Alien Space Gods Of Ancient Greece and Rome (32 page)

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Apollodorus mentions that Hercules was translated to the skies like Enoch and Elijah.


'Hercules proceeded to Oeta in the Trachinian territory and there constructed a pyre and mounted it When the pyre was burning, it is said that a cloud wafted him to heaven.'


Galenus in his 'Commentary to the Apothegms of Hippocrates' remarks,


'It is generally known that Asclepius was raised to the Angels in a column of fire, the like of which is also related with regard to Dionyses, Heracles and others who laboured for the benefit of mankind.'


Ascanius, son of Aeneas, vanished from sight being seen no more alive or dead and he was honoured as a God among the Romans.


So many heroes transported to the skies! Can the Ancients have seen it happen?


Born to a Virgin, Fathered by a God. Guided by divine omens. Translated to heaven. Resurrection to inspire his followers. Worshipped for centuries as a God. Does the story of
not startle us by its similarity to the Wonder of another Saviour seven hundred years later?


Pagan philosophers not unreasonably complained that Christians worshipped the supernatural events in
yet rejected similar happenings about the same time in
as superstition; wonders performed by Jesus were miracles, the same wonders wrought by Apollonius were tricks. The Jews believe that Elijah was whisked to heaven in a whirlwind but scorn the tale of
only a few hundred miles away being transported to the skies in a cloud.


The dispassionate seeker for Truth finds it odd that throughout the centuries it apparently never occurred to the Jews and the Romans that perhaps Jehovah and Jupiter were the same God, the prodigies in
parallel those marvels in
. Christians condemned as blasphemy the Roman belief that
, born of a Virgin, was Son of God, dispensed justice and after translation to heaven resurrected in glory; many centuries later the very same supernatural attributes accorded to Jesus became revered as divine Truth, the source of Christianity. When the Christians shrewdly celebrated their festivals on the old Roman feast-days and the Church borrowed the ancient rituals, pagans suddenly found themselves to be Christians; the Gospels in new words told the same old tale, the Descent of God among men, His teachings, then his return to heaven. Beneath the Catholic pomp and propaganda Rome in essence is probably as pagan today as during the reign of Romulus; this is most certainly no insult, if the Romans now worship the Gods in the reverent spirit of their ancestors as symbolising the Creator of the Universe in Whom all men live and have their being, they must be truly religious.


Our cynical scientific Age ridicules stories of
and similar heroes as stupid superstitions. Virgin births cannot happen, Gods do not exist, men are not suddenly whirled to the skies. Science deals strictly with facts. Does it? Scientists have dissolved so-called solid matter into atoms, atoms into particles, particles into electric potentials, potentials into pure thought, physicists in confusion are finding fact to be fiction. Can the Mystics be right? Is Reality insubstantial as a dream? The Dream of God?


Christianity has conditioned us to believe the story of Jesus without question, the Church has so long insisted that God incarnated only once in human history that any wonders surrounding
centuries before could never have occurred. Gospel writers told the truth, pagan historians not being Christians told lies. Today Science shuns the supernatural, scientists suspend comment on alleged miracles.


Without blind faith or wishful thinking our rational minds reject wonders transcending experience; when some new knowledge suddenly expands our comprehension we marvel that those miracles were merely facts we could not explain. The advent of the UFOs surpassing our Science brings novel awareness opening our minds to new dimensions; in the language of cybernetics our mental computers are becoming programmed to novel thought-patterns, we see with startling clarity the solution to problems perplexing our souls. The Gods of Antiquity were surely Spacemen. Could the tale of
possibly be true?


We are not alone in the universe, astronomers now proclaim countless inhabited worlds, many with civilisations much more advanced than our own; UFOs are seen haunting our skies; Spacemen have apparently landed on our Earth. Sensational stories tell of humanoids haunting people in
. On the night of 15/16 October 1957 near
Sao Francisco
de Sales in
. Antonio Villas Boas, a young farmer, was taken aboard a bird-like machine by four aliens in grey, he was stripped naked then examined and allured into intercourse with a nude blonde. On
September 19th, 1961
Barney and Betty Hill were spirited from their car near
New Hampshire
into a Flying Saucer where Spacemen subjected them to sexual examination.


a young woman claimed to have been seduced by an Extraterrestrial from a UFO; subsequently she gave birth to a still-born baby of hybrid appearance. Spacemen are said to be living among us hardly distinguishable from ourselves fantastic though it seems, they may be procreating children with superior intelligence to speed our civilisation; these aliens could have some sinister plan to dominate our Earth.


Spacemen today illumine the Gods of old in wondrous revelation; those notorious lusts of Zeus which titillated story-tellers, now seem deliberate eugenics creating supermen and superwomen to improve the human race. Amorous seductions may have really happened between Gods and mortals, next century our sex-starved cosmonauts will probably mate with wenches on Mars. Belief in a divinely-begotten Saviour who taught mankind is the oldest religion in the world; people in Antiquity honoured bastards and believed their heroes fathered by the Gods. Before ridiculing such superstition, we should remember that for two thousand years millions of Christians have worshipped Jesus as the Son of God.


In ancient times, peoples all over the world offered the fairest of their maidens as Brides to the Gods, who appeared to them in secret on mountains, in temples or tabernacles; such a custom could not have continued so long without some evidence of celestial intercourse. About 775 BC a Spaceman personified as Mars may have descended to impregnate Rhea Silvia, the noblest maiden in
Alba Longa
fathering the hero,
, destined to create that great and historic Roman people who have shaped our civilization. Fifty years earlier Oannes, God of Wisdom, and Ataryatis, the Fish Goddess, possibly Space Beings, gave to
their famous Queen, Semiramis. There is a similarity among the great culture-heroes which is truly intriguing, suggesting some common origin. Romulus and Remus floated down the Tiber in a basket; Sargon, King of Babylon, drifted down the Euphrates in a basket; Moses was found in a basket of bulrushes on the Nile; the infant Cyrus of Persia was exposed then saved by a herdsman, later like Romulus he grew up to rule his people with benevolence. Folklore abounds with similar tales. The sexual adventures of Spacemen today confirm their amorous exploits in Antiquity; the divine birth of
far from being idle myth now becomes possible fact.


Two thousand years later another great Italian, the Supreme Genius of the Renaissance, was born without a father. Was Leonardo da Vinci, whose secret ambition was to learn to fly, sired by a Spaceman?


The sudden disappearance of
in a thick cloud while addressing an open-air assembly amazed the Romans; the multitude remembering many legends of the translation of heroes to the skies believed he had been transported to heaven as a benevolent God, reward for having been a good King.
strove to establish his
new city
with dignity and justice, winning the respect of foreign ambassadors, even of the powerful Etruscans; a brilliant general, he showed unusual clemency to the vanquished, which ensured
forty years of peace. The King was revered by the army especially by his bodyguard of three hundred young men; his land-reforms made him popular with the Commons and consequently disliked by the Senate. Some cynics accused the nobles of murdering
, cutting his body into pieces secretly destroyed, then fooling the people with the tale of the King's translation to heaven. The Patricians probably did want
dead but it is difficult to imagine a more audacious plot than murder of the King surrounded by his devoted bodyguard in full view of the people; there must surely have been easier opportunities. No conspirator ever confessed, no one appears to have benefited, his successor, Nurna Pompilius, was not living at Rome, this Sabine philosopher needed much persuasion to accept the throne which he at first refused. Perhaps the Spacemen who had planted
to build
, when his mission was completed decided to remove him like their other protégé, the fabulous Semiramis of Babylon, a few years before.


Christian writers ridicule the translation of
as pagan superstition but piously accept the disappearance of the body of Jesus as the very basis of Christianity, although the dispassionate seeker of Truth might judge the evidence, slight as it is, as good for one as for the other. Commonsense admittedly does insist that
must have been murdered, science swears that men do not suddenly vanish into thin air. Unfortunately for our peace of mind such consolation may not be true. The writings of Charles Fort and many other investigators today chronicle several bizarre disappearances of people, apparently only explained by teleportation or kidnapping by Spacemen. Many disappearances could be quoted, it may suffice to mention a baffling abduction in


On the evening of
19th August 1962
two glowing red spheres, the size of footballs, were seen hovering over Duas Pontes near Diaraentina; during the night strange humanoids only eighteen inches tall entered the hut of Rivalino Mafra da Silva, a poor diamond prospector, and surveyed the family in bed. Soon after dawn his twelve-year-old son found two odd balls on the ground outside, each had a tail and spike. The father came out to look at them; suddenly the balls joined together and enveloped him in a cloud of yellow smoke. Senior Mafra da Silva vanished. The affair remains a mystery.
too vanished in a cloud.


After his translation Romulus appeared in an aura of light to Julius Proculus like those other bright 'Angels' manifesting about the same time to the Kings of Israel. Centuries later the Resurrection of Jesus was announced to Mary Magdalene and the other women at the empty sepulcher by two men in shining garments.161 Apollonius of Tyana, the miracle-worker who some people regard as the real Jesus, was said by the Cretans to have ascended to the skies at the age of a hundred in AD 97. Shortly afterwards he materialised to one of his followers and discoursed on the immortality of the soul. The Romans built a temple to him; Emperors worshipped Apollonius as a God.

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