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Authors: James MacGregor Burns

American Experiment (408 page)

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Brain trust
]: Raymond Moley,
After Seven Years
(Harper, 1939); Tugwell,
Brains Trust;
Beatrice Bishop Berle and Travis Beal Jacobs, eds.,
Navigating the Rapids, 1918-1971: From the Papers of Adolf A. Berle
(Harcourt, 1973), esp. part 2; Fusfeld, ch. 15; Davis,
New York Years,
ch. 9; Bernard Sternsher,
Rexford G. Tugwell and the New Deal
(Rutgers University Press, 1964), part 2; Elliot A. Rosen, “Roosevelt and the Brains Trust: An Historiographical Overview,”
Political Science Quarterly,
vol. 87, no. 4 (December 1972), pp. 53-57.

Anarchy of concentrated economic power
”]: Moley, p. 24.

Wells on Berle
]: quoted in Schlesinger,
p. 400.

Issues aren

t my business
”]: quoted in Moley, p. 36,

Progressive Republicans
]: Alfred Lief,
(Stackpole, 1939), ch. 16; Richard Lowitt,
George W. Norris: The Persistence of a Progressive, 1913-1933
(University of Illinois Press, 1971), pp. 549-59; Ronald L. Feinman, “The Progressive Republican Senate Bloc and the Presidential Election of 1932,”
vol. 59, no. 2 (April-July 1977), pp. 73-91; Harold L. Ickes,
Autobiography of a Curmudgeon
(Reynal & Hitchcock, 1943), pp. 253, 260-65.

Garner on staying alive
]: Bascom N. Timmons,
Gamer of Texas
(Harper, 1948), p. 168.

Farley on active campaign
]: Farley, pp. 163-64.

Brain trust

s desire for program
]: see Tugwell,
Brains Trust,
pp. 421-24, ch. 39; Tugwell,
In Search,
ch. 5.

Tugwell on FDR
In Search,
p. 128,

Broun on FDR
]: quoted in Tugwell,
Brains Trust,
p. 283.

FDR on intellectuals and flexibility
]: see
pp. 286-87, 409-11, 422-24, 441-47, 467-70, 488-96.

Young on FDR
]: quoted in Josephine Young and Everett Needham Case,
Owen D. Young and American Enterprise
(David R. Godine, 1982), p. 601.

FDR-Long telephone exchange
]: quoted in Tugwell,
Brain Trust,
pp. 430-33, I have condensed, slightly rearranged, and supplied quotation marks for Tugwell’s dialogue, part of a wider luncheon-table discussion that remained so vivid a recollection, wrote Tugwell, “that I am willing to stand on its accuracy” (p. 434n.).

dangerous man
p. 434,


s speaking campaign
Roosevelt Public Papers,
vol. 1, ch. 24, part 2; see also Fusfeld, ch. 16.


]: August 20, 1932, in
Roosevelt Public Papers,
vol. 1, pp. 669-84, esp. pp. 674-75.

Planned use of the land
”]: September 14, 1932, in
vol. 1, pp. 693-711, quoted at p. 699.

Freidel on Topeka address
p. 347.

Commonwealth Club address
]: September 23, 1932, in
Roosevelt Public Papers,
vol. 1, pp. 742-56, quoted at pp. 743, 747, 752, 743, 750, 751-52, respectively.

Tugwell and Moley on Commonwealth Club address
]: Tugwell,
Democratic Roosevelt,
p. 246; Freidel,
p. 353n.; see also Tugwell,
In Search,
ch. 7.

Yankee horse-trades
”]: Moley, p. 48, [“
Weave the two together
”]: quoted in

Reduce the cost
”]: address at Pittsburgh, Pa., October 19, 1932, in
Roosevelt Public Papers,
vol. 1, pp. 795-811, quoted at p. 808.

Hoover on FDR as easiest man to beat
]: entry of June 27, 1932, Henry L. Stimson Diary, quoted in Schlesinger,
pp. 430-31.


s September prediction
]: entry of September 19, 1932, Stimson Diary, quoted in Freidel,
p. 365.


s composition of own addresses
]: see Harris G. Warren,
Herbert Hoover and the Great Depression
(Oxford University Press, 1959), p. 256; Hoover,
p. 234.

Mencken on Hoover

s oratorical style
]: “The Hoover Bust,” Baltimore
Evening Sun,
October 10, 1932, reprinted in Mencken,
pp. 260-65, esp. pp. 262.

Chameleon on the Scotch plaid
”]: address in Indianapolis, Ind., October 28, 1932, in
Public Papers of Herbert Hoover
(U.S. Government Printing Office, 1974-77), vol. 4, pp. 609-32, quoted at p. 619.

In Hoover we trusted
”]: quoted in Schlesinger, Crisis, p. 432.

Horsemen of Destruction
”]: address at Baltimore, Md., October 25, 1932, in
Roosevelt Public Papers,
vol. 1, pp. 831-42, quoted at p. 832.

Election night
]: Farley, pp. 185-89.

Election results
]: Svend Petersen,
A Statistical History of the American Presidential Elections
(Frederick Ungar, 1963), p. 91.

I never thought particularly
”]: quoted in
vol. 20, no. 20 (November 14, 1932), p. 26.

Eleanor Roosevelt

s reaction to election
]: quoted in Lorena Hickok,
Reluctant First Lady
(Dodd, Mead, 1962), p. 92; see also Eleanor Roosevelt,
This I Remember
(Harper, l949), pp. 74-75.

The “Hundred Days” of Action

Hoover on business fears
]: Hoover,
p. 269.

Economic conditions, fall-winter, 1932-33
vol. 21, no. 11 (March 13, 1933), p. 14; Irving Bernstein,
The Lean Years: A History of the American Worker, 1920-1933
(Houghton Mifflin, 1960), pp. 319-21; Frank Freidel,
Franklin D. Roosevelt: Launching the New Deal
(Little, Brown, 1973), pp. 11-12.

Wilson on garbage dump
]: Wilson, “Hull-House in 1932: III,”
New Republic,
vol. 73, no. 948 (February 1, 1933), pp. 317-22, quoted at p. 320.

Farm stirrings
]: John L. Shover,
Cornbelt Rebellion: The Farmers

Holiday Association
(University of Illinois Press, 1965), chs. 4-5; Schlesinger,
pp. 459-61;
Literary Digest,
vol. 115, no. 3 (January 21, 1933), pp. 32-33, and vol. 115, no. 5 (February 4, 1933), p. 10; Freidel,
pp. 12, 83-85.

Congressional inaction
]: Burns,
p. 146; E. P. Herring, “Second Session of the Seventy-Second Congress,”
American Political Science Review,
vol. 27, no. 3 (June 1933), pp. 404-22; Laurin L. Henry,
Presidential Transitions
(Brookings Institution, i960), ch. 23.

Banker on absence of solutions
]: Jackson Reynolds, quoted in Schlesinger,
p. 458.

Taylor on retrenchment
Lippmann on business leadership
p. 459.

Hunger-march delegation
vol. 20, no. 22 (November 28, 1932), p. 12, [“
Fine! Fine! Fine!
”]: quoted in T. Harry Williams,
Huey Long
(Knopf, 1970), p. 619. [
FDR-Hoover interregnum minuet
]: Herbert Feis,
1933: Characters in Crisis
(Little, Brown, 1966), chs. 3-10; Frank Freidel, “The Interregnum Struggle Between Hoover and Roosevelt,” in Martin L. Fausold and George T. Mazuzan, eds.,
The Hoover Presidency: A Reappraisal
(State University of New York Press, 1974), pp. 134-49; Davis,
New York Years,
chs. 42-13
In Search,
ch. 9; Henry, ch. 22;
Hoover Public Papers,
vol. 4, pp. 1013-88.

White on FDR
]: quoted in Freidel,
p. 16.

Lippmann on FDR
p. 17.

Situation is critical
”]: quoted in Ronald Steel,
Walter Lippmann and the American Century
(Little, Brown, 1980), p. 300.

Lippmann on a free hand for FDR

I hate all Presidents
”]: quoted in
New York Times,
February 16, 1933, p. 2; see also Freidel,
pp. 169-74; Davis,
New York Years,
pp. 427-37.

Ford and Michigan banks
]: Allan Nevins and Frank Ernest Hill,
Ford: Decline and Rebirth, 1933-1962
(Scribner, 1962), pp. 11-15.

Bank crisis
]: Henry, pp. 343-55, Hoover quoted at p. 346; Freidel,
ch. 11; Susan E. Kennedy,
The Banking Crisis of 1933
(University Press of Kentucky, 1973).


s two late calls to FDR
]: see Kennedy, pp. 148-49; Kenneth S. Davis,
FDR: The New Deal Years, 1933-1937
(Random House, 1986), p. 25.

End of our string
”]: quoted in Freidel,
p. 193.

Plodding feet
”]: Robert E. Sherwood, “Inaugural Parade,” in
Saturday Review of Literature,
vol. 9, no. 33 (March 4, 1933), pp. 461-62.

March 4, 1933
]: “The Talk of the Town,”
New Yorker,
vol. 59 (March 7, 1983), pp. 37-38, lady in rags quoted at p. 37; Anne O’Hare McCormick, “The Nation Renews Its Faith,”
New York Times Magazine,
March 19, 1933, pp. 1-2, 19;
New York Times,
March 5, 1933, pp. 1-3; Edmund Wilson, “Inaugural Parade,”
New Republic,
vol. 74, no. 955 (March 22, 1933), pp. 154-56.

Inaugural address
Roosevelt Public Papers,
vol. 2, pp. 11-16; on the drafting of the inaugural address, see Raymond Moley,
The First New Deal
(Harcourt, 1966), ch. 7.

Very, very solemn
”]: quoted in
New York Times,
March 5, 1933, p. 7.


s cabinet
]: see Freidel,
ch. 9.


s diary
Personal Letters,
vol. 3, pp. 333-35.

Nothing to be seen
”]: Tugwell,
Democratic Roosevelt,
pp. 270-71.

Bank holiday
]: Burns,
p. 166; Freidel,
pp. 214-36; Kennedy, ch. 7.

Freidel on FDR and banking crisis
p. 218.

Left-wing press on money changers
]: see
p. 219; see also “Morgan’s Friends Must Go,”
vol. 136, no. 3544 (June 7, 1933), pp. 628-29.

Economy bill
]: Freidel,
ch. 14;
Roosevelt Public Papers,
vol. 2, pp. 49-51, quoted at p. 50.

]: William Leuchtenburg,
Franklin D Roosevelt and the New Deal
(Harper, 1963), pp. 46-47.

]: Arthur M. Schlesinger. Jr.,
The Coming of the New Deal
(Houghton Mifflin, 1958), chs. 4-5; Rexford G. Tugwell,

s Revolution: The First Year

A Personal Perspective
(Macmillan, 1977), chs. 9, 11; Sternsher, chs. 14-16; John L. Shover, “Populism in the Nineteen-Thirties; The Battle for the AAA,”
Agricultural History,
vol. 39, no. 1 (January 1965), pp. 17-24; Gilbert C. Fite, “Farm Opinion and the Agricultural Adjustment Act, 1933,”
Mississippi Valley Historical Review,
vol.48, no. 4 (March 1962), pp. 656-73; Irvin May, Jr., “Marvin Jones: Agrarian and Politician,”
Agricultural History,
vol. 51, no. 2 (April 1977), pp. 421-40;
Roosevelt Public Papers,
vol. 2, quoted at p. 74.

Foreclosing judge
”]: Schlesinger,
pp. 43-43, Judge Charles C. Bradley quoted at p. 43.

pp. 335-41; John A. Salmond,
The Civilian Conservation Corps, 1931-1942: A New Deal Case Study
(Duke University Press, 1967), ch. 1 and
press conference, March 15, 1933, in
Roosevelt Public Papers,
vol. 2, pp. 67-72, quoted at p. 67.

Securities supervision
]: Ralph F. de Bedts,
The New Deal

s SEC: The Formative Years
(Columbia University Press, 1964), ch. 2;
Roosevelt Public Papers,
vol. 2, pp. 93-94, quoted at p. 93.

Executive order on gold hoarding
]: see
Roosevelt Public Papers,
vol. 2, pp. 111-16, quoted at pp. 111, 115.

]: Paul K. Conkin, “Intellectual and Political Roots,” in Conkin and Erwin C. Hargrove, eds.,
TVA: Fifty Years of Grass-Roots Bureaucracy
(University of Illinois Press, 1983), pp. 1-32; Gordon R. Clapp, “The Meaning of TVA,” in Roscoe Martin, ed.,
TVA: The First Twenty Years
(University of Alabama Press/University of Tennessee Press, 1956), pp. 1-15, esp. p. 3; Joseph C. Swidler, “Legal Foundations,” in
pp. 16-34, esp. pp. 24-25; Schlesinger,
ch. 19;
Roosevelt Public Papers,
vol. 2, pp. 122-23, quoted at p. 122.

Norris-FDR exchange
]: quoted in Lief, p. 406; see also Lowitt, pp. 567-69. [
Mortgage act
]: Schlesinger,
pp. 297-98.

Railroad legislation
]: Freidel,
pp. 410-16.

BOOK: American Experiment
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