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Authors: A. A. Dark,Alaska Angelini

BOOK: 24690
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Chapter 19



“What do you mean, he’s unavailable? I’ve left three messages. Do you know who this is?”

Bram paused, tapping his pen repeatedly as he glared down at his desk.

“Yes, this is Bram Whitlock. I have an urgent matter to discuss and I expect him to call me back at his earliest convenience. Like,

He hung up the phone, letting a deep sound escape him as he pushed to stand from his desk. “Due to personal circumstances, he’s apparently unavailable to everyone. I’m sure he’ll get back to me soon.” Bram’s anger melted away as he stole another glance in my direction. He crossed his arms and began to pace, once again looking over. “You look great, by the way. I didn’t get to tell you earlier when you came in because I was on the phone, but I like it. The dress, I mean. A little … risqué to wear here, but whatever you’re comfortable with.”

“West seems to think it’ll be okay. He says I need to prove to them that I am no longer a slave.”

“Perhaps, but you saw how they reacted last night. It’ll take a long time, if ever, to view you as anything other than what you’ve been.”

I grew silent as my fears resurfaced.

“He’s right, though, in a way,” Bram continued. “You have to be strong if you’re ever going to make it clear to them that you will not be intimidated. I’m not so sure that’s the way, though.”

“What would you suggest?”

His eyebrow rose and a smile tugged at his mouth as he continued his path back and forth.

“You look like arm candy—just another slave to a rich master. There’s nothing wrong with that. There is an elegance about the dress, despite the sexiness. If it were me, I’d suggest slacks and a turtleneck. With the right accessories, you’d look dominant. Powerful, without having to flaunt what you have. They all know what lies beneath that dress.
They’ve seen it. Felt it.
Don’t remind them of what they lust for. Cover yourself, Everleigh. You’re beautiful no matter what you wear.”

His words wrapped themselves around my heart, despite that I tried to not let them affect me as strongly as they did. I was afraid to feel anything more for Bram than I already did. After the auction and what he’d done to me in my cell, I wanted to hate him. He had tried proving a point to me, but he went about it the wrong way. I knew the darkness he harbored, but I’d also saw how we were when we were together. He hadn’t tried to hurt me then, not that he probably hadn’t thought about. Just because he had urges didn’t mean he couldn’t sate them in other ways.

“I’ve upset you.”

I glanced up, immediately lowering my eyes back to the floor as I tried to think.

“No, you’re right. I was hesitant about the dress, but I won’t deny I like it. I’ll wear what I feel and if it turns out I do have an inheritance and I’m a Mistress, I’ll portray myself as you suggested.”

“And if you’re not. If you’re a slave?”

“I told you once my views on that. I will not be a slave to any man. But … if I’m to play that role, Mr. Harper will be swayed by what I like.”

Bram’s jaw flexed repeatedly as he came to a stop and looked at me. “And if I say no to the two of you?”

“Why would you? You were going to match Mr. Harper’s bid so I could be his. You
me to go to him.”

“Maybe I’ve changed my mind.”

My mouth went to open, when I hesitated. My heart was beginning to race and it was so hard to fight the anger and betrayal. I’d known him long enough to understand the bad side of him. It wasn’t like I didn’t think him incapable of what he’d done. The risks with a man like Bram was expected for my previous station. It made me relate to his personality where others might not grasp it. And I loved him. I couldn’t deny that.

“Who would you put me with, then?”

“I don’t know, yet. I’m still thinking over it.”

Moments passed while he kept looking at me. Finally, Bram came to sit on the edge of the couch. “I know I said I wouldn’t have you, but maybe if—”

I gave a hard shake as fear nearly closed my throat. It wasn’t that I was afraid of what he could do to my body, but more my emotional wellbeing. But that was only the beginning. I couldn’t flip the roles on him. I knew that like I knew I had to be very honest, despite what that meant.

Anger set hard into his features. “You’re not even going to let me finish what I was going to say?”

Again, my head shook.

“Tough shit. As of right now, you’re still technically a slave. I’ll tell you whatever the hell I want, and I’m letting you know that if you don’t have money to buy your freedom, I’ll keep your ass next door and have my way with you whenever I see fit.” He pushed to stand, glaring over to me as he began to pace again. The anger didn’t last long before his expression softened into worry.

“That came out wrong.”

“No, I think it couldn’t have come out any more truthful. You’d use me as your whore when you know it’s your love and my freedom that I want. As a slave
I’m not supposed to request or want such things. As it turns out, I may not be a slave for much longer so I’ll say whatever I want.”

“Watch it.”

“Or, what? You’re going to punish me for being honest with you?”

He stalked forward, jerking me to stand. “I’ll punish you for your smart mouth. I’ll punish you because I can. Mistress, slave, do you really think it makes a difference to me? You’re still mine regardless of your status. You don’t believe me, push me. Taunt me. I will bend you over my knee so fast and tear into your ass, you’ll be screaming for me to stop. And I bet we already know what will come from your mouth during your pleas.” His palm pushed into my lower back, bringing me in until my body was tightly against his. “Say it, Everleigh.
Who’s your master

I jerked against him, but his grip held my arms trapped against his chest.

“Tell me. Let me hear you say it.”

The tone softened and his fingers dug into my bare back while his other hand slid to lace through my hair.

“God, you’re so fucking beautiful. You drive me insane. What I wouldn’t do to tear this dress off of you and—”

The door opened and Bram didn’t break away as West stepped in. I jerked again and only then did his hands drop. The expression Mr. Harper held was enough to leave me shaking. The air felt heavy between all of us and I hated being at the root.

“Did you forget how to knock?” Bram’s rage cut to West, only to disappear as he turned his back to us and walked over to the bar.

“Must have slipped my mind. I won’t forget next time.” He turned to me, dismissing Bram. “Movie starts in two hours. I thought I would give you time to get ready. I got this for you.”

He held up a bag, walking over. “Slaves don’t wear make-up. Although I don’t believe you need it, I figured you’d want to make it known that you were free to do as you pleased with your face. That is, if you decided you wanted to. They’re all natural colors so it’s only an enhancement, but a statement nonetheless.”


“She’s not going. She’s already made her
for the day. She’s still a slave to me until I get the news of her inheritance.”

West’s eyes met mine and I lowered my head.

“Perhaps I should return to Slave Row, then. Until you get the news.”

“Bram.” West, turned from me, walking closer to him. “Everleigh has done nothing wrong. Don’t take your frustrations out on her. She’s innocent in all of this. If you’re angry at me for interrupting, fine, but don’t punish her for it.”

The drink disappeared as Bram poured the contents into his mouth. When he put the glass down, he turned his attention to his friend.

“You’re right. I apologize … to both of you. This situation, the last few weeks, it’s all been stressful, to say the least.

“Agreed.” West glanced between me and Bram, looking between us. “Why don’t we all go see the movie? We can take a break from roles, status,
, and just have fun.”

Skepticism flashed on Bram’s face and I saw something register while he studied his friend. After a few seconds, he exhaled, nodding. “I think we sometimes forget ourselves. I know I do. A night away from responsibilities would be nice.”

“It’s settled. I have some things to take care of with the office, but I’ll come back in an hour or so. I’ll let you both get ready.” He headed for the door, pausing when he grabbed the knob. “I’ll be sure to knock next time.”

With that, he was gone. I stood, biting my tongue from asking permission to change. Bram may have still looked at me as a slave, but if I asked, I gave him power. He wouldn’t get that from me. Not as a slave. That was over for me.

The phone rang and I turned, heading for the room.

“Where are you going?”

I paused in my advance to his bedroom. “To get ready.”

There was no anger as he picked up the receiver. More, contemplation, as he began to talk and write something down. His answers were short, revealing nothing of what the conversation was about. After a few more pauses, he hung up and followed me, pausing at the entrance. His mouth opened, only to shut. I wasn’t sure what he was thinking. “You can dress in the restroom. I’ll take the bedroom.”

I looked at the suit he wore, trying to make the best of the situation. Trying anything to move us over this awkward point of instability, into more of what I wanted. I wouldn’t let things play out this way. I refused.

“What, are you going to change your tie?” The suit was black. The only color I’d ever seen him wear in all of my years as a slave.

Bram paused for what had to have been a good minute as he stared at me. He blinked through my words, catching my teasing question. “I have more than just suits. I’m not working tonight, remember?”

“Are they going to be black, too?”

A smile broke to his face. Just like before when I’d seen it, this was real.
It was beautiful.

“Black is authority. As it happens, I do have other colors. Would you like me to wear something special for you? I could do that. There’s almost nothing I wouldn’t do for you, Everleigh.”

He bit his bottom lip, reaching to grip the tip of my index finger. The small traces of his thumb went back and forth, so small and yet powerful in their significance. I stood there, not able to breathe as he brought my finger to his lips. Time left me, and what could have only lasted a second, burned into my brain as he disappeared into the room.

Almost nothing he wouldn’t do …
I was about to test exactly what that meant.

Chapter 20



“It’s black.”

My eyes rose from my reflection in the mirror to settle on Everleigh who was standing outside of the bathroom door. She’d done as I suggested earlier and wore a pair of black slacks with a white blouse. I swallowed through the awe, turning slowly to face her. With the make-up on and her chin-length hair pulled back from her face, she looked like a completely different person. And she was beyond words. Beautiful or stunning didn’t hold a candle to my mind’s interpretation.


“It’s black,” she said, gesturing.

I glanced down at the fitted, long sleeve shirt. “It’s gray. Dark gray, but gray.”

Her lips pursed as she headed to my closet. I could see caution in each step she took, but she braved my possible wrath to invade my personal space. Hangers sounded as she slid over my clothes. I stepped into the doorway, leaning against the frame as I watched.

“This. Wear this one.”

My eyebrow rose at the white V-neck t-shirt.

“I sleep in that.”

“Then, this.”

She grabbed a light blue polo from the back, holding it in my direction. I wasn’t even aware the shirt existed, or where the hell I’d gotten it from. I would have never chosen to wear something like that. Something so … informal. I was already wearing jeans. That was bad enough. The master of this place couldn’t go parading around like a commoner. My father imprinted how we were supposed to project power. This girly shirt wasn’t going to project shit.


I grabbed it, not missing the smile that began to appear on Everleigh’s face. Clothes, I’d have to buy more. Ones my style, but different colors. Maybe then she’d see I was at least trying.

I paused from taking the shirt off the hanger. What exactly did I want her to see? I wanted her, but I knew the cost. She mentioned wanting my love. God, I never thought this day would come.

The hanger fell to the floor and I pulled off the long sleeve shirt letting it fall as well. Invisible pressure seemed to push against my back and I turned, seeing Everleigh standing a few feet away. She was watching me. But it was more than that.

I faced her and there was no denying the beast that roared through.
The crux of my conundrum. There was little good in me. God, knew it. Just as he knew the odds were not in my favor for catching a break from the crisis that was my very existence.

But those eyes and the way they looked at me …
I could almost forget the knife in my back.

“I think you’re beautiful, too,” she whispered. “And I think a part of you loves me. Show me. Don’t use me as a
. End this tonight. Make me yours in the true sense.”

“You don’t know what you’re asking.”

“I do! We both know there’s no one else for either of us. Admit your feelings, Bram. Not to me, but to yourself. You know you couldn’t bear me going to another master, and I’ve seen the real you. I choose that you, no matter what that means. If it’s death, then so be it. I love you. Show me you love me, too. Not with words, but with actions.”

The shirt balled in my fist while I fought everything I knew was wrong. She’d never go to a master because she was no slave. I’d just learned that from the lawyer. She was left everything and if I didn’t keep her safe, all hell would break loose.

Years of convincing myself this couldn’t happen collapsed around me as I closed the distance between us and pulled her into my arms. “You want me, fine. But don’t you dare say I didn’t warn you. You have no idea what you’re walking into. Of the risk you’re going to be in. Not just from me. But…” So many emotions stirred at everything I knew. Confessions were on the tip of my tongue before I managed to stop myself. She couldn’t know. Not yet. “
You’re mine.
That’s final as of right now. I don’t know how this is going to work out, but it’s done. I’ll speak to West after the movie. I don’t want to ruin our date.” I jerked back her hair, roughly, making her face me.
The real me.
“When I let go, you start walking away, little mouse.
You may not like what comes if you don’t.”

“This is going to work.” She reached up, gripping the back of my neck, and I let her pull me down so that she could kiss me. The fire within raged, tapping into the forbidden I’d kept hidden for so long. “I fear nothing being with you. Only being without you.” Lips pressed into mine once more and she didn’t push me. She broke away at my unresponsiveness and it took everything I had to let her go. The moment my hands were down, she looked to say more, but I saw the moment she decided not to. Without a word, she turned leaving the room. And me, I cursed, jerking the damn ugly shirt over my head. My cock was throbbing, and my heart was bleeding from the continual daggers of truth I kept forcing through it. But fuck if I was going to lose her. She had ruined the old me. I was no longer bulletproof from emotion. The day I kissed her and made her my own was the day I condemned myself to a future I couldn’t run from. She had me, and I had her. There was no escaping that anymore.

I grabbed my black book of poems, heading for the living room. Everleigh was on the couch, watching me. I sat at my desk, flipping through the pages as I put my focus into the dark words. Dark words that came from me. From my soul. I always escaped here when things were complicated. To read over my purest thoughts.

To look up and see my muse sitting across the room was something I could hardly handle. So much confusion. So much love and desperation intertwined before me. Betrayal, rage, secrets. There was nothing I missed.
It was about to peak and ready or not, I knew one thing for sure. She’d be protected.

Time ticked by as I let the possibilities of the future engulf me. I placed the book down, messing with my computer. Between West walking through the door, and the damn collar of the shirt I kept pulling at, I couldn’t take it anymore. I stood, heading into my room. Again, I looked in the mirror. I turned from side to side, shaking my head through the aggravation. The blue shirt hit the floor at my toss and I reached down, grabbing the gray long sleeved one I had on to begin with. Before I could completely pull it over my head, a throat cleared behind me. I jerked it down, looking over my shoulder.

“Not a word. Not a

“It looked good on you.”

I glanced at West and the polo he wore. “Of course you liked it. I bet it was yours.”

“Actually, it was. I think I left it here one of the nights I came in drunk from the outside.”

Memory returned and my mouth twisted in recognition. “That’s right. The Cavender case.”

“Yes,” he said, pointing. “The fucking Cavender case. A damn nightmare.”

I pulled at the hem, moving up to fix my watch. “I don’t want to talk about work right now. I have enough shit on my mind. Are we going?”

“Are you going to cheer up? I want to have fun and watch a movie. You’re not going to be grumpy the entire time, are you?” At my look, he sighed. “Fine. But don’t ruin this for Everleigh. She hasn’t seen a movie since before her time here. I want it to be a night she never forgets.”

I kept quiet, replaying his expression in my mind as we headed for the door. We weren’t a few steps out before he moved in closer to her.

“What are we going to see?” Everleigh hesitantly looked at me as West offered his arm. At my slight nod, she took it.

“It’s a romantic comedy.” My groan had him throwing me a look, but he continued. “It’s supposed to be breaking all sorts of records. I think you’ll like. It’ll be a good reintroduction to movies for you.”

“What else is playing?” I asked, stepped forward to meet their pace. I couldn’t stop from looking down as Everleigh wrapped her arm around mine, too. There was obvious pause from West as he cleared his throat, but I didn’t care. Soon she and I would be like this all the time and he was just going to have to accept that.

“Action, I believe. Gun fights, car chases. Probably not a good first movie.”

“Probably not.” I looked down at her hold, again, instead focusing on the fluttering in my stomach. It was nothing. A grip to my forearm … yet to me, to what I knew was to come, it was everything. A beginning that was sure to rock Whitlock like nothing ever had before.

“I want to watch the action movie.”

“Of course you do,” I mumbled.

“It might be too much of a shock to you, Everleigh. You haven’t been to the outside world in a very long time. I’m just not sure it’s a good idea.”

I rolled my eyes at West. “She said she wants the action movie. Hasn’t she been through hell? What’s a few car chases and gun fights? The slave pulled a fucking knife out of her master’s eye to fight off rapists, fought off more guards in the shower room. She won that fight, by the way. Do I even need to mention last night? She’s tough as shit. If she wants to watch the damn action movie, she can watch it.”

“What the hell, Bram?”

? I’m just saying, there’s no point in sheltering her. She’s experienced more horror than a cheesy Hollywood flick. If you really want to protect her, might I suggest not convincing her watch Howard the Duck.
one will give her nightmares.”

“I had no idea what the movie was about when I said we should watch it. What does it matter? It was like
ten years ago

“Last movie I saw, and it was for the best. You have the worst taste ever.”

West’s head shook and I could see him growing angrier. “That’s the only movie I’ve ever tried to get you to watch, and I thought it sucked too. Don’t blame me.”

“Can we watch it?”


Me and West answered at the same time, smiling as Everleigh’s shoulders bumped back and forth between us intentionally. Her face was beaming with happiness. It was enough to erase my foul mood. To see her smile … it was suddenly the only thing that mattered. Not jealousy or West’s secret intentions.

“I will find a way to get this movie and we will all watch it,” she said, staring ahead. “I wanted revenge on the two of you and you just gave me the perfect weapon.”

I groaned, still smiling. When West mirrored me and our eyes met, I could feel the atmosphere shift. In our moment, it was us again—the best friends, the kids who weren’t corrupted by blood, rape, and death. There was a lightness for that second. Peace. How had we allowed ourselves to lose that? We used to be so close. Now everything was legal business, slaves of Whitlock, and schemes.

“You know, I could rent it,” West said, leading us down the stairs to City Center. “We could watch it tonight after we get back. It won’t be too late by then.”

you liked it,” I said, playfully.

Everleigh burst out laughing and West and I couldn’t help but follow. Little did they know, I may have acted happy, but I couldn’t shake the way my skin was crawling at the softening expressions my friend gave me. Like he missed me. Missed us. If West was good enough to make me confused after what I already knew, he was better than I gave him credit for. That was a dangerous mistake on my part.

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