Alien Space Gods Of Ancient Greece and Rome (28 page)

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The almost total destruction of records means that the chronology of remote Antiquity is most confused, widely separated events may be coalesced into a single occurrence making precise dating impossible. Confirmation of the Atlantean invasion may come from Dionysius of Halicarnassus, who states that Hercules 'invaded Europe with a great army probably from Erytheia, a Red Island in the West; Calpe, our Gibraltar, and Abyla opposite on the African coast were called the Pillars of Hercules, presumably some ancient memory of this epic event.  Herodotus states that Heracles, God of the Egyptians, lived 17,000 years before his day; the Greeks regarded Hercules as Son of Zeus being born in Boetia, whatever the truth he was generally esteemed as a great culture-hero. Hercules conquered
, Southern Franco and campaigned in
, where he was worshipped as a God still immortalised by the city of
, which he is said to have founded. This great invasion of
from the West would surely attract the Spacemen.


Records from Ancient Egypt,
, suggest that Spacemen were particularly active in the
Middle East
during the Second and Third Millennia BC; their Spaceships must have landed in
. Megaliths in
closely resemble those intriguing statues on
Easter Island
, similar immense stone structures are found in
and the Balearic Isles, evidence of a Stone Age culture probably linked to those grandiose mysterious circles and dolmens in
. In remote times
Western Europe
apparently suffered devastation by a Comet, survivors from this cataclysm fled south to populate
; later as the Peoples of the Sea they conquered the
and were finally smashed in savage battles on land and sea by Rameses
in 1195 BC, shortly after the Siege of Troy.  The 'Gods' who had championed the Greeks or Trojans would enjoy a grandstand view of this other conflict, as they have watched so many wars since.


About 1200 BC Aeneas fled from burning
and after dallying with love-lorn Dido by the waters of
, guided by his Mother, the Goddess Venus (Space Being?) he sailed on to
, landing at
where he sought his future fortunes from the Sibyl and descended with her to the underworld. With his companions the Trojan hero coasted north and finally dropped anchor in the
, there they were hospitably welcomed by Latinus, King of Latium, said to be third in descent from Saturn. The old King gladly gave his daughter, Lavinia, in marriage to Aeneas, for he had been warned in a dream that from their union would spring a race destined to rule the world. Latinus showed Aeneas the ancient town of
, there Saturn had ruled in the Golden Age.


Virgil's '
' vividly describes how the hero killed Turnus, King of the Rutulians, in a duel watched by the Gods (Spacemen?), later he founded the city of Lanuvium named after his wife. lulus, son of Aeneas, built
Alba Longa
; there four hundred years later were born
and Remus, founders of
. Brutus, great-grandson of Aeneas killed his father hunting and in banishment sailed west to that fog-wrapped island on the edge of the world inhabited by Giants, to which he gave his name,
. Such legends conceal a kernel of truth; in the Second Millennium BC there were close links between East and West; the armour and chariots of the Britons were Trojan in design, the beliefs of the Druids had affinities with the early religion of
. Can we romantic British trace our ancestry back to Aeneas, Son of Venus, are we all descended from that alluring Goddess of Love, some wondrous Spacewoman?


No text remains from those ancient days to enlighten us now. From the tenth to the eighth centuries BC Spacemen inspired Solomon and Elijah, the 'Power and Glory’ of the 'Lord' haunting
would surely visit
. Seven hundred years before Christ between the
and the
flourished the brilliant, sophisticated civilisation of the Etruscans, still veiled in tantalising mystery. Dionysius of Halicarnassus with persuasive rhetoric alleged that the Greeks called the land Hesperia, the natives Oenotria, then
after their King Italus.


The early Italians lived in walled towns with towers, 'tyrseus' in Greek, hence their name 'Tyrrhenians', although they might have been called after Tyrrhenus, fifth in descent from Zeus; the Romans called them Tuscans. The Etruscans considered themselves the original inhabitants of Italy and called themselves Rasena after a chain of mountains in Tuscany, some scholars speculate they originated from North of the Alps, perhaps from the Danube. Herodotus, greatest gossip in all Antiquity, claimed the Etruscans came from
, modern
Asia Minor
. His picturesque tale asserts that during prolonged famine the Lydians invented dice, gambled two days out of three and ate on the third day only; after eighteen lean years they wearied of playing dice all day with nothing to eat; finally half the population led by the King's son, Tyrrhenus, sailed west for pastures new. After plundering every island they passed, these pirates explored the west coast of
, the young prince giving his name to the
Tyrrhenian Sea
, finally they settled in the north to till the fruitful soil and mine the rich iron deposits of


The descendants of those starving Irish, who during the great potato famines last century forsook the Emerald Isle for beckoning
still speak their beguiling mother tongue and shed maudlin beery tears for Old Erin each St. Patrick's Day. The Etruscans did not speak Lydian, follow Lydian laws or worship Lydian Gods; even Herodotus dared not suggest that this gifted people evolved a completely new language, a new culture, a new religion. The language of the Mayas is said to resemble Hebrew, Welsh has affinities with Ancient Egyptian, Greek and English descend from Sanskrit, Sumerian has links with Chinese, evidence of world-wide migrations of peoples in ancient times.


Dr. Zacharie Mayani after thirty years' study claims Etruscan is essentially an Indo-European language and has translated a few phrases based on ancient Illyrian that equally eminent authority, Dr. Jacques Huergon, states that Etruscan does not belong to the Indo-European family of languages but remains a complete mystery. A few words were borrowed by the Romans. The Etruscan 'histrio' meaning 'actor' gives our 'histrionic', and it is fascinating to find that 'antenna’ or 'yardarm' has now entered the language of telecommunications in our Space Age.


The sudden appearance in
Northern Italy
of a talented race speaking an unknown language with a brilliant culture in a land once ruled by the Gods exhilarates us to fantasy. The Sons of God winged down from the skies to mate with the Daughters of Men, the Hopi Indians say their ancestors came from another world, the Dropa tribe may have descended from survivors from a crashed Spaceship marooned in the Chinese mountains. History mentions so many strange disappearances.


An old legend tells how in the hill
San Lorenzo
, Val di Susa, there lived a hermit, a certain Canuto di Beruda. One day he laid his woollen cloak on a sunbeam and on this he flew up far away into the sky. This cosmic translation may operate in reverse, perhaps persons and people are landed even teleported from some other planet.


was long associated with the Golden Age of Saturn, cliff-drawings and stone figures may depict Spacemen, circles of stones like those in
may have been built to attract the Spaceships. Alexander Kazantscv describing an Etruscan dish treasured in the Museum at
says 'some sort of anthropoidal creatures can be seen wearing headgear which could perhaps be space-helmets, they are on board a ship apparently propelled by rocket.'


The priests practised psycho-science and scanned the skies. Could those mysterious Etruscans have come from the stars? Lack of convincing evidence makes it difficult to prove that the Etruscans were whisked to Earth from another world or that two thousand years later the Khmers, builders of fabulous Angkor Wat in
suddenly vanished to other realms. Such theories exasperate all our archaeologists trying to show that the Etruscans like the noble Orsino, Sir Toby Belch, Olivia and Viola in Shakespeare's 'Twelfth Night' came from the 'sea-coast of Illyria'; we may however perversely suggest that the Etruscans were inspired by Spacemen.


Early Etruscan architecture is said to have closely resembled the cyclopean structures of the Incas, characteristic of huge megaliths all over the world, evidence of the worship of Sky Gods in ancicnt times, perhaps that Golden Age of Saturn. Many Etruscan cities were built on windy, isolated hills like wealthy
and proud
. Why did the founders of
build their famous city in the mountains more than a thousand feet above the Umbrian plain? The obvious advantages for defence seem hardly to compensate for such isolation in the clouds. Mountains in
, were crowned with cities or temples. Was
a sky-port for Spacemen?


was once famous for its towers evoking those lofty ziggurats of
, the Etruscans had close cultural links with the Babylonians, they copied their astrology and divination from inspecting the livers of sacrificial victims. In the ancient world towers had cosmic significance, like pyramids, artificial mounds and hills they were probably used for communication with the 'Gods' perhaps as landing-sites for Spaceships, where the Celestials could instruct their Initiates or receive sacrifices, people or food to transport to their own planet.


On the summit of the great
was a sanctuary sumptuously furnished, reserved for the 'God' and his 'Bride', a most beautiful woman chosen by the Priests. There is now reason to believe from sexual 'experiments' alleged to be performed by Spacemen today, that intercourse by the 'Gods' was not sensual lust but deliberate eugenics to produce some hero or heroine destined to advance civilisation.

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