Acting On Temptation (Temptations) (8 page)

BOOK: Acting On Temptation (Temptations)
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He glares at me, “Just got into a scuffle last night coach, but I’m fine.”

“Well you better be, I’m changing up a couple of plays today
, I need someone with your speed blocking for Russ.  Jeff is just too damn slow.”

He nods, “Yes sir, I’ll handle it.”

I look at Linc…I damn sure don’t want him blocking for me. I don’t trust that little prick. As if Linc can sense my hesitation he walks over to me and speaks low, “Look I know you don’t want to trust him, but he wouldn’t chance ruining the game. Just put up with him for today and then we’ll figure out the next step.”

I nod, “Okay.”

When we run out of the tunnel I look directly up where Anna, Gabby and Daria are sitting.  Skylar looks up at them to and blows Anna a kiss.  I run up beside him, “What did I tell you last night Skylar? Don’t even look in her direction.”

We keep running like nothings happening.  He looks over at me, “What
? Afraid I’ll get the girl again?”

I scoff, “That might be possible if the girl didn’t despise you.”

He chuckles, “We’ll see.”


Most of the game goes by pretty quickly.  We are ahead by fourteen until the last quarter when defense let them catch up to us.  Coach steps over to Linc, Cade and I, “Okay guys. We only have a few chances left to put some more points on the board.  So we are going to try to convince them Cade is going to run the ball and then Linc will pass to Russ at the last minute.”

We all nod our heads that we understand.
We gain some good ground but now we are down the last few minutes of the fourth quarter I have to make this touchdown or we go into overtime.  We line up and the ball is snapped I run over and out twenty yards and turn to catch the ball only to have a guy that weighs about four hundred pound pummel over me and I heard a ‘pop’.  That’s when it all goes black.

I wake up in the
team doctor’s office in locker room, with our team doc waving in my face.  “Russ, hey man do you hear me?”

I nod, “Y-e-a-h.”  I feel this excruciating pain in my arm.

I try to sit up but he stops me, “Russ, your shoulder got popped out of socket when you got hit.  We have to try and reset it.  Its going to hurt, but if we can do it this way then you don’t have to go to a specialist.  If it pops back out we’ll have to send you to a specialist and you’ll possibly have to have surgery and physical therapy.”

I nod, “Okay, what happened?  I turned around to catch the ball I remember a hit, I heard a pop and then I blacked out.”

Doc looks at me and rolls his eyes, “Well your blocker
and so their defense got past him.  Cade picked up the ball and ran it in, so we got the score, but coach is rightfully pissed at Skylar.”

I try to sit up, “That mother fucker!  He did this shit on purpose.”

Doc looks at me with an inquisitive look on his face, “You sure about that?”

“Let’s just say we have a past, and I was protecting a girl from him last night.  That’s what happened to his face.”

Doc nods his head, “Alright you ready to do this?”

I nod, “Yeah.”  I brace myself and it hurts like HELL when he pops my shoulder back into place. 

He looks at me, “Okay it looks like it’s going to stay, but you are out of a couple of games and practice.  Wear this sling and try not to move your arm a lot.  Also, here is a prescription for some pain medicine.  Take it with a little food and a full glass of water.  No driving.  I’m going to talk to coach about what you’re thinking and I’m sure he’ll review the tape.  I honestly have to say I wouldn’t put it past that little prick, he acts like the world owes him something.”

I nod my head, “Where’s Linc?”

“He’ll be in soon.  I had them go ahead and shower while I got your shoulder set and everything.”

About that time Linc comes through the door, he looks like he’s going to explode, with Cade in tow behind him looking like he’s going to murder someone.  Doc looks at them, “Okay boys, he has to take it easy.  Take him home and he needs to rest and take the meds I wrote for him.”  He looks back at me, “I’m going to talk to coach and we are going to look at the tape.”

As soon as he’s out of his office, Linc and Cade let loose a string of cuss words.  I can’t even make out what they are saying.  Linc looks at me, “I’m sorry I didn’t let you take care of this, this morning.  But he’s done now.  That evidence is at home in my closet, we’ll take care of it.”

Cade looks at me, “I’m going to kill that bastard.  He’ll think that ass whipping he got last night was a deep tissue massage when I’m finished with him.”

I chuckle, “Not just yet guys, something tells me we just need to watch him, he may sink his own boat.  Plus the Doc thinks the same thing I do. So he and the coach are reviewing the tapes of the game.”

About that time I hear beating on the office door.  I look at the guys, “Who in the hell is that?  It sounds like a damn stampede.”

Cade reaches over and opens the door and the girls come running in.  Cade looks at them like they’ve lost their minds, “What in the hell are you girls doing in here?  How did you get in here?” 

Daria looks at him, “Come on baby you live with us, you know if we want to do something we will.  Anna was worried about Russ, so we got her back here.  To be honest hell we were all worried about Russ.”

I look at Anna. She’s been crying and shoves past Cade and pulls me into a hell of a kiss.  So much for our secret…



When Russ got hit on that field I felt like my whole world stopped.  I started screaming and when that asshole Skylar walked back over to the sidelines he blew me another fucking kiss.  I had to stop Gabby from climbing the fence.  But that didn’t stop her from screaming at him that she was going to “cut his fucking nuts off and shove them in his mouth.”

The game was over a few seconds later and we headed to the tunnel.  We waited until most of the guys had left, including Skylar.  When he walked by he smirked at me.  I looked at him, “You know, you are a fucking dickhead.  I hate your guts and I wouldn’t let my dog piss on you if you were on fire.”

He laughs, “Sorry you’re so upset about our break-up.  I know you always have a special place in your heart for your first.  Maybe we can revisit that soon.”

That was the final straw.  I ran to
him and kicked him in the balls, “That’s for slapping me last night.”  Once he fell to the ground I kept kicking him, “You stupid prick, I never slept with you and I never want to.  You are a dickhead who thinks the world owes him something and you are an asshole to try to make up for the fact that the whole world knows you have a small dick!”

Gabby and Daria grab me and I look around to see the whole team looking at me like I’ve lost my mind.  Then I look down and see that I really have kicked the shit out of Skylar, he’s bleeding from his nose and a bunch of other places. 
I finally calm down and stop fighting Gabby and Daria. I look over to the rest of the team, “What?”

They all start laughing and patting me on the back, telling me “good job”, “Way to put that fucker in his place”, and the funniest
comment, “He really does have a small dick.” 

Then one of the guys pulls us to the side
, “He really slapped you?”

I nod
and I look up at him, “Hey I need to get in the locker room.”

He nods, “Okay, but don’t tell anyone
that I let you in. The rest of the team is gone except your guys.  They are in the Doc’s office.”  With that said he punches in a code and opens the door for us.  We sneak to the Doc’s office and start beating on the door, Cade opens it “What in the hell are you girls doing in here?  How did you get in here?”

Daria says something to him, but all I can do is look at Russ.  I shove past Cade and wrap my arms around Russ’s neck and kiss him like there is no tomorrow.

Our mouths tangle for a few minutes it feels like, when I hear chuckling behind us.  I turn around and see my sister laughing.  She looks at Linc, “You guys owe me fifty bucks a piece.”

I look at them, “What the hell?”

Gabby laughs, “I knew it was only a matter of time before you two hooked up, then the way Russ was looking the past couple of weeks like someone kicked his cat into the street and it got hit by a bus.  I just kinda figured it wouldn’t be long.  Cade said end of semester, Daria said fall break and my loving boyfriend said Christmas.  So thank you sweet sister for making me 150 bucks richer.”

“Well thanks dear sister.”

“Hey you bet on me last year, so I don’t want to hear it.  Plus I just bet money our neighbors at home still haven’t stopped talking about the boy I brought home from college that streaked our neighborhood and seventy-five year old Ms. Olsen still says anytime
that young stud
wants a sugar momma for Russ here to give her a call.”

Daria laughs, “If we weren’t sure before you kicked the ever living shit out of
in the tunnel, we were after.”

The guys look at me.  Russ pulls me close with his good arm, “What happened?”

I give him the run down of what he said to me and then the girls filled him in on the rest because it was all a blur to me.   Daria is laughing, “She went straight up trailer park crazy on his ass, she kicked him in the balls, the face and anywhere on the in between.  I don’t think we ever have to worry about him reproducing
Thank God.
  Plus, the entire team was laughing at him.”

Gabby laughs, “I have to say I’m proud of my little sis here, it was pretty epic.
  She cussed, stomped and kicked every inch of him I think.  Plus this guy must really have a small dick because everybody and I mean everybody seems to bring it up.”

The guys are laughing.  I look at Russ, “Can you go now or do we need to wait for the doctor or something?”

He smiles, “No he said I could go.  I just have to take some pain medication when I get home and be careful with my arm for the next couple of weeks.  So I’m out of practice and games.”

I look at him with his bare chest and the sling holding his arm up.  I just want to lick him from that sexy V at his waist up to his neck. “Do you need to change or anything?”

“Yeah let me go get my clothes out of my locker, you girls go on out before coach catches you in here.  Linc come help me.”

Linc rolls his e
yes, “I’m not helping you out of your jock strap into underwear or anything man.”

“Whatever asshole
, just help me stay standing up.”

A few minutes later the guys meet us out at the cars, I can’t bring myself to leave Russ’s side.  Once we get home, we walk to my room and I stop him and give him another toe curling kiss.  He smiles, “I have to go get a shower.”

“How about I come help you?”

“Are you sure?”

I nod, “Mmm Hmm.  Everyone knows we are seeing each other now.  That kinda got blown out of the water in the locker room.  It’s not like we haven’t seen each other naked.  Besides you’ll need someone to help you wash your back.”

He laughs and gives me a smirk, “Come on Sweetie
, but let’s not tell everyone that’s what we are doing, I’m hurt and I don’t feel like Cade kicking my ass today.  Now, you have to behave yourself in the shower.  I’m injured after all.”

I laugh, “Okay I’ll try.” 
I sneak into the bathroom after Russ is already in the shower.  Once I got in the shower keeping our hands to ourselves became a lot harder.  Russ was quick even with one hand.  I was washing his back, I saw him wince when I touched his shoulder.  “I’m sorry Russ.  I tried not to hurt you.”  I kissed his shoulder, “I’m sorry.”

He looks over at me, “
its okay, it’s just sore.”

“I’m still so pissed with Skylar right now. I wish I would’ve gotten a few more licks in before they stopped me.
  This is all my fault anyway, everyone tried to warn me about him and I was so set on proving that I could handle things myself.”

He turns around, “Hey, everyone has done shit like this, it’s not your fault he’s a douche.”  He chuckles, “I can’t wait to see his face from the ass kicking you gave him.”



              Waking up this morning I feel like my body has been hit by a Mack Truck.  I groan as I try to roll over.  Anna shoots up in the bed, “Are you okay?  I didn’t bump your arm did I?”

“No Sweetie, I just tried to move and realized that it’s easier said than done today.”

She smiles an evil smile, “So, you’re stiff?” She straddles my hips and leans down to kiss my chest.

“Hey, that’s not fair, I’m lying here in pain and you’re trying to take advantage of me.”

She giggles, “Well your chest is just so tempting.”  She runs her hands up and down.

Just about the time my dick starts to twitch someone’s knocking on her door.  It’s Linc, “Russ, get dressed we have to meet with Coach and Doc in thirty minutes.”

“Okay, I’ll be out in a minute.”

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