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Authors: Sarah Curtis

Alluring (12 page)

BOOK: Alluring
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"Not even close," she purred, unconsciously rubbing herself against his stomach.

He growled, once again attaching himself to her breast, sucking in as much as his mouth would allow.  She gasped, her hands instinctively wanting to grab hold of him, but she was well and truly snared, her hands immobile, she was totally at his mercy.

"Next, I would pull down your panties," his hands trailed up her legs, "so I could lick every inch of you."  His hands dived under her skirt, his fingers feeling around the material.  "Fuck.  This is all one piece?"

Alexis giggled.  "Sorry to ruin the fantasy."

He grinned up at her.  "That's okay, I'm good at improvising.  Now where was I?  Ah yes, I would expose you to my mouth,"  he pushed the material aside, "so I could lick every inch of you."  He pushed at her thighs, spreading her legs wide.  With a finger, he hooked the material, holding it in place while his other hand spread her open.  He dived in quick and hard.  Spearing her with his tongue, before licking a path up to the perfect spot, stopping and sucking in deep.

She was so close.  Her body was shaking begging for release.  And then, he stopped.  "Please don't stop," she said panting.

He towered over her.  "Are you ready?"

She knew what he was asking.  "Take off your clothes, Jack."

He untied her wrists and quickly divested her of her flimsy outfit.  He stood at the side of the bed, grabbed the back of his neck, and pulled his T-shirt over his head before sliding out of his jeans.  He stood gazing down at her.  And she looked back.  He was all muscle under tanned skin.  Hairless until low on his abdomen, where dark, soft looking hairs made a trail down to his groin.  His shaft jutted from his body long and proud and she wondered, fleetingly, how it was going to fit.

Then all thought left her as the bed dipped when he placed a knee on the edge, grabbing her under the arms and hauling her up, so they were chest to chest.  His mouth came down on hers, and she opened automatically to his surging tongue.  She clutched his shoulders, digging her fingertips into his skin, during his unyielding possession of her mouth.

His fingers skimmed through her hair, plucking pins until the tresses spilled across her shoulders and down her back.  He laid her back gently and cradled her face in his hands.  "I have
, not once, done this without protection.  I desperately want to with you.  I want your first time to be my first time bare.  I promise you I'm clean.  I go in regularly for checkups.  If you're not on some form of birth control, I promise I'll pull out in time."

* * * * *

He avidly awaited her response.  Just the thought of sliding into her raw had his dick twitching.

"I trust you, Jack.  And, I'm on the pill to regulate my periods."

He kissed her tenderly on the lips.  "Are you sure you want to do this?"  He wanted to give her one more out.  He didn't want to rush her, even if the thought of her saying no had his balls tightening.

She reached up and caressed his ass.  "I'm sure."

He took his time kissing along her jaw, down her neck to her breast.  He captured her nipple with his teeth and lightly bit before sucking it into his mouth, swirling his tongue around its edges.

He trailed his hand down her stomach, his fingers caressing the closely shaven hairs on her mound, before diving into her folds.

"God, you're so wet.  You have no idea how incredibly sexy that is, knowing how much I turn you on."

Leaning over her, his arms bearing the weight of his body, he slowly entered her.  She felt so warm and tight surrounding his cock.  He stopped when he felt resistance.  "Are you all right?  I don't want to hurt you."  He'd never taken a virgin before, not even in high school, the thought of hurting her made his stomach roll.

She clutched at his ass while pushing up with her hips in a quick, forceful motion.  He heard her gasp before relaxing back into the bed.  "There, now you don't have to hurt me.  I did it myself."  She gave him a bright smile.

After the initial shock of her action wore off, Jack started chuckling.  "I don't know whether to kiss you or spank you."

He watched as she puckered her lips.  "Kiss, please."

Jack laughed.  He'd never been playful during sex with any of the women he had fucked in the past.  This was a new experience for him, and he liked it.  He gave her lips a swipe with his tongue then gave her a light swat on her ass.  "For being sassy," he said, before he began moving inside her.

Soon, they were panting and moaning.  He knew she was almost there.  He didn't have much longer either.  He brought his hand between them and rubbed her nub with a finger.  Her feet were planted, flat on the bed, her fingers digging into his shoulders, so tight she was sure to leave nail marks, her body surging up forcefully to meet his every thrust.  God, she was wild, and he loved every second of it. 

The pulsing of her walls around his cock was his undoing.  A tingling at the base of his spine, and his balls drawing tight were his only warning before he exploded inside of her. 

He rolled them to their sides, so he didn't put his weight on her.  He shoved his face into her neck, breathing deep.  His favorite spot.  He held her tight and kept breathing her in, waiting for his heartbeat to slow.  Never in his life had he felt such a powerful release.  His heart squeezed, and he held onto her tighter, never wanting to let go.

* * * * *

His breathing grew deep and even, and she knew he had fallen asleep.  She figured, she should get up and clean herself, but his arms wrapped around her felt so good, she didn't want to move.  Their bodies were fully connected.  Arms and legs entwined, her cheek resting on top of his head while his was in the cradle of her neck.  He was even still partway inside her.  This was the closest she's been to any one, single human being. 

Her heart started to beat faster.  She was scared.  No, she was petrified. She had been wrong.  She thought if she slept with him, and he walked away, that she would be okay.  But, she wouldn't be okay.  She had just given him a piece of herself.  A piece that he would forever hold, and she would mourn its loss when he left.        

He couldn't know this.  If he did, it would cause him to flee faster.  God, she hated being this insecure girl, but she needed to be realistic.  Jack was a very rich, powerful, extremely handsome man who could have any woman he wanted.  She just couldn't wrap her brain around him wanting her.  For a time maybe, but not forever, and that's how she knew, at some point, this would all end.  So, she would enjoy every minute with him.  Cherish every second.  So, when the time came to let him go, she would have wonderful memories to take with her.


        They spent all of Sunday, snuggling on the couch or in Jack's bed.  He'd said that he didn't want to share her with anyone.  That their limited time together was precious.  He didn't make love to her again.  He knew she was sore and wanted to give her time to heal.  When he dropped her off later that night, he said he'd be back tomorrow night.  He would bring a pizza for dinner, and that he was going to fuck her on her bed.  She thought that all sounded wonderful.


So now, it was Thursday night, time for her break, and Jack wasn't where they usually met.  Her phone pinged.

Jack: Sorry in meeting  running longer than expected

A meeting at 11:00 at night?  Her stomach clutched and her throat tightened.  She wanted to trust him, but God, it was hard.  To keep things light, so he wouldn't know she was suspicious, she replied,

Alexis: That's okay I'm sure I can find someone to entertain me

A full minute passed before her phone pinged.

Jack: Don't fuck with me right now Alexis

Wow, he sounded angry.  He'd even used her first name.  Guess being flippant wasn't the way to go.

Alexis: I was kidding Jack

A few more minutes passed before he replied,

Jack: I'll see you when you get off 

She looked down at her phone wondering if she should reply.  She decided it was probably best just to let it go.  She went back to the bar, tucked her phone away, picked up her tray, and started her rounds.


Jack was outside the lounge, waiting for her when she got off shift.  He was in a suit, but his tie was undone and the top two buttons of his shirt were unbuttoned.  He still looked angry.

He ate the distance between them in a few long strides, grabbed her hand and started walking, pulling her along, all without saying a word.

"Where are you taking me?"


"Jack, it's late, I'm tired, and I have work in the morning." 

He stopped walking and looked over his shoulder at her.  "I'm aware."

Wow, he was really angry.  WTF.  She, unsuccessfully, tried to pull her hand from his.  "This is not okay.  I want to go home."

"We will discuss it upstairs," he threw over his shoulder.

They got on the elevator and when they reached the top he did something at the control panel and a red light started flashing.

"What's that?" Alexis asked, pointing to the light.

"I locked the elevator."

"So I'm a prisoner now?"  she asked sarcastically.

"We need to talk.  I don't want you running away until we're done."

Alexis walked to the couch, plopped down, crossed her arms, crossed her legs, and started kicking her foot.  The perfect pissed-off pose.  "You want to tell me why you're so angry and acting like a Neanderthal."

He jerked off his tie and jacket throwing both on a chair.  He started pacing in front of her, rolling up his sleeves. He stopped directly in front of her, shoved his hands in his pockets, then looked down at his feet.

"I'm angry because I'm a possessive asshole."

"What?"  Alexis said, uncrossing her arms and sitting up straighter on the couch.

He looked at her.  He didn't look angry anymore.  Guess having her where he wanted, with no means of escape, calmed him down.  Good to know. 

"I'm jealous."  Her eyes widened at that.  "I've never felt that emotion before, and I'm trying to control it."  He started pacing again.  "I hate when you're not near me.  But, I think that's normal.  It's just me missing you.  I know you have a life and you can't be with me 24/7.  I'm possessive not obsessive.

"But, when I know you're strutting around half naked and all those lecherous assholes are looking at you, knowing what they're thinking about you, I feel this blinding rage when I'm not around to watch over you, protect you. 

"Every night, I have to force myself to stay away because I know it's not normal to be so jealous but it doesn't matter, I feel it anyway.  And, when you said what you did in your text, even though I knew you were kidding, it still pissed me off because it was so close to what I was already thinking.  You would have no problem finding someone to
you, and you have no idea, how just the thought of that, makes me want to lock you up in this house and throw away the key."  He stopped pacing again and speared his fingers through his hair making some of the ends stickup at odd angles.

"I was jealous, too.  That's why I sent the text that I did,"  Alexis said, barely above a whisper. 

But, Jack heard.  He sat next to her on the couch and took her hand.  "What could you have possibly been jealous about?"

"Were you really in a meeting tonight?"

"Of course, where else would I be?"

"The fourth-floor."

He looked away from her and shook his head speaking quietly under his breath.  "People and their fucking big mouths."  He looked back over at her and gave her hand a squeeze.  "I have not been, nor have I wanted to go, to the fourth-floor since the first time I laid eyes on you.  And by that, I mean, the very first time."  He pulled her on his lap and cradled her in his arms.  "It's only you and me, baby.  You're all mine, and I'm all yours.  I will not fuck around on you."

"Promise me, Jack. Promise that you'll walk away from me before you let that happen.  And, I promise to let you go, no drama.  Just please, don't betray my trust."

He caressed her cheek.  "I promise, sweetheart.  I would never betray your trust.  It's precious to me.  I will always tell you the truth, even if it's hard, I will never lie to you."

Alexis looked deep into his eyes and saw sincerity in their depths.  She closed her eyes, taking a deep breath.  "I believe you, Jack.  You don't know how big a step that is for me."

"I will treasure that, always."  He kissed her lightly on the nose.  "Stay with me tonight.  I promise I'll get you to work on time in the morning.  I just want to hold you while we sleep."

"Sleep huh, are you sure that's all you want from me Mr. Cole?"

Jack chuckled, "For tonight.  My baby needs her sleep.  You're only going to get about four hours as it is."

My baby (sigh), a girl could get used to that. 

As she laid in bed, snuggled against Jack, she thought about everything he'd said.  He was jealous and didn't like her parading around half naked.  Hell, she didn't like it herself.  She always felt overexposed. 

She had once toyed with the idea of selling cars (those car salesmen made some serious money on commissions) but was always afraid that if she didn't sell any cars one month, she wouldn't be able to pay her bills.  But now, she'd be willing to take that chance, for Jack. 

BOOK: Alluring
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