Acting On Temptation (Temptations) (6 page)

BOOK: Acting On Temptation (Temptations)
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I land another punch on his face, “You are a fucking liar and I’m going to make you regret the day you were born.”

He rolls his eyes, “Ah fuck you Russ.  You’re still just pissed about Sabrina, I’m sure Linc over there is still pissed about Jules too.”

Linc smiles and shakes his head, “No man, she was as used as
a rental car I hope you got checked afterward. I damn sure did and thank God I always wrapped my shit up.”

“What the hell man you took her back after I fucked her?”

“Yeah, she was easy and I was young dumb and full of cum…which I kinda felt sorry for her after she told me she was sorry that she never should’ve cheated with you because you have a small dick.”

The room erupts with laughter
and Skylar throws some shit and stomps out.

I hear one of the other guys laugh, “Dude he got punched t
hree times, never punched them back
got called out on his small dick.”

The other guys laughs, “Man that burns.  The bad
part is, why does he think he can lie to us?  We’ve seen his shit in the shower.”

About this time Cade, Linc and I are rolling laughing, needless to say we didn’t get much of a workout in.


A few hours later when we walk back in the house from the gym, we hear giggles coming from the kitchen.  We all look at each other and Cade whispers, “
What the hell are they in there doing stuff without us?

We round the corner into the kitchen and find the girls doubled over laughing and it doesn’t take long for us to see why.

Linc walks up to the counter, “Gabby babe. Why are their cookies shaped like dicks on our counter?”

That only makes the girls laugh harder.

Daria stops and looks at us dead serious, “Oh we meant to tell you guys yesterday we are hosting a little girl’s only party here this evening, so you guys need to make yourself scarce.”

I grin, “Is it a pajama party because I could be all down for that?”

Anna slaps my arm, “No, its not and you can’t come.”

As soon as the words left her mouth the girls burst into a fit of giggles again.  I look at the guys, “Okay who wants to go to the bar tonight?”  They raise their hands at the same time.

The girls are still in the kitchen laughing now because Anna told me I couldn’t come, I’d swear they were high as a kite if I didn’t know better.  They sound like a damn old episode of Beavis and Butthead.

After we are in the living room, I look at Cade, “Do you think we should tell Anna what he said about her?”

He shakes his head, “No man let her have fun tonight, it sounds like they are going to and we’ll tell her tomorrow.  She’s gonna be here all night tonight, she won’t run into him or his lies.”

I nod and we go to get ready to go out.

Chapter 9


After the guys came in and realized we were baking penis cookies in the kitchen they hurried out.  If Russ only really knew what was so funny about what I said.  We had been laughing about the whole thing anyway when I decided that we should put white frosting on the tip of the cookies.

We are doing a
Brown Bag
party for our friend Heather, she sells
and makes pretty good money doing it, but she needed some extra cash this month.  So she asked if we would host a party at our house and she would give us some freebies according to how many sales we helped her get.  It sounded like a good reason to have an all girl get together, get a little drunk and find some new goodies.  Like I said I’m no prude…
you just have to take care of things yourself.
  Plus I never wanted to fall into bed with someone too fast…after what happened to Gabby before she found Linc…I just never wanted to face that, I’m not as strong as she is.

The girls all show up not too long after the guys leave for the bar.  Heather gets all of her
set up in the living room.  We sit out a bunch of snack foods including our penis cookies…with the white icing (which everyone laughed at) and a few bottles of wine and beer. 
Thank God my sister and Daria have fake ID’s

Heather calls everyone to the living room, “Okay girls come on in and have a seat.  Now, these little parties are always fun, and there is no need for anyone to feel embarrassed by anything here tonight.  In this day and age we should all embrace our sexuality, feel proud of it.  The products we sell will only help a relationship not replace it, but if you aren’t in a relationship we do sell some products to knock the edge off.”

Everyone laughs and she starts talking about all of the products.  We are all laughing and the other girls are telling stories.  It’s funny to me how many of these guys like to use the toys in the bedroom too.  I feel kinda weird that I don’t have any stories to tell, well I do from last night but it’s practically G-rated compared to them. 

Heather stands up, “Okay now I’m giving away a twenty-five dollar gift certificate to the most embarrassing
sex story, and this is completely a volunteer thing.”

I notice Gabby go into the
kitchen, I know why she stood up and left.  Her most embarrassing story, she doesn’t like to talk about it. 

I walk in our kitchen, “Hey are you okay?”

She laughs, “Yeah, I just figured it was time to refill some drinks and stuff.”

I smile, “Its okay, I don’t have any stories to tell.”

She smiles, “That’s not always a bad thing.”

At the beginning of the night Heather had put all of our names into a drawing for door prizes.  We were down to the last prize of the night and she calls my name.  I laugh, “Oh really Heather you can give it to someone else.”

“Nope girlie it’s yours come on up here.”

I walk up there and open up my prize which happens to be a cock ring. 
Why couldn’t it have been something I could use like batteries?

Everyone starts laughing and one of the girls
’ giggles, “Oh Skylar will enjoy that.”

I laugh, “Uh no he won’t unless it’s with someone else.”

Macy looks at me and nods, “Oh so he did his normal thing.  He banged you and broke up with you after?”

My sister and Daria round the
corner.  I laugh, “Excuse me Macy?”

y looks up at me and is genuinely not trying to be a bitch. You could tell she was in pain telling me, “Oh I’m sorry, Jason told me that he was telling the entire weight room this morning that he hooked up with you in his truck. He said it was the most boring lay he’d ever had so he went back to the party and bagged that girl Carrie.”  She rolls her eyes, “Hell half the guys at the party hooked up with her.  She’s definitely letting her freak flag fly since she’s not under Daddy the Judge’s gavel anymore.”

I look over and Gabby looks like she’s about to break something.  I need to stop this, “Ok
I’m sure it was boring because, I did not have sex with him last night.   As a matter of fact I’ve never had sex and I’m not ashamed of it.  He’s a dick who thinks he can have whatever he wants, and I have no time for shitheads like him.  So, no I turned him down cold last night and came in here and went to bed…then I went and found him this morning and told him I didn’t want to see him anymore.”

They all start laughing and
I get a bunch of “you go girl”, “figures that little dick bastard would lie” and “he really is a dickhead.”

A girl named Tina looks up, “Well if it makes you feel any better I heard when Cade, Linc and Russ came into the gym and heard him Cade and Russ ended up punching him in the face a few times.
  Oh and then they called him out on his small dick.”

Now I’m pissed, “They knew, those bastards.”

Tina looks up, “Hey they were looking out for you.”

“Yeah well they could’ve told me…I mean don’t get me wrong I’m glad one of you told me rather than me hearing
it on campus.”

Heather looks up, “Yeah, I get it you shouldn’t have gotten blindsided about it.”

I look over at Macy and laugh, “Well, don’t tell Jason you said anything to me. Just say that when you were here tonight that I said I would rather have sex for the rest of my life with my vibrator than sleep with Skylar.  Maybe that will slow up his mouth.”

The room erupts with laughter.  My cell phone rings and I look at it and see Russ
making a funny face.  I step into the kitchen and answer, “Hello.”  “Hey Anna!”  Lord he’s shitfaced, “Russ what’s going on?”  “Hey ummm we got a little carried away down here and if you….guys are finished with your party or whatever…can you guys come get us?”  He was slurring and hiccupping all the way through his question.  “Yeah we were just finishing up, where are you guys at?”  “We are down at Boomers.  Do you know where that is Sweetie?”  “Yes Russ, we’ll see you soon. Hey who all else is down there that’ll need a ride?”  “There’s a shitload of us here, most of the guys have a girl at your secret party.”  “Okay see you soon.”  I laugh, this party is really bothering them.  I’m going to get a little revenge for them not telling me about my business or non-business getting spread around.

I step back out into the living room and have an idea, “Alright girls lets move our party on the road, I just got a distress call from Russ and the guys to come pick them up at Boomers because they are trashed.  So what do you say we go screw with their heads and finish off the night?
  I figure the rest of you will want to go because from what I was hearing in the background and from Russ almost everyone that is here has one there.”

The all laugh and nod.  We all run out to the cars
, Daria, Gab and I rode together knowing one of us would have to drive the other car back.  There was only about ten of us so it was going to be fun.  The girls were pretty sure if I came up with the crowd that the door guy would let me in
since I haven’t gotten a fake ID.

I manage to make it in to the bar and we see a group of guys at one table.  Judging by the noise we hear, we can tell that’s where our guys are.

As I walk up Cade sees us, “Girls!”

He grabs Daria into an embrace, kissing her like his life depends on it.  Linc swaggers up to my sister and pulls her into a sweet but needy kiss.  I look over at Russ and he tips his chin up at me, neither one of us have brought up what happened between us last night.
  Cade staggers back from Daria, “So did you girls enjoy your little
cock cookies
?  I saw them before I left I know you put white frosting on the tip of them.  You girls are just pervs.”

We all start laughing.  T
hen we start talking about some of the wild shit they sell and act like all of us bought some of it.  Hell we even make shit up to make it sound wild, just to mess with their little drunk asses.  I look at Cade and laugh, “I hope you like being tied up, because Daria bought some freaky shit tonight.”

Cade laughs, “Never have been one to be tied up, but with Daria…I might like it.”

All of the guys start laughing, Daria looks at them, “Hey don’t laugh guys remember we saw what your girls bought too.  Jason, I hope you like nipple clamps and hot wax.  Oh yeah who was it that bought that anal probe?  I can’t seem to remember.”

The guys burst with a nervous laughter and Jason says
, “Hey lets have another round or two before we all get escorted home.  I mean come on girls, I’m gonna have to be a little more drunk before I let Macy try some kinky shit like’s in those Grey books all of you girls were reading.  Come on just a couple with us.”

We all kind of shrug and nod
because we aren’t really ready to call it a night either.  After the drinks we had at the house and the one I’ve had here so far I’m feeling great.  Then Gabby and Daria grab my hand to go dance.



God watching Anna dance I know I’m going to bed with blue balls tonight.  I meant what I said I don’t want us to do anything else if we’ve been drinking.  It just trying to get that straight between my brain and my dick that is the problem.

About that time I see Skylar and his little entourage following him in, if he goes near Anna I’ll end up killing him.  Thankfully a slow song comes on so I head over to the dance floor and whisper in her ear, “Hey sexy, you wanna dance?”

She giggles, “I guess I will.”  She wraps her arms around my neck and sways I can tell the alcohol is catching up with her too, “You know I should be pissed with all three of you guys.”

I look down at her, “Why?”

“Well because according to the girls at the party tonight, I had sex with Skylar last night…which must have been pretty forgettable since I don’t remember having it and then I find out that he was telling a gym full of guys and that you and Cade hit him.  But you guys failed to mention this information to me, so imagine my surprise when I found out in front of about a dozen people tonight.”

“Sweetie I’m really sorry, it took us a while to calm down today from all of it.  Then when we got home and you guys were having so much fun, we didn’t want to get you down about it.  We did plan on telling you.”

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