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Authors: A. A. Dark,Alaska Angelini

BOOK: 24690
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Chapter 17



Nervousness, sickness—nothing compared to the ailment I was undergoing. This was so wrong. Selling
slave? My slave. No one else’s. She didn’t deserve this. Yet, I’d put her in a fucking mob of vicious predators ready to eat her alive. What the fuck kind of person was I?

“Next up.” I gripped to the podium tighter. “Twenty-four-six-ninety.”

Blue chiffon molded to my slave’s body and with every sway of her hips, she grew stronger. Braver. My jaw tightened and I met her stare despite the need to turn away. This was wrong. I could feel it in my gut. With each foot she got closer, I saw it. Not just her fear …
my fear
, reflecting back at me through her stare. It hit me head on, gripping so strongly that I couldn’t stop my mind from racing.

Blue eyes lined with black eyeliner became almost hidden behind her narrowed gaze. Then … her lips quivered. The action sliced right through my heart, nearly dropping me on the spot. I was speechless as she took her place on the slightly lower level before me. What was happening to me? What had she done? I didn’t know this man who felt so much love for a person. He was overflowing with emotion that it seemed unfathomable that it could be me.

I looked at her paper, staring at the starting bid. Seven hundred thousand. How much was my slave worth to me? Fuck, she was priceless.

“Bidding starts at seven hundred thousand.”

Before I could finish, multiple lights on the front of the booths lit up. I paused, not wanting to go any higher. Not wanting to continue with this.

“Do I hear eight hundred—”

I spun in a circle taking in all the booths with red glowing circles. My eyes darted to West and I forced the words to continue. All the while, my mind was racing, scheming. Taking in what I knew.
What I hid.

“Do I hear nine …?”

The last wasn’t even necessary with how fast they were hitting their buttons. I glanced back to West, dropping my eyes. He was worried and he had every right to be. Tonight, she wouldn’t be his—or ever.

“Do I hear one million? Two—three—ten—? Up and up it climbed. With each million the lights began to decrease, but my anxiety wasn’t. Sweat soaked through my shirt and I pulled at my tie. Four lights remained. Four.

“Do I hear—”

“Twenty-five million!”

My heart all but stopped as I met Master O’Farrell’s stare. He was standing, as if he’d all but won.

“Thirty million!”

Heads turned in the direction of one of Master Yahn’s men. He was gone, but two of his guards remained behind.

I glanced up at West, meeting the rage he displayed. Satisfaction surged, but I held it inside, refusing to let it show on my face. All he got from me was a sympathetic look. One he tossed aside from the glare he cast back.

“Thirty-two million.”

Master O’Farrell jerked at his tie and I knew it was over for him. I’d been doing this long enough to recognize a hanged man when I say one.

“Fifty million!”

Gasps rang out as Eveleigh’s voice echoed through the room. It took everything I had to hold in my smile. Silence took over quickly as she turned to face me. “I will bid fifty million for my freedom.”

“There is no freedom, slave.” I hesitated, looking around at the master’s greedy faces. What was happening was unheard of. There were no rules for this. It was all up to me, and I’d known that when I gave the order. “For fifty million, I will give you your choice of a master. Nothing more. You will still be a slave.” My eyes rose. “Unless someone outbids you. Fifty million, going once? Going twice?”

I brought the gavel down before anyone had a chance to dispute or react to what was happening. She had an inheritance and it was supposedly a lot, but there was no proof the rumor was true. Either way, I didn’t care. My heart was racing as relief filled me.

“Choose a master for yourself, slave. There is no changing your mind after this decision.”

“Can I choose myself? May I be allowed to be a Mistress? I will stay here for life, but I wish to be responsible for my own life. I am
no one’s

My heart dropped to my toes at the unexpected request. She was meant to choose me. To trap me in front of everyone, yet, she hadn’t. The shock and surprise were enough to leave me swallowing back the hurt.

the money,” I said, shrugging. “I will grant your request. You will take residence in one of our empty apartments. We will go over the details after the auction.” I gestured to Lyle and leaned down as he approached from the lower level. “Take her to my apartment. Have her wait for me there. Stand guard outside and make sure she’s protected.”

“Yes, Main Master.”

West was already standing. I nodded for the next slave to be brought out, but kept my eyes on my supposed best friend. I hated how he was going after her. I had to figure out a way to fix these mistakes I’d made … with both of them. My slave wasn’t twenty-four-six-ninety anymore. She was Mistress Davenport,
but she was still mine
. And my best friend wasn’t as careful as he thought.




“Next up. Twenty-six-nine-seventy-five.”

My eyes stayed on the paper before me and my brow drew in as I studied the details of the slave. She was a blue. I barely recalled the redhead I removed who had been sharing a cell with my slave. I’d been so wrapped up in Everleigh that I hadn’t given her much thought.

Confusion had me looking down.
Eighteen, non-virgin, wealthy family.
It didn’t make sense why she should be here. We specialized in virgins. Rarely did we get one that wasn’t anymore, unless they were previous slaves. And definitely not the wealthy. That was asking for trouble.

The veil eased from her head, resting around her shoulders while she stood taller. She didn’t seem afraid, when she should have been.

“Starting bid is two hundred thousand.”

Lights lit up everywhere and I increased the number. It was average, going two to fifty thousand at a time. By the time it got close to six hundred thousand, only two lights battled over the girl.

“Do I hear seven hundred thousand?”

I kept my attention mainly on the paper, glancing up every few seconds. I was tired, yet amped up to get back to my slave. What was she doing? Was she even still awake? It was late. Hours had gone by since she’d left.

“Six hundred and eighty thousand going once. Twice. Sold.” I brought the gavel down watching as an older man stood. One who was all too familiar—one of my main masters

“Uncle Percival?” Her head shook with confusion, but it quickly faded to something more. Something so full of fear that I recognized the secrets she must have held. The only thing was … if he’d done anything sexual to her in the past, she had a lot more to worry about down here. Master Kurken ate his slaves. And he rarely kept them for long. Getting her only meant he was about to do away with the one he had now.

“N-no. No!”

The girl’s voice cracked and one minute she was sobbing, the next screaming and trying to run. The guard had her before she could get more than a few feet away. She was going wild in her hysterics, clawing at everyone who tried to get their hands on her. I looked at the main master, seeing his excitement. It sickened me. Somehow, he’d gotten to my scouts. I could lay into his ass and even fine him, but my hands were tied unless I wanted to stir more trouble. I couldn’t do that.

“That wraps up tonight’s auction. Feel free to stick around for the after-party.”

I barreled down the steps, heading in the opposite direction that everyone was going. Where I should have felt guilt or shame at everything I’d done tonight, I didn’t. The noise died out and within minutes I was approaching my door, already forgetting about the auction. Lyle still stood there, watching as I walked up.

“I take it everything’s okay.”

“Yes, Master. The … excuse me. Mistress Davenport and Mr. Harper are inside waiting for you.”

“Thank you. Head to headquarters, I’ll be there shortly. We need to talk.”

He gave a nod and I pushed through the door, easing it closed as I spotted Everleigh asleep on my couch. West stood from the chair, holding the decanter and a glass. When my eyebrow rose, he shrugged. He was drunk. Beyond drunk. That was clear as he swayed to the bar.

“How long has she been out?”

“An hour or so. Took everything she had to stay awake as long as she did. She was pretty drugged up.”

“My doing,” I said, grabbing a glass. “I was trying to spare her what I knew was coming. Although … I never suspected that. I’ve never seen the men act that way. Fucking savages.”

“Men do unthinkable things when they want something badly enough.”

I paused, taking the decanter from him and pouring my drink. My anger sparked as I let what I knew filter through. Him have Everleigh …? Never. “Do you want to elaborate?”

“Not particularly.”

“But there is something to elaborate on?”

West collapsed back to the chair, sipping on his drink. “I wanted her. I wanted her to be mine.”

“I know.”

my friend
, I don’t think you do. Bram …” He sighed, closing his eyes for a few moments. “I wanted her, and now I can’t have her like I wanted.”

“Nothing about tonight turned out as suspected.”

“No. It did not.”

I tossed back the first shot, refilling another.

“What will happen to her now?”

Back and forth, I looked between the two of them. Everleigh’s beauty had me stopping and staring at her as I answered.

“I’ll put her in the empty apartment between ours. Mistress or not, she won’t be safe. She’ll never be safe here. It’ll be up to us to watch over her. Not that I think she’s going to let us. Damn woman is the most stubborn person I’ve ever met. For a slave, she was beginning to have a hell of a mouth on her. I fear that’s only going to get worse now.”

“You shouldn’t have granted her independence, Bram. You should have made her choose a master.”

“She wouldn’t have chosen you, West.”

“And what makes you think that?”

He sat up in his chair and I shook my head at the truth that echoed in my mind. “She would have chosen me. She said so enough the night before the auction. She may be mad at me now, but had I wanted to force her, it would have been me she picked in front of everyone.”

“But she told me she wanted me to keep her away from you.”

“Like I said, she’s mad at me. Why do you think that is?”

West’s lids closed while he breathed out heavily through his nose.

“I’m not stupid. I already know you’ve been fucking her. But …”

I stayed quiet, watching his expressions. At my silence, his eyes opened.

“You were going to buy her for me, but you were fucking her the entire time. And you won her over, just to spite me.”

An angry laugh left me. “It’s not always about you, West. Besides, you didn’t own her yet. And it wouldn’t have continued if she had become yours. I told her that.”

“Sometimes I don’t understand you, Bram.” He pushed from the chair, stumbling as he slammed his glass on my desk. “You didn’t touch her until you knew I wanted her. I’ve done everything you’ve ever asked. Why take this away from me?

I stayed quiet, glimpsing the real West as he began to circle around me. “Fine. Don’t answer. Will you have her now? Will you make her your slave, but leave her status as a Mistress intact?”

“We both know she’s not safe living under my roof. Not with how I am.”
Not with my keeper plotting against me.

For seconds West studied me. And like the mask I knew he wore so often, it slid into place and he smiled.

“You’re right. She wouldn’t be, and you’re too smart to put her in danger from yourself. She’ll be with me. She’ll choose me.

Chapter 18



I wasn’t sure who was hurting more, me or Everleigh. I groaned, rolling to sit up from where I apparently passed out on Bram’s floor. I could barely remember anything from last night. Everleigh’s eyes were swollen with sleep, but she was holding her head, wincing in what looked to be pain. The humming and banging from the kitchen had me wanting to throw something at Bram.

“You both look like shit. Coffee?”

I pushed to stand, swaying from the effects of the alcohol still in my system. I didn’t speak, but instead walked over and threw back another shot of scotch. The burn and taste had me forcing down the fiery liquid. Another groan left me and I mirrored Everleigh as I reached for my head.

“I wasn’t dreaming? I’m free?”

Bram glanced over, pouring a cup. “I wouldn’t say free. You’re a Mistress as of this moment, but you’re far from free.”

“Not having a master is being free. The location makes no difference.”

If she only knew how wrong she was. She’d been away from the outside world for so long, she had no idea.

Bram walked over, handing her the coffee and sitting next to her with his own. I headed for the kitchen, making me one as I stole glances toward them.

“I’ve already emailed your old master’s attorney. I should be hearing back from him soon. Until I do, you’re under me and West’s care. I have seen no proof that you have inherited any money, and I think if you did, I would have been the first to know. If I find out that this is some rumor and bears no truth …” he trailed off and my pulse quickened as I headed for the living room.

“I won’t go back to Slave Row, will I? Tell me you won’t auction me again.”

He glanced over to me and I pulled the chair to sit closer.

“No. You will go to the master of my choosing. No auction, just placement.”

A rugged breath left her and she frowned as she stared into the cup. “And if I did inherit this money? What then?”

“You are your own Mistress. You will move to the apartment between mine and West’s and we will watch over you. You can do as you wish down here, but that’s the extent of it. You will not have the freedom to leave.

Silence filled the room while she sipped her coffee. When her head rose, she turned to look at me.

“I never got to tell you thank you for what you did for me last night. You protected me against those masters.” She swallowed hard, wiping away tears before they fell. “Thank you. That meant more to me than you know. They were …”

“Monsters,” I supplied for her. “They were out of control and you didn’t deserve to have to go through that. I only did what I felt was right.”

“Thank you. You didn’t have to.” She glanced over to Bram. “And you, for stepping in as well. I’ve seen them do worse at the auctions, although … that was pretty bad from what I can remember.”

“One of the worst, actually. And don’t thank me. You don’t mean it, you’re just saying what is ingrained in you. I saw the way you looked at me, last night. You were ready to get on that stage and attack me for what I was forcing on you.”

Her eyes tore from him as she stared down at her cup. “You do what you must. You didn’t ask for this. I remember your father.” She glanced over at him. “But you’re not him. The differences you’ve made since becoming Master are more noticeable than you know.”

I saw Bram tense, but he stayed silent as he seemed to go into his thoughts.

“Mistress Davenport,” I smiled. “I hope you don’t mind if I call you that. Or would you prefer, Everleigh?”

“Oh.” Her eyes flickered and within seconds her face lost some of the stress it harbored. “I don’t know. Everleigh is nice.”

“Okay, Everleigh. I think you’re in need of a new wardrobe. What do you say to going shopping this morning?”

Her head quickly shook. “I don’t have any money.”

“Maybe, maybe not. Allow me to treat you, anyway. If this inheritance doesn’t exist, I would still like to have you as my slave. Nothing has changed there.” I glanced between her and Bram and I could so clearly see the tension between them. “You may choose Bram, but he has made it more than obvious to me that he will not have you. I, on the other hand, would be more than honored. I could make you happy, Everleigh.”

She stared at her coffee, only looking up as Bram pushed from the sofa and stomped back to the kitchen. The confliction she held as she watched him didn’t feed the anger like I thought it would. I didn’t see longing; I saw something else. I just couldn’t put my finger on what it was. If she still wanted him, she was doing a hell of a job hiding it.

“If this inheritance is real, then I will pay you back. If not, and I have to choose a master …” Her jaw tightened while she came to stare at the floor. “I will choose you, Mr. Harper. I believe you have my best interest at heart and that is what’s important. You will make a great master and I would be lucky to have you.”

Bram’s hand froze from pouring his coffee and I held in my smile as I focused on Everleigh. “You’ve made the right choice, but let’s not think about that right now. Why don’t you take a shower and I’ll go home and do the same? I can come back to take you shopping when you’re ready.”

“That sounds like fun.”

The apprehension was etched in her smile. I headed for the kitchen, placing the cup on the counter next to my friend. Bram turned and I knew when he was angry, but he stayed silent as he walked passed me.

“I’ll have clothes brought over for you to wear. Go ahead and go shower.”

He nodded his head to his room and she stood, heading toward me to place her cup down. She stayed quiet and obedient at his order as she disappeared. I didn’t head back to the living room until I heard the bathroom door close. The moment it did, Bram’s face drew in with rage.

“You may be set on having her and she may agree, but the decision is still
. I will place Everleigh with who I feel is the best choice for her. Me,
not you
. Whitlock belongs to me. I run this fucking place. No one else.”

“Of course. I didn’t mean to overstep my position, but from what I remember, I do recall you saying you didn’t want her. That makes me the obvious best choice. You have to know that. No one is going to treat her better.”

“That might be so, but I will be the one giving the word if the time comes.”

Bram glared for only a second more before he headed for his desk and picked up the phone. I didn’t excuse myself. I was done being the nice guy for now. Let him think what he wanted. If the decision was made to where she needed a master, it
be me.




“That looks lovely on you. Fit for Mistress, indeed.”

Everleigh’s smile couldn’t be contained as she looked into the full-length mirrors. The black, long length dress was fitted at the top, baring her shoulders, but covering her arms. It was loose at the waist but molded to her curvy hips and thighs. Her back was completely exposed and the smile slipped as she turned to look at it.

“I don’t know. I love it, but it’s not safe.”

“Sure it is.” I came closer to the mirrors, reaching to the side chairs where she’d placed down her pale pink scarf. I picked up the silk, waving it as my head shook. “This is of the past. Mistress or slave, you will not hide a moment longer. No one is going to hurt you anymore. You don’t have to cover yourself. The more you cower behind material, the more you become a target. Hold your head high. Don’t let them think you’re scared of what they can do. You have authority now in their eyes. They’d be fools to try anything. Especially with me by your side,” I said, smiling. “You’re a new person. Prove it to them.”

Everleigh pressed her lips together, nodding. “You’re right.”

“Of course I am. You’ll get the dress, and the other clothes you liked. The matching shoes, too.”

“That is too much,” she rushed out, turning around. “Mr. Harper, I know you mean well. But—”

“West,” I corrected. “And I mean better than well. We can still be friends if you hold the title of Mistress.
We can be more
. We can be whatever you wish. All we have is time.”

Silence filled the room as she stepped down and came toward me. “You know about me and Bram? About …”

My hand rose, not allowing her to continue. Hate bubbled deep within, but I kept the soft look on my face. “I know enough, and I don’t care. Bram, he’s content in his ways. He will never take a slave. What he does here is his duty, and his duty is his love. He may have felt feelings toward you, and maybe he still does, but he won’t make you happy. If anything, given what he’s told me, he wants nothing more than to hurt you. Maybe even badly. Don’t you think you’ve been through enough pain? Don’t you want happiness? Freedom, in a sense?”

“Yes,” she breathed out. “But—”

“But, nothing. Stick with me. I know how to treat a woman, and I know what happiness is. It’s right around the corner of this shop.”

Confusion masked her face, turning into a grin as she took my arm and followed me out. As I paid at the counter, she looked around, nervously. The caress and push of my finger under her chin had her smiling and standing straighter.

Bags littered my free hand as I held out my other. She took it again without hesitation and the pride I felt at having her on my arm was incomparable. I may have been attracted to her because of the lure she had on Bram, but I had it toward her, too. Her beauty made it easy for me to forget about anything but her.

I headed us around the shop, weaving through the crowd that was already thickening in City Center. Looks were cast our way and I didn’t miss the way the regular masters who hung out down here damn near gawked at Everleigh’s new appearance.

“Pick your flavor, Mistress. But not vanilla, because that would be boring.”

Everleigh laughed, leaning over the glass window of the ice cream cart to view the flavors.

“Is that one good?”

Her finger pointed and I squinted as I took in blue drizzled throughout vanilla. “The birthday cake flavor? You’ve never tried it?”

“My old master didn’t allow me to have sweets. His diet was

“Then you’re going to have to get some. Two of the birthday cake,” I said, turning back to her. “Speaking of birthdays, when is yours?”

“Oh.” Her tone wavered and her voice dropped. The moment her head went down, I knew she was upset. “November. But I don’t celebrate it. I refuse. That’s when I was taken. On my tenth birthday. My parents were throwing me a party. It was at this big amusement park. I … I didn’t even make it to the part where I got to eat cake or open presents. We were running from ride to ride at the time. Then, I saw it. This beautiful pony. I broke away from my friends thinking that maybe it was my gift. I had asked for one, and even though my father said no, I held onto hope that it was my surprise. It was the most beautiful white pony I ever saw. Like it was out of some story my nana would read me.” She blinked hard, shaking her head. “A man took me, then. I don’t like birthdays. I don’t even know why I chose this ice cream.”

I took the cones, frowning. “I’m sorry for what happened to you. I truly am. But this,” I said, lifting the cone. “This doesn’t have to be about that horrible day. This right here is the best tasting ice cream you will probably ever eat. Aside from hot fudge, because I’ll be honest, nothing really beats that.”

She smiled, taking the cone. I didn’t even have to lift my arm for her to wrapped her hand around my bicep. My heart swelled and it only grew as she moaned at the first lick. Her eyes shot to me and her smile was radiant.

“To happiness, West.”

“To happiness.”


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