3#Unlikely Mates: BBW Shifter/Vampire Romance (Their Everything) (6 page)

BOOK: 3#Unlikely Mates: BBW Shifter/Vampire Romance (Their Everything)
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didn’t care that no one could hear her, Becky screamed louder as he pulled at
her shirt.

want to touch you,” he growled. The male was just too freaking big and strong.
He ignored her efforts at trying to get away. “So soft.”

fought him all the way, yet he still managed to pull her shirt up exposing her
breasts. He growled, his eyes firmly on her tits. His hands moved to her bra.
Her whole body was yanked back and forth as he tried to remove it. Becky held
onto the straps even when she heard a rip. He was not doing this to her. She
wouldn’t freaking allow it.

loud roar sounded from down the passage. This was followed by a screeching and
a snapping sound. Then erratic jangling combined with heavy dragging noises.
The roar became deafening. Definitely closer. It had Titan loosening his hold
on her. Not enough to get away though. Becky fought harder.

sobbed in relief as Rushe appeared, he pulled her from the vampire’s arms.
Rushe shoved her behind him using so much force that she hit the far wall, pain
flared but she didn’t care. Becky crawled into a sitting position with the wall
to her back. After giving herself a once over, she realized that aside from a
slightly grazed knee and a few bruises, she would be fine.

growl drew her attention back to the fight and to say that Rushe was pissed was
an understatement. Every part of him was tensed and ready, his face contorted
in rage. His eyes held a wild look. They glowed in the dark corridor.

vampire tried to say something but Rushe tore into him using fists which were
tipped with sharp looking claws. He snarled, revealing vicious looking teeth.
They gleamed like ivory razors. Sharp enough to render flesh. He made the most god
awful growling noises. Titan tried to defend himself, then he tried to run. Before
long, the male, curled himself into a ball on the floor. Rushe continued to
kick at him. Hard thuds and sickening crunches. Titan’s body bounced with each
impact. His intention to kill the male was evident. Both by the way he
continued to pummel on him, as well as, by the rage still etched on his face.
His eyes were wild yet focused. Zoned in on the downed male.

Becky tried to gain his attention, saying his name over and over. She
eventually jumped up and grabbed him by his arm, trying to pull him off the
injured male. It wasn’t that she didn’t think Titan deserved it, but rather
that she didn’t want to see Rushe persecuted for protecting her from the

took some effort, she even staggered back several times but didn’t stop trying
until she finally reached him. Rushe froze. He snarled, an awful sound that
made her want to cringe away from him. She knew that Rushe would never hurt her
though, so she kept her hand on his arm.

in her efforts, she had stopped him in time. She was so afraid for him. Even
though the asshole had tried to rape her, Rushe was a wolf and therefore in
even more shit if this vampire was dead. In fact, it was safe to say that he
might not walk out of here if the bastard didn’t make it.

turned to face her, his eyes glowed brighter than she’d ever seen before, he
pulled her into a hug that took her breath away. Her breasts were crushed
against his chest “Are you okay?” He growled softly in her ear. “Are you hurt?”
He tried to pull away so he could look at her but she wouldn’t let him. Becky
needed him close. She could feel that his claws were still out because they
were digging into her. Weird, but it gave her comfort. His chest heaved against
her as he still breathed in ragged pants sounding more animal than human.

thought he was going to…” She whimpered.

will always protect you. Always come for you.” His voice was still thick and
deep. Almost unintelligible.

buried her head in his neck, holding onto him as if her very life depended on
him. She even wrapped her legs around his hips, needing to be as close to him
as she could get. Hot tears cascaded down her cheeks. There was nothing she
could do to stop them.

Rushe whispered. “You’re safe now.” One big hand pulled her closer while the
other stroked her hair. Slowly but surely the tension eased out of her. Her
breathing started to return to normal. “That’s it, honey. I’m here. I’ve got

he tensed, his whole body turned hard. His breathing slowed and he growled
softly in warning.

later there were sounds of footfalls, quite a number of them. A large group was

the fuck is going on here?” Brant snarled as his eyes landed on them. His gaze
moved to the fallen vampire. “Surely you didn’t think you could escape, wolf?
You’re in my castle, on my territory for fuck sakes. How dare you harm one of
my coven!” His eyes narrowed. “I’ll see you beheaded for this.”

followed directly behind the bastard king. “You had better have a good
explanation for this.” His jaw ticked as he clenched his teeth.

carefully lowered her onto shaky legs, he pushed her behind him. “That motherfucker
tried to force the human to rut with him.” He stood to his full impressive
height, keeping one of his hands on her as he moved further in front of her.

wasn’t going to allow these vampire kings to push her around. She wasn’t going
to allow them to hurt Rushe either. She moved out from behind him even though
he tried to keep her there. She swatted his hand away, ignoring his low growl.
“You heard Rushe, this bastard tried to rape me.” She looked down at the fallen
vampire, relieved to see that his chest still moved up and down. Part of her was
sorry he was still alive. She spat on him and kicked him solidly between the
legs. “Fucking asshole!” Becky wished that she was wearing her six inch
stiletto heels so that she could do some real damage. She winced as pain shot
up her leg. Maybe steel toed boots would have been better.

shouldn’t be here, female. This is no place for a human. You are no longer in
your own world, and even though I’m sorry this happened…” Brant narrowed his
eyes. “This is exactly why we do not allow humans and vampires to mix. You do
not understand our ways, you are too fragile, too puny and are easy to hurt,
even killed too easily. I hope you have learned your lesson.”

gasped. What the hell was wrong with this asshole? “Didn’t you hear what I said?
He tried to rape me. I don’t care whether he’s a non-human, an alien or
something else entirely. No means no in my book. It should mean no in any book.
No, I haven’t learned my lesson.”

clicked his fingers at one of the guards. “You are right.” He sighed like it
hurt him to say the words. “He shouldn’t have touched you regardless of how
willing you scent. Have him thrown in a cell.” He motioned to the cell in
question. “I will ensure that he is punished.” Brant turned his dark,
fathomless eyes on Rushe. “I take it that you escaped so that you could save
her?” He sighed again, this time more heavily. “You’re lucky, wolf. I’ll let
you off this time with a warning.”

full of it,” she couldn’t help but to mumble.

implored her with his eyes. He was trying to get her to shut up. With a curt
nod, he secured his arm firmly around her and ushered them back to the cell.
His chains dragged behind him along with a big clump of the wall. Rushe had
quite literally pulled out a massive piece of the castle’s foundation in order
to save her.

sagged back against the peeling brick as he caught sight of her. “Thank the
gods.” He was breathing heavily. Blood cascaded down his arms where the chains
and shackles had bitten into his flesh while attempting to escape. He looked at
Rushe. “Thank you for saving her.” Then his eyes flew to Brant and Zane. “The
wolf was merely protecting the human. This is not his fault. If anyone should
take the blame, let it be me.”

see that the two of you are still friendly. How cute,” Brant smirked.

the shit.” Zane growled, he was looking at Brant. “We don’t want to start an all-out
war with these beasts. We promised the alpha that we would return this wolf
safely to his pack.”

have agreed to let this slide, but there will be no more rutting with humans.”
Brant fixed his eyes firmly on Ross.

afraid I’m going to have to decline on that one.” Ross’ voice had turned deep
and gravelly. Goosebumps popped up on her arms. His hands were clenched and
white knuckled on the chains that still bound him.

you are in my castle and on my fucking territory you will do as I say.” Brant
snarled. “Humans and vampires clearly do not mix. Titan is an example of what
could happen.”

is a dickhead. He should never have put his hands on that human. Never.” Ross
growled. “I agree with Becky. No means no, regardless of the species.” He took
a deep breath.

will be punished for his actions, but the fact remains that we
different to ever be able to mix,” Zane said.

such hypocrites. Your mate is a human. Is she in danger?” Ross looked ready to
kill something or someone.

different with Tanya. It is the royal bond that has made her stronger. The bond
has made her capable of dealing with two vampire males in their prime. It would
not be the same with this female.” He waved his hand in her direction. “You
would not be able to live with yourself if you maimed or killed her.” Zane
looked truly concerned. “Think rationally about this. What if you got her with
child. Would her body be able to cope with a non-human pregnancy?”

can’t believe I’m about to say this…” Rushe mumbled beside her, drawing the
attention of all of the vampires in the room to him. “Royalty has nothing to do
with it. If a human female mated with any of your males she would become
stronger due to the bond. She would take on some of the characteristics of the
male. It is the bond that has made your human stronger not your royal blood.” 

wolf. Stay out of this.” Brant didn’t take his eyes off of Ross.

do you know this to be true, wolf?” Zane asked, his voice low.

rather not say.” Rushe kept his eyes locked with Zane.

statement holds no weight unless you can back it up now with fact. I will
repeat, how do you know this to be true, wolf?” Zane growled.

it.” Rushe growled, his voice lower, almost raw in comparison to the vampires.

you wolves have been mixing with humans?” Zane smiled, it was a scary sight to

worked hard to keep her face neutral. She didn’t want to give anything away.
Zane’s eyes flicked to her for a second before he thankfully let his gaze
settle on Rushe.

frankly, I don’t care what you wolves do or how many humans you fuck just as
long as it doesn’t affect us.” Zane kicked his toe in the dirt. “Your indication
that the royal blood does not affect things suggests that your kind have taken
at least one human female as a mate and she has become stronger due to the
bond. Am I right?”

mouth was a thin white line, he shook his head.

going to call a meeting with the alpha to discuss this.” Zane put a hand
through his tightly cropped hair.

Rushe finally growled. “A regular wolf mated with a regular human and she is
stronger because of it. There is no royal blood required. Any human female will
become stronger if mated to a non-human.” It was Rushe’s turn to run his hand
through his hair and he did so several times while looking agitated. “I can’t
believe I just said that. I’m actually helping you here.” His eyes landed on Ross.
“I must be seriously crazy,” he mumbled to himself.

shook his head. “It doesn’t matter. Our lores are clear, it wouldn’t work the
same between vampires and humans.” Brant actually look bored.
What a
complete jerk off

Your union with the human is proof that it would work just fine,” Rushe said.

silence that followed was deafening.

talk about my mate.” Brant snarled at Rushe, making Becky flinch and grab ahold
of him. “I don’t want you going near this female again, Ross.” Brant gestured
to Becky. “Are we clear?”

, as you insist on calling her, is my mate. Whether she believes it
or not. Whether I end up getting her or not.” Ross gave a hard yank on the
chains. His muscles bulged. Fresh blood flowed.

swore that she could smell its tangy, irony scent which must just have been her

me,” Ross bit out.

go straight to her.” Zane actually looked sorry. “This is something that has to
be debated long and hard. You can’t just go after this female. I gave you
permission to have one night with her. That night is come and gone. Move the
fuck on.”

you hear what I just said”—his colossal chest heaved—“that female is my mate.
She is mine.” Ross kept his eyes on her as he spoke.

looks to me like she’s with the wolf,” Zane said. Although he seemed completely
calm, she noticed that his back was stiff. Even his neck muscles were corded.
“This male is also claiming that she is his mate. I think that you should leave
him to it.” Zane’s eyes dropped to his feet for a few beats. When he looked
back up, she could see that his resolve had hardened. “It’s over. Leave it
alone. Let them go.” Zane motioned to her and Rushe. Rushe’s arm tightened
around her, he pulled her flush against his hard body. She felt the cold silver
infused chains as they knocked against the back of her calves every so often.

BOOK: 3#Unlikely Mates: BBW Shifter/Vampire Romance (Their Everything)
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