A Million Wishes (11 page)

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Authors: DeAnna Felthauser

BOOK: A Million Wishes
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No sweetheart, it’s time for me to go and let these soldiers enjoy their breakfast.” She waved to them and walked out of the restaurant. Emotions were high but by looking at each other’s, face it was clear they both felt a weight off their shoulders. Tilly had just told them it was ok, it was needed, necessary even, for them to go on with life and not let the past define them. As they ate, they talked about the visits they were about to do. They decided together to take flowers to the wives, teddy bears to the kids and a flag for each family. The families had been presented a flag and the men’s dog tags when they had the funeral but it was important to Noah to show the same respect for his men. Once they finished breakfast they got in their rental car and headed to the store and picked up the items they needed before heading to McGee’s home.


As they pulled into the driveway of the ranch style brick home Caleb cleared his throat and rubbed his eyes. Noah was nearly that emotional too. There was a flag pole in the front yard with the flag flying at half-staff. They no more than got their doors open when the front door opened and Chelsea, McGee’s wife came out. Immediately she smiled at them and held her arms open. The world lifted off Noah’s shoulders once again and he got his crutches out, heading for her while Caleb grabbed the gifts from the backseat.


I’m so sorry Chelsea.” Noah hugged her tight and she choked out a cry and rubbed his back. “It’s not your fault Noah. I’m thankful you two made it out alive.” He was humbled by her statement, and hugged her a bit longer before letting her go to Caleb.


Chelsea, honey I’m so sorry about Kevin. So sorry…” Tears streaked his face and Chelsea shushed him, wiping the tears and hugging him to her. “Awful things happen in war. I knew that when I married him. It’s been so hard, but we’re hanging in there. I’ve been worried about you two. How you’re holding up. I know how much you guys meant to each other. Come on inside now, the kids just had breakfast and are brushing their teeth. His Mom and Dad are here too. Everyone’s glad to get to see you guys.”


The family embraced them just as Chelsea had. Noah and Caleb were overwhelmed with the kindness Kevin’s family showed them. The kids, Josiah and Travis toddled over to them and were fascinated with their uniforms, touching the gold tridents and colorful badges. The boys were only 3 and 4. Caleb gave them the sailor dressed teddy bears and the boys hugged them and ran to show their grandma and grandpa. Noah gave Chelsea the flag already folded and in a case and she went and sat it on the mantle over the fireplace. The meeting was more a gathering of friends, and went smoother than they could have hoped. The visit went by fast, ending with Noah giving her his number and address, making her promise to contact him should she need anything at all.


The visit to Rich’s family went much the same. Kellie embraced them with hugs and kisses on the cheeks and her 7 year old daughter Missy did the same. She had met them several times and had affection for Noah. He tucked the teddy bear in her arms and she hugged it tight, whispering to him, “It’s wearing a uniform just like my Daddy did. I think it’s an angel bear Noah.”


He smiled and kissed her little cheek and nodded “I think it might be sweetheart.” She grinned at him and wiggled to get down, running to her Mom and showing her the teddy, hugging him to her again and kissing its furry face before darting off to her room to play.


Caleb gave Kellie the flag in its case and hugged her. “Jerry was a great soldier Kellie, a great friend.”


She smiled and patted Caleb’s cheek, wiping the tears off the corner of his eyes. “He was a great husband and father too. It still seems so surreal.”


If there’s anything we can do Kellie, anything at all…” Noah said, reaching out to hold her hand.


I’ll let you know, I promise.” She took a deep breath and wiped her eyes. “I don’t like to cry in front of her you know. I try to keep a brave face around her now. Thank you both for coming by, it really means a lot to me. I’m glad you two are recovering. It must be hard, dealing with the injuries. I know you’re families are going to be so glad to see you though, no matter what.”


Caleb smiled “I’m looking forward to some home cooked meals at my Mom’s.”


Man, me too, been a long time.” Noah hung his head down, trying to conceal his emotions. Kellie reached over and patted his shoulder. “I know you well enough Noah, to know that you’re carrying this all on your shoulders but you can’t do that. Excuse my language but shit happens honey. All of you men knew the circumstances you’d be putting yourselves in for your country when you signed up. You can’t hold yourself responsible for their deaths, neither one of you, you hear me? You guys were a tight SEAL team. Brothers that protected each other the best you could. We all have to learn to let go and move on. If I can do it, so can the two of you.”


Missy chose that time to come running into the living room with a picture of her dad to show to Caleb and Noah. He was in his sailor uniform, standing at attention, saluting and she shoved her bear towards them grinning. “See, I told you he was dressed just like my Daddy!” The laughed with her and gave out hugs before they left, needing to get to the airport to catch the flight back to Georgia. As they drove to the airport, neither said much, but both honestly felt a little bit better and a little less guilty for being the ones that lived through it. McGee and Rich’s families didn’t hold them accountable or have a grudge against them for living, and were honestly glad they were recovering. It helped. Little things like that lifted them up a little at a time.








The next two weeks passed quickly, thank goodness. Between her studies and work she barely had time to eat, shower and sleep. But there was one thing she had time for, couldn’t help it. Thinking of Noah, worrying about him, wishing he would call her, someone, anyone, just so she would know he was ok. She called his parents and Callum every day to check for news. Nothing. Over two weeks and no word at all. It was driving her crazy not knowing where he was or how he was doing. Finals started on Monday so she had gotten the weekend off both her jobs so she could focus on studying. That is, when she wasn’t thinking of Noah. Miki pulled into the driveway of her little rental she had for another week. This morning she had went to the post office and put in a change of address to forward her mail back to Sugar Creek. Her last day of school was Wednesday, and she’d be gathering her few things and heading home to Sugar Creek on Thursday if everything went as planned. Keys were dropped on the kitchen counter and she went to the fridge and got out the bottle of orange juice pouring a glass and going to the answering machine to see if she had any messages.


The light was flashing and she had over a dozen messages. Her heart kicked into high gear and began pounding in her chest. Pushing play, she sat on the barstool and listened.


Miki pick up. Miki if you’re home get your ass out of bed and call me baby girl.” It was Callum this morning after she’d already left for to go to the library before class.


Mikayla honey its Vivi. Please call me when you get home.”


Miki, where in the hell are you? Your class doesn’t start until 11 and its only 9. Call me.” Callum again.


Mikayla Johnson everybody’s trying to get a hold of you baby girl. It’s important! Call me or Callum a.s.a.p.” Mia this time.


Her heart was about to explode from her chest. Was Noah ok? Was he finally on his way home? Did something happen?


Miki, damn, it’s me again. You need to start carrying your cell phone with you little girl!” Callum again.


She should pick up the phone and call but she was shaking so bad she couldn’t move.


The next few calls were just hang ups. It was probably Callum or Mia again. But then the last one came through. It wasn’t Callum. It wasn’t Mia. It wasn’t Vivi.


Mikayla, darlin’…” Oh god it’s Noah! She stood so fast she knocked over the stool and screamed, putting her hands over her mouth instantly so she could hear him.


I know you’re probably in class now, but I wanted you to know I’m home now. Flew in this morning and just took a cab to Mom and Dad’s. I didn’t want them makin’ a big fuss at the airport or anything so I just showed up and shocked them.” He laughed a little. “But anyways, I miss you babydoll. I hope you’re doing good honey. I sure would like to hear your voice when you can find the time to call.” The click of him hanging up brought her out of her reverie. She hit play again just so she could hear his voice. Tears were running down her cheeks. Soon as it stopped she ran to her room and grabbed a bag and tossed clothing in it and her toiletries and hurriedly washed her face and brushed her teeth. Grabbing her bag and her keys she picked up the phone and called him back.




Vivi, it’s Mikayla, I just got home from school and got your message and Noah’s.”


Oh honey he’ll be so glad to hear your voice, hold on darlin’.” She could hear Vivi yelling for him and she grinned, blushing profusely. “Noahhh your Mikayla is on the phoneeee.”


Miki grinned, feeling like she was about to explode.


Babydoll?” His voice washed over her filling her with warmth.


Noah, baby, are you ok sugar?” Her voice cracked at the end but she was fighting to keep the tears from falling.


I’m alive and kickin’ Miki girl. How are you doing honey?”


Just like Noah to brush something off like it was nothing more than a mosquito bite.


I’m fine sugar, just been worried sick about you.”


Don’t worry about me babydoll, I’m hanging in there. If I can handle hell week to be a SEAL I can handle anything.” He laughed but to her, it sounded hollow. It was just him trying to cover up, and put on a brave face.


I packed a bag soon as I got home and heard your message. I’m about to walk out the door so if you could, ring Callum for me and tell him I’m on my way sugar. I can’t wait to see you Noah.”


Hey babydoll you have finals next week right and you’ll be home next weekend is what Callum said. Don’t make a special trip for me when you need to be studying.”


I’ll bring my books. I’m a big girl Romeo, and if I wanna drive down and see you, you damn well better believe I’m gonna do it. So shush. I’ll be there in a few hours.”


Alright, no use arguing with a redheaded spitfire, I surrender.”


She laughed and told him bye, hanging up and grabbing her back pack and her bag, heading back home to Sugar Creek.


She made the drive in record time reaching her destination just before dusk. Thankfully the roads had been fairly clear and she had left early enough to miss city traffic. By the time she pulled down the driveway her heart felt like it was going to explode and she was shaking like a leaf. It had been a very long time since she had been face to face with him. Nerves, doubt, shyness, fear, love and want, all hit her at once. Parking the truck she grabbed her purse and got out just as the big front door of the plantation house swung open. There he was, her Romeo, comfortably dressed in a blue Navy t-shirt and sweat pants, on crutches, smiling at her. He propped the crutches on the door frame and held his arms out to her. Without hesitation she took off running up the porch stairs and into his arms. A lesser man would have toppled over from the fierceness of her embrace. Not her Noah. He was solid steel wrapping her up lovingly.


He squeezed her so tight she couldn’t breathe, but it was exactly what she needed. To be surrounded by him, to breathe him in and feel his warmth and strength. Tears streamed down her cheeks and she kissed his neck, reaching up to cradle his face in her hands, brushing her lips over his, not caring who was around or if he even wanted her kisses. But he did. He kissed her long and hard until she was breathless and trembling. Pulling back and running his fingers through her hair and fisting it at the nape of her neck. He looked into her eyes and nuzzled his cheek to hers, kissing her there, trailing his lips down her neck and hugging her to him again.


I’ve missed you babydoll, so much.” His voice cracked a little and she slowly stroked his back, loving on him, whispering. “I’ve missed you too Noah. So much it hurt. I’m so thankful you’re home safe baby.”


Noah let the poor girl come inside, it’s cold out there and she has been driving for hours! Where are your manners?”


Vivi playfully swatted his arms and gathered Miki up in her arms hugging her. “It’s so good to see you again Mikayla. Did you eat anything for dinner? We had fried chicken earlier, I’ll go heat you up a plate of food sweetheart, now you come on in and get comfortable. Are you staying the weekend here, or are you going to Callum’s house? I have a room ready if you just want to stay here with us sugar.”

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