A Mother's Love (23 page)

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Authors: Miss Dee

BOOK: A Mother's Love
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I had to think of something quick. It had been the entire night and morning was coming. I know Cam was looking for me. I told him where I had gone but we were no longer in that room. We were in the same hotel but I guess the nigga Carlos had got an extra room. The bitch must have known I would tell Cam where I was. But I knew my nigga Cam I know he would come get me but until then I just had to keep me and baby sis alive. Lorina kept kissing on Carlos like I gave a damn. The bitch had even given the nigga some head. I don’t know what freaky shit they were on but all it was doing was pissing me off more.

I was glad Violet was holding her own. She seemed to be thinking of something. I was getting tired I was still drowsy from whatever they gave me. I felt my eyelids get heavy.  I must have drifted off to sleep because I jumped from a loud crash.

Yeah bitch! That’s right damn I was trying to throw the clock at the Lorina chick but I really couldn’t pick anything up. My youngest two children were something else their fast lifestyles were getting best of them and me.

“What the fuck!”Lorina yelled.

The clock on the night stand had fallen. I couldn’t see how that shit had happened but good thing I was woke because Violet was gone. Where the fuck was she? Lorina must have noticed me looking at Violet’s empty chair.

“Aw you looking for your whore of a sister. Well while you slept, Carlos took her, probably to kill her.” She started laughing.

I was heated now. I tried to get a loose but all that did was tip the chair over. I hit the floor with a thud.

“Ay muthafucka quit making all that damn noise.”

I was on the floor and I was thinking hard. What the fuck was going on? Why would he kill Violet that would be stupid. He wouldn’t get any money and honestly this whole kidnapping shit was sloppy. They never really said what they wanted. They just had us tied up and just kept talking shit. Yeah I know he didn’t kill Violet that wouldn’t make sense. She was just trying to scare me. Lorina finally sat my chair up.

She started ranting and raving about how I should have left Brittany and that she was better for me. I tried to muffle some words out to get her attention. I guess she was done talking and took the scarf out of my mouth finally. Lorina was still in some panties and no bra. I don’t know why she liked to prance around like that but whatever.

“Lorina baby. I was leaving Brittany for you.” I said trying to start my lie. Fuck that I had to get out of here before Carlos came back.

“Muthafucka you are lying to me.” She slapped me. Damn I wanted to beat the shit out of this bitch.             

“What you mean I’m lying. Lorina baby I live by myself I put Brittany out. You can go check my house. Baby I know I was wrong I just didn’t know how to come to you. I know you a topnotch bitch. I know it would have been hard to get you back.” I was laying this shit on thick I hoped she believed me. “I was just trying to see how to approach you. Our fall out was so bad. Man, you gotta understand when you left me I was hurt.” I was really laying this shit on thick I left that bitch and changed my number.

“What do you mean Mar, why the fuck you lying?” her accent was thick now. I could tell she was mad and if she was mad that meant she somewhat believed me.

“Lying baby no I’m not. I love you.” Now I know damn well I was lying now. She looked at me all weird.

“You don’t love me Mar.”

“What the fuck you mean I don’t love you. I never pressured you for sex or nothing. The only reason I became confused was because you let me fuck your friend. I wanted you to myself and I thought you wanted the same thing. I started thinking different when you decided to let me fuck somebody in front of you. I was hurt, but I didn’t want to show it. That’s why I stopped calling and that’s what went wrong.”

“Aw Shamar why didn’t tell me?” I had her.

“What nigga you know gone get mad cause they bitch wanted to have a threesome. Shit I just didn’t know how to come at you. You a bad bitch I never had a bitch like you on my team. I didn’t know what I had until it was gone and I didn’t know how to get it back.”

She looked at me and I looked at her with sincerity. Shit my Dad had sweet talked so many bitches I know I had her. She walked up to me and gave me a kiss.

“Give me some of my pussy baby.”

She unzipped my pants and sat down on my dick. I let her control and bounce on it and have her way with my dick. That was what I wanted to gain her trust so she could untie me. She came hard and heavy and so did I.

              “I love you baby.” I said and kissed her.

“I love you too,” she said, “I need you to hold me.” She started untying me just the shit I wanted her to do. I couldn’t leave yet I had to know where Violet was. She untied me and I stood up.

“Baby is Carlos really your man? That shit was disrespectful sucking that nigga dick in front of me.” I said keeping the act up.

“I’m sorry baby. I just wanted to piss you off.”

“Well it worked.” I said and slapped the shit out of her. She fell to the floor. “Where the fuck did he take my sister?” I said. I started kicking that bitch. She was hollering in pain.

“I don’t know he said he wanted to spend time with her alone.”

She was wasting time she wasn’t going to tell me. I needed to call Cam or somebody. I grabbed Lorina by her neck and choked the life out of her. I stared her in the eyes while I killed her. She had picked the wrong nigga. I had to find Violet.

Chapter Thirty Two


As soon as Shamar fell asleep Lorina and Carlos untied me. Carlos led me out the door and we got in a black SUV. I was drained so I didn’t say much. I was trying to think of a plan to get Shamar and I out of this situation. I was trying to figure out where the hell Carlos was taking me. Him and Lorina was speaking in Spanish before we left so I didn’t know what the fuck they were saying.

“Yea you little whore. I love you. I need you. And you play me.” Carlos was talking in circles I did not know what the hell he was talking about. He just kept going on and on saying shit.

“Yeah me give you money, cars, everything but not enough.” I guess he was saying he loved me. I really did not have time for the sentimental shit right now. How the hell did he love me but he was trying to kill me?

“Carlos what the fuck is you talking about.” Now he was getting on my nerves. It was like torture him talking gibberish and bullshit.

“Aw whore you know what I talk about.” This muthafucka was really urking me. How the hell did I know what he was talking about? “You fuck all the black guys.”

“Yeah I do and. Carlos me and you did not have a relationship.” Now I really did not know what the fuck he was talking about. He must have been sniffing that shit because he was not making any sense.

“Oh now we not in relationship but when you fuck me and take my money we were in relationship.” Oh wow this muthafucka had lost it. He was making up shit so he wouldn’t feel bad about killing me.

“You know what Carlos you sitting here calling me whores and shit what about the bitch Lorina you fucking her and letting her suck your dick. How long has that shit been going on?” I really didn’t care but since he was trying to throw shit in my face I was going to do the same to him.

“She don’t mean shit. You meant everything.”

“If I mean everything then why you doing this shit?”

“Because you not answer my calls, you don’t want me no more, I know.” He was right but I wasn’t gone let him know that.

“Carlos really this is what this is about? Come on now you made me feel like I was just your out of town hoe. Like a bitch you only fucked with when you was in town.”

I really didn’t give a fuck but I was trying to get on his good side. I looked at Carlos and he looked at me. He gave me a smile. I smiled back. This muthafucka was in love. We was going through all this shit because these two muthafucka had fell in love. Damn I was never dating a Mexican again.

I turned my attention back to the road. It looked like a lady was in the middle of the road and Carlos was about to hit her. But the lady didn’t look like a regular person. She was just standing there like she didn’t see his truck.

“Carlos watch out.”

  He saw the lady and swerved out of the way. The SUV swerved and tipped over. My body fell against the door and it hurt like hell. The car was spinning and flipping out of control. I was so scared I prayed to the Lord to please save me as the glass tore through my skin. The pain was excruciating as the glass sliced and gashed through my skin. The SUV stopped and I tried to lift my body up but I couldn’t move. I started feeling dizzy I turned my head and saw the lady that was standing in the road and she was walking towards the car. I wanted to see her face but I felt my eyes closing.

No! No! Lord not my baby! I walked up to the SUV Violet was out cold. The guy who had kidnapped her was barely breathing. No! I can’t deal with this shit. I stayed with Violet as the Ambulance came and sped to the hospital. Her beautiful face was slashed and slit from the glass of the windshield.

I looked at my last born and it hurt my heart to know that because of my death she was suffering my kids were suffering. I held Violet’s hand all the way to the hospital. They rushed her in the room. I had the power to go in and watch as they performed on her but as a mother I could not stand and watch it was too much. I paced the floor back and forth. I didn’t know if my other kids were going to show up but I was there. Every step of the way I would be there for my baby.

Weeks rolled by and my children were right there for their sister. Jr. and Shamar made up and they sat around watching as their sister lay lifeless. Daphne was there day in and day out praying over her sister and making sure the doctor’s took care of her. After three six months they took her off the machines saying that she was going to breathe on her own.

              Daphne was skeptical but her brothers convinced her that if it was meant then Violet would survive this. I was scared as I held my baby hand. When they took her off the ventilator, her entire body moved as she took a deep breath. We waited for her to flat line but she didn’t she was strong and she was going to survive. I hummed in her ear as she lay peacefully I wanted her to know that her mother was right, there right by her side.

I woke up in a room where there was all white. I heard the monitor going off and I knew I was in the hospital. I tried to speak but I couldn’t I didn’t know what was going on. I tried to move but I couldn’t and it hurt. I let out a moan. Okay if I could moan then I could talk so I tried again. It hurt too bad though. I looked around the room and I spotted Daphne sleep in the chair. I tried again to talk or do something to wake her up. She had to tell me what was going on. I was up for about twenty minutes just replaying the events in my head.

Finally Daphne woke up and got up out of the chair. She walked over to my bed and seen my eyes were open.

“Oh my God sis you woke finally.” She ran out the room.

Where the hell was she going? She came back seconds later with a doctor. The doctor was a white man looked to be in his late forties. He checked my vitals and everything and asked me to speak and try to move but once again I couldn’t. Daphne was on the phone calling people and she was smiling. I don’t know why shit I couldn’t move or anything.  The doctor finally left and Daphne followed.

I did not know what was going on it seemed like I had been sleep for hours or something. All I can remember was having the crash with Carlos and that woman in the road. Daphne came back in the room and sat next to my bed. She grabbed my arm but I couldn’t feel it. But I knew she was holding my hand.

“Baby girl Shamar, Kane, and Jr. on the way up here. But I have to tell you some things. After the accident you were rushed to the hospital. You are not paralyzed but your body do have to adjust because you been out for so long. You are going to have to learn to walk, talk, eat, and go to the bathroom all over.” She started crying and I did too. What was she saying how long had I been sleep? “You have been in a coma for a year now sissy.” She had answered my question. What the hell a whole year. What had happened to Shamar I hope he was okay.











Chapter Thirty Three


I was happy as fuck when I got the call from Daphne that Violet was doing good. We had just gotten real close and I was tore up inside because I thought we were going to lose her. Shamar had come to Daphne’s house that day without Violet and we were mad as hell. I don’t know how he had made it back here but he did. We were at the house trying to figure out what happened and where Carlos had took Violet.

We didn’t find out to hours later when the police came to Daphne’s house. We rushed to the hospital. Carlos was okay too but he ended up dying later that night in the hospital. I think Shamar had something to do with it I hope he did. I had made it to the hospital I had bought some flowers and balloons for baby sis. I guess I was the last one to make it to the hospital because Shamar and Kane were already there. Violet looked herself which was good because at first her face was cut up something horrible but being in a coma for a year I guess it got time to heal.

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