A Million Wishes (6 page)

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Authors: DeAnna Felthauser

BOOK: A Million Wishes
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When will I be able to walk and run again without using crutches?” His voice was shaky but it was clear he wasn’t going to let this keep him down. He was a fighter. No…not just a fighter, he was a SEAL.


A lot of that depends on you and how well your body heals. You are already extremely fit, so if you set your mind to it and do what your physical therapist tells you to do, you will be walking without crutches in a couple of months, although for longer distances you’ll be more comfortable with the support of a cane. I’ve had some very determined and focused soldiers here that were running 8 minute miles within 6 months. It’s up to you, how well you take care of yourself and how hard you’re willing to work.”


Then you better believe I’ll be doing that. Thank you Dr. Hunt.”








Dinner trays were being passed around and Noah’s stomach growled even though all he really wanted to do was either kill something or cry, preferably both. Rogers went and picked up his dinner tray and brought it to Noah’s bed, sitting in a chair next to him and Jesse eating in silence. It was hard to find words in lieu of fallen comrades. After dinner he requested to call his family and was granted that, of course with knowing he couldn’t recount the happenings other than his well-being. SEAL missions were always top secret. When he heard the ringing of the phone and his mother pick up he had to clear his throat because emotion had swelled up thick enough to choke him.


Mom, I can’t talk for very long but I wanted you to know I’m ok and I’ll be coming home soon as I can.” She was crying, so happy to hear his voice and know he was really ok. “Give Dad a hug for me, I love you guys. I’ll call you and let you know when I’ll be there. Oh and Mom, do me a favor ok? Will you call Mikayla and tell her I’m ok? I don’t get to make another call today and I don’t want her to worry if she hears something about me from someone else. Thank you Mom, I love you guys too.” He hung up the phone and rested his head back on the pillow feeling exhausted. Two had died under his command and he needed to go see their families before he went home. It was his duty. It was that thought that he drifted to sleep with. His heart was heavy and his body was weak, so as the pain killers took him under he thought of the one thing that always filled him with warmth and made him feel alive.
. She was so beautiful with her long wavy red hair around her like a halo, her delicate freckled skin and bright green eyes shining up at him. He loved the way she would always touch his face and smile up at him, making him feel like the biggest, strongest man on earth. By the time sleep claimed him, his face was almost peaceful.


Days turned into weeks and he kept training, working out his body and mind. He quickly learned to use the crutches because he sure as hell didn’t want to depend on a wheelchair. His wounds were healing, leaving scars marring his body all along his left side but they would fade more in time. He went to his therapy sessions and said all the right things and put on a facade that he was fine when in reality he wasn’t. He was lost. He had gotten the paperwork that he was being honorably discharged. He had grown up on a plantation that harvested Georgia peaches along with other fruits and vegetables but that was now mostly his brother’s business now. Noah had never wanted that life. He wanted travel, adventure and to serve his country. He wasn’t quite sure what life would hold for him now. At this point in time he knew he had two stops to make in Norfolk Virginia to see McGee and Rich’s families then he’d be going home, home to Sugar Creek, to the Sugar Ridge Plantation, and to his sweet Miki girl. She was living up in Atlanta still, almost finished with school, and she’d be graduating from college this semester.


Funny how life throws you curve balls and makes you realize what is really important in life. He had cared for her since they were kids, fell in love with her before he’d left for the Navy and ran from her ever since. Military life was hard, especially if your husband was a part of an elite force such as the SEALS. We are called a secret society of modern day warriors for a reason, doing the impossible missions, training until all the weak fell and only the few that were strong enough survived. Many times going weeks, or even months without being able to contact family or let them know where you are isn’t an easy life to lead. He realized now that he made the decision for her instead of ever asking her if she would or wanted to be a wife to a man like him. He just assumed she wouldn’t. Now he was going home and going to find out if she had found someone and fallen in love. The last time he’d been home they had gotten closer and then he screwed up again. They hadn’t written as much since then and he figured she had kind of given up on him. He didn’t blame her. He had never been the man she deserved. But, that didn’t change the fact that he loved her still. She was his Miki girl, his babydoll.








Noah and Caleb boarded their flight to the states, first stop would be New York City, then Norfolk Virginia and last, home to Sugar Creek Georgia. Caleb had requested to go with him to visit their fallen brothers’ families. Noah had been touched by the soldiers request and helped make arrangements so he could go as well. For now though they had a long flight, around 19 hours to think about life, past, present and future. Noah laid his head back, flipped the overhead light off, and closed his eyes. Focusing on Miki again he remembered back when he first realized he was in love with her, and how damn stupid it made him.


She was 18 and a senior in high school. Already had her college picked out and was working on scholarships. She had always been so damn smart. She was the editor of her high school paper and had already had many articles printed in the Sugar Creek press paper. Since Callum had moved her in with him, she had thrived. Working a part time job at the paper and doing little odd jobs on the weekends, like baby sitting or cleaning and such. Miki always had something going on to save for her schooling. She was bound and determined to achieve her goals. She wanted to be a writer, a published author and she had been well on her way.


He on the other hand was 23 and had just finished his SEAL training and graduated. It was a feat of strength to make it through SWCC and BUD/s training. Most DOR (drop on request) once they find out just how hard it is. But he’d wanted it so bad his whole life. His family had several SEAL’s, and his father was one of them. He had called Miki and Callum to tell them he passed, and when the ceremony was. Mikayla had pretty much demanded that Callum take her to it. He could still envision how she looked that day. She was stunning in a yellow sun dress with her hair pulled up in a messy knot and little tendrils of hair hanging in soft wisps around her face. His breath whooshed from him when he saw her, and she ran up and hugged him, practically throwing her lithe little body in his arms. Laughing he picked her up and twirled her, loving the excited squeal she gave.


Noah Cane! I am pleased as punch! I knew if anyone could do this it would be you. Just look at you!” Her soft little hands cupped his cheeks and she grinned up at him, bright green eyes shining with unshed tears. “I am so proud of you Noah!” He laughed and kissed her cheek, reaching his hand out to Callum and shaking it, pulling him in and clapping him on the back. “Thanks for coming man; it means a lot to me that you two are here. Mom and Dad couldn’t make it so I’m just real glad you made the trip. Thank you.”


Of course brother! We are excited for you man. Gonna take you to dinner too!” Callum grinned and playfully punched Noah’s arm.


After the ceremony Miki plastered herself to his side, chattering excitedly about school and her writing, filling him in on town gossip as they ate. All he could do was stare at her. She was all grown up and so damn beautiful it made him hurt. They went over to the pool hall after dinner so the guys could have a beer and play a few games of pool. Miki talked him into dancing with her and he was just loose enough to do it. Callum was enthused in a game of pool with one of his buddies, so it was the perfect time to hold her close for a little bit.


Promise me you’ll kick ass in school Mikayla. Don’t let frat boys distract you or take advantage of you. They don’t deserve a sweetheart like you.” He pulled her a little closer and she giggled. “Oh Noah stop. You know I’m not interested in silly boys. I want my education. I don’t want to end up spending my life depending on a man to take care of me. I’m going to be a famous writer one day you know.”


He smiled at her and kissed her forehead. “That’s my good girl. I want you to send me every single thing you publish and tell me all about your experiences so it won’t seem like we’re so far apart ok?” She nodded and reached up to touch his face again. The music slowed and so did they, to a slow sway, her head nuzzled against his chest and arms around his neck. He had leaned down to her and buried his face in her hair. She smelled so sweet. His Miki girl. So many things he wanted to say but didn’t feel like he should because she was still so young. So he simply enjoyed holding her. At least until Callum approached and not so nicely told her it was time to go back to their hotel, since it was too late for “a young girl like her” to be out.


Oh Callum stop! It’s a Saturday night and Noah’s leaving out in the morning to go overseas. No telling when we’ll see him again.” Tears threatened her eyes and Noah spoke up. “Just let me walk her back Callum. You know she’ll be fine with me. I’ll have her back in a half hour ok?” Callum nodded and turned. “But I will be waiting up for you two…a half hour.” They nodded as he walked out looking none too happy.


Thank you Noah. I wasn’t ready to say goodnight yet. I know we’ll see you for a bit in the morning but…” He took her hand and led her outside. “You don’t need to come out so early in the morning Miki. We’ll just load up and go, I won’t have time to talk or for goodbyes ok?” She was pouting but she nodded her head, hurt by it but thinking he just didn’t want sadness starting his journey in the morning. As they got closer to the place she was staying with her brother Noah tugged her to a bench and sat down, pulling her onto his lap and hugging her.


I’ll miss you Noah.” He gave her his lopsided grin and kissed her chin. “I’ll miss you too babydoll.” She leaned in and turned her head just so; he followed but stopped right before kissing her. She looked surprised and playfully smacked his chest “Noah Cane you better kiss me goodbye or I’ll cry… I don’t know when I get to see you again and...and I’ve waited my whole life to kiss you…” Her dainty hand touched his cheek and he held her chin, pressing his mouth to hers in a soft, tender kiss. He whispered her name as he kissed her once more, his hands stroking her back while hers caressed his chest. “I love you Noah. I want you to know that before you leave.” It was so honest, so endearing but he tilted her chin and smiled. “Honey you’re too young to know what love is.” “I’m not too young Noah. If you don’t love me back just don’t say it but don’t think I don’t know or understand what’s in my heart!”


Miki stood up and took off walking, shaking and near tears. “Miki wait up. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to make light of your feelings babydoll. I just don’t want you expecting something I can’t give you right now.” One single tear slipped down her cheek and he kissed it, nuzzling his nose against her cheek and pressing a kiss on her earlobe. “I do love you Miki girl. Don’t you forget it or doubt it ok?” She gave him a watery smile and tip toed up to kiss him again, just as Callum opened the door and snapped his fingers. “
Mikayla, inside, NOW
.” She laughed and hugged him once more whispering “Be safe Noah, don’t forget to write.”

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