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Dominick didn’t try to deny the accusation. “And the other times he’s hit you? Whose fault was it then?” Garcia was famous for his temper and Dominick didn’t have to be a witness to know it wasn’t the first time.

Isabella eyed him warily before turning her head. “What do you want? And why did they let you in here? They want me to file a complaint against Julio; I ought to file one against them, eh? I’m sure it isn’t a part of their precious policy to allow a prisoner to be alone in a room with a visitor,” she said with her voice full of sarcasm.

Dominick eyed her glossy, black hair and gave in to the urge to touch it. The strands slid through his fingers like smooth silk. He lowered his head and closed his eyes, inhaling the delicious aroma of her strawberry scented shampoo. It had been a long time since he’d been with a woman. Smelled a woman. Touched a woman. Over a year, to be exact.

In juvie, there had been a female guard who’d walked in on him in the shower one day. Moments later, she'd dropped to her knees and pleasured him until she had swallowed every drop of back up he’d been holding in. After that, they fucked at least once a week until he was transferred to an adult prison. She’d been so dick whipped when it came to Dominick, she made plans to leave her husband and follow him, but Dom had talked her out of it. So yeah, this entire thing was about exacting revenge on Garcia, but he wanted a taste of Isabella as well.

With her still trapped by the table behind her, Dominick moved closer until his body pressed against hers. He had no doubt that she felt the substantial bulge in the front of his pants, and when her eyelashes fluttered before closing, he was sure of it.

“Don’t tell me you haven’t been thinking about this just as much as I have,” he whispered in her ear.

“I….I can’t. He’ll kill me.”

“He’s not here. I have it taken care of. Otherwise, how would I have arranged to be in here with you like this?”

Isabella opened her eyes, showing pupils dilated and full of lust as she peered at Dominick. He was very good looking. Light brown eyes, thick lashes, square chin. Breathtaking.

“How old are you?” she asked.

“Old enough to give you what you want.”

“And what might that be?” she scoffed.


Surprised at his answer, Isabella’s lips parted. She’d been expecting to hear some tired line full of sexual innuendo about how good he planned on fucking her, but his answer left her no choice but to look at him through new eyes. “Freedom?”

“That's what you want, isn’t it? What you crave? At least one of the things…” Dominick’s lips hovered over hers then pulled back as he continued. “Freedom to live your life without being afraid. Freedom from the hold Garcia has over you…”

Isabella’s eyes followed the movement of his sensuous lips, completely mesmerized. “You said one of the things I want and crave. What’s the other?”

Dominick ran his fingers through her hair, holding it in a tight fist. “Me.”


"Dom, that's not all. There's something else." Angel hesitated. He'd been contemplating on whether or not to tell his brother the rest, but they'd come too far in their relationship for secrets to stand between them. If this came out later and Dominick discovered he'd known about it, he would never forgive him. The last thing Angel wanted was for that trust to be broken, he'd worked too hard to earn it after all of these years.

Dominick braced himself for the rest. "What is it?"

Angel reached into his jacket pocket and pulled out the photo. Turning the overhead light on, he handed it to Dom. Frowning, Dom took it and stared for a couple of seconds. It took a minute for his brain to make the connection, but when it did, his breath left his body and the hand holding the picture trembled.

"Angel." Dom's voice cracked with emotion.

Angel placed a hand on Dom's shoulder, his eyes riveted to the picture as well. "I know. I know Dom. Don't worry. We'll make it right."

Chapter 39



Nikki's arms sliced through the water as she did another lap around the indoor pool. She'd settled A.J. down for the night and he was now fast asleep. Afterwards, she had tried to relax by reading a book she'd been looking forward to getting into, but after going over the same page three times, she'd put it aside. Deciding a movie might do the trick, she had slipped a DVD in and curled up in her bed to start watching it, but it was almost towards the end when she realized she had no idea what was going on because her mind had been wandering about.

She hadn't talked to Angel since he'd left earlier this afternoon to meet with Jaxon and it was almost midnight. What was taking him so long? And why hadn't he called? She had picked up the phone several times to call him, but decided against it each time. She didn't want to be a distraction. If he'd been able to call, she was sure he would have.

Looking for something to take her mind off his whereabouts, Nikki thought about calling Raven but vetoed that idea just as quickly. They were not on the best of terms right now. When Raven found out she'd made the decision to reconcile with Angel, she'd shrieked in disbelief. Nikki had held the phone for a full five minutes, listening to her sister rant about what a horrible mistake she was making.

Finally, Nikki had interrupted her and told her in a frosty tone that the decisions she made were her own. She didn't need, nor did she ask for her sister's approval, but
she did expect Raven to respect whatever she decided. She also expected her loyalty. She stressed to her, in no uncertain terms, that the things she knew about Angel were to go no further, and she meant that. After a long silence, Raven's voice had been stilted and cool when she told Nikki goodnight.

Needing to work off the restless energy, Nikki decided to go for a late night swim. After donning a white bikini and slipping her feet into a pair of flip flops, she'd grabbed her robe and headed downstairs.

Reaching the wall of the pool as she finished her last lap, Nikki reached up and grabbed the side. She swiped a hand over her face and blinked a couple of times. That's when she saw a movement to her right. Startled and with her heart pounding, Nikki swiveled around, not knowing what to expect. But when she saw Angel, a look of relief, then delight lit up her face. He was sprawled back in a chair, legs spread, arms resting on the armrests, and a drink in one hand. The necktie he had on when he left this morning was loosened and the first three buttons of his snow white shirt were undone. The smile that crawled over Nikki's mouth told him how happy she was to see him.

Angel placed his glass on the small table beside him. He picked up the oversized towel she'd placed on a lounger and walked to the edge of the pool. Unfolding it, he waited as she walked up the steps to get out of the water. Nikki bit her lip and tried to calm the butterflies tussling around in her stomach. The possessive way he visually worshipped her body when she emerged from the pool told her how much he wanted her.

"Hi, baby. How long have you been sitting there?" Nikki asked.

"Not long." Angel draped the towel around her shoulders like a cape, holding the edges of it in his hands and using them to pull her to him.

Nikki laughed as she fell against his body. "You're going to get all wet." The words were meant to be in protest because she didn't want to ruin his expensive suit, but she couldn't stop herself from wrapping her arms around his waist.

"No. I'm going to get
wet in just a minute," he replied in a sexy drawl. Angel leaned down and kissed the tip of her nose. When Nikki pouted and rose on her tiptoes, he readily took the kiss she so sweetly offered.

She sighed when he lifted his head. "I missed you."

Angel enveloped her in his arms and held her tight. "I missed you too. I'm sorry I didn't make it back before A.J. went to sleep."

Nikki snuggled contently in his embrace. "When I put him in the bed, he kept peeking around me pointing to the door saying 'DaDa'. He finally fell asleep, though."

"Ahhh, my lil man. I peeked in on him before I came out here." Neither of them spoke for a few seconds, satisfied with just holding each other. Finally, Angel released a heavy breath. "I'm tired, baby."

Nikki frowned and pulled back a little so she could see his face. She heard the weary note in his voice that hinted he was tired in more than just the physical sense. She placed a hand along the side of his face. "What's wrong?"

Out of habit, the first words on the tip of Angel's tongue were to tell her not to worry, but when he noticed her eyes imploring him to share what was on his mind, he remembered the one thing she'd asked of him when they got back together, and that was not to shut her out. When the silence stretched on between them, Nikki's hand slowly fell away from his face.

Angel instantly missed the warmth. He laced their fingers together then kissed her palm before telling her about the visit to Jaxon's suite. He told her about Melania and how she and his half-brother apparently shared a mutually beneficial relationship.

Nikki listened, attentive to every word until he finished. "And this do you know her?"

"We've done business over the years."

Nikki arched a brow as her woman's intuition kicked in. "Is that all?"

Angel twisted his lips to stop the smile that tried to tug at his mouth. Somehow, he knew Nikki wouldn’t think what he was going to say was funny, but she looked damned cute when she was jealous. "I guess you can say we had a mutually beneficial relationship as well for a while. Off and on. It's been over for a long time. You already know you don't have to worry about other women, sweetheart."

Nikki cleared her face and lifted her chin. She picked at the buttons on his shirt, avoiding his amused eyes. "Who said I was worried?"

Again, Angel suppressed a smile.

"So Jax was actually conspiring with this woman to help him get
Davidson World Corp.
back? First of all, how does he even know someone like that? It's not as if he runs in those circles." Sarcasm accompanied an exasperated roll of Nikki's eyes.

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