2nd: Love for Sale (7 page)

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Authors: Michelle Hughes,Liz Borino

BOOK: 2nd: Love for Sale
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“I don’t want you touching me!” I spoke through clenched teeth, my hatred running so deep that it was the only thing keep me sane.

“They expect you to be ready for them, so unless you plan on getting yourself wet, you’ll have to endure my touch.”

Instead of answering him, my fingers slid between my legs, and I attempted to please myself.  The thought of him ever putting his hands on me again repulsed me in that moment, but I wasn’t getting turned on by my own touch.  I was too damn afraid about what would happen that self-pleasure wasn’t going to work.

“Stop being so damn stubborn, kitten.”  His head fell between my legs, and that magical tongue that I wished would be cut out did what my fingers couldn’t.  Even with the murderous intent in my heart, my body loved what he did. 

Tears slid down my cheeks as that pull of desire demanded release, and I hated myself for wanting him to give it to me.  My hips arched upward, seeking his tongue as he proved just how much my body belonged to him, but when I was right on that edge, he pulled away. 

“Now you’re prepared.”  He stood above me, looking down without his normal satisfied smirk, and all I could feel was the ache left behind.

The five men that entered the room had my eyes widening in shock.  I knew their faces well and any thought that Seth was lying about the situation I was in, fled instantly.  None of them were clothed, and their cocks were all hard, so denying what was about to happen was impossible.  I whimpered without thinking and hated myself for showing my fear.

“Hush, girl, no one here will harm you as long as you’re good.”  The face that the public saw as one of the leading humanitarians was filled with a lust that made me cringe.  The other men with him appeared just as ready to fill their urges, and I wondered how I’d not seen the truly vicious nature of these public figures before.

“You understand what’s about to happen to you, girl?” The youngest of the men turned my attention away from the sight of the other stroking himself.  All I could do was give a single nod. My mouth was so dry I knew I couldn’t speak.  “Good, we want you to enjoy this.”

The fear palpitating through my veins couldn’t stop the almost hysterical laugh from bubbling up at his words or the snarky words that escaped.  “I’m sure my pleasure is what you’re after.” Maybe I was completely out of my mind in that moment, it wasn’t like I didn’t have reason to be.

“Explain yourself.”  The piece of shit seemed to find my voiced opinion amusing, enough so that he stopped fondling his cock, and brought his eyes back to my face instead of peering over my exposed flesh like the pervert he was.

It pissed me off that I was allowing any of the men in this room control, so I did what I could only assume was signing my own death sentence.  Sitting up, pulling the sheet around my body angrily, I glared at each of them in turn.  “Men like you don’t give a damn about anything other than proving you have the upper hand.” 

My eyes flew to Seth and the horror in his glance should have stopped me, but it fueled my rage.  “I’m not going to enjoy anything you perverted pieces of shit do to me, but if the only way I get to walk out of this insane asylum is by fucking you, then I’ll do it.  You can damn sure bet I won’t like it, though.  So either fuck me, or let me the hell out here because I’m two seconds from hurling and I hate knowing that there’s nothing I can do to stop you!”

Watching the public figure toss back his immaculately styled hair and chuckle loudly was the last thing I expected.  “Priceless.  I haven’t seen balls on a woman like her in ages.”  He spoke to the group of men, then turned back to me still smiling.  “You’re going to be something special.  I’m in sort of a dilemma here.  On the one hand, I probably should beat you for your insolence.  On the other, I find myself not wanting to break your spirit.”

The guy was even more psycho than Seth, obviously, and for a moment all I could do was stare at him, wondering what the fuck he planned next.  Of course, that didn’t last long.  I’d been humiliated, branded, and was pretty sure any minute I’d be forced to have a gang bang, so my mouth overloaded my common sense.  “Whatever it is you plan on doing, just get it over with already.  I want to go home.”  I don’t think I’d ever been so ready to leave a place before.

The man turned to one of his perverted friends and spoke under his breath.  I watched his friend walk away and apprehensively eyed what I guessed was the leader when he turned back to me.  “You impress me, most girls in your situation just give in, Caitlin.  I find it refreshing that you had the gumption to stand up to me.  Knowing I could end your life without anyone in this room blinking an eye, you still stood up for what you believed in.  It’s an uncommon trait these days.”

Having him say that murdering me wouldn’t even cause him to break a sweat put my dangerous situation in perspective.  For once, I kept my mouth shut.  What if he’d sent that man off to bring back a gun or some other weapon for my destruction?  Was it worth dying over not to have my body used?  I guess it was a little late to think about that.  I did know I wasn’t going down without a fight if it came to that.

His eyes were assessing me in a different way now, and I was sure that my resolve was about to be put to the test.  The dreaded door opened and a male slave walked through with another female, neither of them dressed except for the leather collars around their necks.  My mind could only make the assumption that they didn’t do their own dirty work, and would force their puppets to do it for them. 

“I wonder if you could be in control.”  The man motioned with his hand for the two slaves to come forward, and like puppy dogs they walked toward us, kneeling on the floor with their heads bowed.  Their posture disgusted me and I found myself thinking that they should learn a little self-respect instead of giving in to this demented man’s wishes.

“In our world you either lead or you are led, Caitlin.  I’ll leave the choice with you.  My men need to be satisfied, you can get on that bed and willingly fuck them or use those two in your place.”  His words proved what I’d thought earlier, he was their leader. But how the hell was I supposed to make someone else suffer knowing that I could save them from the same fate I wanted to avoid?

Obviously my mind was bigger on self-preservation, because I slid out of that bed, taking the sheet with me, keeping me covered.  “Have they done this before?” I felt horrible for being willing to put another person through this, but I damn sure didn’t want to carry the memory of having been used this way.  That was something I could worry about after I left his place.

“That’s not something you need to know.  I want your decision now.”  The smile left his face and his expression turned cold.  “Make your choice.”

“Them.”  Even as I said the words, a part of me hated what I was becoming.  It wasn’t enough for me to take the word back.

“So you would willingly make two other people service my men so you don’t have to?” The smile was back, and I knew instinctively this was more than just a power play.  He was testing me, and if I failed then I’d be nothing more than some whore used for his convenience.  I don’t know how I understood that, but I did.

“Yes.”  What I didn’t say was that if they were stupid enough not to fight for themselves, then it didn’t matter what I did.  Sooner or later, they’d be ruled by someone. 

“Then prove it.  How should they proceed?”  His hand moved back to his cock, and stroked it with a wry grin on his face. 

He wanted me to control what happened in this room, that much was obvious, but I had no idea how to direct someone in that way.  My eyes shot to Seth who seemed as shocked as I was by the request.  His look of shock turned toward the slaves kneeling, then to the bed as if directing me silently.

“I’m getting tired of waiting.”  One of the other men standing with us spoke up and I knew if I didn’t want to be the one in that bed, I needed to figure out something, and quickly.  I didn’t know the slaves names, and wasn’t sure I wanted to, considering what I was about to make them do.

“Um, girl on the floor, get in the bed.”  Like an animated object she stood, never once looking at me or anyone else in the room as she sat down on the edge, seemingly waiting for more instructions.  I turned to Seth again, not knowing what I was supposed to do.

“He’s not running this event, Caitlin.  Position her and tell my man how you want him to proceed.”  The man seemed to be taking great pleasure at waiting to see what I would do, because his smile widened.

Adjusting my sheet, I bit my lip hard as I thought about what I was doing.  It was her or me, that’s what I told myself.  “She should lay back, spread her legs wide, while he uses his mouth and hands to make her want him.”  If I was using another woman’s body, I could at least allow her to get some pleasure from the act.   That was the only way I knew I could live with myself when I was finally free.

The woman complied, and as if he were starving for sexual gratification, the other man fell upon her using his fingers and mouth until the sounds of ecstasy filled the room.  Why her cries made my own body crave stimulation, I didn’t know, but watching her I was mesmerized.  “Take her.”  I felt, just as perverted as these men, when I uttered my command.  I wanted to watch him fuck her, and I’m not sure what that said about me as a person.

He followed my words and the act was so beautiful I longed to take her place.  The man wasn’t a brutal lover, but how he took her was passionate, almost primal, and it spoke to something deep in my soul.  My breathing quickened as I watched him pump into her, his hands grasping her ass as he drove in deep, hard, and fast.  She was obviously enjoying his attention since her cries bounced off the walls.

He lifted from her, and I could tell she hadn’t found release yet.  Her legs pressed together and it was an action I realized in myself when Seth teased me not allowing me to find that plateau.  Pointing to another man, since I didn’t know his name, only his face, I sought out her pleasure.  “Make her come.”

The power I felt when he followed my command was heady.  I enjoyed the mental high it gave me to order someone to do what I wanted.  I think I was getting off on watching him fuck her!  The woman didn’t seem to be having any issues either, so in my mind she obviously wanted what I was allowing to happen.  I’m not so sure in that moment if it would have mattered if she hadn’t.

The sounds of flesh slapping together, grunts of pleasure, and even the scent of sex, was doing something to me.  All my life I felt like I was held back, either by my social status, lack of knowledge, or money issues, but here?  It was almost as if I held all the cards and I could choose what the outcome was.  It was the most empowering sensation and I didn’t want it to end.

These men didn’t have all the power.  They thought they did, but lust controlled their actions as much as I’d been controlled by fear before.  Maybe I was lost in the insanity of what had happened since I stepped foot in this place, but something was changing within me.  I could overanalyze or just allow what I was feeling to lead my actions.  I chose the latter.

My body ached as I watched the third man slip between the thighs of the slave girl.  There was something very primitive about watching the act of sex that turned me on and I wanted my own pleasure.  “Boy, come over here.”  I wasn’t even sure I was in my right mind when I demanded the slave come to me.

He was beautiful, his muscular body appealed to my senses, as well as the long cock he sported which was fully hard. Crawling over to me on his hands and knees did something to my libido that surpassed even the scenery happening on that bed.  He rose up on his knees, looking at me with something akin to adoration.  Another heady high.  Without thought, I lifted my leg over his shoulder, pressing my pussy into his face, demanding without words what I needed.

The first touch of his tongue on my heated flesh nearly buckled my knees, but I grabbed his thick hair in my hands to keep balance.  Watching the scene on the bed, I knew it wouldn’t take me long before I came.  The sight of a man taking a woman while being pleasured yourself was an experience I won’t soon forget.

Nothing else mattered in that moment.  The world slipped away into a pleasurable, serene paradise, and I surrendered to all it had to offer.  That tongue expertly plunging into my pussy held me on the edge as the slave girl’s cries of a similar desire fed my own desire. It was incredible!  I came so hard that pin points of light appeared behind my eyes.

Leaving that bliss behind I heard the girls sob and it pulled me from the sensual haze.  She was obviously sore.  I know I would have been had three men taken me that way.  When the third stood, obviously satisfied, I knew what I would do.  Releasing the male slave, I stood, walked over to that bed, and told her to leave.  She’d sacrificed her body for me, and now I’d repay the favor.

“You don’t have to do this, kitten.”  Seth joined me, standing by the bed his words a soft whisper in my ear.  “They gave you a reprieve.”

“This is what I want.”  I meant it in that moment.  I’d just enjoyed making a stranger pleasure me, but I needed more. I could have asked Seth to fuck me, and something told me he would have instantly given in.  That wasn’t an option.  He betrayed me and I wasn’t sure I’d ever want his hands on me again.  Maybe I was out of my mind, but the thought of sleeping with the remaining two men seemed like a better idea.

“The boy can take care of my other man, you will be mine.” The leader, whose name I still didn’t know, held out his hand to me.  “I knew there was something special about you, Caitlin.  I won’t allow another to claim you.”  His expression was almost gentle when he spoke to me, but hardened as his eyes found Seth’s.

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