At Day's Close: Night in Times Past (79 page)

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Netherlands, 21, 103, 194

arson in, 55

bundling in, 198, 200

clean streets in, 27

fires in, 52

in, 198

walled towns of, 62

Neville, Sylas, 81, 141, 271

New Art of Thriving, The,

Newton, Samuel, 317

Niccols, Richard, 12

Nichols, Lydia, 240

Nicholson, Thomas, 306

Nickel List gang, 41

Nigeria, 4, 303

(Churchill), 217–18

nightcaps, 270,

night-cellars, 236, 250,

nightcourting, 197–202

see also

night courts, 85–86

nightdress, 270–71

nightfall, xxxi–xxxii, 56, 59–60, 90–92, 109

noxious vapors as descending at, xxxi–xxxii, 12–15, 270

terms for, xxxii, 12, 91–92

night-gates, 63

night kings, 166


magical prevention of, 272–73

nightmen, 165–67,

dangers faced by, 166–67

as “goldfingers,” 166

night-mobs, 136

night phantoms, 317

night season, xxv, 60, 324

night shift workers, 174, 333, 336

night sky, 10–13,

apparitions in, 10

beauty of, 326, 339

comets in, 10,

light pollution of, 10, 339

in weather forecasting, 170–71

see also
moon; stars

night sneaks, 37

night-soil, 165

night-spells, 98–99

night vision, 124

nightwalkers, 32, 60, 64, 65, 80, 244–45, 331

nightwatch, 32, 65, 74, 75–84,
88–89, 115, 165, 219, 223, 228

abuse suffered by, 83–84, 224, 249, 250, 253

clothing of, 82

corruption among, 82

derisory nicknames of, 83

doorlocks checked by, 79–80

essential duties of, 76–77, 80–81

extortion practiced by, 82

fire prevention by, 79, 85

heavy responsibility of, 81

“hue and cry” of, 75

laws unenforced by, 82, 142

as lookouts, 77

mastiffs as, 76

members of, 81

as most ancient profession, 75

negligence of, 82–83

night-cellars avoided by, 250,

onions eaten by, 82

pedestrians escorted home by, 80–81

people’s vigilance heightened by, 79

popular contempt for, 81–82

powers of arrest possessed by, 75, 80, 85

sleep disturbed by, 75, 78–79, 293

time cried by, 77–78, 79, 138, 293

trained police force vs., 6, 80, 85, 331–32

verses sung by, 68, 78–79

wages of, 81

weaponry of, 77

young people as, 81

youth gangs and, 249–50, 252, 253

Nightwatch, The
(Rembrandt), 82


“Nocturnal Remembrancer,” 310–11

Nocturnal Revels: or, a Universal Dream-Book,

Noël du Fail, 180–81, 278

North, Lord Frederick, 330

North, Roger, 54

Northumberland, Duke of, 26

Norway, 77, 199

noxious vapors, xxxi–xxxii, 12–15, 270

Nuremberg, 64, 77

Nyx, 4

Oakey, Richard, 38

O’Donoghue, John “of the moon,” 146

(Homer), 303

(Dryden), 322

“Of Darknesse” (Mill), 38, 155

oil lamps, 51,
110–11, 162, 336

Argand, 331

construction of, 107

Paleolithic, 5

sources of oil for, 107–8, 330–31

as street lighting, 72, 73, 330–31

Old Bailey Session Papers,

Old English literature, 20

Old Farmer’s Almanack, 52

“Old Robin of Portingale,” 305

Old Wive’s Tale, The
(Peele), 182

Oliver, Peter, 288

omens, 9, 10

“On a Dark Night” (St. John of the Cross), 59

“One Sleeps Better than Two,” 296

“On Nightfall, What It Is, and Whether It Falls on Us” (Joubert), 12–13

(Cavendish), 220

Orkney Islands, 197–98

Orleans, Duchess of, 27, 218–19, 280

Orleans, Duke of, 226

Orleans, Philippe d’, 279–80

O’Sullivan, Humphrey, xxvii, 130

(Shakespeare), 48

Ott, Barbara, 179

Oughtred, William, 110

Overbury, Sir Thomas, 45, 279, 290

owling, 242

owls, 9, 30

Padovano, Cyrillo, 267

Paleolithic period, 5

Palladius, Peder, 46

Palmer, Barbara, Countess of Castlemaine, 221

Palmer, Richard, 133


Paolo da Certaldo, 93, 112, 142

Paradise Lost
(Milton), 69

Paré, Ambroise, 313

Parfit, Ann, 150

pariahs, social, 151

Paris, 129, 139, 252

abandoned infants in, 237

arson in, 54

assemblies in, 212–13

bakers of, 175

cabarets of, 82, 236

carrying lights mandated in, 67

carrying weapons banned in, 66

domestic servants in, 233

filthy streets of, 27

fires in, 49

fixed street barriers on, 64

homosexuals in, 230

lantern lighting mandated in, 67

market days of, 173

mishaps in, 25, 26

murders in, 43

nightmen of, 165

nightwatch of, 75, 77, 82, 83, 88

nocturnal labor in, 160, 175

pedestrian crime victims in, 39

pilfering in, 240

roads leading to, 141

robberies in, 34

in, 32

street lighting of, 67, 73, 74, 246

trained police force of, 331

vagrants in, 65

wall of, 328

werewolves in, 19

parish lantern, 128

Parival, Jean-Nicholas de, 7

Park, Agnes, 240

Parker, Catherine, 165

Parkman, Ebenezer, 90, 289, 320

Parnell, Sir John, 24

Pascal, Blaise, 59

passion plays, 70

Patten, Matthew, 91

Paul, Jean, 92, 97, 121, 145, 164

Paul III, Pope, 71

Pausanias, 303

pawned goods, 84

Payne, Henry Nevil, 291

Peacham, Henry, 218

Pearse, George, 191

Peasants’ War, 55

peat, 103, 161, 169

peddlers, 160, 319

pedestrians, 5,
32, 39, 64, 74, 126, 140, 143, 324–25, 333

assaults on, 45, 47, 139, 224, 225

canes and staffs of, 134

chamberpots emptied on, 28

curfews and, 63, 65

“giving the wall” by, 45

jostling of, 45

lanterns carried by, 26, 129, 192

nightwatch as escort for, 80–81

nightwatch’s arrest of, 80

personal weapons carried by, 142

robberies of, 34, 137, 139

self-defense of, 137

touch used by, 133–34

Peel, Sir Robert, 332

Peele, George, 182

Penn, Sir William, 187

Pennsylvania Gazette,

Pepys, Samuel, 10, 69, 136, 169, 209, 221, 304

adultery of, 193–94

aristocratic gangs encountered by, 223, 225

bedtime of, 266

bedtime rituals of, 270, 271

books read by, 205

bunter encountered by, 160

burglaries feared by, 34, 37, 101

cesspool of, 165

communal sleep of, 282, 296

door locks of, 79–80

erotic dreams of, 314

family prayers of, 272

fireplace as chamberpot of, 297

ghosts of, 19

as jostled pedestrian, 45

linkboys employed by, 125

London plague and, 167–68, 314

nocturnal excursions of, 129, 130, 142

robbery feared by, 34

servants of, 28, 240, 271, 272, 277, 287

sleep disturbances and, 296, 297

social world of, 187

sore eyes of, 207

valuables of, 93

workman in home of, 161

youth gangs feared by, 247

perfume-burners, 297

Peterson, Johanna Elenore, 41

Philippe de Strozzi, 120

Phillpot, Joseph, 83

Philosophical Enquiry into the Origins of Our Ideas of the Sublime and Beautiful, A
(Burke), 3

physiology, human, 24, 25, 46

adrenal hormones in, 290

artificial illumination’s effect on, 303–4

circadian rhythms in, 14, 174–75, 334

of dreaming, 261

immune system in, 14

moon’s effect on, 12

nocturnal labor’s effect on, 174–75

prolactin in, 304, 322

skin sensitivity and itching in, 294

Pichler, Andre, 144

pickpockets, 33, 34, 36, 38

piece-work, 158

Piers Plowman
(Langland), 52, 60, 306

Pietism, 203

pilfering, 74, 175, 240–41, 244, 255, 256, 306

Pilkington, Bishop Francis, 19, 298

Pilkington, Bishop James, 59

Pinchbeck, Christopher, Jr., 310–11

pitch-darkness, 130–34

pit-mirk, 127, 130

Pius II, Pope, 178

pixies, 18

“pixy led,” 23

Place, Francis, 249

plague, 22, 48, 69, 167–68, 230, 314, 317

planetary influence, 12

Plato, 5, 75

Platter, Felix, 141, 145, 253–54

Platter, Thomas, 65, 75–76, 142, 144, 145, 176, 188, 203

pleasure gardens, 212, 222, 328, 329

lower classes

Pleiades, 138

“Ploughman’s Wife, The” (Bretonne), 174

Plutarch, 303

poachers, 33, 241–42, 243–44, 306, 336

Pocahontas, 321

“Poet’s Dream, The,” 319

Poland, 8, 144, 188

candle magic in, 101

starvation in, 22

police force, trained, 6, 80, 85, 331–34

political dissenters, 228, 231

Pona, Francesco, 244

Pool, Cardinal, 71

Portugal, 20, 43

Poundall, Tom, 160

poverty, 22, 33, 42, 103, 150–51, 180, 231–37

literacy and, 203

of urban poor, 80, 231, 278, 290

of working poor, 158–60, 164, 188

Powell, Mary, 175

prayers, 36, 59–60, 71, 74, 91, 118, 137, 206, 267,

Ave Maria,

early morning, 302–3

against evil spirits, 142, 144–45

family, 272

in interval of wakefulness, 307–8

nightwatch’s calls for, 78

at supernatural encounters, 142, 144–45

Pressy, John, 146

Preston, Henry, 115

Price, George, 334

Prince Hal, 226

Princess Cloria, The,

privacy, 149–54, 201, 280, 310, 339

social oversight vs., 149–51, 333–34

see also

privies, 165–67, 190, 297


Prognostication Everlasting, A
(Digges and Digges), 171

Projectors, The
(Wilson), 265

prolactin, 304, 322

promenades, public, 212, 324, 328

Propos Rustiques de Maistre Léon Ladulfi (Nöel du Fail), 180–81

Prosser, Gabriel, 257

prostitutes, prostitution, 32, 66, 75, 116,
225, 226,

as alehouse patrons, 190, 223, 244

autonomy of, 244–45

badges of shame worn by, 151

Boswell’s patronage of, 219–220, 222

fire alarms raised by, 79

nightwatch and, 65, 80, 82, 250

organized, 72

prevalence of, 244

violence of, 245

Protestantism, 69, 70, 71, 74, 97, 99, 152, 191, 203, 206, 228–29

Prudentius, 140

Prud’hon, Pierre-Paul,

Prussia, 169–70, 238

public decorum, 44–45

Puck, 18

Purchas, Samuel, 138

Puritans, 60, 87, 264, 302–3

Quarles, Francis, 288, 310

Quidor, John,

Quintilian, 84

Qumran, 4

Ram Alley
(Heywood), 312

Ranelagh garden, 212

Ranonet, Aimar de, 305

Rape of Lucrece, The
(Shakespeare), 8, 138–39

rapes, 116, 192

gang, 247–48

rapid eye movement (REM) sleep, 322–23

rationalism, scientific, 6, 325

rats and mice:

fires caused by, 52

sleep disturbed by, 293

rattle-watchmen, 77

Rawlidge, Richard, 188

reading, 203–7, 208

by artificial illumination, 207

at bedtime, 52, 281, 310

books and, 205–6

literacy and, 203

of religious texts, 206–7

silent, 203–5,

Reformation, 21, 69, 99, 152, 187, 191, 203, 206, 228

religious dissenters, 228–29, 231

Rembrandt van Rijn, 82

Remus, 62

Rémy, Nicolas, 302, 307

Renaissance, xxxii

astronomy of, 12

respiratory illnesses, 14–15

Res Rustica
(Columella), 173

Restif de la Bretonne, 115, 122, 153, 174, 180

resurrection men, 237

Rhodon and Iris
(Knevet), 138

Richards, John, 170, 283

Richards, Nathaniel, 213

Richelieu, Cardinal, 213

Richeome, Louis, 286

Richmond, Duke of, 218

Richter, Hans Heinrich, 238

Ricordi Overo Ammaestramenti
(Sabba da Castiglione), 13

Ricreazione del Savio, La
(Bartoli), 60, 180, 203

Ripa, Polydorus, 86, 87

river barriers, 64

roads, 26, 326

crossroads of, 19

dangerous, 24

infants abandoned on, 237

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