3#Unlikely Mates: BBW Shifter/Vampire Romance (Their Everything)

BOOK: 3#Unlikely Mates: BBW Shifter/Vampire Romance (Their Everything)
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Their Everything


Unlikely Mates

Part 3


Charlene Hartnady


Copyright and


Copyright © May 2015, Charlene Hartnady

Cover Art by Melody Simmons

Copy Edited by Kimberly Reichmann

Produced in South Africa


Published by Charlene Hartnady

PO BOX 456, Melrose Arch,

Johannesburg, South Africa, 2176

[email protected]



‘Their Everything’ is a work of fiction
and characters, events and dialogue found within are of the author’s
imagination and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to actual
events or persons, either living or deceased, is purely coincidental.

With the exception of quotes used in
reviews no part of this book may be reproduced or shared in any form or by any
means, electronic or mechanical, including but not limited to digital copying,
file sharing, audio recording, email and printing without prior consent in
writing from the author






To my wonderful, amazing readers. For picking up my
books, for your words of encouragement. From the bottom of my heart…thank you.





Chapter 1


took in his surroundings. Sentinel Point was an old miniature version of the
castle. It had been refurbished with all the modern conveniences, and it sat
upon a hill that had the most amazing views of the surrounding country. The
mountain range to the north with its snow tipped peaks. A thick forest to the west.
He could even see the town of Sweetwater sprawled out towards the north-east.

sighed heavily, his thoughts on his female. Maybe his required time at Sentinel
Point was a good thing. It would force him to give Becky some space. He had
requested to talk with Zane. His king was not a fool, he would have some idea of
why there was a need for the conversation. In the meantime Ross would just have
to wait patiently.

heard Griffin sigh to the left of him. The male had spread himself out on the
hammock. “At least you got to drink,” the male growled. “I’m going to be
starving by the time Zane allows us to go back to the coven.” He sighed again,
this time more heavily than the last. “The only problem is that I have only
thoughts of drinking from that sweet human. Her scent was more delicious than any
I have ever savored before. Her taste was of the sweetest honey, fresh from the
comb. I want more…so much more.”

had better hope that I get Zane to allow me to mate my human then. Maybe that
will convince them to become more lenient towards vampire and human
interactions. Then maybe you might get to have the human.”

made a sound of affirmation. “You drank without a problem and were in control
the whole time.”

have strong feelings for the human. Make no mistake, feeling her underneath me,
being inside of her with her blood on my tongue almost made me lose my senses.
If I had allowed the sensations to overwhelm me, heaven forbid if she had
bitten me, even with her blunt little teeth, I may have forgotten myself and
she could’ve died.” He ran a hand through his hair. “I will need to remain
vigilant as she will not strengthen as is in the case with the royal human females.
A long term relationship will be difficult but she is worth it.”

remained silent for a time. “I don’t think I like the idea of always being on
my guard. To never fully let loose.” He shook his head and the hammock swayed.
“No, it will be difficult, but I think I should try and forget the human. I
would seek her out to rut her but she told me that she is not the type that ruts
without strong emotion. She was worried of becoming bonded to me. It took some
convincing to allow me to ease her need.” Griffin groaned. “She was so damned
receptive. So soft and tight, I wonder if all human females are like that. Oh
and”—the male chuckled—“does your female have that soft strip of fur?”

do not wish to discuss my female. I should gouge your eyes out just for having
seen me rut her. If you had seen any of her tantalizing body then you would be
blind right now.”

was only performing my duty. I did not wish for anything to happen to the
human. I take my duties seriously.”

shifted in his seat. “Yeah and I’m sure you didn’t like the idea of dying,
because I would have killed you myself if anything had happened to her.”

smiled. “So, you have definitely decided to mate this female?”

felt himself smile. “Yes, I just need to convince her of that.”

chuckled, crossing his legs and putting his hands behind his neck. “I am sure
you will be able to convince her in the long run. I have seen how she looks at
you, it is more than just lust. She was also very jealous of that server.”

said she wasn’t jealous.”

know, but you didn’t believe her did you?”

had to smile. “You are right.”

not saying it will be easy, she is a strong willed female, but I am sure that
her feelings for you will override her fears in the long run”—Griffin paused
and he looked thoughtful—“unless…” He let the sentence die.

sat up, putting his arms on his thighs as he leaned towards the other male.
“Unless what?”

I said anything.” The male closed his eyes.

a fuck. Ross was beside the hammock in a split second, he tipped the male and watched
as he sprawled on the hard ground.

the fuck was that for?” Griffin rose to his feet, his eyes had darkened and his
jaw was tense.

what?” He took a step towards Griffin.

she really has feelings for that wolf.”

growled but only because Griffin was right. It had been clear that Becky had
feelings for the wolf. How deep those feelings ran, that was the question.

the sounds of things, they were highly compatible.”

clenched his fists to stop himself from hitting Griffin. The male didn’t
deserve to become an outlet for his anger. Unfortunately, he was also right

must have caught something in his eyes because he quickly added, “I doubt that
the beast managed to make her scream the way you did though.”

will do whatever it takes to win my female.” He bit out through clenched teeth.
“Anything.” Determination rose up in him.


vampire fell in next to him. And then another. And another. The first one
glanced his way. “I think you might be lost.” The male said while narrowing his

shook his head. “Nope. I have business at the castle.” He stopped walking and
concentrated on keeping his breathing even and his body relaxed.

same male looked him up and down. “You don’t look like the alpha.” His nostrils
flared. “You don’t smell like the alpha. What business could a lowly wolf
possibly have here?”

shook his head. “I may not be the alpha but I definitely have business that
needs tending to.”

him the fuck out,” a voice from behind him snarled. “That beast has no right to
be in our territory.”

are you here?” It was the same male that had originally addressed him.

is important that I meet with one of your males. There is something we need to
discuss. He will want to see me.” He had to force himself to stay still instead
of immediately trying to go and find the male that was trying to claim what was


sweet female. She was afraid of being bound to one male. Although she seemed to
have some feelings for this vampire, there was no doubt in his mind who she
belonged with.

up, wolf.”

is between him and I.” Although he tried hard, he couldn’t keep the growl from
his voice.

staggered forward as someone shoved him hard from behind. By some miracle he
managed to retain his footing, having to fight to keep himself from shifting. To
keep his canines and claws from extending, even from snarling at the male that
dared lay his hands on him. It wouldn’t take much provocation and these
bloodsuckers would be on him.

The same male that questioned him looked over his shoulder, his eyes moving
from left to right. “It has taken guts for this wolf to just walk into vampire
territory. Straight up to the castle at that.” He smiled. “There must be a good
reason why he is here and I for one want to know what that is.”

obviously wants to die,” someone growled from behind him. He was sure it was
the male that had shoved him.

else snorted in agreement.

name is York,” the vampire next to him said. “Talk quickly.”

am here to see Ross about a female. He will understand and will want to talk
with me.”

female?” The male that had introduced himself as York looked confused.

has not been granted permission to enter our territory.” The same male from
earlier said, he stepped up invading Rushe’s space. “An example needs to be

up, Titan.” York growled, putting himself chest to chest with the other male.
“The kings will want to know of this. It could be important.”

took a small step back, his eyes narrowed as they landed on Rushe.

pulled a cell phone from his back pocket and dialed. “Sorry to bother you, my
lord, there is something you need to see. We’re outside the main front doors.
It’s a wolf, sire.”

was a pause and what sounded like a low growl on the other end of the line.

York said, before putting the device back in his pocket. “No one touches the
wolf by order of the king.” York raised his voice as he spoke. He widened his
stance, folding his hands in front of him. “Now, please tell me who this female
of which you speak is?”

shook his head. “Like I said, it is between Ross and I.”

sighed, his lips twitched. “I would suggest that you get ready to talk. My king
will want to know the details.”

enough, as if on cue, the bastard king, Brant, strode between the large and intricately
carved double doors of the stone castle. Flanked by a guard on each side. Not
that he would expect anything less. The kings, especially this one, were the
biggest pussies alive. He doubted they were capable of wiping their own asses.

is there a wolf outside my castle?” Brant’s eyes were on Rushe but he addressed

wants a meeting with Ross to discuss some female.”

king’s brow creased. “Who is this female?” He asked, turning to face York who

idea, my lord, he refuses to disclose who she is or his real business here.”

the fuck is going on?” There came a low growl from the perimeter of the growing
crowd of males that surrounded them.

Zane, so nice of you to join us. It concerns one of your elite guards…Ross.”

crowd parted and the other vampire king strode forward. His eyes were darker
than sin, his nostrils flared. “What does a wolf want with one of my coven?”

did they insist on treating him like he wasn’t even there? Like he wasn’t
capable of speech.

says it’s about some female,” Brant said. “I suggest you call your guard. Let
them meet so that we can get this over with.”

shook his head. “Ross is not available. I have assigned him and Griffin on a
special duty. They will not be back for a day or two.”

special duty?” Brant’s frown deepened.

not important.”

that.” Brant moved towards Zane, his eyes narrowing on the male. Rushe noticed
how his fists clenched at his sides. “Our covens are one. We both rule, I have
a right to know.”

smiled. Rushe had faced many males in battle, yet the look on the king’s face
made his blood run cold. Maybe not such pussies after all, even though they did
still need their asses wiped for them.

I will have him come back,” Zane said.

vampire king pulled his phone from his pocket and dialed. “Get your ass back to
the castle. Griffin can stay there.”

you said—” A male said on the other end.

know what I said, plans change. Get here now!” He ended the call. “Everybody
fuck off.” Zane growled, looking around him. The males started to move away
immediately. There was not a grumble or a protest heard, they simply moved

and Gideon, I want you both to stay,” Zane added.

is this all about? Where is Ross? Does this have something to do with what Ross
called about the other night? Has there been another sighting?”

shook his head. “You will know soon enough. Try not to lose your temper.”

folded his arms across his chest. “Tell me now.”

shook his head, he also folded his arms across his chest as well. Both males
glared at one another. “I think the lack of sex has shortened your fuse.”

face actually turned red. “I will take you the fuck out.”

could try.” Zane’s whole stance softened. He let his hands drop to his sides.
“I am working on our female.”

can scent that,” Brant growled.

understand why you are angry but try to see it from my side. I would understand
if the tables were turned.”

snorted and shook his head. “Like fuck you would have.”

would have been difficult, but I really would have understood.” Zane took in a
deep breath, he cleared his throat. “She is really close to forgiving you.
Remember that when Ross arrives. Don’t fuck it up.” Zane paused, shoving his
hands into his pockets. “Do not let your temper get the better of you. Show her
that you are capable of being fair and open minded. Know that our female misses
you.” He dropped his voice even though all the males surrounding them could
hear and Zane would be well aware of that. “She wants it to be the three of us
again…” He paused looking like he wanted to say more but didn’t.

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