A Friendly Engagement (14 page)

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Authors: Christine Warner

BOOK: A Friendly Engagement
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And the way she danced. He loved that she didn’t care what anyone thought. He loved it even more that everyone else tried to mimic her actions, and they all looked as crazy or crazier than she did. Even William Bartow.

No wonder he couldn’t take his eyes off her, or get her out of his head. The last week he’d seen an entirely different side to Devi, and tonight was as if he’d seen her for the first time. Not as his assistant, his friend, but as an amazing, mesmerizing woman—one that had been in front of him for five years. How could he have not seen her this way before?

She might be the exact opposite of the order he thought he craved in his personal life, but everything about her had him sitting up and taking notice. Order just might be overrated.

He’d always envied her energy and attitude, craving some of it for himself. What he didn’t realize until right this moment was that he had all those things and more when they were together. With her he put himself out there and tried new things. Hell, the fact he was here now, laughing and talking—and considering getting up there and dancing—proved how she influenced him.

She really did show him a whole new world. And she was amazing, beautiful, silly, and so much more.

Devi danced over to him, swirling her hips as if she worked an invisible hula hoop. Then she fist pumped, and her legs jerked as if she were doing some type of robotic dance. She looked quirky and adorable at the same time.

“Come on, Omar. Come make rain with us.”

“You’re doing a great job.”

“I’m begging you. My feet are killing me. If you won’t dance, at least give me a piggyback ride to our room. Maybe a foot massage.” She twirled around, pretending to lasso him with an imaginary rope and then pulling him in.

He laughed. “I’d rather watch—”

She crouched down and crooked her finger, luring him with the flick of her tongue over her lips. “Do you really want to make me break out in the
theme song again?” She hummed the first few notes and then began to whistle.

Before he knew her plan, she tugged him none too gently to his feet. He almost knocked her over when their fronts collided, but he steadied them with his arms around her waist. His chest expanded against her palms, and she sighed. A soft, inviting sound that invaded his senses and made him think of nothing more than taking her mouth. Kissing her until he was senseless. She sank into him and licked her bottom lip, leaving a delectable sheen.

“Are you going to dance with me now?” Her voice came out a husky whisper. Her throat flexed as she swallowed. “Or are you going to give me a lift back to our room and rub my tootsies to relieve my pain?”

Unable to stop his body’s reaction at having her close, he pulled her in tight. He breathed in the scent of her hair, caressing her temple with his lips. She shivered in his arms. Blood vibrated in his ears. All the background noises faded into the distance. He swung her around, and the action forced her closer. His body ached for her.

Omar almost went insane as her hips ground into him. He pressed against her and saw the approval in her eyes, and in the way her mouth parted and she wet her lips. Heat enveloped them into a cozy cocoon and fired his pulse. He slowed their rhythm so that they barely moved, and slid his hand down her back, molding them front to front. Her breasts pushed into him, her nipples poked into the unbending wall of his chest. Pleasure punched his spine as she clasped her hands around his neck and dug her fingers into his hair.

“You’re right, this
fun,” he whispered against her temple as he spun with her in his arms until they were a distance from the group. He stopped near the wrought-iron gate that marked the entrance to the path that would lead them back to the house. Anticipation built and desire shot straight to his core. His erection pushed against his zipper. He wanted to be alone with her. And for now the shadows were his only reprieve.

Damn it. The entire day had been leading up to this. He was going to kiss her. Nothing could stop him. Not even if a signed contract from Bartow blew across the sand and landed at his feet.

They stopped, and he held her in his arms. She felt so right. His groin tightened. He grazed her chin with his knuckles until she met his eyes. Her own eyes darkened. He swallowed, licking his lips, transfixed when she copied his movements. He leaned close and could almost feel his mouth on hers. His heart pounded faster.

“Ick. That’s gross.”

“Don’t kiss him, Devi.”

Two little voices came out of the shadows, and Omar looked down to spot the O’Malley girls. One ogled him with large, round eyes. The other sneered up at him as if he were from another planet. Then she punched him in the thigh and pulled at Devi’s arm, trying to drag her out of his grasp.

The pain in his leg shot through his body and took him by surprise. For such a little person, she threw a powerful right. He rubbed his leg, gritting his teeth. Devi stepped back, but he wouldn’t totally release her from his hold.

“Amanda, that wasn’t very nice,” Devi scolded. She turned toward Omar. “You okay?”

He laughed. “I think I can survive a hit by a seven-year-old girl.”

“Six,” Amanda piped in.

Another set of footsteps rushed toward them, and their mother’s features came into focus as she neared. “Girls. Oh my. I’m so sorry,” Cindy apologized, then turned her attention toward her daughters. “I told you that sometimes married couples like to kiss. And when they do, what are you supposed to do?”

“Leave them alone.” They spoke in unison, their voices barely a whisper.

“Exactly.” Cindy palmed her cheeks and then fanned her hands over her face. Her nervous laughter confirmed her embarrassment as she turned toward him and Devi. “I’m so sorry about this. Both of the girls are going through a phase where kissing is considered gross. I thought it was just something they didn’t like to see between their father and me, but I see I’m wrong.”

“It’s okay, Cindy.” Devi gave him an odd look. Was that disappointment staring at him, or relief? She wiggled against him, and he loosened his grip. He felt empty and cheated when she moved out of his arms.

“I feel horrible. I know you’re newly engaged and haven’t had much alone time today, and when you finally get the chance my kids ruin it.”

“It’s okay, Cindy. Really,” Devi reassured the older woman again.

“Not a big deal,” Omar said. But in truth the disappointment startled him. When would he have another chance to kiss Devi?

Cindy gave a half-hearted laugh, her embarrassment still evident. “Maybe you two should head back up to your room for some alone time and let us finish the rain dance.” She waggled her eyebrows. “I remember when Wayne and I were first engaged, eons ago now, but we took every opportunity we could to be alone.”

Omar slung his arm around Devi’s shoulders. The moment he touched her, another layer of his awareness and want spread through him. He closed his eyes. The torture of having her so close, the torture of almost kissing her—he didn’t know how much more he could take.

“Sounds like a good idea.” He smiled when Devi stiffened against him and then looked up to meet his eyes.

She gave him a playful swat on the rear, and her eyes widened when he returned the move.

“Ah, we’ll finish out the dance. This isn’t like Omar, anyway. He’s not one for PDA.” A line of confusion creased her brow. “What’s gotten into you?”

“Your sexy dance moves.”

“I’m sure,” she said dryly as she nudged him in the arm.

“Just duck out of here. Everyone is so involved in the rain dance they won’t even notice. Plus, once you have a few of these minions”—Cindy’s smile grew as she gestured toward her daughters already running off to another adventure—“you won’t get time for public
private displays of affection.”

“G-good point,” Devi said.

Omar bit his tongue to keep from laughing at the obvious fear on Devi’s face over the idea of having kids. Hell, he couldn’t blame her; fatherhood wasn’t high on his list for the immediate future, either.

But after today, the way she interacted with the kids, he couldn’t picture her not wanting a couple in her life. A little payback might be in order, and he tweaked the tip of her nose. “Someday we’ll fill up the house with the pitter-patter of little feet.”

Devi’s head jerked toward him, and she met his gaze with a slanted version of her own before a slow smile crept over her mouth. “The sooner the better, and the more the merrier.”

Cindy’s smile spread across her face, and she clapped her hands. “That’s wonderful. I’m actually in the process of trying to coax Wayne into adding at least one more to the family.”

“Wayne’s an awesome dad.” Devi patted Cindy’s arm.

For some reason Omar could easily see a husband and kids in Devi’s future, even though she claimed no interest. She’d be wonderful in the role of wife and mother. He brushed away his straying thoughts the moment Devi smiled up at him, licking her lips.

“As for alone time, Cindy, you’re right.” Omar lifted Devi into his arms with one easy swoop.


Her little squeal sent a spasm straight to his groin. He wanted to hear that sound again, and again. Only he’d prefer to hear the noise when he ran his hands over her naked flesh, kissed the sensitive skin at her throat, or tangled his hands in her hair before he claimed her mouth.

“Omar?” She swallowed her laughter. Her hands pressed against his chest and then wadded the material of his shirt into her fists. “What are you doing?” she whispered into his neck.

“Getting out of the crowd.” He glanced over his shoulder at Cindy. “If anyone asks, tell them we needed some alone time.”

Cindy’s eyes widened and her grin became a full-blown smile as she pressed her palm to her throat. “By all means. Enjoy your night, you two.”

Omar still held her tightly in his arms as he carried her through the house in silence. The only sounds were his sure steps on the tiles along with their unsteady breaths and the rustle from the friction of her fingers brushing the shirt over his pecs. She couldn’t resist. He was powerful, wonderful, and she had to touch something real to believe this was actually happening.

He was carrying her upstairs to…what? She had no clue, but she could guess, and she definitely wanted to find out.

Devi stared up at the determined set of his jaw covered with a shadow of stubble. Her gaze traveled north. The line of his lips held her focus. They were perfect, and she wanted them desperately on hers, and then on her body. They looked soft and firm at the same time. Perfect shape, perfect color, the right amount of fullness.

Yes, a man with a mouth like that had to be a good kisser

Blood rushed to her core and made her sex tingle. She linked her hands around his neck and watched the pound of his pulse at the base of his throat. Was that for her? Knowing it was sent a quiver across her flesh, and she rubbed her forehead against his chin. The contrast of his coarse stubble with her smooth skin sent another round of awareness over her flesh. What would that feel like rubbing against the most sensitive areas of her body? She damn well would like to find out.

She breathed in deep at the same time he did. His chest puffed out, and she snuggled in closer. Damn, he smelled good. And hot damn, she liked that he’d taken control, carried her off the beach, and restarted her heart at all the possibilities.

But her practical voice tried to push into her thoughts, and she shoved back. Damn being practical. Since when had she listened to that annoying voice anyway? Okay, sometimes she caved.

Obviously they were both attracted, but she couldn’t get over the fact he’d acted on it. This wasn’t like O. He always followed protocol. Did she excite him that much? To the point he threw caution to the wind and went for what he wanted? Had she finally rubbed off on him enough, to a point she hadn’t even considered? And if she had, was she ready for the results?

She wanted him to loosen up, but she didn’t realize how much it might affect her. Good? Bad?

Question upon question fired through her brain, and she closed her ears to the internal noise. As if that would stop things. She wanted to concentrate on the feel of his strong arms around her. The way his thumb lightly caressed the backside of her knee as he held her there. His smell. So many things.

Should she stop things now? Or should she act on both of their awakening passions? She swallowed and ran one palm down his shoulder to rest on his solid pecs.

Hell, yeah. You only live once. Live in the moment. Grab hold with both hands.

But this was Omar.

Exactly. And he’s hotter than hell.

Devi nuzzled his neck and breathed in his scent again. Spicy and sinful. Like the man. Her body went into overdrive. She rubbed her lips over his pulse, then nipped him lightly. He groaned, tightening his hold.

“Was that a shark bite?” he asked.

She nodded. “So is this, and this…” She couldn’t stop nipping his flesh.

“Keep that up and I won’t wait for privacy.” His voice came out raw.

Awareness shot across her flesh at what his words suggested and channeled heat to the cleft between her legs. “Promises, promises.”

His chest rumbled when he laughed.
More sexy.

He stopped in front of their door, and she wiggled out of his arms, even though she didn’t want to. She knew what was happening here, but she wasn’t sure they should cross this line. No matter how much she wanted to.

“Thanks for the lift,” she said. Once that door opened, she couldn’t turn back.

“At your service.” He pushed open the door and stood aside so she could enter.

Live your life.

She could feel his eyes on her backside, and the knowledge put a little extra swing in her hips. Sexual tension and heat filled the room the moment the door clicked shut behind them. Her skin flushed, and her head grew light. An awkward weight filled her gut, and her confidence vanished as they eyed each other. Lately Omar had turned her entire world—from the way she acted to the way she thought—upside down and all around.

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