3#Unlikely Mates: BBW Shifter/Vampire Romance (Their Everything) (3 page)

BOOK: 3#Unlikely Mates: BBW Shifter/Vampire Romance (Their Everything)
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smiled. “I told you that they are not like humans. You are thinking in human
terms. These vampires fuck like bunnies. Your eyes would honestly pop right out
of your skull. They consider sex to be a function like eating or breathing.
They have sex with whomever they want whenever they want.” Her eyes hardened
up. “It’s different for mated couples of course.” She took a deep breath.
“Anyway, even sex between three or more parties is fine and happens.” Her eyes
lit up. “The best thing about the non-human guys is that they seem to be wired
to want to please us females, so pairings of two males to one female is more
common than the other way around.” She shrugged. “I don’t know much about the
wolves, but I’m sure it must be the same or at least similar with them.”

only ever saw male/female couples. Rushe mentioned that due to a lack of
sufficient females they are often forced to share, but it didn’t sound like
something they would choose to do. It doesn’t matter though, I told you that I
don’t even want one let alone two.” She sighed. “No freaking way.”

because your marriage didn’t work out and your rebound thing you had with…what
was his name?”

Becky said.

him. That was doomed from the start. Even your marriage was freaking doomed.”

don’t really feel like talking about this right now.”

laughed. “Why? Feeling a little desperate for some wolf
loving? Maybe, all at the same time? You don’t want to face facts because then
you might find that a relationship with one or both of them is actually

way.” Becky laughed, feeling a little faint but only because the thought of
both males touching her made her heart skip several beats. “Not a chance,” she
added with a little more venom when those images wouldn’t go away.

marriage was pretty much arranged. You never loved Carter.” Tanya shook her
head, her brown eyes locked with hers.

did love him.” She felt herself frown. “At least in the beginning. It was all
downhill from there. It was the same with Jack and the boyfriends I had prior
to that. I fall in and out of love too easily. That’s why Carter and I didn’t
work out. I did love him though. I would never have married him otherwise.”

you have no idea what love is, because that my friend”—she took a deep breath—“that
wasn’t love.” She said it softly. “Please don’t get mad, but all that your
marriage to Carter was, was you trying to please mommy and daddy.”

gasped. “I did try hard to please them, but I wouldn’t go so far as to marry
someone just because they wanted me to.”

introduced the two of you?” Tanya raised her eyebrows.

introduced him after a game of tennis but I really liked him right from the

it some thought, Becks. The subtle hints. They pushed you two together.”

parents had never approved of anyone she brought home. Carter had been the
first. They had invited him over. Had even invited him on their skiing trip.
After a while, they started hinting at marriage. There was no way she would’ve
committed herself to someone just to please her parents though.

take you to the dungeon,” Tanya said. Her friend wrapped an arm around her
shoulder. “You know that I’m here if you ever need to talk.”

Tan. I appreciate that.”

those boys a chance. You never know, maybe one of them is the one.” Tanya
laughed. “Hell, maybe both of them are just what you need. You keep saying that
one guy for the rest of your life is not enough. This could be the perfect

felt her jaw drop. When she looked Tanya’s way, although her eyes were glinting
mischievously, she was completely serious.

the way…” Tanya smiled, looking like a naughty school girl. “How was the sex
last night?” She didn’t wait for Tanya’s response. “Must’ve been off the

could only smile back. She knew it would be a goofy grin but couldn’t help it.

are most welcome.” Tanya winked at her.

babe, but I’m sure you weren’t there, so I don’t see how you can take any credit.”

friend giggled. “You know that conversation we had where I asked you on a scale
of one to ten how Ross rated and you told me a nine?”

Becky said, sounding as confused as she felt.

could hear everything I was saying. Not getting full marks would’ve freaking
killed him.” Tanya did a little skippy dance. “I’m sure he worked overtime to
bring up his terrible mark.”

felt her jaw drop. “You are evil.”

are welcome.” She winked. “Now let’s get you into that dungeon before Brant
thinks of a way to keep you out.”

Chapter 3


leaned back against the wall, the vampire sat slumped next to him. If they were
any closer, their shoulders would be touching. The male was big, almost as big
as he was. Just as with Rushe, he was taller and more muscled than most of his

male’s face was crusted with dry blood, his injuries long since healed. Rushe
could feel how the skin on his own face pulled. His nose still throbbed a
little. It wouldn’t be long before it was healed. Unfortunately, his nose had
been broken. Bones always took a bit longer to mend than a regular flesh wound.

the long walk from where Sawyer had dropped him, not to mention the fight, the
only thing he could think of right now was a hot shower.

muscles ached and he felt dirty down here in the damp dungeon. The walls were
peeling and there were green patches from the moisture that seeped in. Rushe
sighed. This hadn’t turned out the way he had planned.

did you come?” The vampire asked, turning slightly to face him. He pulled a
hand through his hair and the chains shackled to his wrists rattled softly.

sure you can guess.” Rushe answered, testing the strength of his own silver
reinforced chains. They were attached by large rings on the walls behind them.
Although they could stand and move their arms comfortably, they were stuck here
in the rear of their cell.

am Ross.”

cursed, if they introduced themselves, it would feel too much like they were friends.
At the very least, like they had agreed on some sort of truce.

male next to him shook slightly as he chuckled. “That’s a strange name. A bit
of a mouthful.”

his will, Rushe found himself chuckling along with the vampire. Ross, so this was
the male that had caught the attention of his female.

name is Rushe,” he finally said. “Your king is a dickhead. I don’t know how you
put up with him.”

growled between clenched teeth. “I answer to Zane and, unfortunately, have to
put up with that cunt, Brant.” The male took a deep breath. “Thank you for
standing up to him like that.” After a short pause. “Next time it would be
better to stay out of it though. You could get yourself killed. Besides, it
would take a lot more than that to take me out.”

laughed. When he finally had enough control, he said. “You do realize that I
came here to publicly claim the human, don’t you? To fight you to the death if

vampire nodded, “I figured.”

truth though, it is I that owes you a thank you. You saved my life that day.”

shrugged. “The male who tried to kill you acted without honor. The whole fight
should never have happened in the first place. Think nothing of it.”

Rushe couldn’t help but to think on it. This male had saved him. Rushe had been
helpless to defend himself. In that moment, it was as if everything had slowed.
His throat was already a bleeding mess. He’d watched as the sword made its
deadly arch towards him, ready to strike a blow that would surely have decapitated
him if it had landed. This male, Ross, had punched the male wielding the blade
and had saved his life. His eyes had locked with Ross’ for a split second, his
was a face he would never forget. The features of the male who had saved him were
embedded in his memory.

stared at those features now. Dark eyes, strong jaw. “The fact remains”—Rushe
spoke softly—“you didn’t have to step in. Especially considering I was your

eyes darkened. “Our species have our ups and downs but I would not refer to you
as my enemy. You were standing beside your leader, helping the male defend his
pregnant female.” The vampire threw him a feral grin. “I was tempted to change
sides. Brant can be a fucking lunatic. You should not have put yourself into
his line of fire though. He could kill you without remorse.”

was Rushe’s turn to shrug. “He should never have gone at you like that. You had
permission to…” He let the sentence hang, taking in a deep breath. “His anger
did not seem to come completely unfounded though…it sounds as if human contact
is forbidden amongst your kind. To repeatedly hit you when you are not
permitted to fight back though…” He shook his head.

narrowed his eyes, his shoulders tense. “What are your intentions with the

felt his own jaw lock. It took him a few long seconds to regain control. “I
intend to claim her and to make her my mate. Becky is mine.”

eyes darkened to an inky black. His jaw ticked. A growl emanated from deep in
his throat.

instinct, Rushe growled back. Low and deep. He had to work to keep his lip from
curling back to reveal his canines.

puts us in a little bit of a predicament, because I see Becky as my mate. I see
the female as mine.” The vampire’s voice dropped several octaves.

are we going to resolve this?” Rushe didn’t try and stop the growl this time or
the curl of his lip.

flashed him his own sharp fangs as he smiled. There was no humor evident within
that smile though. “It would be easy to solve. Back the fuck down. Allow me to
pursue the female. I have no doubt that in time, I could convince her to become
my mate.”

Rushe snarled. “You back down, bloodsucker.” Rushe’s fists curled tighter. If
the vampire came at him, he would be ready. “I will never give her up.”

male laughed. He leaned onto his thighs, his head bowed making himself
vulnerable to attack. Vampires were so damned arrogant. Then again, maybe the
male instinctively knew that Rushe would not attack, that he still felt that he
owed the male. Instead of taking the opportunity, Rushe felt himself relax. He
realized that he couldn’t fight the male unless Ross came at him first. This
situation was so fucked up.

so funny? I don’t see the humor.”

male next to him laughed harder, tears rolled down his cheeks, which he wiped
away with the back of his hand. “Look at us,” he said through bouts of laughter.
“What a bunch of pussy-whipped idiots. We’ve set our sights on a female who
doesn’t even want us.” He finally stopped laughing. “She certainly doesn’t want
me. Yet, I feel a need to claim her all the same.”

could see the humor and if not for the male’s last statement, he certainly
would’ve laughed. As much as he wanted to agree with the male he just couldn’t.
“She does want you.” He said through clenched teeth. “I asked Becky if she
planned on taking you as a mate and although she vehemently denied wanting you,
I could see that she was lying.” He took a deep breath. “I think it is part of
the reason that I decided to come here. I was jealous that she wanted you when
all I can think of is her. Becky is everything to me.”

cursed; he seemed to fixate on the cell bars ahead. “I wish I was a lesser
male. Why the fuck do I even care?” He shook his head, turning to face Rushe.
His dark eyes locked with his. “She cares about you too, wolf.” He clenched his
jaw. “She found you highly compatible.” He hissed, his teeth clamped together.
“She spoke of you on numerous occasions.”

turned to face the male. “She did?”

smiled. “You know what? You’re not so fucking bad, wolf. I wish I could just
hate you. It would make life so much easier.” His eyes widened. “The human
really likes you…un-fucking-fortunately, it doesn’t solve any of our problems.”

smiled back. “She doesn’t want a mate and we both want her.” He took a deep
breath. “It’s a royal cluster-fuck of a situation. I don’t even feel like
fighting you anymore.”

vampire grinned. “Tell me about it. I should want to rip your head off your

nodded. “I should want to taste your blood, hot and thick on my tongue as I
tear into your flesh.”

and thick? I didn’t realize you wolves enjoyed blood.”

don’t normally, however, there are times when it tastes damned good. Like when
we fight and when we mark our mate.” Rushe’s voice turned deep just thinking
about sinking his teeth into Becky.

we are not so different then. You were thinking of her just now.”


is an amazing female. So small and soft yet she doesn’t take any shit.” Ross’
eyes glazed over as he thought of Becky. The male was totally smitten. They
were both so fucked it was scary.

are we going to do? How do we resolve this?” Rushe could hear how depressed he
sounded. This wasn’t how he planned for this to go down.

shrugged. “We aren’t going to fight and we both want Becky.”

Rushe growled.

if I know. Especially considering she wants both of us, yet is in denial about
wanting either.”

if we both went after her? Then she can make the choice.”

snorted. “She would end up choosing me. Maybe you should give up now.”

barked out a laugh. “You vampires are so fucking full of it. Know that I will
pull out all the stops. I have studied human females for a very long time.
Their needs, their desires. How to please them. Can you say the same?”

voice turned low. “I have been with many females. I know how to please them.
Besides, I have fangs and know how to use them. You should have heard her
scream, wolf.”

had to force himself to keep from attacking the vampire. He knew that if he so
much as growled, the vampire would see it as a win.

pussy clamped so tight around my dick when she came that I was sure she had
injured me. She told me it was the best sex she has ever had and I haven’t even
bitten her yet.” Rushe was sure to keep his voice even. “Wait until I clamp
down on that erogenous zone on her neck. The one that will be fully stimulated
by my canines. Becky will think she has died and gone to fucking heaven. She
will not be able to think of another male ever again…that includes you,
vampire.” Rushe only wished he felt as sure as he sounded.

may have said it was the best sex she ever had, but that was before she had me.
Things have changed, wolf.”

wish, vampire.” Rushe snarled, hoping that the male was talking shit. The
thought of losing Becky had his heart beating faster. Had his skin turning

chuckled. “Just listen to us. We’re both fucked, you know that right?”

had to laugh even though his heart clenched painfully. “We’re in so much shit.
How are we going to do this?”

asked if Becky would date me. She is thinking about it. Maybe we can both date

growled, hating the thought of another male with his female.

feel the same but what choice do we have?”

wanted to ask the other male to truly back down but knew it wouldn’t happen.
Just like he wouldn’t back down himself. “Fine,” he finally said. This was the
only logical way to solve their dilemma.

for the ground rules.”

get to rut her.” Rushe grinned as Ross’ eyes narrowed.

a fuck.” He snarled, sounding more like a wolf than a bloodsucker. “If I so
much as scent you on her, I will”—he smiled—“you’re goading me?” He shook his
head. “The good news is that there is more to a relationship than just sex.”

frowned. Where was the bloodsucker going with this?

rutting is not permitted,” Ross said. “I never fucking thought I would ever say
those words.”

rutting?” Rushe heard a slight whine in his voice. It was his wolf voicing its own
opinion on the subject. After waiting so long for the right female to come
along, he hated the idea of not being able to make love to her…often. The
thought of the other male touching Becky had his hackles rising though. He had
to concede or this wouldn’t be possible.

stretched his back. “We have decided not to fight, if I scent you on her then I
will instinctively need to go after you. If you don’t feel the same then I will

snarled at the vampire, feeling his claws extend. “I will kill you if you so
much as…” He had to smile. “Point taken. Neither of us gets to rut her.”

will need to win her without using our cocks. There are many things that I wish
to learn about Becky. This will be the perfect time to do so.”

we permitted to ease her need? I would hate for her to seek relief elsewhere.”
Rushe asked.

fucking kill anyone who lays even a finger on her.” Ross said, his voice calm
yet deadly.

may be up against one another in this, but I would be at your side to kill any
motherfucker who had designs on

female,” Ross growled.

female,” Rushe growled back.

Ross growled.

see.” Rushe grinned.

BOOK: 3#Unlikely Mates: BBW Shifter/Vampire Romance (Their Everything)
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