ascent of Rum Doodle
. Pimlico, London (originally published 1956).

Huntford, R. 2010.
Race to the South Pole: The Expedition Diaries of Scott and Amundsen
. Continuum, London.

Huntford, R. 2009.
Scott and Amundsen: Their Race to the South Pole
. Abacus, London.

Journal Articles and Reports

Amundsen, R. 1913. The Norwegian south polar expedition.
Scottish Geographical Journal
29: 1–13.

Amundsen, R. 1912. Amundsen's expedition to the South Pole.
Bulletin of the American Geographical Society
44: 822–838.

Barr, W. 1985. Aleksandr Stepanovich Kuchin: the Russian who went south with Amundsen.
Polar Record
22: 401–412.

Brown, R. N. R. 1913. The South Pole: A review.
Scottish Geographical Journal
29: 17–22.

Drewry, D. J., Huntford, R. 1979. Amundsen's route to the South Pole.
Polar Record
19: 329–336.

Hann, J. 1909. Die meteorologischen ergebnisse der Englischen Antarktischen Expedition, 1901–4.
Meteorologische Zeitschrift
26: 289–301.

Hinks, A. R. 1910. Notes on determination of position near the Poles.
Geographical Journal
35: 299–303.

Mill, H. R. 1913. Review: Amundsen's ‘South Pole': A review.
Geographical Journal
41: 148–151.

Mohn, H. 1915.
Roald Amundsen's Antarctic Expedition Scientific Results: Meteorology.
Kommission Hos Jacob Dybwad, Kristiania, 78.

Rees, W. G. 1988. Polar mirages.
Polar Record
24: 193–198.

Shackleton, E., Bruce, W. S. 1913. The Norwegian South Polar expedition: Discussion.
Geographical Journal
41: 13–16.

Newspaper and Magazine Articles

Anonymous. 1912. Amundsen's success. Conclusive proof. Professor David's tribute.
Sydney Morning Herald
4 April: 10.

Anonymous. 1912. Copyright test here interests England.
New York Times
21 March: 4.

Anonymous. 1912. The Uncertain ‘Pole': Margin of possible error in locating it.
10 March: 9.

Anonymous. 1912. At random.
10 March: 7.

Anonymous. 1912. The conquest of the South Pole.
The Times
9 March: 8.

Anonymous. 1912. Captain Amundsen's achievement.
The Times
9 March: 5.

Anonymous. 1912. The South Pole.
Manchester Guardian
8 March: 8.

Anonymous. 1912. The South Pole discovered: Norwegian explorer reaches coveted goal.
Daily Chronicle
8 March: 1.

Anonymous. 1911. South Pole explorations.
National Geographic
xxii: 406–409.

Anonymous. 1909. New polar expedition: Captain Amundsen's next attempt.
Manchester Guardian
26 January: 8.

Coetzer, C. 2012. South Pole anniversary final week interview with Henry Worsley.
, 27 March:

Films and Recordings

Norsk Film Institut. 2010.
Roald Amundsens Sydpolsferd (1910–1912)
(DVD and accompanying book). Norsk Film Institut.

Unpublished Sources

Map of South Magnetic Pole and declination to South Pole. NB Brevs. 480A.

Lantern slides used as part of Roald Amundsen's 1912 ‘South Polar Expedition' lecture at the Royal Geographical Society. RGS LS/676.

Telegram from R. Amundsen to F. Nansen, 7 March 1912. NB Ms. fol. 1924:5,3.

R. Amundsen South Pole Observations. NB MS. 8˚ 1196:17.

Letter from R. Amundsen to O. O. Bjaaland, 8 September 1909. NB Brevs 812:3.

Letter from R. Amundsen to F. Cook, 3 September 1909. NB Brevs 812:3.

Letter from R. Amundsen to H. Edmonds, 22 July 1910. NB Brevs 812:3.

Letter from R. Amundsen to H. Edmonds, 13 September 1909. NB Brevs 812:3.

Letter from R. Amundsen to H. Edmonds, 31 August 1909. NB Brevs 812:3.

Letter from R. Amundsen to J. S. Keltie, 22 October 1910. NB Brevs 812:3.

Letter from R. Amundsen to F. Nansen, 22 August 1910. NB Ms. fol. 1924:5,3.

Letter from R. Amundsen to K. Prestrud, 8 September 1909. NB Brevs 812 3.

Letter from R. Amundsen to Mr. Reid (BAE Secretary), 16 February 1910. NB Brevs 812 3.

Letter from L. A. Bauer to R. Amundsen, 5 August 1910. NB Brevs. nr. 812:1.

Letter from L. A. Bauer to R. Amundsen, 6 December 1909. NB Brevs. nr. 812:1.

Letter from British Admiralty to L. Amundsen, 11 March 1909. NB Brevs. 812 2b.

Letter from W. S. Bruce to L. Amundsen, 13 December 1912. NB Brevs. 812:2i.

Lantern slide used as part of Edgeworth David's 1914 lecture at the Royal Geographical Society. ‘Plan showing changes in the edge of the Ross Barrier near Amundsen's headquarters at the Bay of Whales since the time of Scott's Expedition in the “Discovery” in 1902. The outline of the Bay of Whales in 1911 is after Amundsen.' RGS LS/333.

Letter from H. M. W. Edmonds to R. Amundsen, 5 August 1909. NB Brevs. nr. 812:1.

Letter from H. M. W. Edmonds to R. Amundsen, 1 July 1910. NB Brevs. nr. 812:1.

Letter from W. Heinemann to F. Nansen, 18 March 1912. NB Ms. fol. 1924 5,3 Mars 1912.

Letter from W. Heinemann to F. Nansen, 9 March 1912. NB Ms. fol. 1924 5,3 Mars 1912.

Letter from F. G. Jackson to R. Amundsen, 18 April 1900. NB Brevs 812:1.

H. Johansen Diary. NB MS. 4˚ 2775:C5.

Letter from J. S. Keltie to L. Amundsen, 7 October 1912. NB Brevs 812:2i.

Letter from J. S. Keltie to L. Amundsen, 24 September 1912. NB Brevs 812:2i.

Letter from J. S. Keltie to R. Amundsen, 4 July 1912. NB Brevs 812:2i.

Letter from J. S. Keltie to L. Amundsen, 20 April 1912. NB Brevs. 812:2i.

Letter from J. S. Keltie to L. Amundsen, 9 October 1909. NB Brevs 812:2i.

Letter from J. S. Keltie to L. Amundsen, 28 July 1909. NB Brevs 812:2i.

Letter from J. S. Keltie to R. Amundsen, 12 October 1906. NB Brevs 812:2i.

Letter from C. Markham to S. Keltie, 1 March 1912. RGS CB7 Box 3 of 3, File 2 of 9, 3/2.

F. Nansen. Scientific Guidance for R. Amundsen, 1901. NB MS. 4° 2670.

Letter from E. Shackleton to L. Amundsen, 12 July 1911. NB Brevs. nr. 812:1.

E. Searle.
Tasmanian Views.
Photographs of Australia, Antarctica and the Pacific, 1911–1915. NLA 3044988.


Asahina, K. 1973. The Japanese Antarctic Expedition of 1911–12.
In Polar Human Biology: The Proceedings of the SCAR/IUPS/IUBS Symposium on Human Biology and Medicine in the Antarctic
. (O. G. Edholm and E. K. E. Gunderson, eds.) William Heinemann Medical Books, London, 8–14.

Shirase Antarctic Expedition Supporters' Association. 2011.
The Japanese South Polar Expedition of 1910–12: A Record of Antarctica (Translated into English by Lara Dagnell and Hilary Shibata)
. Erskine Press and Bluntisham Books, Norwich (originally published in Japanese in 1913 by Nankyoku Tanken Koenkai, Tokyo).

Toshitaka, S. 2002.
Yamato Snow Plain in Antarctica: Shirase's Expedition Story
. Fukuinkan Shoten Publisher, Tokyo.

Journal Articles and Reports

Anonymous. 1911. Japanese Antarctic Expedition.
Scottish Geographical Journal
xxvii: 314–315.

Anonymous. 1911. Japanese Antarctic Expedition.
Scottish Geographical Journal
xxvii: 151–152.

Byrd, R. E., Saunders, H. E. 1933. The flight to Marie Byrd Land: With a description of the map.
Geographical Review
23: 177–209.

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