A Million Wishes (5 page)

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Authors: DeAnna Felthauser

BOOK: A Million Wishes
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Monica sweetheart, I swear you should have married a mechanic with all the car problems you have had since the day you were old enough to drive. I know right now the other kids are laughing because it’s true. I’ve never known anyone to have as many breakdowns and flat tires and other random things breaking on cars like I have with you. I know it’s not brand new or anything but I want you to have my car honey. It’s reliable and it’s been taken care of and it gives me piece of mind to know you’ll have something to last you a while.” Everyone was giggling and reminiscing about all Moni’s incidents with vehicles throughout her young life while she blushed and giggled.


Curtis, you are the spitting image of your father so much that sometimes when I see you I’d think I was seeing a ghost. I remember when you’d follow him around the farm always trying to do everything he did, wanting to be just like him. Do you remember when you’d climb those big tractor tires and he’d sit you on his lap and let you drive? He would get such a kick out of hearing you squeal and laugh excitedly. That old thing is worn down but last time I checked it still ran. I want you to have it, fix it up so you can take your kids for rides and give them the joy your Daddy gave you.” Curtis choked off a cry and nodded wiping his cheeks and standing up and walking to the coffee pot refilling his cup, needing a moment to just breathe.


Christopher, my handy man, I don’t think there is a thing in this world you can’t fix or make better. I know for a long time you have been working hard to save up money to start your own remodeling business. I want you to have my savings and make that dream come true. Just remember that sometimes, for some people that need a break, you’ll remember how hard we struggled in life when times were hard and you do your best to help them out ok love? I know you will make us all proud.” Christopher’s face registered shock and complete joy when he realized he would be able to do what he’d been working so hard for. His brothers clapped him on his back and the girls were all crying happy tears.


Miki knew she was next as everyone else’s had been read. Her heart thumped in her chest and was biting her lip hard when he started reading again. “Now for my sweet Miki girl; It’s with you that I have so much regret baby girl. I have no idea how you turned out as wonderful and strong as you are with how poorly I treated you. I’m so sorry Miki, for everything. There’s more in your letter but I just ask that you take to heart what I’m giving you and think long and hard before you decide if you’ll keep or discard it. Your family loves you Miki. I love you. We want you home again when you finish school. You can live anywhere and write so I’ve left you the house and land in hopes you come home and be close to your family again. I know I’m the one that drove you away; I have so many regrets baby girl but please darlin’, do your Momma one favor and consider it. I know it’s not a fancy house but Christopher can help you fix it up to your liking and you’ll have one thing that brought you so much joy, your old oak tree.”


There wasn’t a dry eye in the room. Even Mr. Price had tearstained cheeks. Miki had a shocked look on her face and she hadn’t even been able to say a word for crying so hard. Her Mother loved her. She said she was sorry and regretted the way she had treated her. Why didn’t she tell her sooner so she could home and hug her close one more time? It was cruel for God to not let her find out until now. But she was thankful, so very thankful to know she was no longer hated, she had been loved.
Her. Loved.
Mr. Price cleared his throat and began again.


There is one thing you should all know. If Miki decides not to accept the house and land, it’s going up for auction and the proceeds are to be given to the battered women’s shelter I’ve been volunteering at. As far as the other belongings in the house I trust you kids to divide and share it, if you don’t want something please give it to the Good Will so someone can get some use out of it. One last thing, love one another. Stay close and please raise your families together, all of you. Most of all please remember, I love you and am proud of each of you. Love, Momma.”


Looking like reading Momma’s will had completely drained him; Mr. Price took off his glasses and rubbed the bridge of his nose before placing them back on and holding his hand up to quiet the sudden outburst of everyone talking at once. Well, everyone but Miki. She was still in shock and way too emotional to even begin expressing herself.


I have the jewelry, the keys and deeds to the vehicles and house. There will be some paperwork you’ll need to get with me to get it taken care of as soon as possible. Now your Mother also planned her service and has selected to be cremated and buried next to your Father and she’s already paid for it. She has requested only a small grave side service, you know how Mona was; she never wanted anything fancy.”


He looked over at Miki and gave her a soft smile.


Mikayla, your Momma asked that you write and read her eulogy. She bragged on you all the time about how talented you are. She was so proud of you. I don’t know how many times when I’d come see her she would pull out that big binder and start showing me your articles and short stories you’ve had published.” Miki, choked, literally choked, and couldn’t get her breath. Callum started pounding on her back until she grabbed his arm and glared at him, picking up her glass of sweet tea and sipping it until the thickness in her throat subsided.


Momma wants me to write the eulogy, and read it?” He nodded and patted her arm. “She did. Will you do that for her Miki?” She slowly nodded and rubbed her hand over her throat, looking scared, slightly nervous. “I’ll do my best.”


The chattering from everyone was getting too her. Question’s, poking, prodding, wanting to know if she was moving back, things that she didn’t want to deal with now. Standing, she grabbed her jacket and took her notepad and ink pen with her and left out the back door without a word to anyone. She heard Martha mouthing off again but Callum stopped her, and for that Miki was grateful. Right now she couldn’t deal with that, at least not in a nice manner.


She ventured out to the old oak and deftly climbed her way up, leaning back and finally breathing. Deep soothing breaths of fresh cool air and letting her mind clear. Focus. Still she couldn’t believe her mother wanted her to write something for her. She never even knew Momma had been reading her publishing’s. One thing she had never written was a eulogy. Somehow she didn’t think her mother would want the usual “So and so is proceeded by such and such with services at blah blah, was such a wonderful person…” Miki wanted it real but respectful. So she sat there, jotting down things, making lists and scratching things out, rearranging, not even realizing the tears that streaked her face, or that dusk was settling until Callum climbed up the tree and sat next to her. “You ok baby girl? It’s getting awful cold out here and I don’t want you catching a cold. You ready to come inside now? Martha went home a little bit ago complaining of a headache, so the coast is clear.”


Miki nodded and licked her cold trembling lips. “I was just working on something. Guess I got wrapped up, I didn’t realize how late it was.” He nodded and hugged her to him, kissing the top of her head and rocking her. “Why don’t you come stay the night with us and then you can wake up to my passel of hoodlums in the morning.” He grinned at her and she gave him a weak smile. “I think I’ll take you up on that bubba. I don’t think I’m ready to stay at Momma’s by myself just yet. I miss my nieces and nephews anyways.” They made their way back to the house and she hugged her other siblings before heading out the door with Callum. It was time to head to Mia’s to eat with the family, and then thankfully, go to Callum’s house.






Chapter 6




Noah - Last week of October 2005




Noah Cane woke up in a hospital in Germany confused and momentarily unaware how the hell he got there. It’s a scary thing not remembering what had happened to you, where you were or what day it was. He tried to move and pain shot through him and he groaned, trying to turn his head to see if he could see anyone else. Shockingly he did. There was a line of beds with other servicemen that were injured in some form. The guy next to him saw him moving and smiled “Hey buddy, it’s about damn time you woke up. I’ve been next to you for 3 days with no one to talk to. Petty Officer First Class Jesse Buchanan here, what’s your name brother?”


His throat was dry but he croaked out, “Lieutenant Noah Cane. You mean I’ve been out of it for 3 days? I don’t remember much.” A nurse walked by and heard him, smiling as she came to him offering him water. “Good to see you awake Lieutenant Cane. How are you feeling?”


Like I been hit by a truck and had glue poured in my mouth. Am I close?” He tried to smile, but frankly, it hurt too much so it came out more like a grimace.


She handed him a little device with a button on it. “Just click that when you are in pain and it will give you a small dose of morphine to keep your pain under control. I imagine you’re probably hungry and it’s almost dinner time anyways, so I’ll make sure you get a tray as soon as possible ok? I’m going to go tell the Dr. you’re awake.”


He shifted and tried to scoot up in bed but when he tried to move his left leg it just didn’t feel right. “Why can’t I move my leg?” Looking down and starting to focus better through the foggy haze of morphine things just didn’t look right. “Did…did I loose part of my leg or is it crushed or something, it just, something’s not right.”


She patted his arm and looked forlorn, saddened even and said in a softer voice. “I’ll be right back Lieutenant. Everything’s going to be ok. We’ll take good care of you Sir.”


Panic boiled up inside of him and he yanked the blanket back and gasped. Jesse spoke in a gentle voice “Hey man, we all have some sort of fucked up injury going on but at least we’re alive brother, hang on to that and remember how thankful your family will be just to have you home.”


Noah was shaking as he looked down and saw the numerous cuts and bruises on both legs and his right foot. The shocking part was, his left was gone from just below the knee down.
He knew maiming injuries happened often in war, especially being a SEAL, but he never really thought it would happen to him. He figured if anything, he would die in the line of service not be crippled from it. What would he do with his life now? With an injury like this he would be honorably discharged. His life was and had been a SEAL for the last 7 years, and had a total of 11 years in the Navy all together. He had worked his entire life to be a SEAL and follow in his father’s footsteps. His head was hurting terribly but he didn’t want to feel drugged either so he kept trying to think, to remember, what had happened to his unit? Was he the only one injured? Had they lost anyone?


Lieutenant Cane...Lieutenant…Sir I’m so glad to see you awake! I’ve been taking my walks down here every day hoping to see you up and feeling better Sir.” Noah snapped out of his shocked trance to see it was Petty Officer First Class Caleb Rogers. Caleb had been in the front seat of the vehicle and Noah had been sitting behind him on patrol. McGee had been driving and Rich had been sitting right beside him. It was all coming back to him now. The explosion, the screams and frantic struggle to get out of the vehicle before the entire thing was engulfed in flames. “Rogers it’s good to see you brother.” He held out his hand to shake his then realized Rogers left hand was gone and his arm was in a sling. He winced and looked up at him “I’m sorry man…” Rogers shook his head and put his hand on his Lieutenant’s shoulder. “Sir we were doing what we had to do. At least we’re alive Sir.”


What about McGee and Rich?”


Rogers’s eyes filled with tears and he shook his head. “We lost em’ Sir. Two fine brothers. The IED hit their side and they didn’t have a chance. We got em’ pulled out but they were already gone Lieutenant.”


You did good Rogers, the best that could be done at the time.”


Noah nodded to him and shook his hand, wiping his eyes as the Doctor walked up.


Good to see you awake Lieutenant Cane, I’m Dr. Hunt. You had a rough few days but you’re still here and look to be on the mend.” The doctor held his hand out to Noah and shook his hand. “I imagine you have a lot going through your mind right now. I’m just going to lay it out for you Lt. We repaired and kept as much of your left leg as we could and we’ll eventually get you fitted for a permanent prosthetic once we get you back to the states. Within a week we’ll have you in a temporary prosthetic but until then, we’re going to start you out on crutches tomorrow. You need to rest today, drink a lot of fluids and take some time to call your family. In the morning we’ll remove your catheter and wheel you down to physical therapy where you will start learning how to manage and balance on crutches. We will also teach you how to wrap your leg and some other things like that. You had some head trauma too so you’re probably experiencing some foggy and lightheaded feelings. Do you remember how you were injured?”


Noah recounted the events and the doctor nodded, seemingly pleased with his recounting of events. “Well, we’ll be getting you into some rehab, therapy, and you’ll have to go through some testing and such then we’ll be sending you and Rogers back home to recuperate within a month. Your families were notified that you are in the hospital but in fair condition. Do you have any questions for me today Lt. Cane?”

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