At Day's Close: Night in Times Past (81 page)

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social differentiation of, 335–36

social oversight increased by, 333–34

vandalism of, 74, 246, 336,

street mobs, 254

34, 36, 60, 63, 124, 125–26, 134, 140, 222, 324–25

as beds of urban poor, 278

broken pavements of, 27

excrement emptied in, 27–28,

filthy, 27, 81

fixed barriers on, 64, 65, 75

mishaps in, 26–28,

sexual activity on, 192, 220

see also

strix, 4

Stubbes, Philip, 194

Stubley, John, 165

Stüller, Nicklauss, 42

Sturt, George, 337

Stutz, Jakob, 179

suicides, 18, 19

Sumerians, 5

sumptuary legislation, 8

Sunderland, Samuel, 38

Sussex Weekly Advertiser,


death penalty in, 87

in, 162

miners of, 161

nightwatch of, 82

nocturnal labor in, 156–57

weaving in, 173

white witchcraft in, 98

Swetman, Joshua, 282

Swift, Jonathan, 109, 129

Mohocks gang feared by, 225

Swinburne, Henry, 38

Switzerland, 84, 90, 134

bundling in, 198

mattresses in, 296

nightwatch of, 75

storytelling in, 179

witch hunts of, 20

young people’s meetings in, 196

youth gangs in, 246, 248

Sykes, Mary, 308

Synesius of Cyrene, 319

Tabourot, Etienne, 182, 195

Tahiti, 4

Taillepied, Noel, 23, 142, 301

tailors, 156, 158, 160

tallow candles, 68, 106, 107, 162, 207, 336

tallow-chandlers, 52, 73, 160

Talmud, 3, 261

taverns, 188, 189, 190, 192–93,

brawls in, 46–47, 220, 223

Taylor, Jeremy, 15, 265

Taylor, John, 51, 174

Taylor, John, the Water-Poet, 188, 276

Teniers, David, the Younger, 231

Tertullian, 311

Tess of the d’Urbervilles
(Hardy), xxvii

Thames river, 26, 160, 166

thatchers, 170, 171

theft, thieves, 6, 7, 31, 33–42, 68, 79, 92, 93, 142, 236, 322, 329

dark nights preferred for, 39–40, 128

of dead bodies, 237

dignity and self-worth lent by, 243–44

disguises worn by, 40

Dogberry’s approach to, 82

from farmers, 169, 172, 240

by fire-priggers, 55–56

linkboys and, 125

magic spells of, 41–42

pilfering, 74, 175, 240–41, 244, 255, 256, 306

poachers, 33, 241–42, 243–44, 306, 336

punishments of, 87, 88

roguish demeanor of, 151

sheep-stealers, 41, 172, 241

see also
burglaries, burglars; robberies

thief’s candle charm, 41–42

Thietmar of Merseburg, 18

Thistlewood, Thomas, 246

Thomas, Keith, 100

Thomas, Philip, 32

Thompson, E. P., 158

Thomson, James, 8

Thomson, John, 160

Thoreau, Henry David, 129, 130, 135

Thoresby, Ralph, 115, 264

“Thresher Labour, The” (Duck), 163

time divisions, 137–40, 339

ancient Roman, 137, 138

cried by nightwatch, 77–78, 79, 138, 293

dead of night in, 138–40

early bedtime and, 264

“first sleep” as, 302, 303

nature in telling of, 90–91, 138, 236

Timms, Ann, 164

Tiv people, 303

toads, 30

Togoland, 4

torches, 5, 40, 51, 67, 74, 108, 127, 129, 131, 210, 211

construction of, 124

touch, sense of, 110, 133–34, 192

Touching the Rock
(Hull), 132

Towers, Anne, 92

Traitè de l’Education des Filles
(Fénelon), 120–21

excursions, nocturnal

Travers, Joshua, 236

treasure hunting, 238,

Treatise of Ghosts, A
(Taillepied), 301

Trenchard, John, 100

trial nights, 202

trolls, 18

Tryon, Thomas, xxv, 312, 314

Trzecieski, Andrzej, 15

tuberculosis, 14

Tucker, George, 236

Tucker, Josiah, 173

Turner, Nat, 257

Turner, Thomas, 146, 186, 198, 266, 271

Turpin, Dick, 34

Tusser, Thomas, 52, 106, 163, 165, 266, 297

Twelve Tables,
84, 87

Twenty-third Psalm, 4

twilight rest, 109

Two Queens of Brentford, The
(D’Urfey), 211

Ufficiali di Notte,

Unfortunate Lovers, The,

United Irishmen, 257

Universal Magazine of Knowledge and Pleasure,

Universal Passion, The
(Miller), 262

upper classes, 45, 156, 210–26

assemblies of, 212–13, 328

banquets of, 210,

broken sleep and, 304

carriage promenades of, 212

carrying weapons as privilege of, 66

ceremonious conduct of, 214, 215, 220

communal sleep as viewed by, 280, 281

as courtiers, 211, 214, 217, 226

drinking by, 210

elegance of, 212

“late hours” of, 304

lower classes envied by, 214, 216, 218–19

nocturnal funerals of, 213

pleasure gardens of, 212, 222, 328, 329

poaching on lands of, 33, 241–42, 243–44, 306, 336

solitary sleep of, 297

theaters of, 211, 328–29

see also
libertines, aristocratic; masquerades

urinals, 296–97

fireplaces as, 297, 305

vagabonds, 54–55, 150

beds of, 278

social ties of, 252

vagrants, 36, 63, 65, 79, 80, 231, 234, 241

beds of, 278

magical invisibility desired by, 151

punishment of, 151

“valley of the shadow of death,” 4

vampires, 19

Vanbrugh, Sir John, 297

vandalism, 74, 224, 329, 336,

of youth gangs, 246–47, 248

van der Heyden, Jan, 72

van der Neer, Aert, 118

van der Poel, Egbert, 50

van der Vinne, Vincent,

van de Velde, Essaias,

van Honthorst, Gerrit,

van Ostade, Adriaen, 190

Vaughan, William, 263

Vauxhall Gardens, 212, 222

Venice, 8, 72

burglaries in, 39

in, 125

Council of Ten of, 67

filthy streets of, 27

Grand Canal of, 26, 43

Jewish ghettos in, 65

market days of, 172

murders in, 43

night courts of, 85

nocturnal labor in, 160

pilfering in, 175

prostitution in, 244

strangers in, 65

watchmen of, 70

Venner, Tobias, 305

Venus and Adonis
(Shakespeare), 127

Verbeecq, Hermanus, 112

veterinarians, 64

Vienna, 34, 65, 73

Vieuxville, abbé de la, 230

Vikings, 5


demonic beings in, 16–18, 140

family treasure buried in, 94

fires in, 50–51, 54

nightwatch of, 76

pilfering in, 240

walls of, 62

watchdogs of, 95

young people of, 196

youth gangs’ vandalism of, 246–47

Villon, François, 92, 278

violence, 33, 42–47, 66, 79, 142, 180, 329

against anonymous foes, 46

of bakers, 175

in burglaries, 37, 38, 40

domestic, in communal sleep, 282, 283–84

in dreams, 316, 319–20

at festivals, 152

impulsive, 44–47

of libertines, 223–26

night as safety valve for, 80, 254–55, 256

organized, of insurgents, 256–58

of prostitutes, 245

of street mobs, 254

tavern brawls, 46–47, 220, 223

see also
murder, murderers; youth gangs

Virgil, 168, 303

Virgin Mary, 71–72, 143

Vlack, Gerard,

Wade, John, 311

wafts, 18

Waite, Thomas, 192

Wales, 18

bundling in, 197, 199, 200–201

candle coal from, 102–3

collieries of, 24

in, 180

livestock brought indoors in, 279

squatters in, 238

y noswaith weu
in, 178

Walpole, Horace, 106, 216

Waltham Blacks, 256–57

Ward, Ned, 80, 277

Ward, Seth, 305

Washington, George, 241, 256, 271

watch-bills, 77

watch coats, 136

watchdogs, 95–97

poisoning of, 97

proper qualities of, 96

watch-houses, 77, 80,

“Watching Unto God in the Night Season” (Cowper), 308


“Watch-mens Song,” 82–83

Watson, Elkanah, 143

Watt, James, 329

Watts, Isaac, 24, 33

Wauch, Mansie, 319–20

weapons, 34, 43, 66, 77, 94–95, 142, 172

weather forecasting, 170–71

weaving, 160, 164, 173

Weber, Max, 325

Webster, John, 23

Wedgwood, Josiah, 329

Wehr, Dr. Thomas, 303–4, 323

Weinsberg, Herman, 138

Welch Heiress, The
(Jernigham), 283

“welcome nights,” 202

wells, drownings in, 28

werewolves, 19, 143, 246

West, William, 255

West Indies, 176–77, 257–58

Westminster Magazine,
150, 267

Weyer, Johann, 23

whale oil, 104–6, 330–31

Whaley, John, 322

Wheatcroft, Leonard, 197, 198

whistling in the dark, 143

White, Gilbert, 107, 133

White Boys, 258

Whole Duty of Man, The,

Wife of Bath, 163

Wiggers, Dean Henri, 220

wild animals, 28–30

as farm predators, 171–72

Satan’s links to, 30

sleep of, 290, 303

Wilkinson, James, 24–25

Wilkinson, John, 190

Wilkinson, Richard, 255

Wilks, John, 243

Willett, Deb, 193

William the Conqueror, 63

will-o’-the-wisps, 18, 22, 23, 180

wills, 84

beds in, 274

Wilton dog, 19

99, 158, 246, 293

barred, 93

burglaries and, 37

curtained, 150, 270

glazed, 93, 274, 292

63–64, 68–69, 199, 254

shut, illness and, 14–15

shuttered, 93

wine, 25, 187, 188, 191, 235

Winthrop, John, 313

Wirsung, Christof, 286

witch-bottles, 99

witches, 16, 19–22, 48, 120, 121, 122, 140, 238, 239–40, 325

African, 4

and, 319

broken sleep and, 307

crimes attributed to, 21–22

hunts for, 19–20, 22, 240

magical protection against, 143

magic of, 21, 307

Roman strix, 4

sabbaths of, 21,

Satan’s covenant with, 21

sleep disturbed by, 292

white, 98

witch-steeans, 100

Wither, George, 301

Withey, James, 18–19

Wodrow, Robert, 262

wolves, 30, 171–72, 229

“Woman’s Labour, The” (Collier), 306

“Woman’s Work is Never Done, A,” 163


abusive husbands of, 183, 282, 284

adulterous, 193

as alehouse patrons, 190, 192

boulster lectures delivered by, 283,

clothing of, 67, 136

in communal sleep, 278–79, 281–84

curfews of, 65–66

genteel, illicit conduct of, 220–22

husbands murdered by, 283–84

libertines’ abuse of, 217, 223, 224, 225

literacy of, 203

magic and, 143, 183

at masquerades, 216, 221,

mishaps of, 26, 28

mutual support of, 183

as nightwatch members, 81

nightwatch’s arrest of, 80

nocturnal labor of, 160, 163–64, 173–74, 175, 177, 178–84, 305–6

unborn infants extracted from, 42

as vulnerable to lunacy, 12,

see also
sexual activity; witches


as fuel, 102, 103

pilfering of, 240–41

Wood, Anthony, 44

Wood, Esay, 175

Wood, William, 5

Woodforde, Nancy, 129

Woodforde, Rev. James, 106, 113, 186

beer brewed by, 173–74

cold temperatures suffered by, 294

dreams of, 317

medications of, 112

nocturnal excursions of, 129, 131, 137

smuggled goods received by, 242–43

Woodlanders, The
(Hardy), 91

Woodmash, Francis, 222

Woodward, George, 293

“works of darkness,” 4

Wright, Joseph, of Derby,

Wright, Thomas, 207

Wrightson, Keith, 149

writing, 207–8

of nocturnal reflections, 310–11

Yalden, Thomas, 192, 282

Yates, Mary, 128

Yoruba people, 4

Young, Arthur, 134, 240

Young, Edward, 97, 153, 207

young people,
192, 194–202, 232–35, 241–42

as nightwatch, 81

as poachers, 241–42

see also
apprentices; courtship; youth gangs

youth dances, 196

youth gangs, 222, 245–52, 256

assaults by, 247–49, 250

gang rapes by, 247–48

middle-class targets of, 248

nightwatch and, 249–50, 252, 253

noisiness of, 245–46

power of, 249–50

social control exerted by, 253–54

social ties of, 252

vandalism of, 246–47, 248

Zompini, Gaetano, 160

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