Alluring (8 page)

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Authors: Sarah Curtis

BOOK: Alluring
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One:   Jack could rob her of her senses with only a kiss, leaving her hungry for something she couldn't even name.

Two:  He was bossy, domineering, gentle, kind, and unbelievably attractive.


Three:   She was in big trouble.







Jack sat behind the wheel of his SUV, watching Alexis's apartment.  He had just walked her up, made sure the apartment was safe, and that she had locked up behind him before he left.

He didn't like that she lived there alone.  He didn't like a lot of things, actually.  He didn't like being away from her for even a minute during the day.  He didn't like not having her in his arms when he fell asleep at night or when he woke up in the morning.  He didn't like her exhausting herself by working two jobs.  And, he especially hated that Charlies Danbridge checked out her ass while she was at work.

He knew all that made him a possessive, controlling, asshole.  Not that he cared.  He was what he was.  He had always been controlling and that made him an asshole, but possessiveness was a new trait that Alexis brought forth.  He wanted to know where she was and whether she was safe.  The thought of anything happening to her made his skin crawl and his stomach clutch.  He'd never felt jealousy until he met Alexis.  He'd never been in a relationship or cared about anyone enough to feel jealousy over.  He wanted to rip the eyes out, of any man, who even looked at her.  He knew his thoughts were irrational, but he didn't give a fuck about that either.  He wasn't acting on them was he?

He knew she needed time to get used to the idea of
but he had never been a patient man.  If he wanted something, he went after it and got it.  The wooing of Alexis was torture, but it was a torture he would gladly endure as long as Alexis was his at its end.

Their kiss was everything he hoped it would be.  Passionate.  Arousing.  All-consuming.  Addicting.  He could still taste her on his tongue, and he wanted more.  More of her sweet lips.  More of her panted breaths.  More of her soft moans.  More Alexis.   

Now, he just had to get started on changing the things he didn't like.  He had a feeling, Alexis would try to resist his every move.  The thought made him smile.  "Bring it on, sweetheart."

* * * * *

Saturday morning, Alexis lounged against her kitchen counter, sipping a cup of coffee, waiting for Steph so they could go to the gym.  She was in a pair of black yoga pants, a white tank top, and tennis shoes.  Decked out for an hour of flat-out torture.

The rest of her week had been fairly typical, with the exception of Todd.  A big brute of a man that drove her, in a big black car, to and from work every night.  She also hadn't heard from Jack since he dropped her off Wednesday morning.  She honestly, didn't think he had given up (if so, why send a driver), but she was perplexed as to why he hadn't called.  He had been so persistent the first few days and now, nothing.  She was so confused.  She didn't know what the heck was going on.  She needed help.  Time to talk to Steph.


They were working out on adjacent stair steppers, and Alexis had just gotten through telling Steph everything about Jack from the time they met until now.  Sweat dripped into her eyes and coated her chest and back.  Her breathing was labored, and she was developing a cramp in her right thigh.  She was hot, tired, and miserable.  God, she hated exercising.  Whoever invented it, needed to be shot.  She looked over at Steph.  She was barely sweating, and she wasn't even breathing hard.  Bitch.

"It's because you don't exercise enough," Steph smirked.

She shook her head, not following, "What?"

"You're giving me a dirty look, wondering why I'm not a hot mess, like you are.  It's because you don't exercise enough."

Alexis just laughed.  "Back on topic.  What do you think about Jack?  What should I do?"

"Well if it were me, and I'm kicking myself right now that it's not, I would march right up to his spectacularly lavish penthouse, throw off all my clothes, climb on his massive bed, and beg him to have his evil way with me.  But, seeing as it isn't me but you and knowing it would take a crowbar to pry you out of your panties," she gave her a sly smile and a wink, "I'd say whatever you're doing must be working, because you turned, one hell of a player, into a one-woman man."

"He never said anything about other women.  How do you know he's not still hooking-up?  After all, it has been three days since I've heard from him."  That was the part that bugged her the most.  She should be grateful that he took a step back and wasn't hounding her so much anymore.  After all, isn't that what she wanted?  So why did the thought of Jack giving up on her make her heart hurt?  Boy she was an emotional mess.  She didn't know what she wanted anymore.

"If he wanted to hook-up with other women still, he wouldn't have said all the shit he said to you.  And, in regard to not calling, I think he's giving you some time to get used to the idea of a relationship with him.  You can be a bit stubborn and I think he knows that.  Trust me, he'll give you a few more days reprieve, then he's gonna come at you full force, back you into a corner, and leave you no room to retreat." 

Steph was both right and wrong.  Jack did come after her full force, but he didn't wait a few more days to do it.  He came after her that night close to the end of her shift.

She was at the bar, filling the last of her drink orders.  Steve, a likeable, twenty-something, with shaggy, brown hair and a quick smile, worked the bar.  He had just gotten though telling a joke, and it was funny, as in, really funny.  Alexis tipped her head back slightly and laughed.  Steve laughing with her.

She was still laughing when she felt an arm curve around her waist and a warm body hit her back.  She recognized his scent right away.  His lips found her neck and he mumbled, "Love the sound of your laughter.  Not liking the fact, that some other man made it happen."  He picked his head up and placed his chin gently, on the top of her head.

Throughout this, Alexis stayed immobile.  Her eyes went to Steve.  He was just as still.  First of all, it was against policy to fraternize at work, be it with fellow employees or patrons.  Secondly, everyone knew she would
do anything to jeopardize her job.  And last, was the fact, that this was Jack, and he was a lot to take in.

Jack reached his free arm around Alexis's body and held out his hand to Steve.  "Jackson Cole."

Steve took hold of his hand stuttering, "Steve Holgram, Sir.  It's a pleasure to meet you."  Steve obviously recognized the name.

Jack settled his hand on Alexis's shoulder.  "You almost done here, sweetheart?"

Alexis answered, barely above a whisper, "I have these last drinks to deliver, and then I need to change my clothes."

"I'll wait for you by the employee lounge."  At the word employee, her body tensed reminding her, once again, that fraternization was against policy.

She felt him walk away and her body relaxed.  That is until Steve said, "What the hell was that?"

Alexis didn't know how to answer.  And that was because, she didn't know what the hell was going on, either.  Jack took her out for two meals, sent her flowers, gave her a mind-blowing kiss, hired her a driver, didn't call for
days, and then showed up while she was at work.  She didn't feel comfortable saying they were dating.  This, whatever
was, was too new, too uncertain, but it was clear to Steve that something was going on, so she had to say something.  "Um ..."

He stayed quiet while she processed her answer.  Then, he wasn't quiet anymore.  "Are you dating Jackson Cole?"

Alexis thought it best to say something, anything before things got out of hand.  "I'm not sure what we're doing yet.  It's too new, so don't say anything to anyone.  Okay."

"He called you sweetheart."

She couldn't deny it, so just shrugged.  "You won't say anything?"  She waited a few beats for him to respond.  When he didn't, she said, "Right?"

"Yeah, yeah,"  Steve said seeming to come out of his stupor.  "Don't worry, I've got your back."

Alexis gave him a nod.  "I should get these drinks delivered.  People are going to wonder what happened to me."  She picked up her tray and turned to leave.

"Hey, Alexis."

She looked back over her shoulder, "Yes."

"Whatever might be happening, it couldn't be happening to a nicer person.  I'm happy for you."

She gave him a soft smile.  "Thanks, Steve."


Alexis came out of the employee lounge and spotted Jack leaning against a nearby wall.  A cocktail waitress who from the back looked like Erica, was talking to him.  His eyes were on her, but he looked bored.

He must have caught her movement out of the corner of his eye, because when she came into view, his head raised and his eyes locked with hers.  He stood from the wall, said something to the person talking to him, and started toward her.

The person turned, and to her chagrin, it
Erica.  Great.  What was she going to do?  Jack was headed straight for her, and he wasn't shy about PDA.  Erica was the last person she would want, seeing something like that.  She wouldn't hesitate to start gossip, making Alexis look bad, so she could go after her position in the high roller section. 

She took a step back giving Jack wide eyes and a hard stare.  He seemed to get the hint because he came to stop about two feet from her, lowered his head a little, and whispered, "What?"

Speaking low herself, she said, "I don't want you doing your,
Jack thing,
in front of my coworkers."

She watched him shake his head, then said again, sounding slightly bemused, "What?"

She hissed in a low voice, "You know, coming in close, hugging me, and attacking my neck."

He tipped his head back and laughed.  He then, tipped it forward again, humor in his eyes, still talking low.  "Attack is a rather strong word, don't you think?"

"Whatever, what I'm saying is, my coworkers can't know about us.  They'll gossip.  They'll think I'm sleeping my way to the top.  They're already suspicious about how I got the high roller section in such a short time, this will only confirm their suspicions."

That sobered him up, quick.  Anger transformed his features.  "People talking shit about you?"

"It's work politics, Jack.  There's always talk."


"What?"  Now, it was her turn to sound bewildered.

"They're jealous.  You're funny, sweet, sexy as hell, beautiful and your smile lights up a fuckin' room.  They cut you down, in the only way they
cut you down, and that's by accusing you of sleeping your way to the top.  It makes them look and feel better about themselves because if they admitted, you did all that on your own merit, they'd be wondering what the hell was wrong with them, and they don't want anything to be wrong with them, they want something to be wrong with you."

"Jack,"  Alexis said softly, unconsciously closing the distance between them.  She quickly blinked her eyes, trying to dissipate the sudden moisture that formed.

"But baby, what they don't understand is, you
perfect."  At the word perfect her head plopped against his chest.  "Can I do my,
Jack thing,

Alexis giggled, her whole body shaking, but still managed to nod.  Jack wrapped his arms around her and lowered his lips to her ear.  "Good, 'cause there's nothing I like better, than attacking your neck."

Alexis erupted in laughter.


Jack took her up to his penthouse.  She noted, not for the first time, it's grandeur, but did note for the first time, the details.  The last time she was here she was so set on escape, she didn't notice the finer points.  Like the beautiful beveled mirror, hanging above a black marble fireplace.  The black leather couch, with cream and light-gray throw pillows, atop a thick cream carpet.  Huge floor-to-ceiling windows, that had no coverings, and that she planed on staying well away from, seeing as she was scared of heights. 

A hall (that previously had the voice coming from it) was to the right, but she didn't know what was down it.  The stairs led to Jack's bedroom, but again, she had no idea what else was up there.  As she looked around, taking it all in, Jack stayed at her back.

"You have a lovely home,"  she said, turning to face him.

"It's lovelier now,"  he said, taking a step closer to her.

Alexis giggled.


"That was a corny line," she said, still smiling.

"Sweetheart, that wasn't a line."  He took another step closer to her.

Alexis was a little apprehensive about being alone with Jack in his penthouse.  Coming up here wasn't one of her brightest ideas.  She just knew, after their scene downstairs, she was still in a
' fog as he led her to the elevators.  And it wasn't until she stepped into his foyer, that her brain began to clear. 
To late, said the fox to the rabbit.

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