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Authors: A. A. Dark,Alaska Angelini

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Chapter 23



“You find out everything you can on what Bram knew. The high leader mentioned he suspected something would happen, and the evidence shows as much. From the changed password, to the surgeon being alive after I was told she was dead, to a plan to get him away from here if he was injured … it doesn’t look good. I want to know if it was me he suspected.” I loosened my tie as I glanced down the hall to the loveseat where I had Everleigh sitting. “And find me someone who can hack into that fucking system. The guy who does it for Bram is suddenly nowhere to be found. There’s no telling if Bram gave someone else the password. If he did, I want that shit erased before they get in.”

“If they haven’t already.” Eli crossed his arms, peering down the other side of the hall that led to the meeting room.

The main masters would be here soon. Although I was excited to display my new authority, I was agitated that I’d been taken away from trying to break the password, myself. I didn’t like there being proof of my involvement of Bram’s attack.
What if he lived
…? No, it was impossible.

“There’s been no other word on his condition?”

Eli gave a quick shake at my question, still keeping his attention down the hall. “If there has been, no one’s told me. Not that they would. The whispers are all but quiet right now. No one trusts anyone. Especially after the high leader gave his replacement, Jarrett, the order to kill anyone who sways from Mr. Whitlock. As long as the Master lives, I don’t think anyone will talk.”

“Dammit. I still can’t believe that motherfucker told me he’d get back to me with an appointment time. Me, taking an appointment from a temporary high leader. Fucking unheard of.”

“He’s cautious around everyone right now. The less that gets out, the easier the situation will be managed. To them, Bram’s life may still be in jeopardy. Or maybe he’s already dead and they’re trying to maintain control until they can slip in a replacement. There’s no telling.”

“I’m the replacement,” I snapped. “
I was the closest thing to family concerning the Whitlock name.”

“Maybe it’s not blood they’re wanting anymore. Maybe one of the main masters will take over.”

“Why, because they have money?
I have money

Eli glanced at Everleigh. “How much was it?”

“Enough to be a main master. No wonder Bram didn’t mention it before the movie. The bastard probably wanted to keep it for himself. Well, it’s mine now. It’s enough to give me just as much right as any of them to take over this place. Thing is, I’m in with the Whitlocks’. That makes me rightful heir.”

“I guess we’ll see.”

Voices broke through in the far distance, just in time for a group of men to walk around the corner and come into view. I snapped my fingers and Everleigh stood, coming to stand behind me. The closer the men got to us, the more their stare focused on her.

“What’s this?”

Offense filled Master Leone’s tone and he turned to me with anger I expected.

“This is my slave. What does it look like?”

“She’s supposed to be a Mistress. Why is it she’s your slave?”

I reached over, turning the knob and swinging the meeting door open. The men filed in, taking their seats as I took Bram’s. Their hesitancy was one I wasn’t going to take. I snapped my fingers again and Everleigh rushed to my side as I sat down. When my finger pointed to the ground, she glanced at the other men, slowly easing to her knees to kneel at my side.

“Everleigh is my slave because Mr. Whitlock willed it so. She proved herself not be a fitting mistress so he stripped her of the rank. It’s that simple. She needed a master and I needed a slave.”

“How convenient.” One of Master Yahn’s eyebrows rose. “And her inheritance?”

“Is now mine.”

Everleigh’s head shot up and anger met me as she slowly stood. “You lied to me. You said I didn’t have an inheritance.”

I stood, angling my chair away as I towered over her. “You don’t. I do. You are a slave.”

“But Bram—”


Her head spun to the side at my slap.

“That’s Mr. Whitlock to you. Don’t you forget it.”

Mr. Whitlock
didn’t strip my rank, you did!
Mr. Whitlock
made it clear not an hour before his attack that he was keeping me for himself.
He loved me,
and the last person he wanted to have me was you.
” She spun to the table, wiping her escaping tears as she faced the main members. “I have money and I have status. Don’t let this man take it away. Mr. Whitlock is
dead, and he’s not going to die. You have to stop Mr. Harper from overstepping what is not rightfully his. You—”

“Oh, slave. You just don’t learn.” My fingers buried in her hair while my other latched to her throat. I jerked her eyes inches from mine and every ounce of my hate and rage collided inside of me from her words. From Bram’s claim on her that I knew nothing about.

Her weight grew heavier as I squeezed, and fear had her trying to jerk and fight in my hold. “Do you really think these men are going to let you have a status you don’t deserve? You came here a slave. You will die here a slave. No one cares about what
want, or even what happens to you.” I gave her a hard shake. “Do you hear me? No one cares about you! You are nothing more than what I decide to make of you.”


“Back on your knees.”

Everleigh collapsed to the ground, coughing and trying to catch her breath. The nearly silent crying that followed was enough to grate my nerves. I grabbed my chair, looking from it to her. I couldn’t have this emotional slave distracting the main masters with sobs, and claims she said I didn’t deserve. I may have asserted my real personality to gain their respect, but it wasn’t enough. If they were going to take my lead, I had to show them who I truly was.
The real me.


My fingers went back to her hair as I dragged her to the door. Her legs were kicking behind her, trying to get footing, but I didn’t allow her. Eli looked at me for direction, opening the glass barrier when I nodded.

“We’ll be fine in here. Watch her outside. I can’t listen to that shit anymore. If the tears don’t stop in two minutes, give her another reason to cry. If she doesn’t stop after that, hit her again. She’ll learn.”

Everleigh was fighting to stand when Eli snatched her up and shut them outside. The instant silence had me taking a deep breath as I turned around.

“Sorry about that. Where were we?” The men looked at each other while I pulled out a cigar and lit it. “If no one remembers, we can start out with our current dilemma. Our Master, Mr. Whitlock, is in critical condition at an unknown hospital. I’m told he’s getting the best care possible and had a long surgery overnight. He pulled through, but it doesn’t appear hopeful. Due to the circumstances and my relationship with Mr. Whitlock, I’ve taken on his responsibilities temporarily until we know how he fares.”

“How exactly did that go down?” Master Yahn’s fingers steepled on the table while he stared at me suspiciously. “You were there at the attack, weren’t you, Mr. Harper?”

“Master Harper,” I corrected. “And yes, I was. Mr. Whitlock was helping me. For some strange reason,” I said glaring, “I suddenly became ill. It was odd. It came out of nowhere. He was helping me to the restroom when all of a sudden a former guard attacked us. He stabbed Mr. Whitlock in the chest three times before I could recover enough to break his fucking neck.”

Some of the men shifted as they looked between us, but I never broke my gaze from Master Yahn.

“Interesting you mention that, Master Harper. You see, I too recently fell ill like that. Did you go get checked out at Medical?”

“No. Why would I? My best friend had just been stabbed. I could deal with the sickness. What I can’t deal with is not being able to be there for my family. He’s barely hanging on and I can’t even see how he’s doing. I can’t call or even get updates. You’re the main masters. One of you has to know how to get ahold of the high leader.”

Heads shook all around the table. Five men—all holding their position due to money and their power in the outside world. Alone, they were dangerous. Together, bound into one force by Whitlock, they were equivalent to God in the outside world. We could make anything possible, anyone or any
disappear. Their force and influence were pivotal. And all claimed to know nothing on Lyle.

“I would hate to think any of you are lying to me. Mr. Whitlock’s life could depend on this. Who are we to know what kind of care he’s really in? None of you, with all of your connections, don’t know how to find your Master?”

Again, they shook their heads.

“Alright.” I tightened my jaw repeatedly. “Let’s talk worst case scenario. If Mr. Whitlock doesn’t make it, we’re going to need a new Master. It’ll have to be a smooth transition. If there’s any debate or argument, all hell is going to break loose here. We all know we can’t afford that.”

“Let me guess. You think you’re the person we should look to?” Again, Master Yahn taunted me.

“It makes the most the sense. I was Mr. Whitlock’s partner on the outside world and his right-hand man here at Whitlock. I shadowed him; I fucking grew up with him.
I’m family
. He’s my brother and I know I can pick up where he left off.”

“What if not all of us like the way things run here?” Master Kunken, Bram’s second, leaned forward, placing his forearms on the desk.

“I won’t lie,” I said, tilting my head as my plans barreled through. “There will be some changes if I become Master. Some that might be to some of your liking. More …
the old way
. I don’t want to go into too much detail now because I don’t want to disrespect our main master. That’s not my intention here, today. But who takes his position has to be discussed.”

Master Leone’s fingers tapped along the desk as he took in the men around him. “Banker, trust fund baby, Senator, analyst, and me, Oil Tycoon. With Master Kurken’s political background, he’d be my pick out of all of us, but let’s face it, he doesn’t have the time. Neither does Master Barclane, the analyst. That leaves me, Master Kain, and Master Yahn. No, to both. You, though, are here all the time anyway. You grew up within these walls with Master Whitlock.
have my vote.”

Silence lasted until Master Kain pushed his chair back. “I may have the time being the trust fund baby, but I don’t fucking want it. I’m only here for the fun. You won’t get any argument from me. Master Harper for my vote,” he mumbled.

“Well, I think I could do the job better than anyone. I’m rich; I’m successful. I own banks. I have the time.”

“No offense, Master Yahn, but no.” Master Kurken gave a shake of his head and pushed his chair out, too. “It has to be majority and majority pretty much has already agreed.” He looked at me. “I’m late for lunch. Being second in command, I’d like to be contacted with an update of the Main Master when you get it. If you’ll all excuse me.”

He nodded leaving the room without so much as waiting for the go. It was breaking formality, but this wasn’t formal. Besides, I had his vote. I had most of their votes. That’s all I cared about.

Chapter 24



“Please, come in.”

West widened the door, waving in Jarrett, the temporary high leader. The guard looked around the living room, glancing at me before he came to stand only a few feet inside.

“What’s the news? How’s our Main Master? How’s Bram?”

The emotion lacing West’s voice seemed genuine, but I knew better. He wasn’t concerned over Bram’s condition. All he wanted to do was take his place.

“Mr. Whitlock hangs on, but it’s not good. They’ve had to bring him back twice so far. He hasn’t woken up. The high leader says the doctors don’t believe he will.”

My fists clenched as fire burned my eyes. “Can we not see him?”

West surprisingly stayed quiet as he waited for the guard’s response.

“I wasn’t told where they are. I don’t believe so, no.”

I glanced at West but braved my next question anyway. “Will you please tell Lyle that I would like to speak with him when he calls you again?”

.” The threat was clear in West’s voice. Regardless, I turned back to the guard.

“I beg you. Please tell him I need to speak with him, that it’s urgent.”

West’s death glare was enough to cause the slave in me to shake. I knew it wasn’t going to be good when we were alone again, but I needed help. I needed someone on my side.

The guard kept quiet as he turned his attention to my new master. “Is there anything you’d like me to relay to the high leader?”

“I want to see Bram. I
to see him. He’s the only family I have left. If the high leader doesn’t allow that, at least tell him I’d like to speak with him, personally.”

“I’ll relay your message the next time he calls.”

“Can I not call him, myself? Do you not have the number?”

“No. For securities purposes, no one does.”

West nodded, licking his lips. “What of the surgeon who accompanied Bram to the hospital. Where is she? She’s a liability outside of these walls.”

“I have no idea, Master Harper. I wasn’t made aware of her whereabouts. I’m sure our high leader has everything under control.”

“You’re right. Of course.”

“If that’s all, I should be getting back.”

“Thank you for the update,” West said, sincerely. “Please, pass along my requests when you get the chance. I want to see my brother. He needs me there.”

The guard nodded, glancing back at me again before leaving Bram’s apartment. The moment the door closed, I eased to my feet. Fear engulfed me and for good reason. West was already heading forward. Pure malice lined his features while he matched my steps toward the bedroom door. I had nowhere to go. Nowhere to hide.

“Lyle? You and the high leader are on a first name basis? Why is that, slave? What have you done? Did you fuck him, too?”

“No.” My head shook as I passed the threshold of Bram’s bedroom. I didn’t think, I grabbed the door trying to slam it closed. The weight that crashed into it sent me stumbling back. I spun, heading for the bathroom when West’s arms hooked around my waist. I screamed, kicking and twisting my body as he wrestled me down on the bed. The first hit connected harder than any of the others he’d done so far. The impact sent a high pitch noise ringing in my ears as he hit me with the back of his hand, again.

“I thought after the meeting you would have learned.”
“Do I need to beat you harder? Do I need to pound it into your head to keep your mouth shut unless it is me who is speaking to you?”

“N-no! No! Master, please.”

Fingers squeezed into my throbbing face and I could feel blood streaming from my nose. The metallic flavor exploded over my tongue as I swallowed, struggling to catch my breath. West smiled, lowering to run his tongue over the blood racing down my cheek. A sob left me as I cringed at his nearness.

“That’s better, slave. Tell me who owns you again.”

A whimper came and for the life of me, I couldn’t answer.

More of West’s weight lowered to me and again his tongue licked the warmth trailing down my face. Kisses moved over the throbbing flesh and I clutched to the comforter trying to imagine I was anywhere but lying on Bram’s bed with West on top of me.

“Did Bram fuck you good? Did you like it? Hmm?” His fingers pushed back in, turning my face as his lips moved to my ear. The tugs against my ear lobe had me trying to shake my head to try to get him away.

“Slave, you wouldn’t be lying to me, would you? I think you liked it. I think you begged him for more. And I bet he gave it. How was it? Did he fuck you hard? Use you like the whore you are? Or was he slow and passionate? Did his love manage to seep through his pitch black soul? He loved you, you know? He’s loved you for years. There were times he’d sit here all day and night just watching you. I couldn’t make him leave. The look on his face as he stared at the screen … I knew he adored you. He’d smile and sometimes laugh. But there was always that darkness. Always that greed and lust shining through his eyes as I’d sit on the couch and watch. You were his obsession. It didn’t take long of me watching you, myself, to figure out why.”

His arm lowered, pulling up the side of my dress. Instinct had me wanting to swing, regardless that I knew he’d hit me again. My fist rose, only for West’s other hand to shoot up, pinning it down.

“Don’t be stupid. I know you want him, but aren’t you going to at least give me a chance? You once chose me as your master. I can make you like this. You could come to enjoy what we share.” He gripped to my wrist tighter. “All you have to do is see your place. Be my slave in every sense and I will treat you like a queen. I do have feelings for you. Our match could be a good one.”

Higher his fingers began to travel on my thigh. The hold on my hand eased and I squeezed my lids shut as his face buried in my neck. The brush of his lips had my fingers balling into fists. I knew the slave in me should return. That I should just let this pedestal Bram placed me on crumble beneath me. Go back to no status—no rights. But I couldn’t accept this fall. Bram didn’t want me with West. He’d wanted me for himself.


Where I expected him to hit me again, a laugh vibrated my lower throat. He lifted, smiling down at me. “I was hoping you’d resist. It’s going to make this relationship so much better. Compliant is boring.” His hand rose and I braced myself. The loud knocking had him pausing. Within seconds boots stomped against the floor. West was barely lifting from me when Jarett, the temporary high leader, appeared in the doorway. He looked between us, letting nothing appear for an expression as he motioned for me.

“You must come.”

I scrambled the rest of the way out from West, nearly falling as I bound from the bottom of the bed.

“She’s my slave. Where do you think it is that you’re taking her?

The man’s eyes peered to West, but his arm came out to me.

“The high leader is on the phone. He wishes to speak with her.”

“And me? What about me? I asked to speak with him as well.”

The guard steadied me, keeping his hand on my bicep. “I’ll transfer him to this line when she’s finished.”

“And then you’ll bring her back.”

West wasn’t asking. He came closer and with his advance, I moved more into the guard’s side.

“I will do as I’m instructed from the high leader. If he wishes her back in your care, I will return her.”

I was turned and I couldn’t keep in the tears as they strolled down my cheeks. Relief nearly had me collapsing. Three guards moved in behind us and we left Bram’s apartment at a swift pace. No one spoke through the maze of curved halls. When I was walking into a long opened area, the temporary high leader, broke us away from the other guards and we went into a big office. He sat me in one of the two chairs before a large oak desk, kneeling before me.

A box of tissues sat not very far away and he grabbed one, wiping the blood still coming from my nose. When he patted my lip I jerked back at the pain. His mouth twisted and he shook his head, standing.

“You’re not like the others,” I said, lowly.

He grabbed the phone, pausing, but lifted the receiver. “I have her.”

My whole body was trembling as I reached out and placed the phone to my ear. “High leader.” I swallowed hard. “Lyle …?”

“How are you holding up, Mistress?”

I sobbed, wiping the tears the moment they fell. “Not good. How’s Mr. Whitlock? Please tell me he’s okay.”

My voice cracked and there was hesitation on his end.

“I’m afraid it’s not good. That’s not why I’m calling you, though. I had specific orders if something like this happened. I’m afraid in all the commotion and chaos, I failed on your end. You were meant to go into holding. Mr. Whitlock wanted you protected if something were to happen to him. I’m sorry about anything you may have endured in the meantime.
anything happen? How are you?”

I grabbed another tissue, sniffling through the new tears. “Fine. Just a few beatings to get me back into being a slave. It could have been a lot worse.”

“Things are about to get really bad. You have to know that. But you’ll be safe from here on out.”

I nodded, letting out a pent up breath I wasn’t even aware I was holding. “Please tell me more about Mr. Whitlock. Has he woken up at all? Said anything? I don’t trust Mr. Harper,” I rushed out. “He wants Whitlock. He’s said so.”

Silence. “Mr. Whitlock suspected, but that doesn’t matter. The worst has happened and now we must let things play out.  Mr. Harper may be response or not. Time will reveal all. For now, we go by our Master’s instructions and what happens, happens. If the Main Master wakes up and wishes you to know, I will inform you.”

“Thank you, High Leader.”

“Lyle. And, Mistress, head up. Stay strong. When I get back, you will have your status again. That’s where he left you and I will see his wishes through.”

A sad grin tugged at my mouth and I handed the phone back to Jarrett.

“Sir.” He paused, looking over at me. “Busted lip. Her nose is still bleeding a little. I believe he was in the process of rape when I entered. Yes, sir. Right away.”

The guard hit a button on the phone, hanging it up.

“I just transferred him to Mr. Harper. I’m afraid he’s not going to be happy at what our high leader has to say, but you have nothing to be afraid of. You’re to stay in a safe room so we can monitor you.”

“Here?” I glanced toward the door having flashbacks of the guards attacking me in the shower room. “Some don’t like me. I—”

“Will not be harmed. I give you my word. You’ll not be staying here. There’s a room for you in The Cradle. You’ll be protected at all times. We have a two guards posted at the main door at all times. If anyone so much as touches you, the person or persons involved will die. They know this. They know who you are to our main master. They won’t touch you.”

“Who I am to him? Did he say?”

The guard stood from behind the desk.

“You were in his instructions. He made them the early hours after the auction. I was here when he personally delivered them to the high leader. You were to be a Mistress. He … had plans for the two of you I believe. The high leader didn’t elaborate what they were, but it was clear that you were Mr. Whitlock’s. No one else’s unless he gave the word. I was told to tell you that it was mentioned that if in the event something happened and the Master didn’t make it, everything of his was to be yours. Except for Whitlock. That was to go to Mr. Harper upon his innocence.”

“Even if,” the guard’s eyebrows drew in and he hesitated. “Say our Main Master passes and for some reason you are to go to another … like Mr. Harper, if he becomes Master. Unlike your previous owner, your funds are not to be obtainable by him or anyone else. Only you. There’s power in that if you know how to use it. It’s all about wealth here. If—”

“I don’t care about the money,” I snapped. “If something happens to Mr. Whitlock, Mistress or not, Mr. Harper
take me. And he will have the right being Master of Whitlock. Money will do nothing to save me in that situation. His intentions for me are not good. Neither are his intentions for Whitlock. He plans to revert back to the old ways. What about the children?”

Slowly, the guard’s eyes dropped. “You have a lot to learn, Mistress. You see an end. I’m here to tell you that it’s not. Not concerning you. As for the old ways or the children … If the time comes it will be out of our hands. He has the right to change whatever he likes. I pray that isn’t the case, but the Master’s word is law to us guards. Our hands will be tied.

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