American Experiment (436 page)

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Authors: James MacGregor Burns

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]: George G. Herring,

s Longest War
The United States and Vietnam, 1950-1975,
. ed. (Temple University Press, 1986), pp. 118-23; George McT. Kahin,
Intervention: How America Became Involved in Vietnam
(Knopf, 1986), pp. 219-26; Joseph G. Goulden,
Truth Is the First Casualty: The Gulf of Tonkin Affair

Illusion and Reality
(Rand McNally, 1969); Kathleen J. Turner,
Lyndon Johnson

s Dual War: Vietnam and the Press
(University of Chicago Press, 1985), pp. 81-85; Anthony Austin,
The President

s War
(Lippincott, 1971); Sandy Vogelgesang,
The Long Dark Night of the Soul: The American Intellectual Left and the Vietnam War
(Harper, 1974), pp. 53-55; Stanley Karnow,
(Viking, 1983), pp. 365-76.

]: Herring, pp. 128-29; Halberstam, pp. 520-26; Karnow, pp. 411-15.


s men
]: Halberstam; Kraft; Richard J. Barnet, “The Men Who Made the War,” in Ralph Stavins et al.,
Washington Plans an Aggressive War
(Random House, 1971), pp. 199-252; Roger Hilsman,
To Move a Nation: The Politics of Foreign Policy in the Administration of John F. Kennedy
(Doubleday, 1967), ch. 4; Henry L. Trewhitt,
McNamara: His Ordeal in the Pentagon
(Harper, 1971); Warren I. Cohen,
Dean Rusk
(Cooper Square Publishers, 1980); John B. Henry II and William Espinosa, “The Tragedy of Dean Rusk,”
Foreign Policy,
no. 8 (Fall 1972), pp. 166-89.

Dominican intervention
]: Theodore Draper,
The Dominican Revolt: A Case Study in American Policy
(Commentary, 1968); Abraham F. Lowenthal,
The Dominican Intervention
(Harvard University Press, 1972); Evans and Novak, ch. 23; Turner, pp. 135-37; Geyelin, ch. 10.


s advice
]: see Karnow, p. 329.

Lin Piao’s article
]: see John J. Duiker,
The Communist Road to Power in Vietnam
(Westview Press, 1981), p. 245; Karnow, p. 453.

Vietnam, China, Soviet Union
]: Duiker,
Donald S. Zagoria,
Vietnam Triangle: Moscow, Peking, Hanoi
(Pegasus, 1967); Daniel S. Papp,
Vietnam: The View from Moscow, Peking, Washington
(McFarland & Co., 1981); Jon M. Van Dyke,
North Vietnam

s Strategy for Survival
(Pacific Books, 1972), pp. 217-28; King C. Chen,
Vietnam and China, 1938-1954
(Princeton University Press, 1969); Jean Lacouture,
Ho Chi Minh,
Peter Wiles, trans. (Random House, 1968), ch. 13; Frances FitzGerald,
Fire in the Lake: The Vietnamese and the Americans in Vietnam
(Atlantic Monthly/Little, Brown, 1972), ch. 2
Adam B. Ulam,
The Rivals: America and Russia Since World War II
(Viking, 1971), ch. 11
Victor G. Funnell, “Vietnam and the Sino-Soviet Conflict, 1965-1976” and “Documents: Vietnam and the Sino-Soviet Conflict,”
Studies in Comparative Communism,
vol. 11, nos. 1-2 (Spring-Summer, 1978), pp. 142-99.

Rolling Thunder
]: Herring, pp. 129-30, 146-47, 149-50; see also Kahin, chs. 10-11; James C. Thompson,
Rolling Thunder: Understanding Policy and Program Failure
(University of North Carolina Press, 1980); Turner, pp. 114-18.

McNamara on civilian casualties
]: Herring, p. 147.

Divisions within Administration
]: see Herring, pp. 137-43; Larry Berman,
Planning a Tragedy: The Americanization of the War in Vietnam
(Norton, 1982); Halberstam,
Best and Brightest,
chs. 24-26
Henry F. Graff,
The Tuesday Cabinet: Deliberation and Decision on War and Peace under Lyndon B. Johnson
(Prentice-Hall, 1970), ch. 1; George W. Ball,
The Past Has Another Pattern
(Norton, 1982), pp. 380-403; Geyelin, pp. 213-35, 291-302; Leslie H. Gelb and Richard K. Belts,
The Irony of Vietnam: The System Worked
(Brookings Institution, 1979), pp. 116-43
Harvey A. DeWeerd, “Strategic Decision-Making in Vietnam, 1965-1968,”
Yale Review,
vol.67, no. 4 (June 1978), pp. 481-92.

North Vietnam

s defense and mobilization against U.S. bombing and escalation
]: see Herring, pp. 147-49, “ant labor” quoted at p. 148; Karnow, pp. 454-59; see also Van Dyke,
Duiker, pp. 240-46; Wilfred G. Burchett,
Vietnam North
(International Publishers, 1966).

Most sophisticated war
”]: quoted in Herring, p. 151.

To locate an ever elusive enemy
.; see also William A. Buckingham, Jr.,
Operation Ranch Hand: The Air Force and Herbicides in Southeast Asia: 1961-1971
(Office of Air Force History, 1982); William Heseltine, “The Automated Air War,”
New Republic,
vol. 165, no. 16 (October 16, 1971), pp. 15-17; Paul F. Cecil,
Herbicidal Warfare: The RANCH HAND Project in Vietnam
(Praeger, 1986).

I have no army
”]: quoted in FitzGerald, p. 169; see also
esp. ch. 4; Duiker; Douglas Pike,
Viet Cong: The Organization and Techniques of the National Liberation Front of South Vietnam
(MIT Press, 1966); Van Dyke; Paul Berman,
Revolutionary Organization: Institution-Building Within the People

s Liberation Armed Forces
(Lexington Books, 1974); Vo Nguyen Giap,

s War, People

s Army
(Praeger, 1962); Susan Sheehan, “The Enemy,”
New Yorker,
vol. 42, no. 29 (September 10, 1966), pp. 62-100; George A. Carver, Jr., “The Faceless Viet Cong,”
Foreign Affairs,
vol. 44, no. 3 (April 1966), pp. 347-72; David Hunt, “Villagers at War; The National Liberation Front in My Tho Province, 1965-1967,”
Radical America,
vol. 8, nos. 1-2 (January-April 1974), pp. 3-181; Cincinnatus,
Self-Destruction: The Disintegration and Decay of the United States Army During the Vietnam Era
(Norton, 1981), Appendix D.

Key to the vast, secret torrents
”]: FitzGerald, p. 169.

Washington protest, April 1965
New York Times,
April 18, 1965, pp. 1, 3; Sale, ch. 11; Miller, pp. 226-34; Todd Gitlin,
The Whole World is Watching: Mass Media in the Making & Unmaking of the New Left
(University of California Press, 1980), pp. 46-60; Gitlin,
pp. 177-87; Nancy Zaroulis and Gerald Sullivan,
Who Spoke Up?: American Protest Against the War in Vietnam, 1963-1975
(Doubleday, 1984), pp. 38-42.


s speech
]: quoted in Sale, p. 189.


s break with Johnson
]: Oates, pp. 373-76.


s break with Johnson
]: Ronald Steel,
Walter Lippmann and the American Century
(Atlantic Monthly/Little, Brown, 1980), pp. 571-72, quoted at p. 572. [
]: Louis Menashe and Ronald Radoshe, eds.,
Teach-ins, U.S.A.
(Praeger, 1967); Zaroulis and Sullivan, pp. 37-38, 43; Vogelgesang, pp. 70-74.

March on New York induction center
]: Zaroulis and Sullivan, pp. 51, 53-54, sign quoted at p. 51;
New York Times,
July 30, 1965, p. 2; Ferber and Lynd, pp. 21-22; on the draft and resistance, see also Michael Useem,
Conscription, Protest, and Social Conflict: The Life and Death of a Resistance Movement
(Wiley, 1973); Alice Lynd, ed.,
We Won

t Go: Personal Accounts of War Objectors
(Beacon Press, 1968); Wallerstein and Starr, vol. 1, ch. 6;
Handbook for Conscientious Objectors,
Arlo Tatum, ed., 8th ed. (Central Committee for Conscientious Objectors, 1966); Jessica Mitford,
The Trial of Dr. Spock
(Knopf, 1969); Lawrence M. Baskir and William A. Strauss,
Chance and Circumstance: The Draft, the War, and the Vietnam Generation
(Knopf, 1978); Ferber and Lynd.

Assembly of Unrepresented People
New York Times,
August 9, 1965, p. 4;
August 10, 1965, p. 3; Zaroulis and Sullivan, pp. 51-53.

Antiwar self-immolations
]: see Zaroulis and Sullivan, pp. 1-5, “Burn yourselves” quoted at p. 4.


s burning of draft card
pp. 56-57; Ferber and Lynd, pp. 22-27.

Fall 1965 international days of protest
New York Times,
October 16, 1965, pp. 1-2;
October 17, 1965, pp. 1, 42-44; Zaroulis and Sullivan, pp. 56-57. [
Strategic and organizational debate within the movement
]: see Sale, chs. 12-16
Miller, pp. 234-59; Breines, ch. 5; Gitlin,
Whole World,
esp. ch. 4; Gitlin,
pp. 188-92, 225-30.

Old Left and New
]: Milton Cantor,
The Divided Left: American Radicalism, 1900-1971
(Hill and Wang, 1978), ch. 10
Mills, “Letter to the New Left”; Ronald Berman,
America in the Sixties,
chs. 5-6
Breines, pp. 13-17; James Weinstein, “The Left, Old and New,”
Socialist Revolution,
vol. 2, no. 4 (July-August 1972), pp. 7-60; Newfield, ch. 8; David Caute,
The Year of the Barricades: A Journey Through 1968
(Harper, 1988), pp. 33-38, 40-43; see also Bogdan Denitch, “The New Left and the New Working Class,” in J. David Colfax and Jack L. Roach, eds.,
Radical Sociology
(Basic Books, 1971), pp. 341-52.

Criminal, sinister country
”]: quoted in Vogelgesang, p. 73.

Alienated intellectuals
p. 91.

April 1961 New York demonstration
New York Times,
April 16, 1967, pp. 1-3; Zaroulis and Sullivan, pp. 110-14; Ferber and Lynd, ch. 5; Lynd,
We Won

t Go,
pp. 220-25; Paul Goodman, “We Won’t Go,”
New York Review of Books,
vol. 8, no. 9 (May 18, 1967), pp. 17-20.

From protest to resistance
]: Zaroulis and Sullivan, pp. 86, 94-96, 104-7; Gitlin,
ch. 10
Durward Long, “Wisconsin: Changing Styles of Administrative Response,” in Foster and Long, pp. 246-70; see also Sale, part 3; Ferber and Lynd, ch. 4 and
Wallerstein and Starr, vol. 2, ch. 6.

Pentagon march
New York Times,
October 21, 1967, pp. 1, 8;
October 22, 1967, pp. 1, 58-59;
October 23, 1967, pp. 1, 32-33; Norman Mailer,
The Armies of the Night: History as a Novel, the Novel as History
(New American Library, 1968); Zaroulis and Sullivan, pp. 135-42; David Dellinger, “Gandhi and Guerrilla—The Protest at the Pentagon,” in Dellinger,
Revolutionary Nonviolence
(Bobbs-Merrill, 1970), pp. 285-92; Vogelgesang, pp. 130-33; “The Pentagon Demonstration,” in Hare and Blumberg, pp. 241-70; Sale, pp. 383-86; Ferber and Lynd, pp. 135-40.

Creative synthesis
”]: Dellinger, “Gandhi and Guerrilla,” p. 287.

Witches, warlocks
”]: quoted in Sale, p. 384.

Anarchists of the deed
”]: Gitlin,
p. 223.

Join us
”]: quoted in David Dellinger,
More Power Than We Know: The People

s Movement Toward Democracy
(Anchor Books, 1975), p. 126.

Burn a draft card
”]: quoted in Zaroulis and Sullivan, p. 139.

U.S. troops in Vietnam, 1967
]: see Karnow, p. 512.

Divisions within Administration and LBJ
]: Reams, ch. 11; Karnow, ch. 13 passim; Turner, ch. 7
passim; Johnson,
pp. 366-78; Townsend Hoopes,
The Limits of Intervention
(David McKay, 1969), chs. 3-6; Gelb and Betts, pp. 156-70; Graff, ch. 3; Herring, pp. 175-83; DeWeerd.

Bomb, bomb, bomb
”]: quoted in Herring, p. 178.

Spit in China

s face
”]: quoted in Karnow, p. 504.


t hunker down
”]: quoted in Herring, p. 179.

Ebbing of revolutionary zeal
]: quoted in Duiker, p. 262.

Preparations for Tet
]: Don Oberdorfer,
(Doubleday, 1971), ch. 2; Duiker, pp. 263-65; Herring, pp. 187-88.

Tet and its effects upon American opinion
]: Oberdorfer; Karnow, pp. 523-44; FitzGerald, ch. 15; Herring, pp. 186-92, 200-3; Turner, pp. 217-23; Duiker, pp. 265-71, 273-76; Gitlin,
pp. 298-301; Robert Pisor,
The End of the Line: The Siege of Khe Sanh
(Norton, 1982); Peter Braestrup,
Big Story,
2 vols. (Westview Press, 1977); John B. Henry II, “February, 1968,”
Foreign Policy,
no. 4 (Fall 1974), pp. 3-33; Herbert Y. Schandler,
The Unmaking of a President: Lyndon Johnson and Vietnam
(Princeton University Press, 1977), ch. 4; see also Harry G. Summers, Jr.,
On Strategy
(Presidio Press, 1982), ch. 1.

What the hell is going on
?”]: quoted in Herring, p. 191; see also Oberdorfer, pp. 246-50.

It seems now more certain
”]: quoted in Oberdorfer, p. 251.

American people know the facts
”]: quoted in Turner, pp. 221-22.

Debate over post-Tet strategy
]: Herring, pp. 192-206
Oberdorfer, pp. 257-77 and ch. 8; Hoopes, chs. 8-10; Karnow, pp. 549-57; Johnson, pp. 383-415 passim, DeWeerd; Schandler, chs. 5-13

Conclusion of the Wise Men
]: Oberdorfer, pp. 308-15; Hoopes, pp. 214-18; Ball, pp. 407-9; Schandler, ch. 14; Walter Isaacson and Evan Thomas,
The Wise Men
(Simon and Schuster, 1986), ch. 23.

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