Acting On Temptation (Temptations) (10 page)

BOOK: Acting On Temptation (Temptations)
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She lets him up and looks at him serious as a flippin heart attack, “Do we understand each other?”

He laughs, “I understand that you’re a crazy bitch.”

She punches him in the throat, “Now you’ll listen better since you can’t talk.  My family is part of a little organization.  Since your Daddy is big into business I’m sure he knows them well.  He’s probably one of their bitch do boys. Just ask him if he knows the Dixie Mafia.   Now I tried to stay back from this, but you will not disrespect her with this nasty ass photo you made up.  So you are going to get up and go take this shit down and these two associates of my Dads are going to see that you do it.  Oh and if you breathe a fucking word about what I’ve said to you…well don’t be stupid and do that okay?  That is unless you want to see what they are packing under that nice sports coat they have on.”

He nods weakly and Daria spins around, “Come on Anna lets go home.” 

She waves to the guys standing there, “See y’all later. Thanks, I know it was short notice.  I didn’t interrupt Sunday Lunch or anything at your Church did I?”

They both shake their heads and one of them speaks, “No, its fine.  We knew you wouldn’t call unless it was important.  Go on and enjoy your day. We’ll make sure he does as you told him.”

“Thanks again guys, oh by the way this is Anna.  She’s my friend, he decided to spread false rumors about her, slap her, injure her boyfriend on purpose during a football game and then make up this fake naked picture of her and put them up on campus.  So you see he really needs to learn some manners.  Maybe one of you guys can talk to him about how women like to be treated.”

They nod and the same one speaks, “Sure.  Just talk?”

“Yep just talk.  He’s a damn scaredy cat anyway.”

She pulls me in the car, “Thanks again guys.”

I’m not sure what in the hell just happened but it was scary.

As if Daria can sense it she pulls over, “Okay, so like I said you’ll learn a little something about my private life today.  Do you know what the Dixie Mafia is?”

“Yes, I’ve heard of them somewhat.”

“Okay well then you know why I need to keep this private.”

I nod and she smiles, “Look, yes, my father is high up in the D.M. but, I never use that unless I need it.  I came here to go to college so people wouldn’t know about me or my father. I needed a fresh start.  I left some things behind in my hometown.”

“But, I thought you didn’t live but like an hour or so from here?  I mean Cade met your parents.”

She looks at me, “Cade met my Mom and step-dad.  I use my step-dads last name Jones, my real last name is Broxton.  It’s confusing, but my real Dad keeps some contacts nearby for me, just in case I need them.  I don’t talk about it, so please don’t say anything to anyone at the house.  There are a few things about my past I like to keep to myself and my real Dad is one of them.  It’s just complicated and some things I just don’t like to talk about.”

I nod, “But…”

She nods, “I promise I’ll tell Cade but, I can’t yet.  It’s complicated, but I promise I will tell him.  You have my word.”

“Okay, well thank you for your help.  I mean if anyone saw those, they’d never believe it wasn’t me in that picture.”

She pats my shoulder, “That’s what friends do.  But if he’s stupid enough to try something again, you or I won’t be the ones talking to him…get me?”

I nod, “Yeah.”



              Daria and Anna walk back through the door after what seems like forever.  I cross the living room, “What happened?”

Daria looks at me, “It’s taken care of.”

I look at Anna, “What do you mean?”

Anna looks at me, “Daria threatened him with a defamation of character lawsuit.  She had one of her Dad’s friends meet us to talk to him.  He’s taking care of it.”

I nod, “Okay if you’re sure.”

She nods and glances at Daria, “Yeah I’m sure.”

I feel like she’s not telling me something, but I’m not going to push it.  We’ve all had a hell of day.  I pull her in and kiss the top of her head, “Let’s go take a nap.”

She nods, “Okay.  Did you take your medicine?”

“No I was waiting until you got back.  It makes me tired and I wanted to make sure you got back okay.”

She smiles, “You say the sweetest things sometimes.”

After I take my pills we lie down on her bed.  She settles into the nook of my good arm.  She turns her head and kisses me on the lips.  We start to get carried away.  She stops and looks at me.  “Russ.”

I smile, “Yeah sweetie?”

“I need to tell you something.  I have a feeling this will affect us in the near future.  So I want you to know so we’ll be prepared.”

I stroke her hair, “What is it?”

“I’m allergic to latex.”

I start chuckling, “Okay.”

She smacks my arm, “It’s not funny.  I could die.”

I’m trying not to chuckle, “I know it’s not funny, but why bring that up now?”

She nuzzles my neck and speaks right into my ear, “Well with you, with every kiss, I want more.  I just know that soon, I’m going to want

“Okay, I think I get where you are headed now.”

She smiles, “I plan on going to the student clinic tomorrow for birth control.”

I nod and stroke her face, “Well since we won’t be able to use condoms, would you like for me to go be tested?  I mean I’ve never had sex without a condom, but I know…trust me that they aren’t always 100%.  Also, playing ball I get hit and knocked around so it wouldn’t hurt for me to get tested.”

She smiles, “That would be great.”

“I’ll go at the same time you do if you would like or not if you’d rather Gabby go with you or something.”

She shakes her head, “No, this affects you and I.  I don’t want Gabby to know.”

“Okay I’m just saying I think she’d understand.  She said she’s been on the pill for years.”

She fiddles with her fingers, “Yeah, but that was for medical reasons.  I don’t have those same problems.”  She tilts her head down, “I mean, I’m not saying I want to start having sex ASAP and I just don’t feel like having my sister quiz me on my private life.”

I put my finger on her chin and pull it back up, “I know what you’re saying.  If or when you decide that you’re ready to have sex, we will both be prepared.  I don’t talk about my private business either.  Although, they all pretty much know I’ve seen you naked. I was pissed about that picture at the moment and I was trying to prove that it wasn’t you.”

She smiles with a sigh of relief, “I know today was crazy.  Thank you so much for being a patient guy and understanding.”

“Sweetie, please don’t ever feel like I expect you to have sex with me.  I’ll wait as long as you want to.  I know that this is a big step for you and for some reason you think I’m special enough to be your first at a lot of things, so I’m going to try not to screw it up.  I’m just upset that we won’t be able to use that cock ring since its latex…I was looking forward to trying some new things myself.”

She laughs and kisses me, we start to ravage each other’s mouths.  Finally, I break the kiss, “Whew we gotta stop for a minute.  I’m starting to have a problem.”

She giggles and starts to kiss my chest.  She travels with her tongue down to my navel. 
Okay this is a full on red alert.  I’m gonna blow my shit any minute, in my pants like I’m twelve or something.

I grab her arm, “Hey Sweetie, I love what you are doing but you gotta stop.”

She looks up at me and pokes out her bottom lip, “Why?”

Oh shit she’s a little vixen, “Well, because I’m about to embarrass myself.”

She shakes her head, “Oh, well I wasn’t stopping here.” She runs her hands down my stomach, “I had other things in mind, I’ve got to check for bruising from all those hits yesterday.  I mean you need a full checkup.”

“Whoa there.”

She laughs, “Oh just try and stop me mister.”

Damn I don’t think I’ve ever had a girl demand to go down on me before.

She undoes the button and zipper on my shorts.  Then she pulls my boxers down and before I can prepare myself she’s working my dick like a pro.  I know we were both pretty drunk the other night in that supply closet but DAMN this is awesome, I don’t remember it being quite like this.  So, I’m not at all surprised that it doesn’t take me long.  I pull her up to my mouth and kiss her hard.

“Sweetie, please don’t take this wrong.  How are you so good at that?”

She giggles, “I don’t want to say.”

I tickle her side, “Come on.”

She tries to look serious, “After Jack said I wasn’t any good at it.”  She’s turning red and she puts her face in her hands, “I googled it.”  I start laughing and she smacks my arm, “I just wanted to see if I was doing it wrong or something.  Then I watched some videos on YouTube.”

I shake my head and start laughing so hard I have to grab my shoulder, “Sweetie, only you would study how to give the perfect blow job.”

She tries not to laugh, “Shut up or I’ll never to do it again.”

I put my good hand up in surrender, “Okay…Okay I’m sorry.”



              I look over at Russ sleeping, we are supposed to go to the clinic today.  I really hope he was serious about getting tested.

“Stop looking at me so hard Sweetie and quit over analyzing whatever you analyzing.”

I giggle, “Sorry, I was just studying this art form in front of me.”

He rolls over and opens his eyes, “So what time is our appointments today?”

“Um they said mine is at ten and yours is at ten-thirty.”

“Okay, that should work.  Do you want me to go back with you?”

I shrug, “You can if you want.  I’ve never had this done before, so I’m kind of nervous.”

He pulls me close, “I’ll go back with you.  It’s normally pretty quick for a checkup.”

I laugh, “Um how do you know this?”

He looks at me, “Well, this is something I think we need to talk about before we go and if you change your mind about us or whatever I’ll understand.”

“Russ you are scaring me.”

“I’m sorry.  It’s just I don’t like to talk about this.  This kinda goes back to why I don’t like Skylar.”

I tilt my head down, “I kinda know, I hope you don’t mind I asked Linc.  I know he took your girlfriend Sabrina and that you really cared about her, but she was superficial like her parents.   Is she why you felt like you never deserved someone good?”

He nods, “Yes, and its okay that you asked Linc, I was being a total ass to you for a couple of weeks so I’m sure you wondered.  But there is a little more to the story.  After Sabrina broke up with me, I was a total mess.  I was hurt and angry.”

I nod, “Yeah, that’s understandable.”

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