2nd: Love for Sale (6 page)

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Authors: Michelle Hughes,Liz Borino

BOOK: 2nd: Love for Sale
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“Pity.”  The older man chuckled as he walked away. In my opinion, he needed his ass kicked, too. 

Seth didn’t give me time to rethink my agreement, as if I’d had any choice in the matter at all.  Instead he walked me back into the main room, and to that dreaded stage where the women were lined up like cattle with all their charms on display.  To the right of the stage was a small room and I was led into it.

“Undress and put this on.”  He pulled a small thin white leather collar from his pocket that looked similar to the one the man had on that opened the door for us.  I took it from his hand with more than a little hostility, vowing to get even with him for this if it was the last thing I did.

Leaving me with his instruction I was alone in the room with the exception of a woman, dressed in Victorian garb.  “You need to hurry. The other girls are already on stage and making the men wait will make your time up there unbearable.”

What a hell of a welcoming wagon, I thought as I undressed quickly thinking the entire time of the things I’d do to Seth when he finally drove me home.  Believe me, none of them had anything to do with pleasurable acts.  “I’d rather be shown the way out,” I mumbled under my breath, freezing my ass off now in nothing but the stupid collar.

“Keep your voice down!  These are not men you want to anger, girl.”  The woman seemed frightened for me.

She opened a door that led to a set of wooden stairs and I walked up them, hating how vulnerable I felt joining those other women on the planks.  The fact that they all seemed happy about their situation made me question their sanity, because I sure as hell could think of a million places I’d rather be.

“A little straggler, I see.”  The only man on stage was dressed in a black robe and mask, and seemed to find it comical that I’d decided to join them.  Of course, I hadn’t decided anything and found his sense of humor not funny in the least.  “We’ll have to see if she’s worth the tardiness, gentlemen.”

In front of the stage, I noticed Seth immediately and he was surrounded by twenty or so other men, all masked.  I met his eyes briefly and saw the concern in them, but didn’t give a fuck.  He was the reason I was up here, and I would never forgive him.  Pulling my gaze away, I rested them on the back of the room, trying to forget I was buck naked and freezing.

“A beautiful selection of female flesh you’ve brought for our inspection this evening, gentleman.   Now, let us see which are worthy enough to be invited into our fold.”  The man moved to the end of the line opposite of me, and lifted a woman’s chin.  He pulled down on her jaw, inspecting her mouth like she was an animal he was judging.  I was thoroughly disgusted, but tried to keep that look from my face.  All I wanted to do was make it through this night and forget it ever happened.

He continued down the line, continuing to do the same with each woman and finally reached me.  The bitchy side of my persona wanted to bite his fingers off as he pried my jaw open, but instead I glared at him with all the hatred I could muster up.  This obviously amused him, because he chuckled softly.  “What fun we’ll have taming you should you be chosen.”

The man motioned to the naked man wearing a collar and then pointed to three of the women on stage.  They were quickly escorted away one by one, and I wished he’d found me lacking so I could end this farce.  Instead, I was left standing there with seven other women. 

“Those of you who have girls still on stage join them as we go through the next phase.”   I lowered my eyes to the ground when Seth approached to stand behind me, not out of respect, but for the fear that I’d claw his damn eyes out if I had to look at him.  “Arrange them, gentleman.”

I had no idea what the crazy man meant by his comment, but Seth’s hand tangled in my hair pulling down with no gentleness. 

“On your knees.” The tone of Seth’s voice refused argument.

I wanted to scream at the top of my lungs that he could go fuck himself, but followed his command.  Gritting my teeth to keep my words from telling him where to shove it, he landed harsh slaps to my inner thighs until I’d widened them so far my pussy was on display for all the perverts to see.

The inspector, since I had no idea what else to call him, worked his way from the end of the stage, back to me, lowering down to get eye level with my sex, studying it like he was a gynecologist.  I’d never been more humiliated in my life. 

Three more women were led off stage after this degradation, but unfortunately, I wasn’t one of them.  “Such beautiful flesh you’ve offered us this evening, but beauty is not always enough.  One final test, gentleman, and we can enjoy the rest of our evening together.”

There were only four of us left, and I feared what else he planned on doing, and hoping like hell I failed miserably so I could leave this horrible place.  Fighting back tears that I refused to cry in their presence, I didn’t have long to wait.   Starting on the end again, his hand moved between the first woman’s thighs and her cry of pleasure made me nauseated. 

I pulled my eyes away, hating the sounds of her enjoying the act, and even more so the fact that it was starting to turn me on.  She sounded like a cat in heat with her moans and I had no idea why my own pussy drenched, but it did.

I stiffened when the man finally approached me and only Seth’s hands coming from behind me, spreading me wide allowed his touch.  “Already wet, that’s a very good sign.”  His fingers slid over my clit and two plunged deep, forcing a cry from my lips.  “Tight, as well, very promising.” He worked those fingers in and out of my sex until I actually wanted what he was doing, and hated myself for it.  Biting my lip hard, I refused to make the sounds that other woman did and tightened the muscles of my pussy attempting to dispel him, even when I wanted him to continue.

“Such a naughty girl.”  The man chuckled and added a third digit, riding me roughly until I came hard, mortified at the release.  Those fingers slid free, and I trembled as the aftermath of passion moved through me.

“These little beauties will stay.  We can enjoy them after they are marked.”  Still dealing with the treachery of my body, his words slowly drifted into my hazy mind.

“Marked?” I whispered more to myself than anything, but the man obviously heard them.

“This one needs discipline, but yes, little filly, marked.” He shook his head, a small smile on his face.  “You’ve been chosen to serve, and it’s a great honor.  Your training will be overseen by those deemed worthy.” He patted my head like I was some puppy who needed to be consoled. I was so confused I couldn’t form the words I wanted to hurl at him.

“Take our new pets to be initiated, gentleman.”  The man was speaking to Seth and the others on stage. 

I felt like I was in some alternative universe as he helped me stand and guided me off stage.  Escorted to another room that resembled a day spa, we were offered refreshments. I wanted to turn down the drink, but my lips were so parched I decided I could be rude later and drank it down quickly.


Chapter Seven


Maybe it was my anger, or that I was mentally exhausted after that grotesque display I’d been forced to accept, but my head swam after finishing the drink.  Seth led me over to one of several large soaking tubs, and I just let him maneuver me like a rag doll as he bathed me like I was the most precious person in the world to him.  As pissed as I was earlier, I couldn’t seem to stay mad at him, as his touch soothed me.

Resting back in the tub, I enjoyed his hands lathering my body then rinsing. In a way, it was almost therapeutic.  Somewhere in the back of my mind, I knew it wasn’t normal to be this relaxed after what he’d done, but I just couldn’t gather the strength to yell at him.  “What did you do to me?” My voice sounded far away, and that’s when I knew I’d been drugged.  I couldn’t even be upset about it because I felt like laughing.

“Just relax, kitten, it’s something to help you not feel the pain of the mark.” 

Mark of what, my mind blurred his words and I closed my eyes to stop the world from spinning.  He washed me thoroughly then other hands helped me stand as he dried me with a gentleness that surprised me, considering what he’d put me through.  I felt my body being lifted in strong arms, which I just assumed were his because I was so tired now I couldn’t open my eyes.

I was laid down on something warm and cushiony while my hair was combed out, and I remember feeling pleased that he was taking such good care of me.  I drifted in and out of consciousness as he continued.  A searing pain filled my right wrist, and my eyes widened as a soft cry escaped my lips.  I couldn’t focus on why it was hurting and as the burn lessened I fell asleep again.

When I awoke, I was in a beautiful bedroom, resting in a bed so soft I never wanted to leave it.  My eyes began focusing on my surroundings and I knew it was a place I’d never been.  Everything here spoke of money and privilege, sitting up I had a terrible ache in my wrist and glanced down.

My eyes widened at the small, circular, welted area.  It was maybe the size of a dime, if that, but the same symbol of a pyramid I’d seen on the dungeon door was now burned into my skin.  Staring at the back of my wrist, I felt the horror of the situation sink in.  Someone had branded me as they would a horse or cow.  I had to get the hell out of wherever I was!

“You’re awake, I was beginning to worry.”  Seth walked into the room, holding a platter with coffee and condiments and I glared at him.

All the rage I couldn’t give into the night before I allowed now.  “What kind of fucking monster are you?  I could kill you for this!” I was shaking. My anger was so great and never in my life had I wanted to hurt another human being so much!

He set the platter down on an immaculate dresser, holding his hands up defensively.  “I know you’re angry, kitten, but give me time to explain.”  His tone was patronizing and I flew at him like a wild woman, slapping him hard across the face then laying into him with punches, until he grabbed my wrists.

The pain from the wound forced a harsh cry and he released me instantly.  “Shit, kitten, sorry.  Let me see.”

“Get the fuck away from me, Seth!  I don’t want you near me, as in, never again!”  Nursing my sore wrist, I stomped over to the closet, looking for anything that resembled clothing, and noticed only white robes hanging inside.  Jerking one down I slid it over my head, more pissed at wearing the stupid outfit.

“Unfortunately, that’s not possible any longer.  We need to talk and I expect you to conduct yourself with an amount of decorum while we do so.”  The tick in his jaw told me he was pissed that I’d struck him, but I would do worse if he tried to stop me from leaving this room.

“Listen up, psycho!  I’m getting the hell out of here, if you try to stop me I’m kicking your ass then calling the police.  Got me?” I was so mad I was shaking. A million foul, horrible words filled my mind, but I was too angry to even scream them.

“If you don’t calm your ass down they will drag you back to the dungeon, trust me, kitten, you don’t want that.”

All the rage simmered out of my soul quickly at his words and I knew I was in serious trouble.  What the hell had Seth gotten me into?  “You better start explaining.  As in now!” My head hurt, the stupid brand on my wrist was achy and I was one step away from completely losing it.

“Would you like coffee first? This will take a while to explain.”  The anger seemed to drift out of him, as well, and the look he gave me was weary.  For a brief moment, I felt pity for him then I remembered what the cocksucker had done.  Fuck pity!

“Screw the damn coffee, Seth, just tell me what’s going on!”  I spoke the words between clenched teeth, trying not scream and alert anyone who might be listening.

“Many years ago, my father was inducted into a secret group of men.  Ones with influence like you wouldn’t believe.  They gave him the money to start his company, sent clients his way, and helped him become world renown.”

“When you say secret group, what does that mean?  Mafia?” I should have laughed in his face, but some stupid part of me wanted to believe he wasn’t bat shit crazy.

“Trust me the Mafia has nothing on these men.  Their control extends all over the globe, decides leaders of countries, and they have their hands in military defense both legal and black market.”

“So your father had ties with them, how are you involved?” If I believed any of what he was saying then the trouble I thought I was in didn’t even scrape the top of the barrel.

“These people believe in anonymity, anyone that knows about their organization becomes part of it or simply doesn’t exist.  My father introduced them to me when I graduated college.” 

“So you’re saying they helped you build your empire?” Any respect I had for him went out the window when he nodded.  He hadn’t worked his way up to the top. He’d relied on people with obviously no scruples to make his way in the world.

“I was young and my father respected these men, so I took his advice and agreed to work with them.  Like I said earlier, once you get involved you don’t exactly have a way out.”  He seemed upset about the scenario but I realized that he’d just pulled me into the same one and my anger grew tenfold.

“So you fucked up your life and decided that you didn’t want to be alone while doing it.  Thanks a lot!” What did that mean for me now?  These men obviously knew who I was, and apparently I’d just been inducted into some secret gang that I wanted no damn part of.

“You don’t understand.  They found out about our business association and knew we were sleeping with each other.  The only reason you’re still breathing is because I convinced them you could keep their secret and I would take responsibility for you.”

Did he expect me to be grateful?  He could wait until hell froze over for that! “Sounds very convenient!  Why would they care who you were sleeping or doing business with?”  Ironically, I believed that he did think these men had great power, which I probably should have my head examined for, but he’d made this personal.

“It’s not convenient at all.  I never planned to get you involved in this, Caitlin.  We were supposed to fuck for a few months, and I was going to forget you like every other woman I’ve taken to my bed, but I just couldn’t let you go.” 

I hated the sincerity in his eyes as he said that, and part of me felt bad that he had to live his life that way.  Then I remembered that he’d basically sold me out.  “So what happens to me now?”  Screw him, he’d made his choices.

“Now you get help to become as successful as you want, with all the funding you need.”  He stopped speaking and his eyes lowered, the first time I’d ever seen him even act humble.

“What aren’t you telling me, and what if I don’t want their fucking help?” I prided myself on being independent.  That was why I’d refused Seth’s first offer of letting him pay for me to be his in the beginning.  None of this was acceptable to me.

“You belong to them.  They can use your body or demand you pleasure one of their constituents at whim.  As far as not wanting their help?  You don’t have a choice.”

His words closed in on me and I lost all hold on reality.  In his defense he didn’t try to stop me as I slapped his face or pounded on his chest, he just allowed me to tire myself out then held me in his arms as the rage turned to depression and I cried helplessly.  I believed him.  How could someone come up with a story so far-fetched if it wasn’t the truth? 

“I’ll always be with you, kitten.”  He stroked my hair consoling as my weariness forced me to slump in his hold.  “I’m so sorry I let this happen, but whatever they ask you to do, I promise that I’ll be right there by your side.”

My life had turned from ordinary to insane in just one night.  I thought what Seth and I had was a tangled weave, but obviously it was just the beginning.  “What happens now?”  I was too tired to fight.  Knowing what I was up against was the only way I’d survive this.

“Now you prove to them you can be trusted, then we return to our normal lives until we’re called.” He allowed me to pull out of his arms after he spoke the words and I knew my ordeal wasn’t over tonight.

“How do I prove that?” I didn’t really want the answer, but not knowing wasn’t an option.

“They chose you because of your looks, kitten.  I think you know what they want.”  He seemed to have a hard time saying it out loud, and I shook my head in disgust.

“They expect me to fuck them.”  It wasn’t a question, I knew already.  Why else would they have inspected me like some piece of meat? 

“When you’re done, we can go home, and decide how you want to accept their help.” He wasn’t looking at me, and there was a question in the back of my mind that I couldn’t stop myself from asking.

“Is this why you host those stupid parties?”

“Why else would I?  This is how I repay them for what they’ve done for me.  I arrange women to meet their needs.  I won’t lie and say I don’t enjoy it, though.” He looked ashamed at admitting the truth, and I hated him even more.  I’d met him at one of those parties and I had to wonder how many others had been led into this bullshit.

“I never want you to touch me again after this.” As sad as it was, I still found him extremely attractive, but he had screwed up my life even if he claimed that these men would help me.  The price was much higher than I was willing to pay. 

“I know you hate me, Caitlin, but you’re safer if we’re a couple.  I’m not sure what they’d do if we went our separate ways.  Who would you rather have as your Master, me or one of them?”

“Unbelievable.  I don’t want any of you as a master.  If you think I’m going to fuck around just to help you get your rocks off after this you’ve got a rude awakening coming.” 

“I won’t ever ask you to do that for me personally again, you have my word.  If you decide you want another man, though, I can arrange it.”  The fact that he gave his word didn’t make me trust him.  After all, he was responsible for me being in this position to start with.

“I think I can safely say, when I’m done here the idea of having sex again will repulse me.”  Just thinking about screwing those strange men had my stomach rolling and I shivered.

He gave a curt nod.  “Then get through this so we can go home.”

I don’t know why, but I expected him to be happier that I was about to be part of some gang bang, the truth was he looked just as unhappy as I felt.  It still didn’t earn him points for my favor, though.

“Fine.”   I needed to get this over with before I ran for the front door, if I could even find it.  My stomach was in knots as he led me into the hallway and back downstairs.  We were still in the same mansion. I recoiled when we approached the wooden door he’d steered me through… last night? Maybe?  I didn’t even know how much time had passed.

“They won’t hurt you unless you defy them, kitten.” Seth obviously noticed my hesitation but pulled the long velvet chord anyway.  “When this is over, I promise, I’ll negotiate for them to leave you in peace as long as I can.”

That wasn’t very comforting, but considering what I was about to do, it couldn’t get much worse.  A different slave opened the door this time, and there were no masks.  Apparently there was no reason to hide identities any longer, and that thought terrified me even more.  These people would know my face, and I’d see theirs!

“They’ve set a place for her.  Make your girl comfortable.”  I recognized the woman’s voice as the one who’d been with me in the small room.  Her expression was kind, but I wasn’t in the mood to be nice.  The thought of what was about to happen horrified me.  I decided that when I left here the next person that called me girl was going to eat her words.  I was a woman, damn it!

set up for me looked like some type of virgin sacrifice scenario.  These asses obviously had some weird sense of humor. Plump white pillows rested upon a single bed with no headboard, and that’s where Seth led me.  He lowered to his knees lifting the hem of the white robe I was wearing, bringing it up until I raised my hands to let him make me completely vulnerable.

I couldn’t stop shaking, and those tremors increased as he helped me onto the bed, arranging my body.  My hands were bound in a soft, silky scarf, and he raised them over my head.  “Don’t move your hands when they come to you.”  His words were whisper-soft by my ear, and I wanted to scream at him for acting like he had a modicum of compassion.

Moving to the foot of the twin-sized bed, he spread my legs wide, allowing my feet to drape off the edge.  “Same with your legs, kitten, keep them spread.  His hand slowly moved from my ankle to my pussy, and I ignored his words, shutting my legs and reaching down to grip his hand to pull it away. 

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