A Mother's Love (22 page)

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Authors: Miss Dee

BOOK: A Mother's Love
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          I was bussing moves with Cam that day and it was nearing the end of summer. Things were getting crazy although the drug game was good for me now my personal life was messed up. Brittany I had put her ass out. I don’t know where she went my guess is to her Mother’s house. I was riding the city listening to that Drake and was thinking about life. I know I chose the fast life and I loved it but I felt like my choices were breaking up my family. I bet my Mama was rolling around in her grave three or four times. It was time to re-up from Roberto so I had to make that trip.

          I had discussed everything with him about his daughter Lorina and he said he agreed and understood like everything was good. I can’t lie thought I didn’t trust him I mean that was his daughter I didn’t want him to be on some bullshit. I still came prepared and suspected the worst. But every time things would go smooth. I hadn’t talked to Brittany she had left me a message saying she had a miscarriage. Good the bitch wasn’t worthy of bringing my seed into the world. She was a dirty ass bitch.

            My houses were doing good but the house on 124 just as I suspected those niggas was dirty. It was time for me to take care of that problem. I had been recording those little niggas and they were snakes just as I suspected. When I told them about the pay cut none of those niggas even cared they didn’t even try to call or text me like they had beef or nothing. I was glad I put those surveillance up cause I was seeing shit first hand for myself.

          The surveillance had those niggas talking about how they couldn’t wait until I got caught slipping. Yeah those niggas was dumb because they had got caught slipping. But I had something for they ass. I even saw those little niggas in the bathroom fixing their wires and shit. Now that was fucked up. I was glad I was playing it smart. But I had a terrific plan to get rid of those little niggas. I first had to make sure the police was not watching on the outsides of the house. I put my little brother Sven in charge of that. After a week of watching the house Sven gave me some great news. There was no police watching the house. It was time to put my plan in motion.

          I wanted no real causalities but those niggas had to go. I had sent a text to the boys in house 124 and told them to clear the house there was going to be a big meeting. I bet those dumb ass niggas was thinking they was finally going to get some shit on me, little did they know their little investigation was about to be over. I was watching as those niggas cleared out the house and check their wires. Those little silly ass niggas. That shit had me mad as hell. But my anger would be short lived. I had one of the little boys trying to come up deliver a package to the house at ten thirty. I watched as they opened the package. They read the note inside the box and once they got what was going on the box exploded. I could see the explosion on the cameras. But the explosion shattered the cameras also. Good thing we had bought the surveillance shit hot off the streets. That problem was taken care of.

         After that was settled I was tired I was ready to go to my empty house and relax. I had to admit though I did miss Brittany she and I had been together for a long time and once you have someone in your life that long you just become connected. But she had fucked up and her fuck up was too big. She had caused our break up and although I didn’t show it I was upset that she had another miscarriage.

          I woke up to a call from Lorina. The bitch was crazy I don’t know how she kept getting my number. I thought her father told her but he said he hadn’t. The shit with her was getting old fast. I answered with an attitude.

        “What the fuck you want?” I said, I got up and went to the bathroom to piss.

        “I think you need to come and talk to me like a man Mar.” she said. I could tell she had been crying.

        “Bitch is you crazy you keep calling me I told you it was over.” I said I went in my room and sat on my bed.

         This shit was crazy I know I had to do something about her crazy ass. I wish Violet was talking to me because I know little sis would have warmed this crazy bitch up.

           I really missed my little sister. She was my heart and I was fucked up that I had hurt her. I know I was wrong for not telling her. I just knew what type of nigga Cash was and if I didn’t dead that nigga then he would have bodied all of us.

         “Look just come to the hotel.” She said. I obliged with her. I did need some pussy since I hadn’t fucked anybody. But after that I was gone have to slap this bitch.

           I made it to the hotel and I told Cam where I was and what room. I made sure I always let my mans know where I was. I got out the elevator and made it to the room. Lorina was looking cute as always. I mean she was a beautiful girl but she was crazy as hell. I sat on the couch in her hotel room. She fixed me a drink and sat next to me. She really didn’t say anything to me. She was just looking at me all weird and shit.

          “What you wanted Lorina?” I asked I had downed the Hennessey she had brought me.

           I don’t know why but my eyelids felt heavy as hell. I had just woke up. And then the room started spinning. That’s when it hit me the bitch had spiked my drink. She had caught me slipping. Good thing I had texted Cam and told him where I was and with who just in case something happened my nigga would know what to do.


            Mike and I had spent the weekend together again like always. We had really come a long way. I was still getting over my Grandmother Nancy’s Death. I mean I had lost my mother and my Grandmother. I was glad I had Mike there for me. Shamar had been checking up on me but I hadn’t heard from him today which was strange. Violet was still mad at me so I know she was still mad at Shamar. It was still early though so I tried not to worry but my gut was telling me something was wrong.

            I got ready for school when we made it to my house. When I got home I was surprised to find Jr. had some girl there with him. I know he didn’t think this trick was going to be staying here. I wasn’t ready to deal with him just right now I was already running late. I made it to school ten minutes late but I made it.

          I had been in school for hours this was my long day in class. I had been there all day and I had turned off my phone so I wouldn’t get interrupted. I was heading out the building and turned my phone back on. When I turned on my phone I started receiving all kinds of messages texts and voicemails. They were from Cameron and Mike. Most of them was asking me did I know where Mar was. Now I was worried Cam was his right hand man he was suppose to know where my brother was.

         I immediately dialed Mar’s number and it went straight to voicemail. I headed to his apartment and I tell you that was a long ride. I was sweating and I was trying to stop the tears before they began. I made it to his apartment and started knocking on the door. No one answered. I decided to dial Brittany. She answered after a couple of rings.

       “Hello.” She said.

       “Brittany this is Daphne.” I said I was still sitting in front of Mar’s apartment.

        “Oh hey girl” she said sounding kind of tired.

        “Brittany do you know where my brother at?” I was starting to tear up now. I knew deep down that she didn’t know where Mar was. He would have been answered his phone.

         “No, what’s wrong Daph is Mar missing?” She seemed worried and that just made me explode.

           I started crying frantically. Oh lord I didn’t know where my baby brother was. And with all the shit he had done and was doing wasn’t no telling if he was dead or alive.

          I jumped back in my car and I surprisingly made it home although I was frantic.

         “Jr.!” I screamed throughout the house.

        My brother came to my side.

       “What’s wrong Daphne? What’s going on?”

       “I can’t find Mar Mar. Cam don’t know where he at.”

       “What?” Jr. said, “This is fucked up! Damn I don’t even wanna tell you this shit.” He said

        “What Jr. is he dead? Tell me what’s going on!” I yelled I was frantic now. I needed to know even if it was the worst.

        “Naw I didn’t know Shamar was missing but Violet is missing too. Kane said she left last night and never returned.”

        What the hell was going on? My baby brother and sister was missing this shit was serious. They were too far in the streets. I should have been got them together. I was the eldest and I had let my brother and sister down. All this anxiety had taken its toll on me and I felt hot. I tried to walk but my legs gave out I fell.

       “Sissy!” Jr. cried out. That was all I heard and I was out.

         I can’t believe my children were missing. God what was going on? Please let me find my kids and help them. Damn this was getting to me. Lord help me find my kids! Why keep me here if I can’t help them? Why keep me looking in and I can’t even help my family. I was feeling my faith slip. What was going on why would God let me see all of this but I couldn’t help.













Chapter Thirty


I could not believe Carlos was doing this shit to me. I had got a call from him last night and I was coming to break it off with him. I was in love with Kane and he was all I needed. I was ready to give Carlos back the car and everything. But little did I know Carlos had other plans for me. I came to the hotel room with my ripped pair of jeans and a pink tee shirt. I knocked on the door and Carlos opened up the door. When I walked in I saw my brother Shamar tied up to the chair.

“What the fuck is going on muthafucka!” I said I tried to run to Shamar but Carlos grabbed me.

“You slut calm down.” He slapped me down to the ground. Then walked in the chick from the club that Shamar was talking to.

“Yeah you bitch you was fucking my man.” She said kissing Carlos.

I didn’t know what the fuck was going on but I was about to get me and my brother the fuck out of there. I was on the ground while they got to kissing oh so they thought I was going to just sit here and watch them kiss. I got up real quick and grabbed a bottle and hit Carlos over the head. I tried to take his ass out first because I knew I couldn’t whoop his ass. It was just me and the bitch Lorina. I went at her full force and surprisingly this bitch was strong. But I was stronger I knocked that hoe on her ass. But I guess the blow I gave Carlos was not hard enough.

He came behind me with a plastic bag and covered my face. I couldn’t breathe and I was sweating. I was fighting, punching the air. The bitch Lorina kicked me in my stomach and I doubled over. I felt the darkness and then my body gave out.

I woke up to a splash of water over my face. I thought I was drowning. Once I realized where I was I noticed Shamar next to me. They had his mouth taped closed and he was looking me in the eyes.

“I love you Mar Mar.” I said. Carlos came and slapped my face.

“Shut up whore.” Shamar was riled up and was trying to break free. “Calm down monkey.” Carlos said.

“What the fuck is going on Carlos?” I asked I didn’t understand.

“Bitch don’t talk to my man.” The Lorina chick appeared out of nowhere. She had on some panties and a tee shirt. I don’t know what was wrong with this chick. “What is going on here little mama is your brother here is trying to play me and my man. I bought him some weight and he didn’t give me and my man our cut back. So now he is going to have to pay. And you little Violet I don’t like you. You are screwing my man so I must get rid of you.”

What Lorina was saying didn’t sound right. I talked to my brother about a lot of things. He never mentioned Lorina having a man. He told me Lorina had fronted him the bricks and her connect was her Dad, and I know Carlos was not her father.

“So what do you plan to do with us?” I asked. I needed some answers.

“Listen here bitch I am running the show don’t ask shit.” Lorina slapped my face. I wanted to fuck that bitch up so bad but she was right we were tied up so she was running the show.

Hours had passed and Carlos and Lorina had me and Shamar sitting in the room the whole time doing nothing. They had turned on the television for us and they even gave us food. Carlos fed me while Lorina fed Shamar. They had us in a hotel suite in a good part of town. I always met Carlos here. Now I was mad that I had even agreed to come meet him. I never really did like Carlos I just used him for his money. That was all he was good for. Now here I was stuck in a damn room awaiting my death with my brother. I know I wasn’t the best person in the world but me and my brother didn’t deserve this.



Chapter Thirty One


I don’t what Carlos and Lorina was planning but I was starting to feel weak. Every since they gave me that shit in my drink I was not feeling like myself. I couldn’t believe I had let this bitch catch me slipping. I was really losing it. And then she had told the nigga that I had stole money. I don’t know what kind of bullshit Lorina had pulled but she had set this shit up from day one. She knew what she was doing. She knew if I fucked up then she would make sure I paid. But to put my little sister in this shit the bitch was foul.

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