Alluring (11 page)

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Authors: Sarah Curtis

BOOK: Alluring
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"Okay."  She'd barely gotten the word out before his lips were on hers.

He kissed her softly at first, slowly coaxing her lips open with his tongue.  His hand moved up her back and into her hair, positioning her to deepen the kiss.  His other hand moved up to cup her breast, his thumb teasing her nipple until she arched into his hand, moaning softly into his mouth.

He abruptly pulled away from the kiss.  Alexis made a sound of protest, cut short when her hands were lifted from his shoulders as her T-shirt was pulled over her head.

He angled her to the side, laying her back on the couch as he hovered above her.  "I'm going to taste every inch of you starting with these."  He popped the front clasp of her bra, pulling the cups to the sides, exposing her breasts.

She knew she turned a deep shade of red.  Her face and chest felt hot as he stared as if memorizing every detail.  He lovingly traced her puckered nipple.  "Perfect," he said softly, as if speaking to himself before dipping his head and capturing it in his mouth, sucking deep.

Her back bowed off the couch, and her hands flew into his hair.  The sensation unlike anything she could describe and made warmth flow to her lower regions.  He took his time licking, sucking, biting, and caressing every inch of skin above her waist frequently nipping and kissing her lips during his exploration until she was a writhing, wiggling body of need.

"Please," she whimpered at one point, begging to be put out of such pleasurable agony.  But Jack either didn't hear her or ignored her, as he continued his devastating ministrations.

He returned to her mouth sucking in her bottom lip.  His hands scored through her hair, his fingers pressing into her scalp.  He ground his pelvis into hers, and she reared, instinctively grinding back.

He sat up, breathing heavy as he reached for her feet and discarded her boots.  He unfastened her jeans, pulling them and her panties, over her hips and down her legs.  Again, he stared, taking in the length of her.

She squirmed under his scrutiny reaching a hand out to cover herself, but he grabbed her wrist halting her progress.  "Don't."  He brought her hand to his lips and kissed her palm.  "Don't ever hide yourself from me.  You're perfect.  Every inch of you."  He traced a line of kisses from the center of her chest to the apex of her sex.  His nostrils flared as he breathed her in.  "Your scent is intoxicating.  It's driving me crazy.  If I don't taste you soon, it will drive me insane."

Alexis got an idea of what he planned to do, but the reality was more than she could have imagined.  He tongue felt wicked as it licked through her folds.  She raised her hips and ground against his mouth when he inserted a finger. 

She didn't last long.  Her orgasm erupted from her body and out her mouth in a long moan.  The sound must have excited Jack, he growled against her, sending more aftershocks coursing through her.

Alexis was spent.  Her limbs felt like jelly.  She wasn't sure if she could move them.  She raised her head.  Jack was still between her legs, nuzzling against her center while lightly kissing the insides of her thighs.  She plopped her head back down, and he made his way up her body, stopping to bury his face in her neck, breathing her in deeply.  He wrapped his arms around her and held her close.

She brought her arms around him as well, her hands like a magnet, digging into his hair, her fingers playing with the silken strands.

* * * * *

Jack tried to not give her too much of his weight as he held her close, burrowing his face into her neck, breathing her in.  His cock strained painfully against his jeans as he fought for control.  Watching Alexis come undone while he feasted on her was intoxicating.  Knowing he was the cause of her disintegration left him feeling euphoric and virile.  He had to stop envisioning Alexis's expression during her release or he was never going to get rid of his hard-on.

"Are you okay?  You're awfully quiet," Alexis said, while stroking his hair.

Jack gave her a squeeze then propped himself up on his forearms to look down at her.  "I should be asking you that."

She gave him a shy smile.  "I'm fantastic.  I never knew anything could feel so wonderful.  Thank you, Jack."

"That's only the beginning, sweetheart.  There are many more delights to be had.  And there's no need to thank me, the pleasure was entirely mine."

She removed her hand from his hair to rub along his back.  Just her touch gave him pleasure.

"Why are you still dressed and I'm not?"  she asked, giving his T-shirt a tug.

"I only have so much control.  Being naked, the same time you're naked ... yeah, I would lose it." 

He watched her nose wrinkle in thought (it was the cutest damn thing) before understanding lit her eyes.  "Is there ... um ... something I can do for you?"

"No."  He bent and touched his lips to hers.  "The first time I come with you, I want to be buried deep inside you." 

He kissed her deeply then reluctantly allowed her to get dressed.  He even let her pick what they would watch on TV while they snuggled on the couch.

A few hours later, they got up, so he could drive her home.  And on that drive, he vowed he would not be doing this shit much longer.  He just had to convince Alexis to move in with him.

* * * * *

Alexis had come to a decision.  After coming to that decision, the week dragged by, but Saturday had finally arrived, and she was a bundle of nerves.  She knew, although nothing had been said, that Jack expected her to spend the night because tomorrow was her day off, and Sunday was
his day
.  So tonight, she was going to give him her virginity.

She didn't come to this decision lightly.  She'd come to it after much soul-searching.  She didn't want to stay a virgin forever, but she did want her first time to be with someone special, and to her, Jack was special.  She wanted him to be her first.  She always wanted to remember him that way, and that was a good enough reason for her.

After her decision was made, she just wanted to get it over with.  She figured if Jack only wanted to get in her pants then dump her, knowing now would be best.  Dragging it out another few weeks was not going to make any difference to anything but her heart.

And that was the one thing she was trying to protect.  Her heart had been broken far too many times in her young life. When her dad left.  When her mom died.  When her sister left for college.  She was strong.  She would survive another heartbreak.  She would just rather survive it now rather than later.  Now, it would just break in two.  Later, it might shatter.


He texted her frequently during the week and came by during her breaks every night (even though she begged him not to because people were really starting to talk).  She kept getting evil looks (from the women) and overheard snide comments (mostly about some fourth-floor suite).  Alexis ignored everything and went about her work.

She missed Steph.  They used to work nights together, but since she was switched to days about two months ago, she didn't see her very much.  Steph would have made all the petty remarks, more bearable.

The end of her shift was fast approaching, and she was getting antsy.  Jack hadn't shown up during her break (thank goodness), but he did text her
to come on up
when she finished. He had given her a key to his private elevator Tuesday night, letting her know she could sleep over anytime she didn't feel like going home.  She would make one more round of her section and then be done.

Unfortunately, when she walked into the employee lounge to change, Erica was there.  They seemed to be on the same shift schedule, and she was, by far, the biggest instigator of gossip out of all her coworkers.

"I didn't see lover boy tonight," Erica said, in the middle of changing into her street clothes.  "Is there trouble in paradise?"

Alexis thought it best, not to say anything.  She didn't want to instigate further trouble.

"Cat got your tongue?"

Geez, what was she, a walking clich

"Maybe he's bored with you already and decided to take someone else up to the fourth-floor tonight."

Alexis knew she shouldn't ask, but the words fell out of her mouth before she could stop them.  "Fourth-floor?"

Erica's eyes got wide, and she said in a pseudo-caring voice, "Oh honey, do you not know about the fourth floor?  Has he never taken you there?"  She looked at her from top to bottom before saying, "I guess you're not really his type.  He does have impeccable taste after all.  But anyway, getting back to the fourth floor, he takes all his fuck-pals there.  Guess you didn't make the grade."

Alexis felt sick, but she wasn't about to let Erica get away with walking all over her.  "Fourth floor?  No, I don't know anything about the fourth floor.  I've only been to his penthouse."  God, she hoped he hadn't brought many women up there or she would feel foolish.

By the look of shock on Erica's face, she guessed he did not.  Not wanting to hang around any longer, Alexis grabbed her bag out of her locker, not bothering to change into her street clothes, and left the lounge. 

She slowed as she neared the elevator.  She wasn't sure if she wanted to see Jack right now.  But, what does knowing about the fourth-floor really change?  She knew he was a player before she got involved with him.  He's admitted he's slept with a lot of women.  He had to have taken them somewhere, and she was glad it wasn't his penthouse.  And she did feel special as if she were one of a few instead of one of the many.

She decided that knowing about the fourth floor didn't change anything.  She would still go through with it and see what happens.  She inserted her key in the elevator and made her way upstairs, to Jack.





















The penthouse was quiet as she made her way through the foyer, her heels sounding unusually loud on the marble.  The living room was empty as was the kitchen.

"Jack!" she called, as she made her way up the stairs. 

At the top, she looked down the hall.  She could see three doors and one was ajar a ribbon of light spilling into the darkened hall. 

She poked her head in the door and stopped short at the sight before her.  Jack lounged in a black, leather chair, bare feet propped on a massive, wooden desk, asleep.  She quietly inched her way into the office.  The walls were covered with framed photos, some looking old, some looking fairly new.  She recognized a few famous people with Jack, but the rest were a mystery.  Two large, black, leather, wing-back chairs sat in front of the desk.  The desktop itself was cluttered with papers and a sleek, shiny, black laptop.  He looked to have been in the middle of doing some work. 

She looked at the man, himself.  Even in such a large chair, he still looked imposing.  She made her way to one of the chairs and sat, trying to be silent as she maneuvered onto the leather seat.  She watched Jack sleep.  Feeling this was a rare treat, seeing him fully relaxed, knowing she wouldn't get the opportunity to see him this way often.  She curled her feet up and leaned her head back, watching him until her eyes grew heavy and she drifted off to sleep.


Alexis felt as if she were floating.  She came awake with Jack's arms cradling her, her head resting on his biceps.  She felt him dip as he leaned over and placed her on the bed.  She sat up as he knelt in front of her.

"What are you doing?"  she asked groggily, as he placed her foot on his thigh and reached under her skirt for the edge of her stocking.  He slowly rolled it down before doing the same action on her other leg.

"Helping you get undressed.  You can't sleep in that.  Although I've had some pretty risqu
fantasies of you in that outfit."

"Oh yeah, like what?"  she asked, placing her arms around his neck.

"I don't know if I should say, they might be too scandalous for your unsullied ears."  He put his hands on her hips and leaned forward sucking her earlobe into his mouth.

"Try me,"  she whispered seductively into his ear.

He chuckled then flipped her so she was face-down on the bed.  She felt him spread her arms wide as he straddled her hips.  His finger traced a path down her spine.

"Every time you walk away from me, the view of your exposed back almost brings me to my knees.  All that smooth, creamy skin.  My hands itch to touch it.  Your back is the sexiest thing I have ever seen."  He slowly licked a path up her spine.  "I get so turned on when I think about bending you over the closest object and watching the line of your back as I pound into you."  Alexis shivered as he lightly nipped at her nape.  "Scandalized yet?"

"Keep going."

He unsnapped the strap at her neck that secured her halter top, then rolled her onto her back. "Then I would take this tease of a strap

a strap that I know, with just a flick of my finger, I could pop open exposing your tits to my view

and tie them around your wrists," he brought her hands together, on top of her stomach, then wrapped the straps of her outfit around her wrists, tying them, leaving no play in the material, "knowing I could do whatever I wanted to your body, and you wouldn't be able to stop me."  He sucked her nipple deep into his mouth and her back bowed off the bed.  He released it with a pop and looked up at her.  "Scandalized yet?"

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