A Mother's Love (21 page)

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Authors: Miss Dee

BOOK: A Mother's Love
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“Damn girl that’s fucked up.”

“What’s fucked up is how you didn’t tell me what happened to Cash.” She said passing me the blunt.

“I don’t know what you mean. I told you me and Daph had to whoop his ass and I never heard from him again.”

“Well, some of his body parts were found they saying he was cut in pieces. They said Mar Mar did it.”

I couldn’t believe what she was saying my brother didn’t have anything to do with Cash being killed. If he got killed that had nothing to do with Mar Mar. He would have told me. We were too close. Why would he keep a secret from me?


Man things were looking good on the streets and money was nothing. Roberto was supplying me with so much dope at a low price that I was getting cash out the ass. Shit wasn’t looking too good on the home front though. Lorina had been calling Brittany’s phone I didn’t even know how the chick got her number. Brittany was not happy and neither was I shit she was about to be stressed out because of me. I got her a new number just so the calls would stop. But she was still pissed.

I had spoken to Roberto about Lorina and he said “I warned you about my daughter now this is your problem.” And then he laughed.

I didn’t find shit funny but I guess he was right he told me to stop fucking with her but I didn’t listen.

              My houses were doing well too. The house on 124 had been bugged so we could watch their activities. Geno my man from out of town had come to bug the house. I told the crew that I though we was being watched and shut down the house for a day. It seemed like they were scared. So I knew they were on something and they didn’t even say shit about their pay cut, so I knew something was up. I had Cam watching those niggas. We hadn’t seen anything suspicious yet but we had only been watching them for a week now, those niggas was going to slip.

              I had got a text from my baby sister Violet and she told me she wanted to talk to me. We hadn’t kicked it since Sissy’s Grandmother’s funeral so I was with it. She told me to meet her at the ice cream shop on 54
. I had to go to my other stashes and collect because the first of the month was right around the corner. I tried to keep a minimum amount of money in my stash spots just in case a nigga tried to rob me. I got there an hour later. I saw Violet sitting in a booth. She had a chocolate malt that she was sipping on. She had her weave in a ponytail and she had on some pants and a t shirt. She looked like something was wrong because she was tapping her acrylic nails. I hope that nigga Kane wasn’t hitting her. I sat at the booth and I looked like I startled her.

              “What up sis what’s wrong?” I said sliding across from her.

“Mar Mar you would never lie to me right?”

“Naw why what’s wrong?”

“Mar did you kill Cash?” Damn she found out. I wondered who told her. I bet it was Daphne’s ass. I looked at my sister and I couldn’t lie.

“Yeah,” she started crying. Was she serious? This nigga had tried to fuck her up and she was crying cause I protected her. “Who told you Daphne?” I wanted to know.

She looked shocked. “Oh so Daphne knew about the shit too!”

Damn I had fucked up. She got up and I tried to grab her. “Get the fuck off me you ain’t shit. You just like any other nigga lie and keep secrets! And you suppose to be my brother” she stormed out and left me sitting there.

I had really had fucked up I texted Daphne to let her know that Violet had found out. All she said was “smh”.

Daphne understood I know Violet would get over it she always did. I loved my sister and I hope she loved me more than some nigga. I left the ice cream parlor and went home. I was hoping like hell Brittany was not on some bullshit. The entire drive home I just could not understand why Violet was so mad. She had never been this mad at me before but I had never kept a secret from her before neither.

              I made my way to my apartment. I took out my keys and unlocked the door. I sat my keys on the kitchen. I thought Brittany would be in the living room but she wasn’t. She must be in the backroom. I poured me some juice and headed to the bedroom. This day could not get any worse. My heart, my baby sister was mad at me. She had never been mad at me I was always the person that could make her smile. I needed to talk to Brit she would know how to fix this I opened my bedroom door and my cup dropped out of my hand and splashed on my beige carpet. There was Jr. my muthafucking brother in between my bitch legs eating her pussy. Aw fuck no! That nigga had jumped up and I jumped on his ass. I punched that nigga right in his nose. I was mad as hell. He grabbed me and wrestled me to the ground. He held me down.

“I’m not about to fight you, nigga, calm down.” He said still grabbing me.

I was little compared to Jr. so he had a grip on me. I had to calm down for right now. He let me go and he ran out that house he knew I was gone fuck him up. Brittany dumb ass was sitting on the bed crying.

“I’m sorry baby,” she said trying to come up to me. I slapped the shit out of her.

“Bitch get out.” I said. “When I come back you bet not be here.”

I left and headed to my big sister’s house. Shit was just getting fucked up. My spots was being watched, my baby sister was pissed and my brother was fucking my bitch. What a day what a muthafucking day!



Chapter Twenty Eight


I had tried to call Shamar every since the incident with Brittany but he was not taking any of my calls. I even went as far as too text him apologies every morning but he was not going for that.  Summer was ending soon and I was sad for that the fall would come and then the brutal winter. I never wanted anything to happen between Brittany and I it just did. It was my fault though.

I had come over there without calling. I just wanted to surprise my baby brother since I hadn’t seen him since Daphne’s grandmother’s funeral. I had wanted to thank him for buying my kids clothes for the winter. He went to pick up everything without me knowing. I came to the building and Brittany let me up. She opened the door and I could tell she had just gotten out the shower. She had on some short little pajama pants and her ass was hanging out.

“Oh hey Jr. how you get up here?” she asked giving me a hug. I swear my dick got on brick just feeling her skin up against mine. She smelled like melons.

“Somebody was leaving and they let me up.” I said following her into the living room. We sat on the brown suede couch.

“Shamar not even here.” She said changing the channel. She looked good too. Her hair was pinned up and the way she was sitting on the couch gave me full access view to that ass.

“Aw you know when he coming back?” I asked.

“Nope you know him he come and go as he pleases.” And then she started crying. I went on the couch and sat next to her.

“What’s wrong Brit?”I asked as I hugged her.

“He was cheating on me with some Puerto Rican bitch.” She said still crying, “the bitch been calling me and shit. Your brother is wrong I can’t believe he would do this to me.” She started crying harder.

“Brit calm down it’s okay.” I said then she looked at me and gave me a kiss on the mouth.

I turned my head and tried to object but she went full force on me. She got to tonguing me down. She grabbed my hand and escorted me into their room. She didn’t say a word she just pulled of her shorts and laid on the bed. I immediately went to work and about five minutes later Shamar caught us. That was a fucked up day! But today would be better. I was no longer thinking about Shamar and Brittany I was thinking about Beauty.

              I had talked to her and I told her I knew everything about her being a prostitute because she was sold to Lil Spank. She cried and immediately confided in me. She told me everything I needed to know about Lil Spank so that I could bring him down. Violet and Kane was going to help me. We had set everything up for tonight and I was ready. I had never done anything like this before. I mean I was 5’ 10 and I was 197 lbs I could fuck a nigga up but to kill Shane MarQues Odom Jr. had never done that. I know Shamar had killed before but that was him that was the life he chose. I was a ladies’ man and I had learned to fight to protect the ladies but I had never killed to protect the ladies.

              So why was I doing this for her? Somebody I barely knew? I had seven fucking kids to worry about and to live life for so why was I risking my life and freedom for her? It was simple because I empathized. I could be a jerk ass nigga at times and not give a fuck but Beauty really needed my help. Her and the other chicks that were a part of his sick ass slave trade, yeah I may not be a killer but I could kill.

              It was ten o’clock the time when Beauty told us Lil Spank would be out looking after his girls in his car. Violet had got in once with Lil Spank to rob him so I knew we couldn’t chance her doing it again so her friend Cashmere did it. I paid her two thousand dollars too. Cashmere had on a mini skirt and her ass was looking right. She was ugly but with a body like that who would care about her face. We were in the restaurant across the street from where Beauty and her friends were tricking. I could see her out there with a little silver dress on. She knew what was up and she knew where to meet us at. I hoped all of the girls were ready to give up this lifestyle because wasn’t no turning back.

              Kane and Violet were parked at the spot were Lil Spank would take Cashmere. Lil Spank showed up around ten fifteen and we headed out the restaurant to give him a show. We started arguing as soon as we hit the restaurant’s door.

“Bitch you fucking that nigga Bill?” I screamed at Cashmere. She was walking in front of me acting like she had an attitude.

“Bitch I know you hear me talking to you!” she turned around.

“Nigga fuck you! If you would be taking care of me like a real man then a bitch wouldn’t need to fuck Bill. All I know is Bill is paying the bills so you shouldn’t even be talking shit to me!” Now we had gotten every bodies attention. Cashmere was loud and ghetto as hell just what we needed to draw some attention.

“Hoe fuck you you wanna try and front me off and front of these muthafucka I told you I was looking for a job.” I said and looked at the people staring at me, “what the fuck yall looking at?” I grabbed Cashmere’s arm and tried to tell her it was time to go. She snatched away.

“Get the fuck off me ol hoe ass nigga! And guess what I’m fucking PJ too.” I slapped her across her face. She started crying. “Oh no muthafucka! No the fuck you didn’t just hit me! You got me fucked up!” She started swinging on me and I was blocking her hits.

“Bitch calm your ass down!” I held her arms. “Fuck it I’m leaving I don’t need this shit bitch.” I threw her on the ground and went to my car.

She was still there crying. I sped away, right to where Violet and Kane would be. Thirty minutes later Lil Spank had arrived with Cashmere. The nigga had fell for it. Violet had told us how when he “recruited” girls he took them to an apartment on 91
Street. There he would woo you so he could take advantage of the girls. We had stolen a key earlier from the maintenance man. So Kane and I were all set. I had dropped them off earlier and when I got there I told Violet to wait in the car and keep watch.

              Violet had called to say he was coming up. We got ready we were in the back bedroom. We heard Lil Spank enter the apartment and we had something for that nigga we had turned off the lights. He tried the switch and nothing happened I could hear Cashmere.

“I thought you said you had money seem like your light bill ain’t paid.”

“Bitch shut up.” I heard him say.

You could hear him walk to his bedroom. Where we awaited him. As soon as he walked in the room Kane walked from behind the door and knocked him over the head.

“What the fuck!” he said as he fell on the floor. I was standing in the corner. I walked up to him and put the gun to his head. “Please don’t hurt me I will give you whatever you want.”

“I already got everything I need.” I said and pulled the trigger. His brains splattered on the floor. The sight was horrific. I had never killed anyone and I damn sure didn’t want to do it again I felt sick.

“Let’s get the fuck out here before the police come.” Kane said.

We grabbed Cashmere and headed on our way. I had so many thoughts going through my head that I didn’t know what to do. I had never killed anybody but now that I had I knew that it was not as easy as I thought it would be. We got in the car and Violet drove away. I was nervous I hoped like hell nobody would ever find out and that I would never get caught.

We got to our secret place where we told the girls to go all the girls were there too. As soon as we walked in Beauty embraced me. I was feeling guilty about killing Lil Spank but I knew it was in the best interest. These girls had been suffering. I had Beauty come home with me. I didn’t know how Daphne would take it but I needed Beauty near me.










Chapter Twenty Nine


              It had been a minute since I had talked to Violet. She was still not talking to me and I still didn’t understand why. We were so close we were inseparable and she let some dumb ass shit such as killing that bitch ass nigga Cash come between us? Man I had been texting her and apologizing. I think she blocked my number because every time I called it went straight to voicemail. And as for Jr.’s bitch ass I don’t even know why the nigga was steady texting me. The nigga fucked the whole city and he had to have my bitch too?

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