2nd: Love for Sale (4 page)

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Authors: Michelle Hughes,Liz Borino

BOOK: 2nd: Love for Sale
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Chapter five


As far as I was concerned, there was nothing I wanted to say to him as he drove.  He was an unbelievable piece of shit, and no amount of sexual pleasure made his attitude worth dealing with.  With every intention of ignoring him, I managed to do just that until he pulled up in front of his house instead of my apartment.  “Why are we here?” If words could shoot glass barbs, mine were laced with enough anger to make it happen.

“Because this is where I live.”  He slid out of the car, walked around to open my door.

Add sarcastic bastard to his list of unforgiveable personality flaws.  “No shit, but it’s not where I live.”  His incredulity was astounding if he thought I was staying with him after the way he’d treated me. 

“Tonight it is.”  He left me sitting in the car, and walked with a casual pace up the stairs and inside.

I couldn’t believe he wasn’t driving me home. My first thought was to pull out my cellphone to call McKayla and ask her to bring me some gas, but I was way too angry to let him off that easily.  He was getting a big piece of my mind before I left! Stomping up the stairs, I walked inside, seeing his form already at the top of the staircase.  I followed him to his office and slammed the door behind me, not knowing if any staff members were still awake.  “You’ve got some fucking nerve!”

His beautiful lips lifted in a smirk, and he sat down without a care in the world on the large sofa. Raising an eyebrow, it seemed like he expected me to fly into the rage I had every intention of flying into.  To be honest, it looked like he wanted it.

“Who the fuck do you think you are?  I’m not some damn dog you can make lick your feet just because you want it!”

“I don’t know, kitten, you knelt like an obedient little puppy while you were sucking my cock.”

Fuck this!  I flew at him like a crazy woman, my hand lifted to deliver a slap to his mocking, but gorgeous face.  My hand never met skin, because he had me flipped over his lap, my skirt lifted as his own hand reigned down like fire on my ass, until I cried out in agony.

His arms splayed over my back, holding me in place, but he was no longer spanking me.  “Are you done yet?” He caressed the soreness he’d left, again as tender as any lover should be.

I was beyond shocked at his actions, and rested over his lap in sheer confusion.  Wiggling my hips to see if he’d let me up, I discovered his arm had no intention of easing the pressure.  Mentally exhausted from trying to understand his debasement, I relaxed in his hold.

“I don’t like spanking you in punishment, kitten.”  That same hand that had punished me slid between my legs, cupping my sex.  His fingers found the tender folds there and stroked me expertly, bringing my body to life.  With unhurried strokes, two delightful digits inched inside of me, curling and hitting that sweet spot that took my mind away from everything but pleasure.  “You could have left before I made you mine, but you didn’t, did you?” Fucking me with his fingers slowly, I ached to find that release I knew he was capable of giving.

“No.”  A soft moan escaped my lips as he continued stroking me until I wanted to purr.

“That’s right, you didn’t.”  Pressing his fingers deep, he held them completely still.  “I warned that I’d break you, this is the only beginning.  Do you want me to stop now?”

Scissoring his fingers inside me I wanted nothing more than to come, hard!  My mind told me to tell him yes, because with every stroke of his fingers, it was harder to deny him anything.  “No.” Whimpering softly, my hips gyrated against his touch, hating myself for the weakness.

His fingers slid free and he pinched my clit hard, making me cry out.  “Then I think you need to show me how you’re going to apologize for screaming obscenities, as a start.”  He was still pinching, and it made my eyes tears up the pressure was almost unbearable.

“Tell me what you want!” I couldn’t help the pitch of my voice as his fingers refused to ease up.

His fingers gentled again and he stroked me.  “What do I want?” Sliding his fingers over my other opening, I tensed hoping he didn’t ask for that.  “Eventually this.” His finger probed that tiny opening, sliding in slowly.  He began gently fucking me there, until I wasn’t sure I didn’t want it, too.  “But for now, accept that I will fuck you whenever, however, and add whomever, I decide.  I’m a patient man, kitten, but I expect complete obedience.”  He added another finger into my tiny entrance, spreading me wider than I’d ever been there. 

I forced myself not to tense by willpower alone, because it was incredibly strange to feel so full that way.  “I’m not sure I’m ready for that.”  The words poured from my lips breathlessly as he increased the rhythm making me more than a little uncomfortable at the new sensation.  My fears were valid, because what he was asking for meant giving over all my insecurities, and inexperience to him.

“You’re ready for more than you know, but a few things I’ll take slow.”  He eased his fingers out, and I admit I was relieved to have that pressure gone.  “Kitten, you either belong to me or you don’t.  No one but you can make that decision.  I’m going to clean up, when you’ve made up your mind join me downstairs, or ask Joel to drive you home.  He’s waiting in the kitchen.”  Without another word, he lifted me from his lap, sat me down on the couch, and walked away.

I sat there dumbfounded, the leather of the couch cold on my bare ass.  Basically he was telling me that what happened in his car, and that restaurant would happen again.  His attitude toward the action wasn’t going to change.  It was pretty damn obvious he felt no remorse for what he’d done, and if I was going to be his I’d better accept that this was who he was.  I’d have to be crazy to accept what he was offering.  The sex was incredible albeit intense, but there had to be more in a relationship, didn’t there?  What the hell did I really know about them, though? He was my first. 

My breathing was labored as I fought my mental instincts to get up and walk down to that kitchen.  It was the right thing to do, probably the smartest decision I could ever make, so why wasn’t I running?  I had a great job, a best friend who loved spending time with me, my life was really good. 

So what if it was a little boring? Okay, and unfulfilling when I considered how often I’d thought about Seth in the months I’d stayed away.  A person could live without sex!  Standing up, I firmed my resolve, smoothed down my skirt, and walked out of the room with every intention of getting Joel to drive me home.  When I reached the staircase, though, I turned back toward Seth’s room and walked that way instead.

I was obviously an idiot, because the thought of not being with Seth was worse than sacrificing my self-respect by staying with him.  Hearing the shower running, I turned my step that way, walked inside, and stripped down.  Joining him there was accepting I belonged to him without question.  His smile showed how pleased he was and he pulled me into his arms, hugging me tightly.

“I’m glad you stayed.” He spent the next half hour showing me just how happy he was at my decision and made me feel that it was definitely the right choice.  Moving back into the bedroom later, we continued to love well into the night.  I was exhausted when he finally pulled me close to his chest to sleep, but all the concerns I had about staying had been conveniently wiped from my mind.  When his alarm clock went off the next morning, I stretched like the kitten he always called me, not in the least irritable after the night we’d shared.  Seth’s side of the bed was empty, and I was a little disappointed that he wasn’t here to say good morning.

“Joel’s bringing up coffee.” He walked out of the bathroom, freshly showered a towel wrapped around his waist.  We’d definitely gotten a little dirty after our shower last night, and I slid out of bed, bringing the sheet with me to take my own.  He stood in front of me blocking my way, and I looked up in confusion until he lowered his lips to mine, kissing me passionately.  Wrapping my arms around his neck, I smiled as we kissed, amazed that this gorgeous man seemed to want me as much as I wanted him.

“Sorry it took so long.” Joel’s voice interrupted us, and I pulled back a little embarrassed.  Grasping the sheet to keep covered I gave him a shy smile.

He carried a tray filled with a carafe and cups over to the side table, putting them down with ease.  “How do you take it, Miss Caitlin?”

“Um, cream and two sugars.”  I wasn’t accustomed to being waited on, and definitely not while I was in this state of undress.

He poured up the brew and turned back to me, his smile brilliant on his handsome face.  “Should I come back after her coffee, or wait here, sir?”

“You can wait.” Seth’s eyes turned toward the tray, and he motioned his hand for me to go ahead.

I had no idea what Joel was waiting on, but he’d went to a lot of trouble to bring me the drink and I wasn’t about to be rude by refusing it for my much wanted shower.  Struggling to keep the sheet in place, I walked over to the table awkwardly and lifted the cup.  Taking a tentative sip, I sighed at the taste in pleasure.  Joel should definitely get a raise for making a cup of coffee like this, it was better than the stuff I picked up at the coffee shop.  After several more deep sips, I turned and noticed the expectant looks on both of their faces.

“Are you waiting for me?” What was going on here, I wondered, they were looking at me as if they couldn’t finish whatever they had in mind until I was done.

“I wouldn’t rush you, but I have to leave for work soon, and I’d like Joel to finish grooming you before that.”

When his words sank in, I gulped a deep sip of my coffee, choking.  Joel was going to groom me?  How in the world was he supposed to do that?  I was perfectly capable of combing out my own hair.  I wasn’t an infant.

“Um.  That’s nice of him, but I think I can manage.”  Giving Seth a strange look, I hoped he was not the type of person that expected someone to take care of every little detail for him.

“I’m sure you can, but it pleases me to have him do this for you.” 

That smirk that told me I was missing something appeared on his face, and I wanted to argue.  Remembering what I’d promised him last night, I bit my tongue.  Setting down my cup, I held the sheet protectively in my fists, and turned to smile at Joel with more warmth than I felt.  “If that’s what you want.” I spoke the words to Joel but meant them for Seth.

“It’s my pleasure to do this for you, Miss Caitlin.  Please follow me into the restroom.”  He motioned his hand that way and I walked ahead of him, not sure what to expect.

“You can lose the towel, kitten, he’ll need to see what he’s working with.”

Seth couldn’t have shocked me more if he’d told me to lay on the floor and spread my legs for him.  Now that his meaning was clear, I wasn’t sure I was ready for what he obviously expected me to let happen.  Shifting my weight from one foot to the other, I looked up at him in indecision.

“I don’t have all day.”  That bossiness that he’d exuded last night was back in full force, and without even thinking about what I was doing, I dropped the towel.  I was standing naked in front of his servant!

“Have you ever waxed before, Miss?” Joel asked me that question with the same tone he’d inquired about how I took my coffee.

“No.” My face heated at the revelation, and I understood exactly what his plans were now.  I knew women who had done this at a salon or spa, but I wasn’t one of them. 

“I’ll try to be gentle then.”  His reassuring smile might have worked if I hadn’t been standing there without a stitch of clothes on and Seth wasn’t grinning ear to ear, like he’d just pulled one over on me.  Go ahead and shower while I get things together, Miss.” 

If the shower hadn’t had a clear door, I would have ran inside it to hide from his eyes.  As it was, I bathed self-consciously hoping he kept his gaze where it belonged.  The steam finally gave me a little privacy and I scrubbed off quickly washing all the important parts now that I wasn’t visible.

“We should probably do this on your bedroom floor for her first time, Sir.  It could take a while.” I tried not to groan as I heard Joel’s words, knowing this might be the most embarrassing morning of my life.

“That’s fine, just tell me what you need while you prepare here.”  Seth seemed incredibly calm and why shouldn’t he be, he wasn’t about to expose himself to the help!

“Just a blanket for the floor, and a pillow for her head, should suffice?” I was stepping out as he gathered up things to take them to the other room.

“Couldn’t you just let me go to the spa?”  I didn’t want to do this at all, but I was sure there they’d at least have a female.

“Another time I’ll indulge you on this, kitten.  Today I want you to humor me.” He grabbed a towel off the stand and gently dried my body.  I knew what he was asking of me, and it had little to do with making sure I was taken care of down there.  This was another form of ownership.

He pressed the coarse towel between my legs, putting more pressure than was necessary to finish drying me.  Like the wanton creature he was turning me into, I responded instantly.  Dropping the towel, his hand cupped my sex, and he grinned wickedly.  “Show me what a good girl you can be and I’ll make it worth your while.” After lowering his hand, he walked into the bedroom, leaving me to follow at his heels.

Seth swept the comforter from the bed and folded it up to lie on the floor, then added a pillow at the top. “How do you want her, Joel?”

He patted the blanket and I sat down, hoping my face wasn’t as red as it felt.  My head found the pillow and I rested back tensely, not sure if I had the guts to go through with this.  I was startled when his hand patted my thigh, and jumped before opening somewhat.  “Just relax, Miss Caitlin, and let me position you.”

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