An Unlocked Heart(Collars & Cuffs Stories) (23 page)

BOOK: An Unlocked Heart(Collars & Cuffs Stories)
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“Oh fuck, boy, that’s good.” Leo altered his stance, his legs apart to give Alex greater access.

The water cascaded down Leo’s body, glancing off to fall on Alex as he knelt, sucking more and more of that beautiful cock deeper into his eager mouth. Droplets of water clung to his eyelashes as he held onto Leo’s shaft with one hand and reached around him to mold his other hand around Leo’s taut ass cheek, kneading the firm mound enthusiastically. He wanted to run his finger down Leo’s crease, but he didn’t dare. Instead he slid his hand to Leo’s balls, cupping them, feeling their weight and texture.

“Suck my balls, boy.”

Alex slid Leo’s cock from his mouth and put his lips to Leo’s sac, kissing him tenderly before taking one of his balls into his mouth, licking around it, sucking it.

Leo let out a low groan. “Oh,
Just like that.”

Alex sucked more vigorously now, his hand gently pulling on the foreskin as he reached past his balls to rub a finger over the delicate skin there. Leo shifted again, forcing Alex’s finger to slide back until it was rubbing over his hole.

“Yes, boy, do it!” he hissed, staring down at Alex.

Trembling, Alex slipped his finger into his mouth, wetting it thoroughly, only to slide it back against Leo’s hole, applying more pressure as he slowly sank his finger into Leo’s heat.
Oh fuck

Alex pushed his finger fully into Leo’s ass, feeling for the gland he knew was there somewhere, wanting to give Leo pleasure. Suddenly he felt Leo stiffen.

Leo was leaning against the tiles, his back arched. Alex crooked his finger and nudged his gland repeatedly, taking Leo’s rock-hard cock into his mouth once more and sucking it deep. Leo was moaning continually now, his hips starting to buck as he slid his cock fluidly into Alex’s eager mouth. Alex tightened his lips around the thick shaft and reached up to stroke Leo’s belly and then stretched to tweak his nipple. He was assaulting Leo from all angles, determined to please him.

Leo suddenly let out a long, drawn-out moan, and Alex knew he was about to come. He stilled, eager to taste Leo’s come on his tongue, as spurt after spurt of hot seed filled his mouth. He swallowed, determined to drink every drop, slipping his finger from Leo’s ass and moving his hands over Leo’s abdomen. He stroked and caressed, feeling his lover shake beneath his fingertips, Leo’s orgasm shuddering through him. Alex let Leo’s cock slip from his lips, licking it with a soft tongue, the movement unhurried and languid. Leo panted above him, his eyes fixed on Alex, and the look of pride that burned there made Alex’s heart leap in his chest.

Leo slipped his hands under Alex’s pits to haul him to his feet and joined their mouths in a fierce, impassioned kiss. Alex lost himself in an incredibly intimate moment unlike any he’d experienced so far. Leo was less like the Dom who’d taken his virginity the previous night, and more like a tender lover. And whereas Alex had loved the sex, this feeling of intimacy was feeding a need in him he hadn’t even realized existed. He couldn’t help but think of the fictional relationship between Will and Jesse in one of his favorite Anna Martin books,
Another Way.
That was what he wanted. He wanted Leo to be both Dom and lover. But would Leo want that with him? There was no way Alex could ever replace Gabe—he knew that. But his heart ached to know how Leo saw their future together.

Maybe it was time for a frank discussion after all.



sat at his dining table, nursing a fresh mug of coffee. By the time they’d finished their shower, the first cups had been undrinkable. He smiled to himself. He’d start every morning that way if he could. Alex had been unbelievable. Leo hadn’t expected him to take the initiative like that, but
oh my God
, he sucked like a dream. Leo gazed out at the Manchester skyline, his thoughts on the boy currently dressing himself in his bedroom.

As to where they would go from here, Leo could only guess right now. The ball was most definitely in Alex’s court. He could only hope the boy was keen for their relationship to continue, but along what lines? Much relied on the conversation he was about to initiate, and he prayed Alex would be open enough to discuss what he truly needed, rather than agreeing to whatever Leo suggested for fear of not wanting to upset him with a refusal.

A slight noise claimed his attention, and he looked across to the doorway where Alex stood. His hair was still damp, not in its usually spiky style but softer, making him seem much younger. Alex’s eyes were trained on him, watchful, nervous even.

“Come here and sit down, please.” Leo gestured to the chair beside him, and Alex padded barefoot across the room to join him, that attentive expression never leaving his face. He sat, looking down at the table, eyes flicking once to look at Leo through gorgeous thick lashes. Leo stretched his hand across the table, palm turned up. Alex regarded it for a moment and then slid his hand into Leo’s with a fleeting sigh. Leo gazed at their intertwined fingers.
No time like the present….
“There are things we need to discuss,” he began, and then blinked in surprise when Alex nodded immediately.

“Pietro suggested I go back to the club. With you,” Alex said decisively. “I think that’s a very good idea. I’d like to see more before I make a decision.”

That stopped him. “Decision?”

“Yeah.” His eyes met Leo’s for a second. “I’d like to know more about… about being a submissive.” He lowered his gaze to stare at their linked hands.

Leo caught his breath. For a moment he found himself picturing Alex naked, collared, kneeling beside him. “Which nights are you not working until closing this week?” he asked, reaching for his phone. Better to strike while this particular iron was still hot.

Alex freed his hand and brought out his mobile, searching through it. “Working ’til late tonight, Wednesday, and Thursday. I finish at nine tomorrow.”

Leo thought hard. Knowing Alex, if Leo left it too long before organizing a visit, he would start to get cold feet and make excuses. And besides, the sooner Leo got back into the club, the better. Surely Thomas couldn’t object now? “How about tomorrow, then? I could pick you up at the restaurant after work. We can even grab a bite to eat at the club. There is food available there, after all.” He smirked. “Man cannot live by BDSM alone.” Alex chuckled at that, and then nodded. “Great. That’s sorted.” Leo glanced at the clock on the wall. “What time are you due at work?”

“Five,” Alex replied, the expression on his face easy to read.

His boy didn’t want to go home. Well, that was easy to fix. Leo stood up, holding out his hand to Alex. Alex took it, clearly puzzled. Leo smiled at him. “How do you feel about snuggling on the sofa for a while?” Because right now, that sounded like a perfect way to spend a few hours—his arms around his boy.
His boy
…. Leo’s heart skipped a beat. There was a distinct possibility that Alex could end up being his after all.
Please, God, if you’re listening… yes, please….



walked into the restaurant kitchen through the back door, unable to wipe the smile from his face. What a great day so far. He’d spent most of it lying on the sofa with Leo curled up around him, his arms around Alex, chatting, dozing… kissing. Alex shivered. There’d been a
of kissing. And some of it had gotten him very hot indeed. Thankfully, Leo hadn’t suggested going back to bed and fucking him, because the way his ass was feeling right now? Hell, no! No, the whole mood of the day had been very much focused on intimacy: soft caresses, kissing, quiet conversations…. Alex was so relaxed, he’d thought Leo would have to pour him into the car to bring him to work.

“Well, look what the cat dragged in!” Pietro stood, hands on hips, a huge grin on his face. “I don’t have to ask how
night went, do I?” He winked.

Alex tried for an innocent expression. “I’m sure I don’t know what you mean,”

Pietro snorted. “Honey, everything about you is screaming ‘well-fucked’ right now.”

Was it
obvious? His mouth dropped open in horror.

Pietro relented immediately, looking embarrassed. “Sorry, I couldn’t resist,” he confessed, cheeks flushing. He leaned closer. “But I’m right, aren’t I? You’ve got this whole I-just-got-fucked
going for you.” The grin was back.

Alex couldn’t help but return it. “Ask me no questions,” he began, eyebrows arched, but he never got the chance to finish his sentence.

“So glad you could join us, Mr. Daniels!” Sev was standing by the fridges, arms folded. “When you’re
ready to put in half a day’s work….” However, Sev’s eyes were twinkling with amusement.

Alex gave him an apologetic nod and went off to the staff room in search of a clean uniform. No rest for the wicked….



a lift?”

The last thing Alex had expected was to find Leo parked outside the restaurant at midnight. Not that he was complaining, mind you—he was too tired for that.

“What are you doing here?” Alex couldn’t help but be pleased. He walked over to the Mazda and into Leo’s open arms, tilting his face up to receive Leo’s kiss and sighing as Leo’s arms enfolded him.

“I missed you,” Leo murmured into his ear, kissing his hair, gently stroking down Alex’s back. They’d only been apart seven hours, but yeah, he’d missed Leo too. “And then I had this brainwave about meeting you after work and taking you home.” Alex closed his eyes as Leo’s lips sought his once more. The man was definitely addictive.

Wolf whistles pierced the quiet scene. Adam and Vittorio were standing by the main door of the restaurant, grinning like idiots. Alex waved, laughing. “Get out of here and stop watching me kiss my boyfriend, you perverts!” Despite being tired as hell, Alex was in an unbelievably good mood, and all of it was due to the man in whose arms he was enclosed.

His two workmates walked off, waving at him. No doubt he’d get some stick for this tomorrow. But right now? He couldn’t care less.

Leo chuckled. “Let’s get you home, boy.”




in such a good mood?”

His mother’s question had been uttered in a tone that all but told him he had no right to be so happy. He’d been standing by the kettle, waiting for it to boil so he could make a mug of tea, and happily minding his own business with a contented smile on his face. Trust his mother to change that.

He glanced up at the clock on the kitchen wall. “I didn’t think you’d still be up at this hour,” he said quietly, not turning around to face her.

His mother huffed. “I was waiting up to speak with you,” she said pointedly.

Alex tried hard not to groan. Her wanting to talk to him was never a good thing. He poured hot water over the tea bag and waited as it steeped. There was silence behind him. Alex stood there as long as he could, but it was obvious his mother was determined to discuss whatever was on her mind. He squeezed out the tea bag and turned to face her. “Want to talk in here?” he said, gesturing with his mug in the direction of the kitchen table. She gave a quick bob of her head and the two of them sat down, Alex staring at his tea for several long seconds as he waited for her to get to the point.

“Was that Leo I saw dropping you off tonight?”

Ah, so there
been someone watching him. Alex thought he’d seen the curtains twitching. “Yes,” he replied, watching for her reaction. She pursed her lips.
Oooo, not good

“I take it you two have sorted things out, then?” She was gazing at him acutely. “There
something going on during the last few weeks, wasn’t there?”

He wasn’t about to share the details, but it was clear she wasn’t about to let it go. “Yeah, we had a… disagreement of sorts, but everything’s fine now.”

She narrowed her lips. “I’ve been doing some thinking.”
. “Leo seems to be a successful businessman. Well, he certainly carries himself like he’s successful. It could all be an act, I suppose.” Her tone was grudging.

Alex didn’t have a clue where this was leading. “And?”

“Well, I have to wonder,” she said, looking Alex in the eye. “What is he doing with someone like you? Surely he could have his pick of… men.” She narrowed her eyes. “What does he see in you, Alex?”

Alex froze. He couldn’t believe his ears. This was from someone who should love him unconditionally. He felt sick, his insides all in a twist. He’d heard enough. He got to his feet, noting her look of surprise. “Good night, Mum.” The words were uttered with all the dignity he could muster. Right now, he couldn’t bear to be in the same room as her, and if he stayed any longer, he’d definitely say something he’d regret. Her mouth dropped open. “I’ll see you in the morning.” He picked up his mug of tea and left the kitchen without looking back.

He got to his room before the shaking started, his hands trembling so badly he had to put down his mug before spilling its contents. He sat on the bed, gazing forlornly at the door. He wanted Leo. He wanted to be held by him, to listen to his firm, deep voice… he wanted to be with someone who valued him. For an instant, Alex contemplated phoning Leo, but one look at the clock convinced him it was far too late for that. It would have to wait until the following day—wait, it already
the following day.

Alex quickly stripped and climbed hurriedly beneath his duvet, shivering, but not from the cold. He clicked off the lamp beside his bed and lay there in the darkness, trying not to dwell on his mother’s words. For the briefest of moments, he wondered if she had any idea just how hurtful her words had been. He felt cold when he realized she’d obviously thought about what she was going to say. How his own mother could be so calculating was beyond his comprehension, but this realization made Alex even more determined to get out of this house as fast as he could. He wasn’t going to put up with this shit any longer.

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