All Good Things Exposed (15 page)

Read All Good Things Exposed Online

Authors: Alannah Carbonneau

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Romantic Erotica, #Novel

BOOK: All Good Things Exposed
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"No barriers." He looked into my eyes as though that would will me to understand and comply.

I nodded, tucking my fingers into the waistband of his pants. "No barriers."

A grin tipped the corners of his mouth as he nodded. I slowly shoved his pants from his hips and he stepped out of them once they reached the floor. He pushed the housecoat from my shoulders and leaned down to toss the duvet back on the bed.

"Get in." His voice was thick and I complied immediately. I wiggled down beneath the blankets as he climbed into the bed beside me. "Do you want me to keep the fireplace on?"

I nodded. "Yes," I tucked myself into the curve of his arm. "I like it."

Jace sighed. "Good night, Olivia."

"Good night, Jace." I said. He wrapped his arm around my frame tighter, pulling me close until I was nearly lying sprawled on his chest but I didn't mind. This was exactly where I wanted to be.


My lips parted as I gasped. My body tensed at the delicious intrusion as my eyes opened to connect with Jace's. He didn't say anything as he pushed himself deeper inside me. I felt myself grow instantly wet around him, easing his path inside. Knowing lit in the depths of his eyes as he quickened his pace, pounding relentlessly into me. I didn't know what time it was, but I didn't care. Jace was inside me exactly where he was meant to be. And, he knew it just as well as I did.

The silence relented to the strangled groans that fell from his lips as he moved inside me, reaching for a high most never found. I wrapped my legs around him, bringing him deeper as I opened myself to him. My own cries of pleasure mingled with his as we climbed the mountain of ecstasy together. I felt my thighs clamp tight around his waist as he thrust, unfazed by my tightening, quivering insides. I was moments from coming and he was still pounding inside me as though he'd just begun. My body quaked, bowed and held onto him as my orgasm found its peaked release and I shattered around him. I felt him twitch inside me as he propelled himself forward again and again, driving himself to the edge of oblivion as I floated on my euphoric high. A groan toppled off his lips as he pulled out and slammed back inside of me, spilling himself deep within my body. His face pressed to the nook of my neck and he suckled on my skin. He rolled his hips as my body milked him of the last of his juices. I felt myself convulsing around him as I unlocked my legs from his waist, legging my feet fall back to the mattress.

"You feel so good, Angel." He murmured. "I'm not ready to leave."

"Then don't." It was that simple. If he didn't want to disentangle our bodies, he didn't have to. I could stay like this with him all day. It felt right. I felt complete.

"Fuck," he moaned. "I have to."

"Why?" I pouted.

"I have to get to the office." He growled. "I promised Caleb I would be in today."

"Really?" he had a point. I should really get my butt to work.

"Really." He lifted his head, kissed my forehead and pulled himself from within me. I watched, feeling as empty as I was when he clambered off the bed. He walked to the bathroom and I sat, feeling lost on the bed.

I pondered joining him in the shower, but decided I would use the room he provided for me. If he wanted me to join him, he would have asked. Without another thought, I made my way into the spare bedroom with my purse in hand. I'd thrown on the housecoat because I didn't know if I would see Gail here this morning. It was Saturday and we were still going to work. There really was no day of rest.

I sighed and threw my phone on the bed I'd never slept in before I made my way to the bathroom. I turned on the shower and smiled at the thought that surely went into stocking the bathroom with girly products. I showered quickly, patted my body dry with the fluffiest beige towel I'd ever seen before slipping into a matching sexy pair of white lace lingerie. I applied a soft coat of makeup and sheer nude lip-gloss before drying my hair. When I was all finished prepping myself for the day, I had to face the daunting task of choosing what to wear. I pulled a white cotton sweater dress from a hanger in the closet, stepped into nude stockings and pumps before wrapping a nude scarf around my neck. I clipped the gold watch I adored onto my wrist with a few thick gold bangles and made my way to the main floor. I'd expected Jace to meet me, but he was nowhere to be seen. There was no way he would have taken longer than me to get himself dressed. That would be just absurd!

At the thought, my phone chirped in my bag. I sighed and dug through the mess before finally locating the object of my desire.

It was a text from Jace. I slid my thumb across the screen to read his message.

Had to go to the office. Gabe will drive you to work. There is a fob on the island counter for you. X-Jace

See you later. Xxx.

I ran across the apartment, grabbed the fob and attached it to the key chain before darting to the door. I let myself out, locked up and took the elevator down. I was ready to start my first morning at the café bright and early.


I stepped out onto the street and immediately spotted the white Audi waiting at the curb. I immediately walked to the front passenger seat of the car and hopped in. Gabr raised an amused brow.

"I wasn't sure you would accept the ride."

I shrugged. "There's no use fighting Jace. He's relentless."

"As are you." Gabe chuckled as he pulled away from the curb. "You make a good pair."

I narrowed my eyes. "Thank you."

"You're welcome." He focused on the road. "I'm assuming you're going to work?"

"I am." I nodded. "You're welcome to come in for a coffee on the house."

He smiled. "I might take you up on that."

"Please do." I grinned. I missed Gabe. His strong silent type was a nice change from the flirty, bossy man I typically found myself around.

"Have you gotten any other letters?" Gabe asked, interrupting my thoughts.

"No." I answered honestly. The letters had stopped as soon as I asked Jace to leave my life.

"I see." He mused.

"What do you see?" I asked. My interest was piqued. "Did you think the writer would continue?"

"No," He shook his head. "Not after you broke things off with Jace."

I nodded, feeling my stomach tighten uncomfortably at my next question. "Do you think he will write again?"

"I do." He said without hesitation. I felt my stomach drop into my feet. I didn't like the thought of that one tiny bit.


"Olivia," Gabe glanced at me with hard eyes. "You will tell Jace if you get another letter?"

I nodded. I wouldn't make the same mistake twice. "Yes. I'll tell Jace."


I didn't feel much like talking, or even working after that. But I figured I should be at the café bookstore. There was paperwork and payroll direct deposit I needed to set up. I had things to do that I simply couldn't avoid. That was life.

When Gabe pulled up to the curb outside the Live Books Café, I turned to him. "Thank you for the ride. Please do come in and get yourself a drink before you leave."

"I'm not leaving, Olivia." Gabe said.

"Pardon me?" I looked at him through narrowed eyes.

"I believe you heard me."

I pursed my lips. "Well, because I highly doubt you'll listen to me over Jace, I'm not going to tell you to leave."

"Good. There really wouldn't have been a point."

I frowned. "You had to point that out didn't you?"

He gave one sharp nod. "I did."

"All right then, well come on in and I can show you the place." I opened the door. "I'm sure I'll be much safer if you're inside rather than waiting in the car." I added when he didn't move.

At my words, he turned off the vehicle. "You know you're manipulative."

"I'm learning." I chirped and he chuckled. "There are plenty of books. I'm sure you will find one of them to your liking to help pass the time. I highly doubt there will be anyone coming in to ensure my demise, but so long as you're here, I'll be safe." I teased.

Gabe didn't find it funny. He set steely eyes on me that I had to struggle to brush off. "Your safety is not a matter of hilarity, Miss LeRoux."

"Well, I'd rather sugarcoat the terrifying possibility with mirth so humor me."

"No." Gabe growled. His hand shot out to open the door for me and I curtsied.

"Thank you, Sir." I knew my eyes were twinkling with delight, but I was having so much fun teasing him. He was too serious and that was making it oh-so-easy for me.

"You're welcome." He grunted.

I beamed at Franco who was the morning shift person with keys. He was already behind the counter ready to start the day despite the fact the sun had barely tainted the sky. "Good morning." I sang.

"Good morning." He whistled and Gabe frowned. "You look absolutely fabulous."

"Thank you," I twirled to show off my dress and winked at Franco. Gabe folded his arms over his chest as he studied the interaction with serious eyes. "Franco, this is Gabe," I waved to the tall man behind me. "Gabe, Franco."

"Hello," Franco purred delightedly. Trisha thought he was gay, but I had my money on bisexual. He flirted with women just as much as men. "How do you do?"

Gabe's voice was stern. "I'm fine, thank you."

I sighed bumped Gabe's shoulder with my fist playfully. One brow raised but other then that, he didn't move. I gave up quickly and rolled my eyes at Franco who grinned. "Please get this man whatever he wants on the house."

Gabe shook his head. "I have direct orders to pay for everything, Olivia."

I shot my eyes to him. "Excuse me?"

"I have a credit card Jace pays for. I will be paying for everything I want here."

I looked to Franco with serious eyes. "He gets it free or he doesn't get it."

"Absolutely." He grinned and I nodded.

"All right then," I turned back to Gabe who looked about ready to throttle me. "I'm getting to work. You have fun."

"Hmm." Gabe grunted as he made himself comfortable in a cushioned chair that offered the best view of the door.

I rolled my eyes again and walked to the back of the store. I wanted to talk to Trisha but I knew she was still asleep. I decided to wait a few hours before texting her out of respect. She wasn't a morning person and I was so not getting chewed out at this time of day. Instead, I pulled my phone out of my purse and clicked on Jace's name.

Seriously? Bodyguard?

The reply was instant.
I care too much to lose you.

We agreed no bodyguard unless you have one. Do you?


I frowned, kicking my shoes off under my desk.
Are you seriously trying to use that tone through text?

Absolutely. Get 2 Work!

Make me.


I laughed aloud and rolled my eyes. He was ridiculous.

Don't make me come there to teach you a lesson.

I licked my lips. That sounded yummy.
I think I need a lesson.


What's wrong?
I frowned.

You make me want you when I can't have you.

That made me smile.
You want me?

So badly.

I want you. Inside me.
I pressed send. I didn't know how to do the whole dirty text thing. I'd never tried.

Later. Promise.

I'm wet.

You're killing me.

I smiled and concocted an amazingly mean reply.
I want to taste you in my mouth. I want to suck you dry. I want to feel the weight of your balls in my hands as I take you deep in my throat.
I pressed send and held my breath.

I'm coming to see you.

You can't. I'm busy. You'll just have to wait.
I laughed aloud.

You're a little temptress. I'm hard as a rock.

And I wasn't lying. I'm wet.
I replied.

I have a meeting, Angel. Talk to you later. X X

I set my phone on my desk and pulled out the work begging for my attention. This was going to take focus and I needed a coffee for that.



Chapter 12

Noon rolled around when I finally tore myself from work. I picked up my phone and even though I knew my inbox was empty, my heart sunk. I wanted Jace to text me, but he was probably busy. He said he had a meeting and I didn't want to text him with something as silly as lunch and disturb him.

I decided to text Trisha. Even though it had been only two days since we really talked…it felt as though it had been months. But in the grand scheme of things - it kind of had been months. It's not like I walked around in my right mind in the seven weeks I lacked Jace's participation in my life.
You home?

Damn right.

Coming for lunch.

Yay. See ya soon babe.

I slipped my phone into my purse, shoved my feet into my pumps and ditched the papers on my desk. I locked up the office and went in search of Gabe. I found him right where I left him.

"I'm going to head home for lunch."

"To Jace's?" Gabe asked. I knew his surprised tone was because Jace's penthouse was quite a drive across the city. Going there wouldn't constitute as a normal lunch break. Not that I was limited by the normal lunch breaks. I owned my own business. Taking time away was simply one of the perks…so Jaylah had said while we'd talked business during our first meeting. Her advice had been to hire someone who was trustworthy that I could count on in the event I couldn't be there. That was why I had Franco.

"No. My home." I stated bluntly. "My house." I restated the previous in different words. I felt I needed to clarify. Jace's house was Jace's house. Not mine. I lived elsewhere.

"All right." He stood. "I'll take you."

"I can get a taxi." I offered. I knew the hopefulness in my tone didn't go unnoticed by him. But, like everything else that didn't stand as a danger to mine, or Jace's safety, it flew right over his head.

He glared at me. "I'd like to take you. And, you know I have to."

"Fine." I said. "But, I can't invite you up. I need some serious girl time with Trisha. It has been too long."

"I understand. I have a daughter." Gabe reminded me and I smiled, following him out into the warm fall air. I was excited for my first full winter in New York. I couldn't wait for the first snowfall. Just the thought made me giddy.

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