All Good Things Exposed (14 page)

Read All Good Things Exposed Online

Authors: Alannah Carbonneau

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Romantic Erotica, #Novel

BOOK: All Good Things Exposed
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My stomach tightened. "Oh,"

"Stand for me?" It was a question - not a command. "I want to undress you."

This was new to me. Jace seemed to prefer me to strip for him rather than undress me himself, but if that was what he wanted…who was I to argue?

I stood from the seat and watched as Jace stared at my body. He brought his hand up to the button on my blouse and worked it with slightly trembling fingers. His jaw was firmly closed and his blue eyes were pinned on mine as he worked each button. This felt intense. It felt different. I liked it.

He pulled the fabric of my shirt from the skirt before unzipping the zipper at my back. His hands skimmed against my skin as he peeled off the clothing. When I was standing stark naked in front of him, he hissed in a breath.

"You're beautiful."

I smiled. "I'd like to undress you."

His eyes were weary for a moment before peace settled into their crystalized depths. He nodded and I lifted my hand to the blue tie at his neck, untying the knot before pulling it from his person. Then I went to work on the buttons of his shirt. With each button I opened, I kissed the skin I revealed. This man was so perfect. His every curve, scar and fear were all a part of him. And, I loved him. I wished I could tell him. But I couldn't. Instead, I had to settle for showing him my love.

When I pulled the last button from its place and kissed his skin, I rose from my crouched position, running my hands along the hardness of his abs and over his chest to sit on his shoulders. I stood on my tiptoes and kissed the hollow of his neck. He drew in a sharp breath and I knew he was struggling with the slow gentleness I exulted, but he didn't stop me. I kissed my way up his neck to his chin as I pushed his shirt from his shoulders. My breasts grazed against his chest as I worked to remove his shirt and his hands fisted, but still, he didn't touch me. He let me work slowly to remove his clothing without eager interruption. I smiled as I placed a soft kiss onto the skin beneath his ear as my hands trailed a tender path to the waist of his pants. My fingers worked the button at his waist before I lowered myself to my knees. I tugged on the zipper and pulled his pants from his hips, down his legs to his feet. When they were pooled around his ankles, Jace stepped from the fabric. In only his boxers, he stood before me. The fabric was tented to expose his need for me and I smiled, looking up at him from my knees where I sat on the floor. I hooked my hands around his ankles, sliding my palms up the length of his legs, over his boxers where I dipped my fingertips into the waistband. I pulled his boxers from his hips, careful not to touch his penis as I moved. All the while, I kept my eyes trained on him. And he watched me with hot blue eyes that sent surges of shivers coursing through my body.

Jace stepped from his boxers and I leaned in to kiss his thigh. His hands twitched at his side in his struggle to remain stoic in my adornment of his magnificent body. His cock throbbed visibly as I purposefully lavished attention on every other part of his body. My hand lifted to his stomach where my fingertip found the line on his stomach where a perfect V travelled to the worlds' most precious treasure. His stomach quivered under my butterfly soft touch and a smile tugged at the corners of my lips. I let my finger stroke the skin around his shaft without touching his length and he gasped in agonized anticipation as I dipped my finger to his thigh, trailing a gentle nail over his skin. When I could see by the light of desire in his eyes that he couldn't possibly take anymore, I pressed my warm, moist lips to the tip of his erect penis in a kiss of teasing adoration. The way he looked down at me, he looked like a devilish angel of darkness with heavenly eyes. Flickering candlelight glimmered around him, haloing his darkness in warm light.

I pulled away and his head fell back on a sigh of bewilderment. He looked like a God who was praying to the Gods for strength. Witnessing him so undone, and at my simple touch, was fantastic. It was completely and entirely incomparable. Perfect.

He pulled himself back from his retreat and his eyes blazed hot with desire and something more that made my heart jump in question, but I ignored it. I wanted him in the bath with me. And if we didn't shut off the water soon, we would be bathing on the bathroom floor. I reached out and took his hands in mine weaving our fingers together in much the same way I wished I could blend our hearts. If I fell any deeper in love with this man…I would surely be ruined. Oh hell - who was I kidding? I was already ruined.

I stepped into the bath, slowly lowering myself into the warm water and curling my knees up into my chest as I made room for him to climb in behind me. Water splashed around my body as he eased himself behind me, encasing my frame with long, muscular legs. Jace didn't waste any time in getting himself comfortable. His hands were against my waist in a moment, pulling me back into his chest. I felt his desire hot and long against my back as I snuggled into him, wriggling closer.

He gasped a whispered curse as he pressed burning lips to my shoulder. "Olivia," he murmured against my skin.

"Hmm?" I smiled as I wiggled closer again.

"You know what you're doing, little temptress." He scolded. I couldn't help it - at his tone, a giggle erupted from my mouth and his hands found my ribs, causing me to squeal in tortured delight. Water splashed up around us as I tried to get myself away from his tickling fingers, but he wouldn't relent. "Have you finished tempting me?"


He tickled with more brutality on my sensitive nerves and I screamed in laughter. "Are you sure?"

"Yes!" I screamed and laughed some more. "Yes, Jace! Yes!"

He laughed as his fingers stilled against my oversensitive ribs. "That's much better."

I pulled in deep breaths. "You're going to have to clean up all the water on the floor now, you know that right?"

He shrugged. "It was worth it."

I grunted and he wrapped his arms around my stomach, pulling me into him again. I sighed and rested my head back against the nook of his shoulder. He dipped his head and pressed his lips to my forehead. The gesture warmed me thoroughly. I felt it from the tip of my toes to the hair on my head.

"This is nice." I said softly.

"Sitting here like this?" he asked.

"Yes." I nodded tiredly.

"I agree." His voice was thick and I fought the sudden desire to turn and face him. "Let me wash your back."

I nodded as I pulled myself away from him. I didn't look back at him as he poured strawberry scented body wash onto his hand. When his slippery hands met with the skin on my back, I pulled my hair over my shoulder and closed my eyes, tilting my head forward. I reveled in his soothing touch as he massaged the knots from my shoulders with the soap.

When he was finished, he ran a wash cloth over my back to rid me of the soapy suds. "Turn around for me, Angel." Again, he asked rather than commanded.

I turned around to face him and my heart lodged in my throat as he stared at me with thick emotion in his eyes. I wanted to ask him what he was feeling, but at the same time, I wanted him to speak his emotions on his own time. I bit down on my lip as his eyes scanned over my breasts and downward over my stomach to the V of my thighs beneath the water.

"You know I could look at you forever and never get bored?"

I smiled. "You're a smooth talker, you know that?"

He frowned. "I have never been more serious in my life, Olivia."

I swallowed. Oh my - wow. "I could never tire of staring at you."

He smiled a ghost of a smile as he poured more soap into his hands. I watched him as he brought his hands up to my collarbone, sliding his hands over my shoulders and down my arms before gliding up the inside of my torso to my armpits. I fought my need to pull away as he fanned his fingers over my breasts, massaging the suds into my skin. Upon his touch, my breasts grew heavy with need and my nipples pebbled. His eyes shimmered knowingly and I cursed the blush that colored my skin.

"I want you, Olivia."

"How?" I asked breathily.

His eyes shot to mine. "In every way you'll give me."

My breath caught. My hands trembled beneath the water and my stomach felt as though it were on a rollercoaster. "I'm yours, Jace." I whispered.

I ignored the girly soap on my chest as I slammed myself into him. My lips met his in a kiss of unrestrained need. His hands wound around my back as he pulled me closer to him. My knees moved around his waist as I felt his length press against my core. He was hot and ready and so was I. Our bodies slid against each other with each movement, my soapy breasts gliding against his chest as I pressed my hips down on him, pushing him into me inch by inch. I felt Jace shift his hips at the same time he pressed down on my waist. He slammed into me to the hilt, pausing to catch his breath as he stared into my eyes.

"I love watching your face when I take you." He said gruffly.

I wanted to tell him I loved him, but now wasn't the time. There were still too many insecurities between us to speak such raw confessions. "I love when you take me, Jace." I said on a moan. "But let me take you this time?"

The wrinkle that formed between his brows when he was nervous or worried appeared. He thought for a moment as I paused movement around him, holding him inside me where I felt he belonged. Finally, when I couldn't hold my breath a moment longer, he nodded.

"Take me, Angel." There was so much trust in those words. It filled my heart with satisfied, liberated awe. He was perfect in all his imperfections. And he was mine.

I kept my eyes trained on his as I started moving my hips against him, riding him slowly. I rode him to the tip before rocking my hips slowly down to the hilt of his penis. I repeated the motion until complete bliss took over the worry in his features.

"I'd like to touch you, Angel." Jace said quietly. "Can I touch you?"

"Always, Jace." I whispered fiercely. I never wanted him to feel as though he couldn't. I was his to touch, to hold and to love. I wanted him to believe it.

As though my words granted him not only permission, but strength, he moved his hands to my breasts, rubbing the pads of his thumbs over my nipples. A moan erupted from between my lips as I tipped my head back, riding him more forcefully, compelling myself to take him deeper and harder. Pain blended to bliss as my body arched. Jace leaned forward to press his lips to the hollow of my throat. His movement caused him to shift inside me, hitting me in a new place. Both of us stiffened at the sensation, moaning in sync. I shattered around him, shaking as I came undone. In response to my sudden warmth, he stiffened inside me, filling me with hot liquid. His lips were still pressed against my throat and he groaned in ecstasy as his hands spanned over my waist, pulling my stomach into him despite the fact he leaned into my throat, forcing my body to arch back. The friction of the motion tugged at him, emptying him of any remaining pent-up need for me.

It was in this moment I realized my place on this earth was with him. There was nowhere else I was meant to be. He was the center of my universe, the yin to my yang, the black to my white. He was the other half of my soul. In him, I found the epitome of bliss, the embodiment of pleasure, the expression of ecstasy. I found reason and belief. I found hope.



Chapter 11

I wore the white satin housecoat Jace had given to me as we climbed down the stairs into the kitchen. The floor to ceiling windows portrayed a painting of glimmering lights, tall shadows and darkness expanding over miles and miles of New York City. I felt as though I was in a tower, hidden away from the problems on the streets when I was in his home. I felt safe and protected as though in a fortress. And yet, this is where Lexie found me. This was where she'd been able to penetrate the guards Jace had placed around me. The place I felt the safest was in fact the place that held the most danger. I knew this, but it didn't quell the need to remain here.

I shook the thought from my mind as the scent of lasagna wafted to my senses. It was late and I knew I would regret eating something so heavy this time of night, but I had to admit I was starving.

"It smells delicious." I breathed deeply.

"It does." Jace agreed. "Gail's cooking is always amazing."

"I suppose I'll just have to sample it and see." I sighed teasingly.

Jace eyed me suspiciously. "You didn't forget about the pancakes, did you?"

"Of course not!" I totally had. "They were fabulous."

"They were." He nodded with conviction and I stifled a laugh.

"Come," he nodded to the kitchen. "You can sample her dinner dish."

"Oh," I rubbed my hands together excitedly. "I can't wait."

He raised a brow. "At least I won't have to force-feed you like I thought."

"Ha ha." I replied dryly.

Jace chuckled, shaking his head as he walked away. I slid onto a barstool and watched as he pulled the dish from the oven. It looked perfect and I inhaled again. Jace cut two pieces and set them into a dish before sliding it across the counter.

"Eat up."

I did. It was just as decadent as it smelled. I finished the entire serving to Jace's obvious surprise though he luckily didn't comment. Instead, he smiled like a satisfied kitten. I rinsed the dish and placed it in the dishwasher before snatching his dish from his hand and repeating. I'd grown quiet while eating as my thoughts raced. I couldn't help but think about Lexie, but I didn't know if I really wanted to bring her up tonight. It had been such a good night, but I wanted to know more about what happened between her and Jace. I just didn't know how to broach the subject.

Jace moved behind me. "What do you say we go to bed?"

"Hmm," I leaned into his chest.

"I want to hold you all night long." Jace murmured against my hair and I knew tonight was not the night to bring up the past. Tonight was a night to move forward. And that is what I would do. For him. For us.

I let Jace lead me up the stairs and through the hallway into his bedroom. His windows were dark, shutting out the sky and his fireplace was on. He led me to the bed where he tucked a finger into the belt of the housecoat. He tugged and it fell open.

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