Alluring (15 page)

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Authors: Sarah Curtis

BOOK: Alluring
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Alexis stood there. Her mouth opening and closing, but no sound was coming out.  She honestly did not know what to say.  What did he mean, she didn't know what was going on between the two of them?  She knew exactly what was happening.  They were having a fling.  She couldn't allow herself to believe it was anything more than that.  She couldn't allow her heart to soar at words like
I will never get enough of you
because that implied a future.  A future, she knew they didn't have.  She couldn't allow herself to believe she had a happily ever after with Jack because the moment she started thinking that, that would start the countdown to heartbreak.  So, she would stick to her plan.  She would enjoy the time they had together so when it ended, she would have some wonderful memories to take away with her.

It took her about an hour to unpack.  Jack showed her, her side of the closet, the drawers he had emptied in his dresser, and the space he had made for her in his bathroom.  Yes, she still thought of everything as his, no matter how many times he tried to correct her.

They decided to celebrate their first night living together, in bed.  Jack was highly creative with the festivities and exceedingly generous with the party favors.  At some point near dawn, they fell into an exhausted sleep.


The sun was shining when Alexis awoke, and the bed next to her was empty.  She rolled over at looked at the bedside clock.  Eleven o'clock.  She never slept so late.  Granted, Jack had kept her awake long into the night, but still, she felt like a loafer.  She picked Jack's T-shirt off the floor and threw it over her head as she made her way to the bathroom.  She did her business, brushed her teeth, and put her hair up in a scrunchie.

She quickly made her way down the stairs in search of Jack.  She heard a clank coming from the kitchen and stopped short when she rounded the bend.  An older couple sat at the breakfast bar, their backs to her.

Jack noticed her and smiled.  "Sweetheart, come meet my parents."

His parents!  She couldn't meet his parents in nothing but his T-shirt.  Why didn't he wake her up?  Why didn't he warn her they were here?  She noticed he was bare chested, wearing only a black pair of athletic shorts.  His hair was mussed and looked like he recently woke up, as well. 

His parents turned in their seats at Jacks announcement.  Both wore delighted smiles.  She stood frozen in horrified shock. 

Jack walked out of the kitchen and made his way over to her.  He whispered in her ear, "Come on, sweetheart.  They won't bite."  He tugged at her arm, but she refused to budge.

She whispered back frantically, "I need to go change."

"They don't care what you're wearing."

She hissed at him through gritted teeth.  "I'm not wearing underwear, Jack.  I refuse to meet your parents wearing nothing, and I mean
, but your T-shirt."

Jack threw his head back and laughed.  Hysterically.  She did not find anything the least bit amusing.  She hissed at him, again.  "This is not funny, Jack."

He took a sobering breath but couldn't keep the smile off his face when he said to his parents, "Alexis and I will be right back."

They quickly ran upstairs and as soon as the bedroom door closed, she was yelling, "Why didn't you warn me they were here?"

Jack quickly grabbed her about the waist and pulled her against him.  "I didn't have a chance.  I had just finished greeting them myself when you came down.  Now for more important matters ... are you really pantyless under this shirt?"  He reached under, grabbing her ass with his hands.  "Ah, ... so you are."

"Jack, would you get serious."  She pushed against his chest with both hands.  "Your parents are right downstairs waiting for us."

His hands caressed her back as he inched her toward the bed.  "They won't mind waiting a few minutes." 

The backs of her knees hit the bed, and she fell back, Jack landing on top of her.  His mouth latched on to her neck as his hands found her breasts, squeezing.  "We ... can't have ... sex with your ... parents in the house,"  she panted.

"Yes we can."  He captured her mouth before she could protest anymore.  His hands went to her thighs, parting them wide, before pulling down his shorts and sinking into her deeply.

She moaned into his mouth. 

He thrust into her with powerful strokes bringing her to climax quickly, all the while keeping his mouth sealed to hers, swallowing all her impassioned cries.  He followed shortly after.

They were both breathing heavily.  "What was that?"  she asked, in amazement at their frantic coupling.

"That was you in my T-shirt with no panties, getting me so hard and turned-on that if I didn't put my dick inside you, I was gonna burst."

Alexis stared at him flabbergasted, for a beat of three, before erupting into laughter.


Alexis loved Frank and Barbara Cole.  Jack's parents were enjoyable, down-to-earth people even while talking about all the places they've traveled to over the last few months.  Jack's mother insisted on taking them out to lunch even though Alexis said she was capable of making them something.

"No sense messing up the kitchen,"  Barb said.

To which Alexis replied, "I'll be cooking, not Jack."  Which made everyone laugh.

After lunch at one of Allure's many restaurants, the boys and girls decided to split up.  Frank wanted to play a few rounds of golf, and Barb wanted to go shopping.

"I haven't been able to enjoy shopping for so long.  Frank absolutely hates it.  Shopping with a girl, for a change, will be nice."  Barb tempered her harsh words with a kiss to Frank's cheek.

Jack slipped a credit card into Alexis's palm.  "Buy whatever you want, baby.  There's no limit." 

Deciding not to make a scene in front of his parents, she slipped it into her purse.  After all, she didn't have to use it .

It was a beautiful day, so they decided to walk to the outdoor mall a few blocks away.  Barb never let the conversation lag, talking about her travels and the mischief Jack got into as a child.  Alexis hung on her every word, soaking up any morsel of information about Jack.

They entered a quaint, little shop that sold modern apparel.  Alexis saw a cute sundress hanging on a rack and went over to it.  Barb followed her over. 

She took the dress off the rack and held it up to Alexis.  "This will look beautiful on you.  You must try it on."

Alexis took the dress and folded it over her arm.  She continued to look through the rack, stopping at a dress, and pulling it down.  "And this will look perfect on you."  She handed Barb a black and white, silk sundress.

"You know, we must get together with your parents for dinner while we're in town."

Alexis paused in her search and looked over at Barb.  "My ... um ... mom died  a couple of years ago and my dad left when I was a teenager."

"Oh honey, I'm so sorry.  I didn't know."  She took Alexis's hand and gave it a squeeze.

"It's okay, truly."  She couldn't stand to see the hurt look in Barb's eyes.  "She's better off now.  She was so sick and in so much pain."  Alexis knew her mom was better off.  But was, she?  Spending time with Jack's mom made her realize how much she missed her own. 

"I couldn't have any more children after Jack," she sighed wistfully.  "I love Jack dearly, but I always wanted a daughter."  She looked over at Alexis and gave her a bright smile.  "I'm so happy he's finally found someone to love."

Alexis didn't know what to say.  She didn't have the heart tell this wonderful woman that her son didn't love her.  She gave Barb a weak smile and blurted the first thing that popped into her head.  "I need a new bathing suit!"

Barb gave her a knowing smile before saying, "Then I guess we should go find you one."







Alexis looked down at her cell phone, disappointed to see that she hadn't missed a call from her sister.  She had been trying to call her all week and started to worry because her sister never failed to return her calls. 

Alexis called out a few farewells as she made her way to the break room to grab her purse.  She'd just completed her first week as a  salesperson and although she didn't have the prime hours of nights or weekends, she still managed to sell two cars.  If she kept that up, she would have no problem paying her bills.

Jack was outside waiting for her when she exited the glass doors of the dealership.  "What are you doing here?"  She stood on her tiptoes and gave him a kiss on the lips.

He wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her in close.  "I have a surprise for you."

"Jack, you do so much for me already.  You need to stop."

"Sweetheart, it's my prerogative to spoil you whenever I want."

"And I have no say?"

"If it's something you don't like, then yes.  Otherwise, no."  He kissed the tip of her nose.

Alexis sighed, she was putty in his hands when he did that.  "So what's the surprise, Oh Great and Powerful?"

"Oh, I like that.  Will you shout that out while I've got you in bed tonight?"

Alexis giggled and slapped him playfully on the chest.  "In your dreams."

"You should hear the things you say to me in my dreams."  He gave a lecherous eyebrow wiggle.

Alexis laughed outright as he helped her into the car.

"We'll stop home first so you can change.  Then we'll head out."

She knew better than to ask where they were going so instead said, "What should I wear?"

"Something casual and comfortable."

He took her to the airport.  "What are we doing here?"  She asked nervously.  She'd never been on an airplane before.

"There's a private jet waiting for us."

They went through security then out on the tarmac where a small airplane awaited them.  Jack led her up a flight of stairs. 

A flight attendant stood by the open door.  "Please take your seats and buckle up.  We'll be ready for takeoff in about five minutes."

Alexis looked around the jet as they made their way to their seats.  The inside was larger than it appeared.  Four rows of two regular seats were on one side while two couches and a table were on the other.  A galley was in the back with what looked to be a bedroom beside it.  Alexis craned her neck to get a better look.  Yep, that was definitely a bed she spied through the open doorway.

"How long is the flight?"  She asked, as Jack fastened her seat belt.

"Not long," he said cryptically.

"So, I guess we won't be using the bedroom I saw back there?"

Jack gave her a smile.  "Not this trip, but some time in the future, definitely."

They reached their destination in less than an hour.  A black town car awaited them as they stepped off the plane.  The sun was starting to set when they left the airport and by the time they reached the hotel, it was fully dark out.  Alexis still had no clue where they were.

When they arrived at their room Alexis discreetly looked around for some sort of clue.  A pamphlet.  Some stationery.  A phone book.  Anything with an address!

"Quit snooping and get over here."  Jack patted the bed.  "I just need to make a quick phone call, then we can go."  Jack pulled out his phone, hit a button and brought it to his ear.  "Everything ready?  Good."  He stood, slipping his phone back in his pocket.  "Everything's all set."  He grabbed her hand and kissed her palm. 

Alexis followed him out of the room and they made their way down in the elevator.  When the doors opened, she couldn't believe her eyes.  "Oh my God!"  Alexis flew to her sister and wrapped her in a tight hug.  "It's been so long.  Let me look at you."  Alexis held her at arms length, her eyes devouring her greedily. 

Her naturally wavy, brown hair was styled straight.  Shorter in back and longer in front, falling about three inches past her chin.  Her pixie features worked well with the hairdo.  She was a few inches taller than Alexis, thin and lanky compared to Alexis's curves.  Emily looked like their dad while Alexis had taken after their mom.

"You must be Jack.  I'm Emily.  It's nice to meet you."  Alexis's sister held out her hand while laughing.

"Oh my goodness, where are my manners,"  Alexis shouted, still clearly excited.  "Jack, this is my sister Emily.  Emily, this is Jack my um ..."

"Boyfriend,"  Jack said reaching around Alexis to take Emily's hand.  "It's a pleasure to meet you.  Alexis doesn't stop talking about you."  Jack looked over at Alexis to give her a smile and saw tears running down her cheeks.  "Baby, what's wrong?"  he asked, cradling her face and gently, wiping her tears with his thumbs.

"I'm j ... just so happy.  I ha ... haven't seen my sister in two years.  No one has ever done anything this nice for me before.  Th ... thank you."

Jack gave her a light kiss on the lips and pulled her into a tight hug.  "I'd do anything for you, Alexis," he whispered into her ear.  "All you have to do is ask."

They ate dinner at the hotel and talked for hours before making plans to meet at UCSD the next morning so Emily could give them a tour. 

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