24690 (15 page)

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Authors: A. A. Dark,Alaska Angelini

BOOK: 24690
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Chapter 25



“No! Did you see that? What the fuck!”

Cheers and yells echoed from the walls of my apartment, but I wasn’t celebrating or even watching the game. Six guards were crowded into my space and although I’d been working to connect with them more by the day, tonight I couldn’t focus. All I could think about was even though Bram was barely hanging on to life, he was still outsmarting me.

Four days I’d been without my slave and it was driving me crazy. I’d come so close to having her as mine, and the minute I thought I had everything in the bag, she was taken from me. Again. By Bram,

I downed the rest of my beer, not even sure how many I’d had. Enough to know that I was far from sober.

“Come on, now!” Eli crushed a can in his hand, standing. “You want another?”

“Keep em’ coming.” I tossed my empty beer, not caring whether or not any spilled. Eli caught it, walking swiftly into the kitchen. My head leaned back and I closed my eyes as I felt her body underneath mine.
I could still taste her blood, feeding me. Urging me to spill more.
I didn’t want to think about how Bram wasn’t dead yet. Or if he’d truly woken up or not. From what the high leader said only an hour ago, he’d supposedly gotten worse. It put me at ease, letting my mind drift to Everleigh even more.

“Head’s up!”

My lids were heavy as I forced them open. I barely caught the can as Eli tossed it to me. Coldness splattered across my face as I opened it and I looked down at the drawstring waistband of my sweat pants. They were wet from the overflow, but I didn’t care. I laughed, drinking down even more.

“Give me one of those slices.” I pointed to the guard sitting in a chair closest to the open pizza box. I felt like I was in college again, but it was good to raise the moral of the men I wanted on my side, and they seemed to enjoy this.

Knock. Knock.


Eli’s voice was loud as he jumped up, springing to the door. He shook the other guard’s hand as the guy came in.

“West, this is Abbot. Abbot, West.”

I brought up my hand, pausing as I noticed the pizza in one and the beer in the other. “Nice to meet you, Abbot. Grab a beer, and take a seat. Pizza’s right there,” I said, using the hand holding the slice to point.

“Thanks, Mr. Harper.”

“West. No one is working.”

He smiled, grabbing a slice as Eli sat back down. “Thank God for that. Long night.”

I sat up straighter, glancing to Eli. I knew my guy had this one invited over for a reason. He’d mentioned his suspicions earlier, but we still weren’t sure.

“Hopefully nothing too bad happened.”

“Nah. Boring as hell. There’s only so much I can take of crying little kids. Although, I guess it wasn’t so bad tonight.”

My pulse jumped and I took another drink. “Does she keep them occupied?”

He hesitated in taking a bite, looking from me to the men around the room. We all stared and I knew he probably felt trapped. “Yeah. She’s good with them. She’s got that whole motherly thing going on.”

I smiled, tearing into my pizza, angrily. So she was being kept in The Cradle. I was permitted there. Anyone could go. They might not have her to where I’d be able to see her, but knowing I wasn’t forbidden helped ease the lack of control spiraling inside.

“Relax, Abbot. Grab a beer. No one is going to hurt your Mistress or even say you told us anything. I’m not worried about my slave. When Bram returns, everyone’s going to see that she’s mine. He’s already given her to me. The high leader and everyone else will know that soon enough.”

The guard’s shoulders relaxed as he headed for the kitchen and I went back to watching the game. Time passed and I wasn’t the only one drunk by the time the men started filing out.

“Don’t let him fall down the damn stairs on your way back to the barracks.”

Patrick laughed at me, raising the beer in his hand as he held Benson steady. Had this become my life? Most would enjoy it, but not me. I wasn’t naturally a social person … more one track minded. And still, she plagued my thoughts. It was stealing every ounce of focus I could manage. And the only thing I could come up with was, I’d win her over. I’d put her in her place, but I’d make it good. She’d bend, and then the damn guards would get off my back. I also couldn’t deny in my drunken state that I wanted her to want me. She’d wanted Bram. Why not me?

I put down the can, swaying as I stood. Eli was passed out in the chair and I kicked his foot as I approached.


“What time is it?”

I looked at the clock, yawning. “Almost one. Guys just left. I’m headed to bed.” The door swinging open stopped me in my tracks. Where I expected to see one of the guards coming back to get something they forgot, the face didn’t register right away.

“Ah, Jarrett. Surely I’m not in trouble for giving the guys a few beers.”

He swallowed hard, pulling off the uniformed ballcap he wore. “I’m sorry, Mr. Harper. I’ve come with grave news. I’m afraid our Main Master has passed. The high leader asks that you leave for Chicago first thing in the morning. You are to approve the funeral arrangement that Mr. Whitlock had in place.”


“My condolences … Master.”

I swayed as the blood seemed to rush from my head. I’d known this day might come, but now that it was here I felt overwhelmed with emotion. And not just from excitement or shock, but sadness. I had loved Bram to an extent. We used to be close. I’d seen that again the day I had him killed. Now I was feeling his chapter in my life end.

“Thank you.” I blinked and it took me a few moments to register. “Master?” I whispered, looking up.

“Mr. Whitlock made it known in his instructions. You are our new Master.”

My hand pressed against the wall as I forced myself to stand taller. The high leader hadn’t mentioned that in our conversation. Although I knew I had the support of the other masters in charge, I didn’t think Bram would just so readily hand it over.
I had his blessing all along.

“Of course. Please have the chopper ready for me at eight. Have Mistress Davenport and her things ready. She loved Bram. She deserves to see him one last time.”

“But …”

“Do it! Enough of this. She will go. I can more than handle her if she gets out of line. Have her ready and at my door come eight o’clock.”

“Yes, Master.”

The guard eased from the door and I walked over, locking it behind him. When I turned and glanced up at Eli, he had a big smile on his face. “And so it begins. Welcome, new Master of Whitlock.”

A laugh burst from his mouth and I couldn’t keep the smile from mine.

“You’ll come and stay by my side. You’ll help me keep my slave in line, and when the time is right, I will be welcoming you as my new high leader.”





“Will you go?”

Everleigh stood at my front door talking to Jarrett. He glanced over at me and shook his head.

“No. I must stay here. You’ll be fine. Remember what I said. Stay by our new Main Master’s side. The outside world can be a scary place. He will take good care of you.”

Blue eyes peeked over at me and she nodded. “I will. Thank you for everything.”

“Of course. Safe travels, Main Master, Mistress.” He bowed his head, turning as he and his men took off. I brought my attention to my slave, frowning as I took her hand. She didn’t fight, flinch, or try to pull away. I was surprised when she actually stepped in closer, letting me lead her down the hall toward the stairs. Eli was following behind, but I paid him no notice as I looked over at Everleigh. She was in a black dress with a high neckline. Her arms were bare except for a pair of black silk gloves that reached past her elbows. She was even carrying a purse. Even though I saw her wearing it in the dressing room when I bought it, the impact was enough to nearly take my breath away.

“I’m sorry,” I said, softly. Her head turned to me, but she didn’t speak. “I know you loved him and that you’re going to miss him. The way I’ve treated you, trying to bend you to my will was wrong. I see that now. I thought if I treated you more like Bram, I could make you fall for me, too. I feel horrible. I can’t replace him. I’ll never be able to. All I can ask is that you give me another chance. We can start over. I can make this up to you.”

The glimmer of tears building in her eyes nearly spilled over. Everleigh’s head lifted higher and she took a deep breath before speaking.

“May I have time to think on your request? I’ve been told there’s a possible chance my title as Mistress is unbreakable, but I’ve been thinking over how my life will play out if I’m … alone.” Tighter she gripped my hand. “I’ve seen the real Mr. Harper. The one you changed into after Bram’s murder was not who you are. If I can have the old West back, I may be the one offering you a proposal.”

“Me? What sort of proposal?”

“I’m not ready to divulge in the details yet. I’m still thinking it over. Can I have a few days?”

“Two days. I’ve been told the funeral preparations are already in order. I’m to approve them. They have Bram’s funeral set for the day after tomorrow. That night you will either have an answer or propose something of your own. We will go from there.”


The lack of Main Master at the end had me clenching my teeth, but I ignored it as we walked down the stairs and headed for the chopper that sat in the middle of the field. Resistance pulled against my hand and I looked back at Everleigh’s frightened face.

“It’ll be okay. I got you.”

The gushing wind as we neared made my words almost inaudible. She leaned into my side as I wrapped my arm around her and rushed forward. With her heels, she fought to maintain a decent speed, but I didn’t show agitation. I helped her into the cabin, leading her to the white leather sofa as Eli shut the door behind him. He was in his black uniform, on duty as my bodyguard. I hadn’t noticed his gun out until he placed it in his holster and sat in the recliner closest to the door.

“I don’t like this,” he said under his breath. “I have a bad feeling. I trust no one.”

I threw him a look, but the chopper lifting had Everleigh squeezing my hand in a death grip. It stole my focus and I smiled, loving her innocence. Innocence I secretly craved to destroy.

“Calm. It’ll be okay. We have a good two and a half hours before we make it to Chicago. It’s best to relax now.”

“So long? But, why would they take … Mr. Whitlock so far away?”

“You can call him Bram. It’s okay. I was wrong before when I hit you. I don’t mind. And Chicago is unexpected. Cheyenne would have been the closest hospital, but Bram had an amazing surgeon and staff on board. Anything the doctors in Cheyenne would have been able to do, she and her team could have probably done better. He was in great hands with her. They could risk the flight. Especially since no one would have expected Chicago. If there were indeed more people out to end his life, they would have never of found him.”

Her head lowered as she nodded.

“Plus, Bram had a soft spot for Chicago. We opened our first practice there. It makes sense to me now why he’d go back.”

“I see.” A confused looked swept over her face as her head snapped up. “Cheyenne? We’re in Wyoming?”

My back straightened as I glanced over to see Eli’s eyebrow raised. “You must never tell the location to anyone, Everleigh. No one. It holds a sentence punishable by death.”

“I won’t tell.” She looked over, scanning my face. “I didn’t tell you thank you for letting me come to say goodbye. You didn’t have to bring me. I’m grateful.”

“Well, you’re welcome. I knew how much he meant to you. If this gives you closure, I’m happy to take the risk. And it is a risk. Bram was high profile. His family name is very well known throughout the world. You’ll keep your head down and be at my side the entire time. When we get to Chicago, I’ll buy you a ring and you will wear it. If anyone asks, you’re my wife. It’ll make things easier.”

“Your wife? I’m not worthy to have a title like that. Not even in a lie.”

I laughed, not able to stop the wheels in my head from turning. Wouldn’t that be the ultimate fuck you to Bram? Make Everleigh my real wife, but treat her as my slave? Degrade the definition of what our vows really meant? Sure, I could just treat her as a slave and have her that way, but to
have her. Both in our world, and the outside world? Even Bram would have never of gone that far.

“What if we did it? Not under your real name, but under another. Everleigh, look at me.”

I cupped her face, turning her to look at me. Tears were already trailing down her face. She looked terrified, like a cornered animal.

“I know you have this proposal you’re thinking over, but hear me out. What if we did get married before we went back? No one will love you more than me. This time, things will be different. I will run Whitlock and you will be by my side … as my wife.
Not my slave
. I mean it; we can start over. We can do this right.”

Full lips parted as she stared at me wide-eyed. “You don’t mean that.”

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