A Million Wishes (4 page)

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Authors: DeAnna Felthauser

BOOK: A Million Wishes
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Each of her brothers and sisters were either married or in a relationship with someone so Miki was surprised when she noticed then that none of their partners were there. “Where’s everyone else? I’m anxious to see all my nieces, nephews and brother and sister in laws.”


Mr. Price, Momma’s lawyer, is coming to read her will to us Miki. He said just us kids, so our kids and spouses are all at Mia’s house making a late lunch for us to have a picnic together after this meeting.” Monica said, blowing her nose and sniffling. “He should be getting here any time now.”


Miki I’ve got some sweet tea made inside, come on sugar, let’s get you some and gather round the table and visit until he gets here.” Mia’s arm wrapped around her waist and pulled Miki with her, up the porch stairs and into the house she hadn’t entered in a decade.


Once inside, she looked around and saw that nothing had really changed since then. It was like time had stood still, she shivered, wrapping her arms around herself and whispered to no one in particular. “I told her I would never step foot in this house again, ever.” Her throat was closing up on her again until Callum’s arm wrapped her waist and his kissed the top of her head.


You’re here now, and that’s all that matters sweet pea. Momma knew why you couldn’t come back, especially while Lucas was here.” He said, trying to reassure her.


She simply shook her head and slowly followed Mia to the kitchen. Miki sat down in the chair in the far corner and crossed her legs Indian style, taking a long drink of the sweet tea. “Thank you Mia.”


They all took their seats, and Mia pulled out the old photo albums that Momma had kept since they were kids. Smiling she spoke softly, “I thought we could pick out some pictures for the funeral while we’re all here.” They each started flipping through pages, recounting little memories, exchanging stories and finding a few laughs. But Mikayla was still confused.


Why did Momma have a will? It’s not like she really had anything. I mean, I guess I just don’t know why she would want me to be here. She never even answered the phone when I’d try to call her and never wrote back when I sent her a card or a letter. She hated me. My whole life she did, so why am I even here for this?”


Martha got up and left the room, not a word uttered, just throwing an angry look at Miki. She had always been close with Momma and didn’t really understand why Miki had stayed away for so long. Mia sighed and went after her while the boys tried to reassure Miki she was loved.


Sissy Momma loved you, she just didn’t know how to make the wrongs right again once she realized you really had been telling the truth about Lucas. But of course she loved you. You were her baby girl honey.” Curtis took her hand and kissed it, patting her and trying to sooth her hurt heart.


Mia walked back in the room with Martha who was still shooting daggers at Miki, angry with her.


Miki, Momma loved you and was so proud of you. She was always bragging to the ladies at the bingo hall about her daughter who is going to be a famous writer one day and showing them your articles. She may not have ever really known how to show love to you and make up for the past but she did darlin’, I promise you that sister.” Mia said in a loving voice.


God! Why don’t you all just suck up to Miki some more. Good grief, she was just badmouthing our Mother who is DEAD in case you’ve all forgotten but here you all sit coddling and stroking Miki’s ego as if she doesn’t ALREADY think she’s the “oh poor me I had a rough childhood feel sorry for me” or something. Get over it. It was your choice to leave and not ever talk to her again, if you hadn’t been such a little shit all the time maybe she wouldn’t have had to punish you! My God all you had to do was come here and be NORMAL for once and share GOOD memories of Momma and help us all get through this together, but again you make everything about you you you! No wonder she hated you so much you ungrateful….” By the time she was at the end of her rant she was shrieking like a crazy person, crying and hiccupping while Miki went ghost white and sat straight in her chair, inwardly withdrawing like that 13 year old little girl who’d been broken beyond repair. Christopher and Callum were dragging Martha out the door and talking to her in harsh tones, but the words didn’t even sink into Miki’s mind. She simply got up and walked out the back door heading straight for the place she could escape to.


Want some company sissy?” Curtis made his way up the tree and sat next to her, his arm draping across her shoulders and pulling her to him for a hug, kissing her cheek.


She didn’t mean it. She’s just taking this hard. You know how close she’s always been with Momma. She was just being a jerk ok?”


Miki just nodded and reached to wipe the tears that were falling down her cheeks. Always, always she felt like the black sheep. Like no matter how hard she tried, she never fit in. She was never good enough. But for that moment, that moment that her brother cuddled her into his strong embrace, she caved and let go of the tears and heartache that she’d held on to for so long. Cried until she had no more tears and just rested against him, little hiccups and sniffles were the only sounds between them until she was calm again.


Feel better now sissy?” Curtis’ eyes were damp and then she noticed his tear streaked face. Her strong brother had shared her tears while he held her, giving her his strength and comfort.


Nodding, she cupped his cheeks in her hands and kissed his nose, hugging him tight and taking a deep breath. They heard a car door shut and she twisted around looking towards the house. “Looks like Momma’s lawyer is here. I guess we better get back inside and get this over with.” Hand in hand they walked back, greeting Mr. Price, and taking their spots at the table again.


Thank you for coming this afternoon Mr. Price” Callum said.


Well, it’s good to see all of you kids again, but I’m truly sorry it’s under these circumstances. I am very sorry for the loss of your Mother and I know it seems awfully fast for me to already call a meeting with y’all but it’s what you’re Mother instructed of me so here we go.”


First of all, I have a letter for each of you from her for you to read at a later time.” He opened his big black brief case and handed them out one by one. On the front of each one was the receiver’s name in Momma’s delicate script.


She itched to open hers but Mr. Price said specifically to read it at a later time which she took to mean -in private-.


First of all I want you all to know your Momma was very proud of each one of you. She spoke of y’all often when she and I set up her will. She wanted you to know she put a lot of thought into this in hopes y’all would understand and not fight amongst yourselves over her decisions. I’m not sure how much you kids know about her finances and estate but while she wasn’t a wealthy woman, she had things she wanted to give each of you. Mona left me with some difficult things to say to you kids so please, bear with me.”


There was a strained silence in the room, no one flinched or spoke a word until Mr. Price’s voice rang out once again, clearing his throat to start. “Ahem…The first thing I’ll be reading is a note your Mother penned with my secretary in my offices back in July this past summer. I’ll ask y’all not to interrupt please and leave questions or comments until the end.”


Everyone nodded and Callum spoke up. “Of course Mr. Price, anything you say Sir.”


Thank you son…ok, here we go.”






Chapter 5




My dear children, first of all I want you each to know I love you so very much, every single one of you. If Mr. Price is reading this to you right now then I’m sure you’re all together for the first time in way too many years. It does this old heart good to know I finally brought all my babies back together after all the strife and heartache over the years. I have thought long and hard about what I can leave you with in my passing. Your Momma doesn’t have much but what I do want to give is meaningful and I hope it shows you that even through all the pain and heartache you kids went through, a lot caused by me and your stepfather, some from your father dying and now more with me dying, that I loved you all until my last breath. So I have confessions. I’m baring my soul in hopes for forgiveness and that maybe, just maybe, fences will be mended and I can find peace in Heaven, and that God will forgive me for what I’ve done.”


He cleared his throat and for the first time while reading he glanced around the room. There were many tears slipping down their faces, holding each other’s hands. He took a sip of his water and proceeded again.


I never said a word to any of you about being sick. Oh most of you knew I wasn’t feeling well but I did my best to hide just how bad I was. I probably wouldn’t tell you now but you kids need to know for your own medical history. I was diagnosed with Pancreatic Cancer in February. I didn’t say anything because I could never find the right time or the right words and I didn’t want to mess up you kids’ life more than I already had. It was already too far gone and I refused treatment because I didn’t want to rack up bills and cause you all more sorrow when it wasn’t going to do any good. Maybe that was selfish of me but honestly I thought it was for the best.


I have to say these last months I have changed my life more than any of you know. God and I had a long talk and I think by the time we were through we came to an agreement and He forgave me for all my wrongs and carried me through until the end. It wasn’t long after Lucas died that I finally found out what was wrong with me. Those two blows nearly knocked the wind from my sails but y’all know how stubborn I am.”


Chuckles rippled through sniffles as they all looked around at each other nodding.


Well, anyways, when Lucas passed on I used his life insurance to do several things. I finally paid off this old house and the fifty acres it sits on and my old Oldsmobile is paid for too, all tuned up and running like a charm. I also did a few other things that may surprise you. Old man Price should be a riffling through his enormous black briefcase now to get it out.”


Mr. Price’s face turned red and he huffed when they all sort of giggled as he did just that, digging for whatever Momma was talking about. Once it was out, he resumed speaking.


Now, we will discuss things in the order of your birth, which means I’ll start with you Callum, my firstborn. “Callum, my sweet boy, you have been the rock for us all since your Daddy passed. Even when I remarried you still stood up like a father to your brothers and sisters and you picked me up so many times when I was down. I give to you something your father cherished, his wedding band. You are like him in so many ways Callum. You are a loving husband and father, a leader of this family. Please pass it to your son and make sure he knows what a wonderful man his grandfather was.” Callum’s eyes were red and wet with tears as he closed his eyes a moment and nodded, whispering “I will Momma.” Miki leaned over and put her head on his shoulder, gently patting his back, trying to offer comfort to him.


Now for you, my darling Mia, I give you my wedding rings. I remember when you would hold my hand and admire it, telling me how much you loved that Daddy picked it out special just for me and that it was so beautiful I must feel like a princess. Honey your Daddy always made me feel like a princess. I think it’s only fitting that you get have it and keep that memory alive for me by passing it on to your daughter and telling her what to look for when she looks for a prince charming.”


Mia’s sweet face had tears streaming down it and nodded, smiling, no words could come out but the look on her face showed how very touched she was. It was right, fitting for her to carry on the legacy of one of the few good things that they all had memories of the love that Momma and Daddy shared. Reaching out to grasp her hand Callum nodded “I think Momma was right Mia, you should be the one to have it. We all know how you used to always want to try it on and would say someday you would marry a man like Daddy.” He smiled and wrapped one arm around her shoulder and hugged her to him kissing her forehead.


Mr. Price smiled and cleared his throat again, obviously touched by the emotions in the room.


Martha, honey you are so much like me, both in looks and that red headed temper. You have given me so many smiles honey. Sticking by me even when I didn’t deserve it, even when I was a drunk and miserable person and I didn’t deserve anyone’s love. I want you to have my pearls. The ones your grandmother gave me when I married your father. I remember you girls playing dress up and you would fight to get to wear the pearls. Now you can watch your girls do the same!” Martha laughed and wiped her face, smiling as she remembered how bratty she was back then. Curtis laughed and reached over to hug Martha and ruffle his fingers in her hair. “I’m surprised those pearls survived you girls. I think y’all played tug of war with them a time or two.” Soft laughter accompanied by tender hugs between sisters.

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