3#Unlikely Mates: BBW Shifter/Vampire Romance (Their Everything) (5 page)

BOOK: 3#Unlikely Mates: BBW Shifter/Vampire Romance (Their Everything)
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Chapter 5


knew that she shouldn’t be doing this. The problem was, it felt too good to
tell Ross to stop.

wrapped up in his strong arms. The hard ridge of his cock dug into her ass.
Rushe’s heated gaze bore into her. She squeezed her eyes shut. They were taking
turns touching her.

of them.

should be freaking out. Telling them to stop. Instead, her blood heated. Her
need to come was becoming unbearable. It was difficult, but she managed to
crack open her lids. Rushe’s beautiful blue eyes glowed softly. His chest
heaved. Both males were smeared with blood. Rushe’s shirt was ripped. In short,
they had never looked sexier.

picked up the pace and her eyes clamped shut once again.

it.” Ross murmured while kissing her neck.

was panting and moaning. Feeling like a wanton slut but she couldn’t care less
right now. Not when her skin was tightening, pleasure coiling in her belly.

fucking turn.” Rushe growled so low that she felt the vibration in her core.

whimpered as he pulled her from Ross’ lap. Rushe used his knee to shove her
legs open. Although she could barely think straight and was shaking with need,
she felt him readjust her skirt, probably to ensure that her ass was covered.
Quite frankly, she didn’t care, just as long as he kept touching her. His hand
pushed her panties aside as he quickly took over from where Ross had left off.
you God!

so wet, honey,” Rushe growled into her ear.

low groan came from somewhere outside the cell.

Ross growled back.

had her tensing up.
That strange male was right there, just a few
feet away. How had she forgotten about him? He would totally witness her orgasm,
which was going to happen very freaking soon.

honey.” Rushe said, adding a second thick finger. Becky let her head fall onto
his shoulder as he zoned in on her g-spot making it difficult to remember her
name let alone why he needed to stop.

She gripped his wrist, worried that he might pull away. Everything tightened
back up. Her nipples throbbed. Her juices trickled down her thighs. She was
going…oh yes…about to…

stopped moving. His eyes flew open as he pulled away from her. He seemed to be
focused…listening to something.

Ross snarled.

whimpered as Rushe removed his fingers from her very achy, very needy pussy. He
pulled her panties straight just as she heard boots. Shit, someone was coming.
Rushe pulled her skirt down.

her over there.” The guard whispered, pointing to a spot just inside the cell.
The space was out of their reach because of the chains and shackles.

heart raced as she realized that both Rushe and Ross could get into trouble if
she was found so close to them. Also, this guard might be in deep shit for
letting her go to them. She scrambled away, taking her place at the cell
entrance. There was just enough time to smooth her shirt and to run her fingers
through her hair.

big male walked up to them. He was a brute with thick arms and a clean shaven
head, his hands were fisted at his sides.

is the human doing in your cell?” He asked, looking from Gideon to Ross and
back again.

is it to you?” Ross growled.

shouldn’t be in there with them.” His eyes narrowed on Gideon. “You should know
better.” The big male lifted his nose into the air and sniffed loudly. “Mmmm,
sweet,” he said as his eyes moved to her. They lowered, heating as they landed
on her breasts, lowering further to the junction of her thighs. He sniffed
again, louder this time. “You smell delicious.” His eyes heated even more as
they returned to her breasts. “So, female, from your scent I can tell that you
like us non-humans.”

her alone, Titan,” Ross growled.

heart rate picked up a whole lot. She tried to keep her breathing even. If she
started perspiring, she would probably give off more of a smell and she didn’t
want to attract him any further.

can scent both you and that wolf on her. She obviously enjoys rutting. I can
definitely tell how it is that you were attracted to her.” The big male had yet
to lift his eyes from her breasts. “You rutted with both these males, human.”
It was a statement not a question.

of your freaking business.” She clasped her hands in front of her, to try and
stop them from shaking. She needed to get a grip. He might be interested, but
he wouldn’t try anything.

am also non-human.” His dark eyes finally met hers. “I have been told by many
females that I can rut well. Would you like me to show you?”

shook her head.

the fuck off, Titan.” Ross snarled, pulling hard against his chains.

won’t try anything? Will he?” She heard Rushe ask the question. His voice held
an edge of panic.

had to work now to keep her emotions under control. To keep her breathing even.
To keep her heart from racing out of her chest.

ignored both Ross and Rushe. “I can scent that you are very aroused. I love the
way you smell. My dick is hard.” His nostrils flared. “I would like to ease
your need, female.”

her the fuck alone,” Ross snarled. “If you so much as lay a single finger on
her. I will kill you.”

males were standing and by the way the chains were jangling, she could hear how
they were straining to get free. Becky didn’t dare take her eyes off the male
in front of her.

female clearly likes non-humans. I can scent that she is very aroused. Who am I
to argue?” The big male shrugged. “If she is in need, I will ease that need.”
He shrugged again.

mouth was dry. She tried to tell him to go to hell but her tongue wouldn’t

you!” Ross yanked hard at the chains. They jangled loudly. His muscles bulged.
His neck muscles roped and his face contorted in rage.

took a deep breath, trying hard not to panic. She instinctively knew that if
she allowed herself to lose it, he would come at her. He was a predator and
right now, she felt a little too much like prey. “You heard them.” She licked
her lips. Her voice quivered a little as she spoke. Working hard to sound in
control, she spoke again, this time with more authority. “I’m not interested in
you. I don’t care what your nose is telling you, I do not feel in the least bit
aroused by you. Please leave me alone.”

was horrified to feel her own nails digging into her palms, horrified even more
to notice how this big vampire’s eyes were still firmly on her breasts. They
were hooded with desire, even his cheeks were flushed. This asshole clearly
wanted her badly. He didn’t look like he was concerned with the consequences,
just as long as he got to fuck. What the hell was she going to do? If he came
at her she was helpless.

ignored her remark about not being interested in him. “I came to inform you
that the kings will be down in the next twenty minutes, which gives us enough
time to play.” He licked his lips, a taut smile briefly flashed across the
asshole’s face.

are not permitted to rut with humans.” Ross bit out, sounding frustrated and
possibly a little desperate.

had to work hard not to lose it. Her lip quivered so she bit down on it while hugging
her arms around herself. Trying to shield her body from his hungry stare.

eyes flashed to Ross. “I can scent you on her. You clearly rutted with her. I
want to do the same. It is only fair. Why is it that you get to have all the
fun?” The big male growled. “She is clearly in a state of arousal and needs
help with that. Since the two if you are tied up, I’m going to help her out.”

told you not to come near me.” She held up her hands.

spoke for the first time. “Since you have delivered your message, you can go.
You’re not allowed to touch the human. Leave her alone. She clearly does not
want you.” He sighed. “You’re making my job difficult. Ross is right, we are not
permitted to rut her.”

nose does not lie. I can scent that Ross has had her. I should be allowed to
have a turn. I can clearly scent that she wants me.” Titan took a step towards
her, he stared hungrily at her breasts. She’d always loved her twins. Right now
she wished that they would just disappear.

away from me!” She yelled as he took another step in her direction. She kept
her hands up like a shield, knowing that it wouldn’t help if he came at her but
unable to put them down.

Rushe and Ross continued to strain and pull. The chains rattled, their
frustrated growls echoed through the cell.

said to leave her be,” Gideon snarled. The guard moved into the cell and put a
hand on the big male, trying to pull him away. She gasped when the mean son of
a bitch turned and punched him in the jaw. After another well-placed left hook,
the guard fell to his knees. The bastard kneed him in the face, there was a
sickening crunch followed by a spray of blood. Gideon fell backwards. His eyes
rolled back and his jaw was slack, telling her that he was probably out cold.

the hell?” she gasped. Becky covered her mouth with her hand. This so wasn’t

swear to God, if you lay even a single hand on her, I will hunt you down and I
will kill you with my bare hands,” Ross snarled.

her the fuck alone,” Rushe said. His voice, a deadly whisper.

clean-shaven male laughed. “If the two of you could have her, then so can I.”

closed her hand tighter around her mouth to stop another horrified gasp as she
noticed that Titan was sporting a huge erection in his leather pants.

will die.” Ross pulled against his chains. Both males fought hard, trying to
break free. She could see that the chains were too thick and probably silver
infused. There was no hope for escape. Becky was on her own. Her knees nearly
gave out at the realization.

think I’ll take my chances.” The big male smirked. “The kings will have to see
it my way. I’ll make it good for her. Once I am done with her, she will beg me
to take her again.”

eyes locked on her. She shivered under his feral gaze. What the hell was she
supposed to do? Becky took a step back, glancing towards Rushe and Ross. If she
could make it to them, she might be safe. It was as if Titan had read her mind
because as she turned he grabbed her, yanking her off her feet.

do you think you’re going?” He whispered into her ear. Shivers ran up and down
his spine.

me the fuck alone!” She screamed. “I don’t want you!”

scent tells me different, female. You can’t lie to me. There is not much time
left.” His breath was hot, his hands dug into her. She could feel a definite
bulge on her backside where he pulled her against him.

don’t want you. Are you freaking deaf or just stupid?” It was clear that this
male had made his mind up to rape her. If she didn’t do something soon, she was
in deep, deep shit. Becky twisted in his arms and raked her nails across his
face while trying to pull free from him.

grip on her tightened. At this point it would leave bruises. He repositioned
her in such a way that she was unable to get at him. Even her kicks were
useless. “I see that you like it rough, female. No problem, I can deliver.”

me the fuck alone. Stop!” Her chest heaved. Her breaths, coming in rapid pants.

could hear Rushe and Ross behind her, they struggled, screaming profanities. It
sounded like they were doing everything in their power to break free from the
chains. Surely someone would come, someone who would help her escape this

dragged her kicking and screaming down the hallway, already his hands moved
across her body. Nausea rolled through her stomach “No, please…” She’d tried
everything else, maybe a good dose of begging would help. “I don’t want you.
I’m attracted to those two in there, that’s what you’re smelling on me. I’m
human, despite having had sex with them, I don’t do the whole free sex thing.”
She tried desperately to make him understand. To make him stop.

first he ignored her, then a giant hand squeezed her breast “I promise to make
it good for you. I know exactly how to touch you in ways to make you want me.
I’m good with my hands and my tongue. Before long, you will be begging me to
take you. It will need to be quick but I can make you come in less than a
minute, I am good with my dick.”

going to happen. Just leave me alone!” She screamed at the top of her lungs.
Maybe someone would hear her.

bother. The dungeons were insulated a long time ago so that no one would hear
the screams during torture sessions. You are wasting your time, female. I said
I would make it good for you and I will. Let me lick you for a while. If you
still don’t want me after, then I’ll let you go.”

BOOK: 3#Unlikely Mates: BBW Shifter/Vampire Romance (Their Everything)
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